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Bonded Page 22

by Nicky Charles

  He hadn’t seen the humour in her comment and slammed the door shut. She heard the lock snicking into place followed by the sound of his footsteps moving a few feet away. There was no sound from next door. Apparently, Peter was feigning sleep, for Walt paused for a moment before walking away.

  That had been during the night. Morning had passed—muffins not porridge had arrived for breakfast, and grilled cheese for lunch. Walt had taken her to a small bathroom to use the facilities and she’d cleaned up as best she could, though the thought of a shower almost had her drooling.

  Brandi hadn’t dared to try and talk to Peter again even though she could hear him moving about and being given his meals. There was always someone in the building and she couldn’t chance being overheard. Still she wondered what he’d been going to tell her. He’d said ‘there’s more.’ But what?

  She’d pondered the situation while checking her own room for a floor grate—there was none—and attempting to break down the door—also pointless. Hitting the door with her shoulder did nothing except give her an aching joint—the room was definitely werewolf proof—but it did pass the time.

  Pounding and calling for help had been futile as well. Walt had stopped by at one point, commenting that no one could hear her and even if they did, there’d be no assistance as Victor’s word was law. The Alpha had placed her there and there she’d remain until he decided otherwise. If she persisted in making so much noise, Walt said he’d use some duct tape on her mouth to solve the problem.

  She’d growled at the very idea but wisely remained quiet after his warning. Now, with nothing else to do, she analyzed the situation over and over. What was this all about? What did Victor plan to do with her? If he’d meant to kill her, he could have done that easily enough last night. What was the point in keeping her locked up?

  Unless… She pursed her lips considering another angle. Victor knew she’d called someone. Was he waiting to see if anyone came looking for her? And what would the Alpha do if someone did?

  The only person who might come would be Reno, but would he? He’d only heard part of her story and their relationship was rocky at best. True they’d parted on better terms but was that enough to make him travel halfway across the country looking for her?

  She sat down on the lumpy couch and focussed on Reno, trying to sense him, to determine where he was. It wasn’t something she did very often, finding it too painful, too heartbreakingly lonely, to experience such a one-sided bond, however dire times called for dire measures.

  Surprisingly, a sense of his thoughts came to her with greater ease than ever before. He must be close by or thinking intently about her too. Her heart beat with an excitement matched only by that of the wolf within her. The animal sensed him and wiggled with joyful anticipation of a reunion.

  Down girl, she admonished. The beast’s antics were distracting and she desperately wanted to figure out exactly where Reno was and what he was up to. Pulling her legs to her chest, she rested her head on her knees and concentrated on the thready link to the man who was her almost-mate.

  She pictured him in her mind, going over each feature, his height, the faint drawl in his voice. The image was so vivid she was sure she could even detect his scent.

  Unfortunately a sound at the door broke her concentration before she’d made much progress. She got to her feet, muscles tensed, ready for… well… whatever might happen next.

  Victor entered, closing the door quietly behind him. His appearance—dressed in denim that looked too new and a buttoned up light blue shirt—made Brandi think of some crazed serial killer or a cult leader in a movie. Even the way his dirty blond hair was gelled back seemed perfect for the part. The resemblance wasn’t at all comforting.

  “Brandi.” He nodded at her in a regal manner and she mimicked him.


  He gestured towards the table and chairs and she slowly took a seat. Pulling out one for himself, he sat opposite her and laced his hands on the table.

  “I apologize for your accommodations last night. I trust the sofa wasn’t too uncomfortable?”

  “Actually, it was. Rather musty as well.”

  Victor inclined his head. “Pity, but it couldn’t be helped. Dampness does creep into these old buildings, you know.”

  He studied her for a moment, his icy blue eyes seeming to hold her own captive. A hint of a smile turned the corners of his mouth upward and he began to speak in smooth, soothing tones. “I want you to know that I care about you, Brandi. As Alpha of this pack, your well-being, and that of your wolf, are my primary concern. During your time away, you’ve been exposed to a variety of influences, some of which might have given you a skewed perspective on the Lycan world.”

  Reaching out, he took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb slowly back and forth across the back. His grip was warm and it was easy to sense the strength in his fingers. “I worried about you while you were gone and hoped you wouldn’t stray from the true path. Do you know how important you are to this pack? To me?”

  With his other hand he reached across the narrow table and gently brushed a curl from her cheek. “When one of my members leaves, it’s like a void has been created, an actual wound that needs healing. Only you can fill that void, Brandi. Only you can make this pack complete again.”

  A certain power seemed to exude from him and Brandi suddenly realized that she was leaning closer to him. The edge of the table pressed against her body as she strained towards him.

  Tearing her gaze from Victor’s, she stared down at their joined hands in surprise. Damn, the man was good; it was easy to see how a pack could fall under his spell. She’d dealt with a number of Purist Alphas before, but he was the first to knock her off kilter like this. Well, thankfully she wasn’t some inexperienced young pup who was easily swayed by dulcet tones.

  After a lousy night’s sleep, the fuse on her temper was short. She didn’t feel like utilizing the diplomacy that she was so well known for and decided to allow herself a small luxury. Tugging her hand free, she leaned back and spoke plainly. “Okay Victor, let’s cut the crap. Why are you detaining me? And why is Walt strutting around like some wannabe thug? All I did was call a friend. That’s not a punishable offence last time I checked.”

  Annoyance flared in Victor’s eyes. Obviously he wasn’t used to having his ‘concerned Alpha’ facade ignored. “If we’re ‘cutting the crap’ as you so succinctly put it, why not be honest?”

  Narrowing his eyes, he slowly stood up. Balancing his weight on his finger tips, he leaned over the table and spoke in a low, menacing voice. “You weren’t just calling a friend. You were calling an Enforcer; Reno Smith from the ACS. And it wasn’t a ‘friendly’ phone call. Despite our best efforts you’ve discovered that Kolding’s Pass is now following the Purists’ way—the true way of the Lycan—and you decided to report us to Lycan Link.”

  There was no point in denying it. So Brandi shrugged and decided to move on. “So what are you going to gain by keeping me here? Eventually someone will notice I’m missing and come looking for me.”

  “You’re right. In fact, Reno’s in the front office right now asking about you.”

  Her heart leapt at the news and she couldn’t quite stop the flair of relief and excitement from showing on her face. Little wonder she’d been able to access him so easily through her bond!

  Victor looked at her thoughtfully before continuing. “I’ve instructed Walt to tell Reno you’re in a meeting with me but will be able to speak with him, briefly, later today.”

  “Why can’t I talk to him now?” She clasped her hands tightly in her lap, trying to stay calm. Damn, why did her wolf have to react like a crushing school girl whenever Reno was around? It was inconvenient and embarrassing.

  “Because, as I said, we’re having a meeting.”

  “About what? So far you haven’t said anything earth-shattering. As a matter of fact, I think our business together has concluded and I’ll just be on my way now.” She started to stand b
ut he snapped out an order.

  “Sit down!”

  Instinctively her wolf responded to the barked command and she found herself seated before she even realized what had happened.

  “Such quick compliance. Excellent.” He flicked his gaze over her before continuing. “We’re meeting to discuss your future… and Reno’s.”

  Not liking the sound of that, Brandi fought to keep her face passive and her temper in check. She’d let it loose a moment ago, but a cool head was needed right now. “Explain.”

  “You have two options. You can tell Reno you’ve made a mistake. That while a few members might have Purist leanings, no violations have occurred and he should head back home. You will then resign from Lycan Link and remain here unharmed.”

  “And the alternative?”

  “I’ll kill both you and Reno. It will be listed as a hiking accident. He came to visit. You took him to see the sights, but due to your long absence you forgot which trails were safe and fell into one of the gorges or perhaps an abandoned mine shaft. A cave-in prevented your rescue.”

  “Nice set of choices. I guess you know which one I’ll pick.”

  Victor gave her a cool smile and straightened. He slowly circled the table until he stood behind her, his hands resting lightly on the back of her chair. She could sense his presence behind her and fought not to jerk away; she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he unnerved her.

  “So sensible of you. That’s one of your more appealing qualities. No hysterics or annoying pleading.” He was using his mellow tones again.

  “Thanks. Your opinion of me is of my utmost concern.” She kept her eyes fixed straight ahead and did her best to ignore his proximity.

  He made a noise in his throat and played with one curling strand of her hair. “Sarcasm is a sign of intelligence. Another factor in your favour.”

  Brandi’s senses went on full alert as his cool fingers began to slowly slide across her shoulders towards her throat.

  He spoke in that deceptively soothing tone of voice again. “I believe I might add one codicil to our agreement; just a minor point. Hardly worth mentioning.”

  She swallowed hard as his one hand slid under her chin forcing her head back while he manoeuvred the other through her hair. “What’s that?”

  Her neck was being bent back now and she could see him looming over her, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. “To ensure you don’t stray from the pack after resigning from Lycan Link, you’ll be mated. To me.”

  With that he leaned down and kissed her.

  As his cool thin lips pressed to hers, Brandi felt bile rising in her throat. Another male’s touch was so wrong! She struggled and he tightened his hand in her hair, pulling the curls painfully. A whimper escaped her and he momentarily raised his mouth to laugh.

  She growled in protest and swung at him wildly, but since he was behind her, she really had no idea where to aim. Luckily her fist connected with flesh, a satisfying smack filling the air.

  With an oath Victor released her and she scrambled to her feet, wiping her mouth to try and remove the disgusting sensation of his lips on hers.

  “What did you just say?”

  “You heard me perfectly well.” He rubbed his reddened cheek bone and she noted that he kept his eye partially shut as well. She didn’t bother to try and keep the smile off her face, though it didn’t last long when he continued speaking.

  “We will be mated, Brandi, despite your protests. It’s an Alpha’s right, as outlined in the Book of the Law, to mate with a female of his choosing.” He cocked his head and slowly studied every inch of her as he spoke. “There are very few females of suitable age in this pack, let alone ones with the inherent qualities I require. I’ve checked your lineage; you come from good Lycan stock. And by mating with you—a born pack member—I’ll further cement the legitimacy of my leadership as well as ensuring your loyalty since I’ll know your every thought.”

  “I can’t blood bond with you! I’m—” She bit off the rest of her comment, not sure if it was wise to reveal her secret at this moment or not.

  “You’re what?”

  “I’m… er… not in love with you.” Brandi finished the comment lamely.

  “Whoever said that was a requirement?” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “You may spend the next hour or so thinking up a story that will convince Mr. Smith to leave town without a fuss, or… ” Victor smiled and exited the room.

  She clamped her mouth shut. It had been a stupid comment, but all she could come up with on the spur of the moment. And Victor was right. Love didn’t have to come into it. Just look at her and Reno.

  “You’re lying,” her wolf pointed out. “That’s not how it is with Reno.”

  “You might be in love with his wolf—” she began.

  “And you are in love with the man,” the beast smirked. “I know you better than you know yourself. When you sleep, I’m privy to your dreams.”

  Brandi huffed and folded her arms. Arguing with your wolf was pointless. The darned creatures were uncannily in tune with their humans. While a Lycan might not always understand its wolf, the reverse was almost never true. It could be extremely aggravating at times, having your wolf shove the truth in your face, especially when you didn’t want to admit it.

  “Fine then! So, I’m in love with Reno.” Brandi winced as she made the statement. It wasn’t just lust or a chemical attachment caused by the accidental blood bond. She actually loved Reno. His integrity, his dedication, the way he championed those in need… And, of course, there were his good looks and his commanding presence. When he looked at her and spoke, she felt all warm inside and it was all she could do not to go belly up. There weren’t many males who could make her feel that way. Yeah, she loved Reno Smith.

  The more she said it, the easier it became, and a certain tension seemed to drain from inside her as if holding in the truth had been physically taxing her all these years.

  Yet—she rubbed her hand over her heart—admitting the truth didn’t solve the problem. If anything, it made stark reality even starker. She loved Reno but he didn’t reciprocate the feeling nor were their personalities compatible. And the man had no interest in settling down. Enforcers were notorious for being loners, seeking physical encounters that led nowhere, dedicated to their jobs, unwilling or unable to live in a real pack. A bleak and lonely future stretched ahead of her, even if she did manage to evade Victor.

  Her throat tightened with unshed tears and she breathed deeply, forcing her feelings back under control. Bemoaning her fate wouldn’t get her out of her present predicament.

  There was no way she’d mate Victor. Yet by refusing she would endanger Reno. Despite the fact that he was probably one of the toughest Enforcers in the history of Lycan Link, it didn’t mean he could withstand an attack by a whole pack. And even though Peter Channing reasoned only part of the pack was firmly in Victor’s camp, the odds were still poor.

  No, she’d have to act as if she were complying with Victor’s demands and convince Reno to leave. Then, once Reno was safely out of the territory, she’d find a way out of the situation.

  As she started to spin a convincing tale to tell Reno, her wolf paced agitatedly back and forth.

  “You can’t send him away. I won’t allow it. And even pretending to accept that Alpha’s demand—to consider mating another—is unacceptable.”

  “It isn’t real.” She tried to soothe the beast, losing her train of thought as the wolf pushed to the forefront of her mind.

  “It’s too dangerous. Victor can’t be trusted. He’ll force the mating.”

  “Would you rather we endanger Reno?”

  “He wouldn’t be in danger. Our true mate is strong and a skilled fighter.”

  “Against three or four wolves, yes. Not a dozen.”

  “I’ll help him. We’ll survive together or die together.” Her wolf stopped pacing and in her mind Brandi faced the creature eye to eye. Its chin was lifted. Its resolve was fir

  “You aren’t in charge here, remember?” She glared at the animal and only after a long moment did it look away.

  The wolf flopped to the ground but it growled at her and kept flicking annoyed glances her way.

  “I understand how you feel.” Brandi tried to make amends. “But you have to accept that this is a one way relationship. Even if, by some miracle, we managed to escape unscathed with Reno, he still doesn’t see us as his mate. He has no idea we’re bonded.”

  “But if you told him—”

  “No.” She cut off the argument before it could start. “I’m not trapping him that way. We’ll follow my original idea. Get Reno out of here and then deal with Victor’s plans. Mr. Channing said ‘There’s more.’” He must have something up his sleeve. Once everyone leaves for the night, I’ll try to talk to him again.”

  “We will not agree to mate Victor.” Her wolf pedantically stated its position again before lapsing into silence.

  Brandi sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, then concentrated on formulating a story to tell Reno

  Chapter 19

  Reno entered the town hall and quickly sized up the interior. The office in which he found himself was a relatively small sized room with several chairs lining the wall and a service counter in the middle. Beyond the counter there were two desks and a set of double doors, which logically led to the larger back area of the building.

  “Hey there.” Reno walked up to the counter and casually leaned against it, giving the clerk a slow smile. Cynically, he noted how she flushed and smiled back.

  “Hello. How may I help you?” The clerk—a female were of about thirty—looked him up and down with obvious appreciation before focussing back on his face.

  “I’m here to see Brandi.”

  “Brandi… ? Well… ” The woman clenched her fingers around the pen in her hand and cast a glance behind her towards the doors at the back.

  “Brandi Johansson is in the building.” He gently prodded the clerk when she seemed loathe to answer. “Her scent is strong.”


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