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Bonded Page 43

by Nicky Charles

  He rolled his eyes. “That’s what Beth says about Damien.”

  “Well, she’s right. You both have these brooding, gruff exteriors, but those of us who love you know it’s just a facade you put on for your jobs.”

  Reno leaned forward pressing his forehead to hers. “Just don’t let that get out, okay?”

  “Promise.” She pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.

  “So… about this blood bond thing.” He looked at her speculatively. “It’s one-sided right now, correct?”

  “You know that.”

  “Well, that’s really not very fair and I think in the interests of ensuring we have an equitable relationship, we need to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.”

  Brandi furrowed her brow. “Where did that flowery speech come from? You don’t talk that way.”

  “I do when I’m using my negotiating skills against a Purist Alpha.”

  She snorted. “As if. You go in snarling and growling and then wonder why I get pissy about the mess you leave behind. Besides, I’m not a Purist Alpha, so don’t go sounding all high and mighty on me.”

  “Well… If you insist.” Swiftly he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up over his shoulder.

  “Reno!” She yelled and pounded him on the back. “What are you doing?”

  “Acting like myself.” He turned this way, then that before heading off down the short hallway opening doors as he went along until he found her bedroom. “I’m really not that civilized and when I see something I want… ” Carefully, he dropped her onto the bed. “I grab it.”


  Suddenly, Brandi found herself bouncing gently on her very soft mattress, and by the time she stilled Reno had removed his shirt and was kicking off his shoes.

  She propped herself up on her elbows. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Getting ready to blood bond with you.” He gave her a devilish grin while loosening his belt and then sliding off his pants and shorts in one fluid movement.

  Brandi glanced behind him. She had a clear view down the hallway to the apartment door. The same door he’d broken down and which was still wide open. Mrs. O’Neill lived right across the hall and was eighty if she was a day. The present view might give the poor dear a heart-attack. “Reno! Put some clothes on. Anyone walking by can see you!”

  He followed the direction of her gaze, gave an annoyed growl and slammed the bedroom door shut. “Better?”

  “Um… ” Her mouth had gone dry and every thought drained from her head. He was facing her now, gloriously naked and fully erect. Heat pooled between her legs and a throbbing ache started within her.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” He moved towards her as if stalking his prey. The look in his eyes—dominant, controlled—held her pinned to the bed. When he stood beside her, he seemed to loom like a giant making her feel small and vulnerable. The idea had her heart racing.

  Silently, with measured moves, he knelt on the bed. His grip was firm and assured as he positioned her until he was between her knees. Slowly he slid his hands up her legs, to her thighs and then higher still. His fingers skimmed inside the legs of her shorts, then traced the lower curve of her buttocks.

  “No panties?” He quirked a brow. “Naughty girl.”

  She shook her head. “I was too hot.”

  “You still are.” He brushed his fingers lightly over the small thatch of curls that covered her sex and a jolt of desire had her gasping. “Hmm… You’re going to be a responsive mate, I see.” For a moment he continued to tease her with feather-light touches that super-sensitized her flesh. She bit her lip and tried not to move, but her hips instinctively pushed upward wanting more.

  Reno gave a low chuckle and pulled her shorts off completely. Despite the heat of the room, she shivered under his intense gaze and tried to move her legs together, but he was in the way again and clamped his hands down on her thighs. “Stay still. I like looking at you.” His voice was gruff and commanding.

  Instinctively, Brandi obeyed and she felt her face heat. They’d been together before but it had always been rushed, spur of the moment. He’d never just… stared at her before. It was embarrassing and… erotic… to be lying on the bed clad only in a tank top.

  She shifted and he slid his gaze up, the corners of his mouth curling in a teasing smile. “Hmm… is there anything else important that you left off wearing today?”

  Ever so slowly he traced a path over her hips and across her belly. Inch by inch he pushed up her top. Past her stomach, over her ribs. She watched the progress of his hands, saw her nipples bead in anticipation through the thin material that covered them and then, just before he bared her breasts, he stopped.

  Instead of uncovering her, he knelt over her and suckled her though the thin material. As the fabric dampened under his mouth, it gently abraded the sensitive peak. Each tug of his mouth, each scrape of fabric sent her arousal soaring higher.

  Brandi dug her fingers into his hair, raking his scalp, holding his head in place. Reno growled his approval and moved to give her other breast equal attention. He stretched out on top of her; his weight pinning her to the bed and sending a thrill chasing up and down her spine. She loved the feel of him pressed close to her and began to caress his body, tracing the indent of his spine, running her foot up his calf, clutching the tight cheeks of his butt.

  His hips shifted. She could feel him, hot and hard pressing against her and she tried to work her hand around so she could touch him. He obliged by sitting back on his haunches but not before pulling her top over her head.

  He was like some perfect statue before her—not polished and neat like an Adonis—but rugged and strong and totally male. She had to touch him, to explore, to prove to herself that he was really here in her bed and not a dream lover that would disappear with the ringing of the alarm clock.

  Rising to her knees she traced his shoulders and collar bone, first with her fingertips and then her lips. Up his neck, to his stubbled chin then down to his chest. She tongued his flat brown nipples, laughing lightly when they bunched in response. Moving to his abs, she licked each ribbed muscle delighting in the rippling shivers her ministrations caused.

  Placing her hands on his thighs, she felt their strength, massaged the muscles and then slid her hands to his hips. His shaft bobbed in front of her, begging for attention and she gave it. He was hot and smooth, thick veins running his length, his balls heavy in her hand. She played him until he groaned and thrust forward.

  “Enough.” He pushed her onto her back, swiftly taking control. His fingers slid through her silky folds. She gasped and shuddered as he touched her most sensitive spot.

  Squirming under his attentions, need grew within her at an alarming rate. Her heart was pounding so loudly, she could hardly hear. Quick, panting breaths escaped her lips.

  “You’re ready.” His statement was blunt as if he knew her better than she knew herself. Desire had turned his eyes black and his gaze seemed to burn into hers.

  “Yes.” She felt no shyness now and opened herself to him fully. There was no need to hide from him. Her body was his and soon her thoughts would be, too. Their minds would meld and then there’d be no turning back. “You’re sure?” She asked stroking his face.

  Reno bit the pad of her thumb and rolled his eyes. “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

  Brandi shrugged. “I never claimed to do things the usual way.”

  “Good.” He leaned forwards and nipped her chin. “I like the unusual.” And with that he thrust into her in one long stroke.

  A gasp escaped her as he pushed inside. After more than two years, her body had forgotten his size. She arched her back, loving the heat, the sense of fullness. Reno rumbled in approval, his eyes half closed. In then out, each time a bit deeper, the feeling of oneness growing between them. Finally, buried to the hilt, he paused and they savoured the moment.

  “Okay?” He ran a kiss along her jaw.

  “Oh yeah.” She closed her eyes
, a faint smile on her lips. “More than okay.”

  “The first time—when you bonded with me—we were like this.” He took her arms by the wrists and pinned them over her head.

  Brandi opened her eyes in surprise and tugged at her arms but he didn’t let go. Not sure what was going on, she gave him a questioning look.

  “You said you had a fantasy, remember? About being hunted down. What if I have one, too?”

  “Oh.” She gave her arms another tug and wiggled her body but being… impaled… and held in place, her efforts were futile. A strange tingle ran through her. Controlled. Dominated. She closed her eyes and felt herself get wetter around him, her excitement spiking like never before. Who’d have guessed?

  ‘Yes,’ her wolf hummed in satisfaction as it took advantage of her preoccupation and pushed to the foreground. ‘Our mate is strong. He will be our Alpha and care for us, ensure our every need is met.’ The creature took a moment to scold her. ‘I have told you for years, but you would never listen. See what we’ve been missing because of your stubbornness?’

  Her wolf was right. She should have listened.

  “Is this okay?” The sound of Reno’s voice had her opening her eyes. He was watching her carefully. “I’ll let go if it bothers you.”

  “No. I… I like it.” Brandi felt her cheeks heat yet again. She was a strong, independent career woman and yet being controlled by Reno was turning her on. Her gaze lifted to his eyes and she noted how black they were; could see the wildness lurking inside him. His wolf was as close to the surface as hers, eager to stake its claim. At one time, she’d feared the creature but now that hint of danger thrilled her. He would be forceful and demand she yield to him, yet his actions would always be tempered with love. And she’d enjoy provoking that side of him. The battles of will they’d have should prove to be… interesting.

  A growl rose from his throat and Reno curled his lip, a hint of fang beginning to show. His gaze slowly raked over her, lingering on her up-thrust breasts before returning to her face. “My wolf is pleased with you. He’s wanted you as a mate for a long time.”

  “I’m pleased with him, too. And so is my wolf.” Playfully, she lifted her head and nipped at his chin drawing another growl from him.

  Desire flared in his eyes and suddenly he dipped his head, kissing her deeply, his tongue stroking hers. At the same time, he began to move, his body rocking into her with powerful strokes, taking her as he might have done in ancient times.

  With each hard thrust, her heart seemed to race faster. Her breath came in rapid pants. It was like it had been at the Academy all those years ago. Age-old instincts were coming to life, filling her with a strange melting sensation, urging her to submit to the male who had finally conquered her. But this time she didn’t fight the sensation. Instead she revelled in it, and as he drove into her over and over, excitement twisted and turned, muscles tightened, nerve endings begged for release. This was what it was like to be claimed by a male who would never let you go. An edge of danger yet at the same time there was the knowledge that he’d never hurt and always protect.

  Brandi tossed her head back, exposing her throat. She felt ready to explode, wave after wave of pleasure filling her to the breaking point. Through unfocussed eyes, she saw Reno leaning forward, felt his canines brush her neck. She tensed and held her breath, hovering on the brink of expectancy…

  A pinprick of pain pushed her over the edge. Her body convulsed in ecstasy as Reno lapped at her blood. Light flared behind her eyes and then a tidal wave of feeling sent her spinning out of control into a realm she’d only dreamed of. There was no hiding, no shame. Only love, understanding, and acceptance. After so many years of being incomplete they were finally one in both body and mind. Two separate souls united as they had always been meant to be.

  Brandi and Reno, bonded in love, mated for eternity.


  Several weeks later…

  Reno drove towards Damien’s house, barely listening to his partner who was talking a blue streak beside him. Beth was pregnant and Damien was as proud as the proverbial peacock. The young love birds had purchased a home on the edge of town and had just moved in a week ago. There were still boxes to unpack and landscaping to finish, but the rooms were painted and the essentials were in place.

  He and Brandi had helped out as much as possible, and in exchange Damien was going to fly out to Kolding’s Pass and return the favour in a few weeks’ time.

  It had been a hard decision to make, but Klaus needed him and Brandi was eager to help her birth pack recover from its recent experiences. Besides, the excitement of being an Enforcer at Lycan Link had faded. It was time to move on. He’d miss the adrenaline rush of working a new case, but Kolding’s Pass promised to hold enough challenges to keep him busy.

  Once the pack was stabilized, Damien was even considering moving his new family there. Reno hoped so. Klaus had hinted that he’d like to retire soon and Damien would make a damned fine Beta.

  “So you’ll come for supper tomorrow night?”

  Realizing Damien was talking to him, Reno forced himself to pay closer attention. “Sure. Another housewarming party?”

  “No. Beth had an ultra-sound this morning and she wants to show you guys the pictures. Man, Reno. It’s the most amazing thing in the world, to see your unborn pup.”

  Reno wondered how he’ll feel when Brandi finally conceived and decided he’d be as much of a blathering idiot about it as Damien was. The idea of his pup growing in Brandi’s belly was rather erotic, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his body responded to the idea. He’d drop Damien off and then head straight home for a good bout of sex.

  His phone rang and he turned on the hands-free feature.

  “Reno? Fielding here.”

  He barely suppressed a growl of frustration. “Captain, I just left work ten minutes ago. A case couldn’t have come up that fast.” A month ago, Reno never would have dreamed he’d complain about work, but now anything that kept him away from Brandi was an annoyance.

  “No. It’s not a case. Another threatening letter just arrived from the Purists.”

  Both Damien and Reno swore in unison.

  “I thought we were done with that.” Damien said.

  “Apparently not.” Fielding replied. “And this one’s more specific than ever. It says they’re ashamed of Lycan Link and its persistent contribution to the downfall of Lycan society. The fact that employees are now actively engaged in sullying the blood line by mating with halves is intolerable. They will now take direct action to stop the spread of the scourge. Sufficient warning has been given but Lycan Link has failed to comply. The time to act is now.”

  “What a bunch of bull,” Reno snorted and shook his head. “Captain, if they think—”

  Damien suddenly stiffened and turned white. “Something is wrong with Beth. She’s scared and worried about the baby!”

  “Shit!” Reno clenched the steering wheel. “Captain, I think the Purists might have been referring to Beth. Damien’s sensing something is wrong.”

  “I’ll send a team to the house.” Fielding hung up and Reno pressed down harder on the accelerator.

  “Don’t worry, Damien. We’re only a few minutes from your place.” Skilfully he wove through the traffic while Damien kept a death grip on the dashboard.

  As he turned the corner onto Damien’s street, the sound of an explosion rang out and a billow of smoke could be seen rising in the air.

  “Beth!” Damien was shouting his mate’s name and jumped from the car before it even stopped. He took but a few steps when a second explosion rocked the area, the blast knocking him to the ground.

  Reno slammed the car into park and leapt out, racing after Damien. The man was already on his feet and heading straight towards the burning building. He grabbed his partner’s arm and tried to hold him back. The house was almost entirely engulfed. There was no way Damien could enter without protective gear. It would be suicide!

Damien, wait! The fire trucks are coming. They’ll get her out.”

  The wail of sirens was filling the air even as he spoke, but it seemed to make no difference for his partner.

  “Let me go, Reno. Beth needs me!” Damien growled while struggling against him. “Let me go, dammit!” Suddenly he turned and snarled, his canines showing. The air around him shimmered and Reno realized he was on the verge of transforming right in front of the crowd of gathering neighbours. Human neighbours.

  “Damien, get a grip man! You can’t do this!” He tried to get through to his partner, but Damien swung at him and Reno barely managed to dodge the blow. In that split second Damien pulled free and ran into the burning building, calling out Beth’s name.


  A few days later, Reno stood gazing at his partner. The beeping of monitors and the smell of antiseptic permeated the stark room of the infirmary. Lycan Link’s medical facilities rivalled those of any human hospital both in technology and decor.

  Damien was still unconscious with severe burns over much of his body. The doctors said he’d recover physically, likely with little to no scarring, though one leg had them concerned. Infection had set in but the odds were good on it healing with proper treatment and high doses of antibiotics.

  Psychologically the prognosis wasn’t as clear. The death of a blood bonded mate was always hard on the surviving partner, but when the death occurred so traumatically and the patient had a history of rogue tendencies…

  Closing his eyes, Reno took a steadying breath still recalling Damien’s screams. The man likely hadn’t realized he’d been yelling out loud when trying to mentally connect with Beth. It had been agonizing to hear him begging his dead mate to answer him. And then to see Damien throw himself into the burning building…

  A door opened, but Reno didn’t turn. He knew who it was; the captain had said he’d meet him there.

  “How’s he doing, Reno?”

  “The same. I spoke to the doctor a few minutes ago. His body will heal but no one’s laying bets on his mind.”

  “You’ll pull him through. You two are closer than any two Enforcers I’ve ever seen. He’ll recover.”


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