OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 4

by Laura Acton

  May 7

  Timmy’s Near TRF HQ – 7:10 a.m.

  Disconnecting with Lexa, Loki peered at his phone in deep thought as he stood next to Ray who placed the coffee order. Her call disconcerted him, as did the entire situation this morning. The fact Dan told Lexa nothing about his trip bothered him. Besides Bram, Lexa appeared to have gained the most trust with Dan.

  She got him to comply with doctor’s orders, helped him with the rabies shots, and from what Ray told him about what happened after the explosion at the Kolff building, Dan confided in her about how tired he had become. So Dan remaining quiet about his details and reasons for needing time off continued to niggle at him.

  Venetia, the chipper, young woman who took their orders on most days and knew most of the TRF men and women by name said, “Don’t you need an iced capp for Dan too?”

  Pulled from his thoughts, Loki replied, “Dan’s not here today.”

  “Oh. Um, he’s okay, right?” Venetia always worried about the pleasant officer who tipped well. TRF officer’s jobs were inherently dangerous, but Dan seemed to bear the brunt of most injuries based on her unofficial accounting.

  “Yeah, he’s on vacation somewhere,” Loki supplied, allowing his irritation to reflect in his tone.

  Venetia smiled, happy Dan was not injured again. “Well, I hope he enjoys himself. You guys deserve more time off. I don’t know how you work all those long hours.”

  Ray grinned. “You should. I think TRF is the source of eighty percent of this Timmy’s business.”

  Laughing, Venetia moved off to prepare their order.

  The barista’s cheery mood rubbed off on Ray, and he clapped Loki’s back. “She’s right. We deserve time off. I realize Dan’s abrupt decision worries you, but let it go. With everything he’s been through in the last year, hell, make that the past almost eight years, Dan likely needed to recharge.

  “I wouldn’t read anything nefarious into his actions. You call him Dantastic, and possess this vision of him as someone extraordinary with superhuman abilities … but remember, Dan’s a real man, not a machine.”

  Taking a cleansing breath and exhaling long Loki said, “Yeah, you’re probably right, but I still don’t like he left without saying anything. He didn’t tell Lexa either. She was surprised when I told her.”

  “Why did she call?”

  Loki’s face scrunched up. “She didn’t say, but Dan’s been helping her with therapy so she might’ve had a question for him.”

  Venetia returned with six coffee’s, and Ray realized his mistake. “Cripes, I forgot to order one for Kinsey. Can you give me another extra-large with milk and one sugar?” He pulled out his wallet again to pay for the seventh coffee.

  As they waited, Loki’s thoughts moved off Dan and Lexa to the reason he showed up at work an hour early today. With the delay in obtaining the beverages, a pout formed on his face. “Bet Kinsey started counting ammo, and I missed it.”

  Ray picked up one of the trays as Venetia added Kinsey’s cup. “What did you miss?” Dawning hit Ray as a mischievous twinkle filled Loki’s eyes. “You didn’t!” At Loki’s broad grin, Ray said, “You did. Oh man, Kinsey’s gonna be ticked off.” He started to laugh as they headed out of the coffee shop.

  Loki snickered. “Well, with no one helping me with this, I had to work hard to come up with a memorable prank … one with pizzazz.”

  “I promise to visit your grave if she kills you.” Ray shook his head and chuckled. Perhaps Loki’s prank will help restore the team’s equilibrium and reduce the tension between Jon and Bram.

  Black Van – 7:15 a.m.

  Reduced oxygen due to the heavy hood combined with four solid blows to his head, no, make that five if he included his forehead being rammed into the bricks, caused Dan to drift in a semi-conscious state. The image of Lexa as she berated and denounced him weakened his resolve and unlocked the box he stored all his insecurities in. As the negative thoughts roamed free, they threatened to pull him into a dark place.

  Shrinking from the red flames in her hazel eyes, he begged her to stop the verbal lashing. Please, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your life. I love you. You are my beauty. I would never hurt you. Please, Lexa, love me … just a little.

  As she laughed fiendishly, he cowered, his soul shredding with each brutal lash from her viper tongue. He curled in a protective ball and squeezed his eyes shut as the fire of her hatred whipped his psyche, reopening old wounds and creating new ones.

  He cracked open one eye as a gentle hand caressed his head. Both eyes popped open as he gaped at the vision before him. A soft pink aura surrounded a second Lexa image, who happened to be wearing a pair of Power Ranger slippers. This one’s hazel orbs glistened with tears, making the golden flecks shimmer like pools of liquid gold.

  The new Lexa spoke to him in a dulcet tone, “According to Greek Mythology humans once had four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces. Fearing their strength would conquer the gods, Zeus split them apart and condemned them to a life of misery unless they found their mate. My love, I need your love. I hunger for your touch. You are my missing half … my soulmate.

  “Time, space, adversity, and evil will never defeat us. One day we will find a way to be together … love conquers all. Until then, be strong, my soldier. Keep faith. Our family will never let you down … trust in them and in our connection to keep you safe when darkness comes.”

  Unable to speak, Dan only stared at his beauty. She smiled as she sat next to him, pulled his head into her lap, and carded fingers through his hair, creating a light-filled zone which silenced the banshee. His eyes closed, allowing love to surround and protect him from the darkness seeking to consume him.

  TRF HQ – Hallway 7:15 a.m.

  Choosing to put his vest on before going to clear the air with Bram, Jon halted in the hall upon coming face to face with his long-time friend. Manning up to apologize, Jon stated, “Bram, I’m sorry for my words during workout. They were uncalled for, out of line, and unkind.”

  Bram crossed his arms, not ready to capitulate yet. He had been thinking ever since he stormed out of the lockers and realized he badgered Jon and Nick for answers they likely didn’t possess. Though, that little fact didn’t let Jon off the hook for his treatment of Dan yesterday.

  “Look, I was wrong …” Jon uttered to fill the silence.

  “Answer me one thing,” Bram said, his tone unforgiving.

  “If I can.” Jon drew in a breath, hoping to repair the damage.

  “Why do you run hot and cold with Dan? What I mean is, on the fifth, we talked about the changes in him, and you comprehended how difficult the anniversary of Brody’s death is for him. But yesterday, Christ, what the hell were you thinking? You went after him with guns blazing for no apparent reason. I swear if I find out you drove him away when he needs us most …”

  Jon dipped his chin and pinched the bridge of his nose as he contemplated how to answer … not answering would cause their rift to grow, not mend. Lifting his head and dropping his hand, Jon peered at Bram. “I can’t give you an explanation.”

  When Bram started to open his mouth, Jon hurriedly clarified, “I would if I could, but I’m at a loss for many of my actions with him too. Boss thinks it is because we lock and load the same, but our dissimilar tactical strategies cause us to butt heads. I wish I could say it won’t happen again … but I would be lying if I did. Change is hard for me, and I’m uncertain why, but Dan still drives me to extremes.”

  Considering Jon’s words, Bram leaned on the wall. “You better figure something out and fast. You may be my best friend, but I’m done cutting you slack and defending your actions towards Dan. He deserves better from you.

  “As for your dig about my opinion not counting until I’m a TL, you are full of shit. You are the best damned tactical lead in TRF due in part to your willingness to listen to your team. I’m not sure what’s gotten into you lately, but to use Dan’s phrase, time to pull your head out of your ass. If you
don’t, you will alienate everyone on our team.”

  The backhanded compliment and advice from Bram indicated to Jon that he had not destroyed their friendship. He nodded. “Duly noted. We good?”

  “We are, but you damned well better apologize to Dan too. And if he so much as considers transferring teams, I know for a fact Colton, Camden, Glen, and Crispin all want him. And if he does switch, there will be at least two members of Alpha leaving.”

  Bram’s implied threat of moving teams stung and drove home how much his behavior towards Dan impacted the whole team. Jon again gave a slight nod and said, “I plan to call Dan. He won’t be leaving the team.”

  Having said his piece and put Jon on notice, Bram spotted Ray and Loki at Tia’s desk. “I need coffee.” Bram strode off without another word, hoping Jon would fix things with Dan. His threat was not idle. Hector on Charlie and Cooper on Delta would swap positions with him in a heartbeat as would Tyler or Rob for Dan’s place on Alpha. And he had no concerns about Gambrill approving the moves.

  TRF HQ – Dispatcher’s Desk – 7:25 a.m.

  Kinsey leaned on the desk chatting with Tia as Loki and Ray approached. Loki flashed Tia a grin as he handed her black coffee.

  “Ah, coffee. Thanks, guys. I needed this.” Tia inhaled the aroma.

  Loki peered at Kinsey expectantly. She is still dry. I didn’t miss my prank. He gave her a paper cup. “Milk and one sugar, right?”

  “Yes, thanks.” Kinsey appreciated he remembered how she took her coffee. The only person on this team she didn’t like would be gone for two whole weeks … a relief. If he chose to leave altogether, that would be even better.

  Putting aside the issue with Jon for now, Bram grinned as he received the brew. He shifted his mind into work mode because quite frankly. people could get hurt if they didn’t remain professional and work together during shift. Bram refused to put any of the team at risk.

  After phoning Dan and the call going to voicemail, Jon strode up to the group at the dispatcher’s desk and grabbed his double-double. Though still angry with himself, he put on a familiar smile in an attempt to normalize things with the others. “After briefing, we will do inventory.”

  Nick walked up and said, “No briefing today. Nothing new to share. After inventory, we will patrol. Jon, you’re with me today. Bram and Kinsey can partner and that leaves Loki with Ray. But before you go, Loki, I need your help with something.”

  “Yeah, Boss. With what?” Loki answered holding out Nick’s coffee. Loki noted his hands were full so set the cup on the counter.

  Nick placed the multiple pieces of his phone on the dispatch desk. “Can you repair this?”

  Loki gasped at the myriad of parts and chuckled. “Uh, Boss, that’s dead. No way I can fix that. You need a new one. What happened?”

  Nick gazed around at his team then picked the coffee cup and took a sip. “It dropped.”

  “What, like from the fifth floor?” Loki shook his head. Dropped, no way. Slammed, yes. The sense something was wrong niggled at the back of his mind again. Boss is behaving out of character, Jon sniped at Bram during workout, Dan took an unscheduled vacation, and Lexa is not aware he left … all strange and unsettling.

  Answering for Nick, Jon said, “Something like that.” To divert attention away from Boss’ busted phone, he added, “What are you all waiting for? Shells won’t count themselves. Let’s move!”

  Jon pivoted with his coffee in hand and went to start inventory. He wanted to finish their monthly chore so they could go patrolling and stop by Dan’s place to apologize. The unanswered calls bothered him, but he didn’t blame Dan for ignoring them after the things he spouted last night.

  Loki’s eyes widened as Jon stepped into the gun cage. I’m so dead. “I’ll see what I can do,” Loki said as he scooped up the pieces of the phone and raced to the safety of his tech room.

  Perplexed, everyone except Ray wondered why the techie scrambled away so fast. Ray chuckled and called after Loki, “Been a blast working with you, buddy. I’ll make sure you have a decent funeral.”

  Loki barely locked the door as Jon’s roar of, “Loki, you’re a dead man,” resounded throughout TRF HQ.

  As Ray laughed, the others stared at him. He started to explain, “The prank was meant for Kinsey,” as a soaking wet, very blue, and pissed off Jon stormed into the lobby area.

  “Where is he? I’m gonna kill him,” Jon bellowed.

  Everyone shook their head no indicating they would not tell him.

  Busting a gut, Bram gaped at Jon. Karma got you back for this morning and yesterday. “You look like a giant smurf.”

  If the fiery glare Jon pinned on Bram possessed actual heat, he would’ve been burnt toast. No, make that incinerated toast, ashes only.

  As Jon stomped to the locker room to shower and change, everyone who had been holding back, biting the insides of their cheeks, let loose and loud, deep laughter followed Jon into the lockers.

  When the chortling died down, Kinsey’s gaze landed on the men. “Whoa. Loki’s a master. Maybe a bit too wild for his safety. I bet he is in for lots of grunt work. That is if he survives after Jon gets a hold of him.”

  Bram winked at Kinsey. “Can you imagine what it would have been like to do shift with blue skin?”

  Kinsey laughed again. “No, and I don’t ever want to find out. Hope the blue dye washes off. Don’t want to patrol all day with an angry Papa Smurf.”

  Nick enjoyed the moment of mirth but sobered, worried this might’ve pushed an already upset Jon off the deep end again. It would be better to separate Jon from Loki for a short while. Stopping by Dan’s apartment would be an excellent way to keep Loki safe and allow Jon to calm down.

  He turned to Bram. “Gonna leave you in charge of the kids and inventory. When Jon’s done changing, I’ll take him patrolling.”

  Bram nodded understanding Boss’ reasoning. “Sure, no problem. Loki’s gonna want to hide from Jon today. I’ll make sure Loki cleans up his mess too.”

  Nick nodded, turned to Tia, and asked, “Got a loaner phone?” Tia retrieved one from a drawer, indicating she would pass the number along, and he thanked her before heading to the lockers. Never a dull moment with Alpha Team.

  Somewhere on the Outskirts of Toronto

  The van came to a sudden halt, causing Dan’s head to slam into the side of the vehicle startling him from his twilight sleep. We appear to have reached our destination. Wish I had a clue how long they drove or in what direction.

  His abductors had not spoken one word the entire trip, so he gleaned no further information on who took him. The door slid open, and they hauled him out by his feet, callously dumping him on the ground.

  As he attempted to listen to the conversation of muted voices in the distance, he noted the lack of traffic noises. Okay, must be a rural area. When the talking ceased, rough hands grabbed him under the arms, lifting him only slightly. They began to drag him across gravel, and sharp rocks cut through the thin, lightweight sweatpants he wore as he endeavored to leave a trail. Hauled up five steps, each one striking his knees, he was taken into a building.

  Straining to make out anything useful, he caught the sounds of something being pushed aside. The two who held him pressed in close to his body, indicating they passed through a narrow opening.

  When they let go, he fell, and fear of the unknown filled him for a moment as images of being tossed into a bottomless pit crossed his mind. When his shoulder struck wood, followed by his hip and back, Dan registered he had been tossed down a flight of stairs. His abused head hit the cement floor upon arriving at the bottom.

  Malicious laughter came from somewhere above him, followed by, “Let’s grab a beer.” A door closed and a lock clicked. Dan lay still on the cold floor taking stock of his physical and mental states and the environment.

  Six blows to my head. At least I’m conscious and able to think. Bicep stings and throbs in unison with my headache, but it is only a graze. Nothing to worry about unless it beco
mes infected. Muscles sore, but no bones are broken. Physically I could be in worse shape.

  Mentally … this week sucks! Sufficient to say I’m F.I.N.E.

  Moving on to his environmental scan, Dan concluded he ended up in a basement. The only sound he distinguished was a slow, constant drip of water. A chill began seeping into his body, and although he wanted to lie down, survival training kicked in. He understood he must maintain as little contact as possible with the damp, frigid ground or he would lose body heat and his energy would be sapped.

  Difficult with his hands bound behind his back and his ankles tied too, Dan wiggled himself up to a seated position and pulled his scraped-up knees close to his chest to conserve warmth. At first, he hoped they would remove the hood, but realized the heavy fabric prevented rapid heat loss since it covered his aching head. Though he did wish the cloth didn’t impede his breathing so much, he needed fresh air to clear his mind.

  An image of Lexa came to him again. She still wore the silly slippers he bought her which made him want to smile, but the duct tape prevented him from doing so. Her words, although Dan grasped he imagined them, helped him to push the worst of his fears back into the lock box.

  Dan rocked a bit on his butt to keep it from going numb on the chilly floor, and wished he could view his prison to determine an escape plan. Boss, I hope you received my call. I need Alpha Team’s help.

  The Four Horsemen


  May 7

  SUV En Route to Dan’s Place – 8:15 a.m.

  Almost to Dan’s apartment building, Nick, who drove, glanced over at a grumpy Jon. His tactical lead’s skin still tinged a slight bluish color. Whatever brand of dye Loki used, it had not washed off entirely with repeated scrubbings. Despite the somber nature of what they needed to address when they spoke to Dan, Nick snickered at the sight.

  Glaring at Nick, Jon groused, “Stop chuckling now, or I’m not accountable for what I do to Loki when he comes out of his tech room.”

  Jon’s indignant countenance caused Nick to full-on laugh. “Jonny. Sorry. But you’re the one who kept challenging Loki to come up with something memorable to haze Kinsey.”


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