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Bonded Page 35

by Nicky Charles

  “This is as close as we can get.” Klaus stopped near a thick growth of bushes and the others did as well. For Brandi, it was still too far away but she kept her complaints to herself. Klaus had already been lenient in allowing her this close. Silently she crouched down, her hands clenched into fists as she peered through the branches and observed the scene unfolding below.

  There seemed to be some form of challenge going on; she could read it in the body language of Victor and two others. Flicking her glaze to Reno she saw he was watching the interaction intently, still appearing outwardly relaxed but knowing him as she did, she could tell he was obviously ready to act.

  Some of the observers began to laugh and then, quite unexpectedly, Victor shifted forms and lunged at Reno. Brandi gasped and surged to her feet, only to be pulled back down by Klaus.

  “Quiet and stay undercover.” His tone hinted at dire repercussions if she disobeyed.

  Brandi nodded, her mouth too dry with fear to even speak. Her body trembled with the need to do something—anything—that might help Reno, but what? Had he even had a chance to transform before Victor had struck? Without a protective coating of fur, his body would have been extremely vulnerable to slashing teeth and nails. How badly was he injured? Was he even capable of defending himself or had Victor struck a fatal blow?

  In the middle of the melee, human arms and legs became wolf limbs; a whirling mass of fur and fang fighting to the death. Snarls and growls drifted up on the wind along with the heavy scent of fresh blood. She couldn’t watch but neither could she turn away. Around the two wolves the rest watched, cheering when Victor seemed to have Reno pinned only to grow silent when the balance of power shifted.

  Back and forth the battle went, no clear advantage being given to either. Perhaps Reno hadn’t been injured in the initial attack, or perhaps it was just his years of training that were allowing him to hold his own despite being hurt.

  A part of her brain registered that the storm must be growing closer now. The noise of the thunder was making the whole forest seem to vibrate. Beside her, Peter gasped and nudged her shoulder.

  “Brandi, look!”

  She didn’t spare a glance his way though, only vaguely aware he was pointing at something. Her attention was focussed on more important things. Reno seemed to be faltering, taking backward steps as Victor attacked again and again. Oh God, Reno was weakening, she could see it in his movements. Unthinking, she got to her feet and began to run to her mate. Ignoring the shouted commands from Klaus, she shifted forms and raced towards the scene of the fight.

  The wind was picking up even more as she moved down the mountain, gusts buffeting against her, blowing dirt into her face. She blinked rapidly and narrowed her eyes, intent only on reaching Reno’s side in time. Momentarily she lost sight of him as she dodged around a fallen tree and traversed a minor gully but upon emerging he came back into view.

  He was down!

  She stumbled to a standstill. It felt as if her heart stopped. All she could see was her mate. Blood darkened the ground and oozed from his wounds. There was a strange buzzing in her ears. Bile rose in her throat and everything else blurred out of focus except him. No. He couldn’t be…

  Terror rose up inside her and she suddenly burst into action running faster than she’d ever thought possible. Her paws thudded against the forest floor, her stride as long as she could make it. On autopilot she covered the distance between them, her gaze never wavering from his body.

  Oh God, this was all her fault. She should never have called him when she discovered Purists were in Kolding’s Pass. She should have waited, called the captain directly. It had been the need to hear his voice that had caused her to act so precipitously.

  She cursed the bond between them. If it didn’t exist, he’d be safe right now, back at Lycan Link processing halves or on a mission with a team of Enforcers to support him. Not alone and facing a whole conclave of Purists. Why hadn’t she been stronger; why hadn’t she resisted the pull towards him?

  Her heart was breaking; a gaping chasm, an open wound. Mentally, she cried out his name. “Reno! Don’t die! Don’t leave me alone!”

  If she could only reach him in time, she’d hold him in her arms and speak the words she’d longed to all these years. Press a kiss to his lips so that even if he did… die… he’d know she’d loved him, that he was the most important person in the world to her. That even as he drew his last breath, he would live on in her heart, forever a part of her because of the accidental bond formed all those years ago. She blinked trying to see through the tears that clouded her vision.


  Was he moving?

  Did she see his ear twitch?

  Was that a faint tremble she saw run over his body?


  Joy soared through her at the knowledge he wasn’t dead. Severely injured probably, but the breath of life hadn’t been taken from him yet. He’d heal; he had to. He was strong and she’d help him, no matter what.

  Relief flooded her and suddenly, she became aware of her surroundings. Shouting, a strange rhythmic thudding. She looked about and realized it wasn’t the wind and thunder from a storm she’d been hearing but two helicopters! They were hovering overhead and men were rappelling down. Shocked, she stared up at the sky.

  More Purists?

  No. She narrowed her eyes and studied the men descending from the choppers.

  It was the ACS!

  The men who had been with Victor were scattering, some heading to their vehicles, others towards the mine and some racing into the forest. A grin curled her lips and she relaxed knowing that everything would be fine now.

  Brandi returned her attention back to Reno, pleased she’d now be able to tend him rather than defend him from further attacks. But in that brief moment that she’d looked away, he’d already managed to get to his feet. Dirt and blood matted the fur on his flank and he weaved unsteadily but at least he was alive.

  Giving a happy yip, she tried to draw his attention but perhaps he didn’t hear her over the noise of the choppers for he never looked her way. Instead he was staring up the mountain side. Following the direction of his gaze, she saw a blond wolf racing away; it was Victor!

  Even as she made the identification, Reno was starting to follow the Alpha.

  No! She barked loudly, hoping Reno would stop. He was in no condition to chase down Victor, but apparently he wasn’t thinking clearly enough to realize that fact. Huffing in exasperation she began to run again, intent on catching up to him and stopping his foolhardy mission. He was dragging his leg, his head hanging. Idiot! Let the ACS track down the Purist!

  She’d barely taken a dozen steps when a voice called out. “Stop! I’m a Lycan Link Enforcer and you’re under arrest!”

  Knowing they weren’t talking to her of course, Brandi continued to head in the direction Reno had taken. Once she caught up to him, she’d talk some sense into him. He could be a hero another day. If he kept running on that injured flank, it might cause permanent—

  In the middle of her thought something solid and heavy slammed into her side, knocking her completely off her feet.

  Brandi hit the ground hard, her momentum causing her to slide several feet, bits of gravel digging into her body through her thick fur coat. Rolling, she struggled to her feet only to find herself being attacked by a burly wolf. He snarled in her face and snapped at her forelegs, then before she could even process what was going on, he had her pinned to the ground, his jaws wrapped around the back of her neck.

  She froze. One false move and he could sever her spinal column.

  A whine of submission escaped her throat as she lay there, stunned by this unexpected turn of events. In the distance she noted Reno still limping as he disappeared from view and once again fear clutched its icy fingers around her heart. He was injured. Even if he caught up with Victor he wouldn’t stand a chance in another fight.

  She must have made a move to follow Reno for the wolf pinning her down growled aga
in and exerted more pressure with his jaws. Rolling her eyes, back towards him, she tried to figure out what was going on. Surely all the Enforcers recognized who she was even if she was in wolf form. Perhaps the man was new and hadn’t been brought up to speed on all the Lycan Link employees. But if he was that green, why had they sent him on this type of a mission?

  Inhaling deeply, she noted his scent and immediately identified him as Jackson, an Enforcer with several years of experience. What the hell was going on? Had he turned rogue or something? With Purists all over the place why was he attacking her? She was one of the good guys!

  Finally, the oaf released her and shifted forms. Transforming as well, Brandi got to her feet, intent on giving the man a piece of her mind, but as soon as she stood up, he spun her around and pinned her arms behind her.

  “Brandi Johansson, you’re under arrest.”

  For a moment she didn’t know what to say. This wasn’t the time for joking. There were Purists to be caught and Reno needed help. Diplomacy be damned!

  “Jackson, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” She struggled trying to free her arms only to have the man tighten his grip on her and begin to push her forward.

  “You have the right to remain silent—”

  “Why are you reading me my rights? I haven’t done anything!” Brandi dug in her heels, trying to stay where she was, but to no avail. She twisted her neck, hoping to catch another glimpse of Reno and then cast a stern glare at the idiot holding her, hoping to convince him that there were more important things to be done right now than arresting innocent DC officers. After all, what had she done wrong? Forgotten to pay a parking ticket? Taken home too many pens from work? This was utterly ridiculous! “You need to be going after Reno. He’s injured and—”

  “Someone else is taking care of him, Ms. Johansson. Now come along quietly.” Jackson shifted his grip and frogmarched her to where a familiar figure stood. “I have her, Captain Fielding.”

  “Good work, Jackson.” The captain flicked her a disdainful look. “Did you really think we wouldn’t catch on to you, Johansson?”

  Brandi bit back a gasp of surprise. The captain had always treated her courteously in the past. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir. Catch on to what? I swear I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Nothing wrong? You consider tipping off the Purists about Lycan Link’s plans to be nothing?”

  She gaped at him. She was a DC officer! Why would she tip off the Purists?

  “Nothing to say? Or just keeping quiet so you don’t incriminate yourself even further?” The captain shook his head. “You know, you’re damned good. You’re the last person I would have suspected. Well, you and then Reno, but seeing as he’s your partner in crime—”

  “Reno’s my what?”

  Before the captain could answer, another Enforcer came up, a cell phone in his hand. “Excuse me, sir. Garret just called in. He’s picked up Reno’s trail.”

  “Good.” The captain nodded. “Tell Garret to track him down and bring him in.”

  Stunned, Brandi tried to take in what was happening. Apparently she was under arrest for cooperating with the Purists and Reno’s own team was trying to bring him in. Had everyone gone insane?

  Glancing about she took in the flurry of activity about her. Enforcers had some Purists already tied up. Others could be seen moving amongst the trees trying to track down those that had run. And some were heading towards the mine entrance that led to Victor’s underground bunker.

  Brandi stiffened, suddenly wondering where Klaus and the others were. She looked about, searching for signs of them, but could only find ACS and Purists. Had the old Alpha and the others been arrested as she had been? Or had they fled? Or—a new worry came to mind—was Klaus getting ready to push the button that would cause the whole area to explode?

  Chapter 29

  Reno ignored the throbbing pain in his left flank and leg, intent on following Victor’s trail. The damned Purist had fought dirty, taking him unaware with that surprise attack. As soon as the bastard had moved, Reno had started to shift but it hadn’t been fast enough. Victor had mauled his leg and it had almost been his undoing, leaving him with only three good legs and growing progressively light headed from blood loss. Only the appearance of the ACS had saved him, causing Victor to break off the assault.

  One corner of his mouth curled up as he recalled that despite his injuries, he’d gotten his fair share of hits in while he could. It hadn’t been enough to swing the tide in his favour of course, but for a three-legged wolf, he figured he’d done well and Victor bore almost as many wounds as he did.

  The foreboding he’d felt earlier had all made sense as he’d stood surrounded by the Purist leaders and their minions. In his gut, he’d been sure the fight would end in his own death. Even if he’d managed to defeat Victor, the others would have ripped him to shreds. With nothing to lose, he’d allowed the rogue inside him free rein.

  His wolf had made a good showing of itself before the leg had given out completely. He wasn’t a doctor but he speculated that Victor’s first strike had not only ripped through muscle but had partially severed his hamstring. The ensuing skirmish had completed the job.

  A shiver ran through him as he recalled the heated flash of pain shooting up through his leg before it went completely numb. He’d stumbled, then fallen to the ground. Shouts of excitement had risen from the Purists. Looking up, he’d seen Victor looming over him, teeth bared and ready to lunge for his throat.

  In that moment Reno acknowledged he’d known fear. Not fear of death but fear of the fact that he’d never told Brandi how he felt, that he’d never see her red curls or saucy grin again. Fear of what would happen to her when he was no longer around to watch over her. Mentally, he’d bid her goodbye and then suddenly, Victor had backed off.

  At first it had made no sense and he wondered if Victor was going to prolong his agony. Then, as the others had scattered, Reno realized what was happening. He’d closed his eyes and laid his head on the ground exhausted and relieved to rest for a moment, knowing his team was there and could handle the situation. But that was when a thought had struck him.

  Victor was wily enough that he might have an escape plan in place. Would the ACS actually catch him? Reno had gathered his strength and pulled himself upright. By that time Victor had been over one hundred yards away and no one seemed to be following him. Not about to let the man escape, Reno had set off in pursuit.

  Now he was in the forest, injured and tracking Victor across the rugged mountainside. To make matters worse it was starting to rain, large drops filtering through the leaves and landing heavily on the ground making it slippery with mud. Beads of water clung to his fur and he gave himself a shake, wincing as his injuries protested the movement.

  He paused to lick at his wounds and noted that drops of blood spattered the ground near his feet; beacons pointing out the path his quarry had taken. Victor was injured as well, though to what extent Reno had no idea. It definitely must be slowing the man down since the distance between them didn’t seem to be increasing.

  Reno gave an evil grin. Rogues healed quickly and while his leg still wasn’t functioning properly, it appeared he and Victor might be evenly matched by the time they met up. His wolf was eager for another confrontation and so was he.

  From somewhere behind him, Reno could hear the howl of wolves. ACS officers were calling out that they’d found another Purist or sometimes signalling a fight was ensuing and asking for reinforcements. Purists followed the old ways and some didn’t believe in surrender. They’d fight to the death and try to inflict as much damage as possible on their opponents.

  Reno hoped none of his men would be seriously injured. Guilt stabbed at him; he should be at their side, leading them in the fight. Then he recalled that until he cleared his name, he was on the ACS hit list himself. No, meeting up with his men was the last thing he wanted right now. Thank heaven Brandi was hidden away in the mines. Or at least he ho
ped she was. He hadn’t really seen a flash of red hair up on the mountain, had he? With Purists and the ACS crawling all over the mountain, it wasn’t safe for her to be out and about.

  Reno snuffled his wounded flank. The tissue was regenerating but running during the process would likely leave a scar. He hoped the actual muscle repaired properly. An ACS officer with a limp wouldn’t last long.

  The rain was falling harder now; big, fat drops that splashed off leaves creating a staccato of sound around him. He licked off the moisture that gathered on his muzzle and then drank in some more that was dripping from the foliage of a nearby bush. Blood loss had made him thirsty but he had no time to search out a stream or puddle. Even this small pause might give Victor an advantage.

  With a final lick to his flank, Reno set off again. It surprised him that Victor was making no effort to hide his trail, travelling along the easiest path possible. Was the man that confident or just careless? Whatever the case, Reno was grateful as it made his job easier.

  He kept moving at a steady pace, eyes and ears alert for the sound of his quarry. Victor was just ahead of him; the scent growing ever stronger as surprisingly, the distance between them diminished. Not only was Victor slowing down but the terrain was starting to look familiar.

  Reno suddenly realized he was approaching the mine entrance he and Brandi had used that morning, the one near the coal conveyor. What was Victor up to?

  The aging structure was within view now, the rusty metal decorated by shiny water droplets. Wind whistled through the sagging sheathing and faint creaks could be heard as gravity fought to bring parts of the frame tumbling to the ground.

  Reno picked his way through the grass that grew at its base, mindful that bits and pieces of metal likely covered the ground and could easily slice open a paw if one wasn’t careful. Another injury was the last thing he needed.


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