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Bonded Page 40

by Nicky Charles

  “Hey! Wait a minute.” Damien was calling out and everyone turned towards him. His cell phone was clutched in his hand as he ran towards where she and Reno were standing.

  “What is it, Masterson? We don’t have time to waste.” The captain walked over, his voice gruff, weary lines etched on his face.

  “Brad Owens just contacted me. He has some new information.” Damien was actually beaming; the expression seemed almost odd on the face of an Enforcer.

  Brandi clenched her fingers tightly together, trying not to hope but doing so anyway. It had to be good news, right?

  “Owens?” Captain Fielding frowned. “Information on what? Anything he uncovers should be going directly to me.”

  “No offence, sir, but I didn’t quite trust you until a few minutes ago.”

  If she hadn’t been so anxious to learn of her own fate, Brandi might have laughed at the expression on the captain’s face.

  “Cut the crap, Masterson. What’s this about?” Reno growled the words.

  “You, old man, aren’t guilty of conspiring with the Purists.” Damien smirked and Reno rolled his eyes.

  “Hell, I knew that but what about… ” Reno didn’t mention Brandi’s name, only jerking his chin in her direction.

  Brandi bit her lip, hurt at the slight. Couldn’t he even bear to say her name?

  “It isn’t Brandi either.” Damien’s pronouncement had everyone looking her way and she locked her knees to keep from falling down in relief, not wanting anyone to know how scared she’d been.

  “Then who?” Captain Fielding folded his arms. “If this is some ploy to—”

  “I’m not conning you, Captain. The leak is Al Zimmerman, Brandi’s partner.”

  Brandi felt her mouth drop open at the news but didn’t even care if she looked like a fish. Al? But he was her partner, her friend. It couldn’t be… Or maybe… “Dammit, that’s it! That’s what’s been bugging me.” The proverbial light suddenly flicked on in her head.

  “What?” The collective question came at her from all sides.

  “Victor kept mentioning that he heard I was coming home. But this was supposed to be a surprise visit. The only person I told was Al and he tried to talk me out of it.”

  “He must have known that the Purists were going to be meeting here and was trying to prevent you from barging in on the party.” Reno rubbed his chin and the corner of his mouth turned up in a half smile. “Victor must have been shitting bricks when he heard you were coming. He didn’t dare cancel the meeting since it might jeopardize his hopes of moving up in the hierarchy, but he had to think of a way of keeping you from finding out what was going on.”

  Brandi nodded. “I wondered why everyone seemed tense. They’d probably been instructed on what to say and do. And my aunt kept talking about a shopping trip we should take, likely trying to get me out of town for the day.”

  “Sorry to rain on your parade, but what evidence do you have to prove it’s Al?” The captain didn’t look convinced.

  “He accessed some records from Brandi’s terminal a few days ago but… she’d already left on vacation. I had Brad cross-check the timing. According to airport records Brandi was boarding her flight to come here at the exact same time that her computer code was logged in at Lycan Link.”

  “You’re sure it’s Al?” Brandi was pleased to no longer be under suspicion but couldn’t believe her partner would do this to her.

  Damien nodded. “Sorry. Brad’s gathered phone messages, accessed Al’s private email… It’s him. We have Enforcers on their way to arrest him.”

  Brandi snorted in disgust at her own gullibility. “And here I thought he really wanted to keep me as a partner, when all the time I was just the ‘goose that laid the golden egg’ for him. Dammit, he even helped me change the password on my computer a few times. I bet he was laughing at how easy it was to dupe me.”

  Brandi felt her cheeks heat up as she considered how her own carelessness had caused this problem. Al would have likely found another way to spy on Lycan Link activities but it was still embarrassing.

  “Well,” the captain cleared his throat and a muscle twitched in his cheek. “I guess you’re free to go then Brandi. You too, Reno. Er… Sorry.” He turned away and began to call instructions to the remaining Enforcers obviously feeling that his single ‘sorry’ was sufficient and that the matter was done with.

  Brent released his grip on her elbow and Brandi looked down in surprise, not even realizing the man had still been holding onto her. “Brandi, I… I didn’t think you’d done it. Just following orders, you know.” He stepped back and gave her an apologetic smile before walking away.

  The crowd around her quickly dispersed. Brandi blinked. This was so weird, going from the centre of attention as an accused criminal to a… a nobody. Not that she was complaining. It was just… anti-climatic. Now that the drama was over, life carried on as normal for everyone else.

  She glanced around. The captain had turned his back on her to deal with some matter or another. Klaus was talking to Peter, Aran and Darcy. Damien was on the phone again.

  That left only one person.

  “Well… ” She turned to look at Reno.

  He gave a curt nod. “Glad things worked out.”

  “Me, too.”

  They stared at each other for a moment, then looked away. An awkward silence stretched between them. Brandi licked her lips wondering what to say. Reno shuffled his feet and winced.

  “How’s your leg?” She stared down at the makeshift bandage wrapped around his thigh and noted the way he had a death grip on the handle of the vehicle beside him.

  “It’s a mess but Aran says it should heal. A scar, nothing worse.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Silence again.

  Reno rubbed the back of his neck. “So… ”

  “Yes?” Hope filled her and she looked at him expectantly only to have Klaus spoil the moment.

  The old Alpha wrapped her in a hug. “Glad things worked out for you.”

  “Me, too.” She gasped the words as he gave her an extra firm squeeze before releasing her and wrapping a friendly arm around her shoulder.

  “So, have either of you seen my granddaughter?”

  “No.” Brandi shook her head. “Last time I checked she was supposed to be staying in the mine tunnel near town. I don’t suppose she’s there?”

  “Not likely.” Klaus snorted. “I swear I’m going to send her to the Academy to have some common sense knocked into her… if she lives long enough to meet the age requirement, that is.”

  Reno chuckled. “She’ll need a strong hand to keep her in line as she gets older.”

  Klaus grunted. “I might need some help; a good Beta. Know anyone who might be interested? You perhaps?” He quirked an eyebrow at Reno, and Brandi held her breath. If Reno said yes, it might mean he was considering settling down. Visions of them as mates—real blood bonded mates—began to form in her head.

  Reno glanced at Brandi, shrugged and looked away. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’m an Enforcer and you know what we’re like. No ties, no involvement. Pack life and me—we just don’t mix.”

  Brandi struggled to keep the disappointment from her face. She knew what Reno was trying to tell her. He wanted her to know there’d never be anything between them. An occasional hook up perhaps, friends with benefits, but nothing permanent.

  Feeling the tears she’d been holding off start to well in her eyes, she walked away.

  Chapter 33

  Reno firmed his jaw and forced himself to not stare after Brandi despite the fact that his wolf was urging him to chase the female down. Hell, he himself wanted to chase her down, but he didn’t. Instead he gripped the door handle of the truck he was beside more firmly, not in the least surprised when he felt it begin to pull loose from the actual door.

  Klaus looked at Brandi and then at him. “You know, boy, Enforcers are supposed to be real smart but that was a dumb-ass thing to say.” He shook his head and walked aw

  The comment stung yet Reno said nothing. He might be a dumb-ass but it was the only way. Emotional attachments didn’t work. They distracted you from your duty. He repeated those phrases like a mantra. Just look at how he’d hesitated to act on the conveyor. His concern for Brandi had made him indecisive and Enforcers couldn’t afford that.

  You’d have been concerned no matter who was below the conveyor, his wolf pointed out.

  Maybe, he argued back, or maybe not. The fact is I hesitated and now we don’t know where Victor is. They’re still digging through the rubble trying to find his body. What if he escaped? If he did, it’s my fault.

  His wolf growled at the idea of Victor still being out there. The bastard was interested in our female.

  Not our female, Reno countered. Rogues don’t have long term relationships, remember? Why pursue her if it’s not going to last? She’ll just end up miserable and hurt when we show our true colours.

  It could work, the animal insisted.

  Reno shook his head. It’s too dangerous. A DC officer’s job wasn’t easy but it was relatively safe. Enforcers, however, encountered all kinds of Lycans. What if someone discovered he had an attachment to Brandi and tried to get revenge on him through her? Just look at what happened here.

  This was all her own doing, his wolf pointed out. She stumbled into the nest of Purists on her own. We had nothing to do with it. In fact, we helped keep her safe.

  True. He frowned and rubbed his forehead, unsure of what to do. One minute developing a relationship with Brandi seemed the only logical thing to do but the next he was sure it would never work. It had been a nice fantasy for a while but in reality—

  Someone dropped their hand heavily onto his shoulder and he jerked out of his reverie. See? Even thinking about Brandi was messing him up. As an Enforcer, it shouldn’t have been possible for someone to sneak up on him.

  He turned to see Captain Fielding standing by him. “I just talked to Klaus. He says you turned down a Beta position.”

  “That’s right. I’m an Enforcer. Pack life isn’t for me.” He stated the words firmly, as if injecting conviction into his voice would make the decision more palatable.

  Fielding grunted. “Can’t say I’m sorry. You’re a good officer and I’m pleased to keep you. But… ” He looked towards where Brandi was talking with her human pack mates. His hand tightened painfully on Reno’s shoulder and the man’s voice took on a foreboding sound. “I think you and I are going to have a long talk once this mess gets cleared up.”

  “About what?”

  “If you don’t know, you’re a bigger idiot than I already think you are.” The captain rolled his eyes. “We’re loading up in five minutes. Hop into a van or walk back to town.” With that, the man nudged him out of the way and climbed into the vehicle Reno had been abusing. “You can pay for this wrecked door handle out of your next pay cheque.”

  Reno stepped back as the engine roared to life. No way was he getting in the same van as the captain when the man was in a pissy mood. A long talk about what? Maybe the fact that a relationship with Brandi had made him vulnerable? Was the captain going to lecture him on the dangers of women? He snorted at the very idea.

  Turning, Reno hobbled over to where Damien was leaning casually against a truck. The man was just bidding farewell to a group of fellow Enforcers. As Reno neared, Damien stepped back and the truck pulled away.

  “I overheard what just happened, the way you turned down Klaus.” Damien shook his head. “I thought the senior partner was supposed to be the wise one.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Reno glared. “You want me to quit so you can get a new partner?”

  “No. I don’t want a new partner. But… ” He paused and seemed to be searching for the right words. “Life is what you make it, Reno. That’s what Beth told me once.” He shrugged and looked a bit sheepish but continued on. “She said you never pass up an opportunity for love even if you don’t know how long it will last because the chance might not come again. ‘Never forget to love.’ It’s her favourite saying. I know it sounds sappy but I’m starting to believe it’s true.” Damien gave him an uncharacteristically serious look. “Don’t let what you think you are ruin your life.”

  “I’m an Enforcer. How’s that going to ruin my life?”

  “That’s not what I mean. You’ve got the whole ‘I’m a rogue’ bit down pat.”

  “So? Facts are facts.”

  “Are they? Or are you too scared to let go of the whole rogue mystique?”

  Scared? Reno scowled, searching for some sort of reply but before he could think of one, Damien’s phone signalled that he’d received a text. After glancing at the message, his partner gave him a distracted smile.

  “Sorry, I gotta go. Beth’s waiting to start our honeymoon.”

  Reno stared after Damien wondering what was going on. Why was everyone dumping on him? All he’d done was turn down the position of Beta. It wasn’t like he didn’t already have a good job. And there was no reason to stay in Kolding’s Pass. Sure, Klaus would have his hands full turning the pack around but it had been done before. They weren’t inherently bad people, rather a group that had become caught up in something without totally realizing what was going on. Knowing how the Purists operated, he could just imagine the snow job Victor had done.

  He massaged his aching leg wishing he had someplace to sit down. Aran had said a few weeks of rest and some moderate exercise should have the leg as good as new. That suited his plans. It would give him a chance to get caught up on all the paperwork that was probably waiting for him. Damien would be back by then and they’d have new data to go over based on the information gained during the interrogation of the Purists they’d just rounded up. There’d be plenty to keep him busy while he got back in shape. Yep, his future was at Lycan Link.

  His wolf grumbled in protest, recalling how it hated the confines of Headquarters, the endlessly bland hallways and stuffy offices, the presence of so many other wolves, the constant travelling. The creature had loved its time here. Plenty of space, a challenging terrain to expend its energy on. A perfect location for a wolf to form a pack.

  Reno chuckled as he listened to the wolf expound on the virtues of mountain life. True, the beast had been relatively well behaved these past few days. No outbursts, no questioning of who was in charge in their relationship… Well, a few times the creature had wanted to rip into Victor, but that was understandable given that the Purist had shown an interest in Brandi. Defending one’s mate was totally justified.

  Whoa. Stop that. Reno ran his hand through his hair and scowled. How had that ‘mate’ business slipped in again? They were not mates.

  He tried to ignore the feeling that twisted his gut when he said that. It was like he was denying a part of himself, and that was just plain dumb, romantic drivel. Wasn’t it?

  The sound of a door slamming drew his attention, and he turned to see Brandi already seated in a van. She was in profile to him, staring straight ahead. His fingers itched to trace the line of her jaw, to cup her face and brush his thumb over her mouth.

  They’d been through so much these past twenty-four hours, thrown into constant contact as they traversed the tunnels, survived the cave-in, cavorted in the pond… He recalled the feel of her in his arms, having her warmth and softness pressed to his body, the spicy scent of her wrapping itself around him. He closed his eyes wondering how he’d live without that feeling.

  As he opened his eyes, the van began to move. It came closer and Reno kept his gaze fixed on Brandi. Would she look at him as she passed by? And if she did, what would he do? Give a smile and a casual wave? It hardly seemed appropriate. After all, he’d pushed her away… Unless she hadn’t wanted to be with him, anyway. Maybe she was relieved. She’d been angry with him up on the mountain. Perhaps the relationship he thought they’d developed had only been situational. A false sense of closeness that was more a reflection of the danger around them rather than a true emotional connec

  The van drew even with his position and he took half a step forward, his heart pounding heavily, his wolf urging him to do something, to stop her from leaving. Was it the right thing to do? If she’d just look at him, he’d know. Expectation grew inside him. She was turning her head… and then she was past his position. There’d been no eye contact, no last minute flare of emotion in her eyes. Nothing.

  Two weeks later…

  Reno rocked back in his chair, no longer really listening to what the captain was saying. The weekly briefing was over and minor questions were being fielded, nothing he didn’t already know.

  The chair creaked slightly under his weight and not for the first time did he wonder if Captain Fielding would ever replace it. For eight years he’d been sitting in the same seat, and it was still as damned uncomfortable as it had been the first day he’d set his butt down on it. Maybe, he mused, it was actually a strategy to keep people from staying too long. He wouldn’t put it past the wily old man.

  “Any other questions? No? Good. Dismissed.” Fielding ended the briefing and the other Enforcers filed out.

  Reno remained where he was. He and the captain had a private meeting scheduled for after the briefing, though Reno couldn’t imagine what else there was to say.

  He suppressed a sigh and hoped the captain would cut through the crap and get right to the point. Lately he’d been finding it extremely irritating to sit through meetings. Hell, lately he’d been finding everything irritating: the food, his living quarters, the other Lycans around him. Rubbing his leg he wondered how much longer it would be before he could shift and go for a good run. Maybe that was the problem. Being cooped up was unsettling his inner wolf.

  Hrmph! The beast gave a half-hearted growl and raised one brow in protest over being blamed for his restlessness. Not my fault. It settled its chin on its paws again and returned to the half-dozing state it had been in.

  For some reason the creature had been unusually quiet lately, and prone to lying around doing nothing. Given the fact that he was temporarily disabled it was a good thing but not at all normal for the usually feisty beast. Reno grimaced hoping he didn’t have to go see one of Lycan Link’s psychologists over a depressed wolf!


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