OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 15

by Laura Acton

  Brody halted hoping he didn’t receive another fine for not having a home. “Yes, sir. I’m only out searching for someone.” Partial truth since he couldn’t sleep. Images of the poor kid kept him awake, and Brody wished he had tried to run after him.

  “Would you like to come sit with me a bit to warm up?” Marc offered.

  A warm vehicle appealed to Brody, so he moved forward. “Thanks.”

  Once inside the squad car, Marc extended his fresh cup of coffee and apple to the shivering man. “Just bought this at the store down the block, but you appear to need it more than me.”

  His hand shaking with cold, Brody accepted. “Thanks, again,” he checked the name badge and added, “Constable Fargusson.” Brody sipped the hot beverage savoring the flavor of the rich blend with cream and sugar.

  “My first name is Marc. What’s your name?”

  “Brody … Brody Hunter.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Brody. If you don’t mind me asking, why are you not in one of the shelters tonight?”

  He almost choked on the apple. Yeah, didn’t fool him one bit. My appearance screams homeless. “Those in direr circumstances need the available spaces.” His thoughts went back to the boy. “But I am truly looking for a kid who needs help. I tried to talk to him earlier, but he ran off. I’m worried he will freeze to death. He is wearing jeans, boots, a navy jacket, and a Senators cap. Perhaps you can search for him. Oh, and his face … man, he was so beat up.”

  This young man who possessed nothing, was skin and bones, worried about others. It warmed Marc’s heart. On the job, he usually dealt with the dredges of society, but in this case, the man with jade eyes which sparkled with light was not one of those. “I found him. He is safe now and being taken care of by someone who loves him.”

  Brody sighed and smiled. “Thank God.”

  “Now about you. It is too cold to be outside. I know a place where you can stay tonight. Will you allow me to drive you there?”

  Surprised not to be ticketed and the generous offer, Brody rubbed his ear as his mother’s voice came to him, urging him to say yes. He nodded.

  “Fantastic. Pastor Noble is a wonderful man. He and his congregation make it their mission to aid young people who find themselves on the street. They will assist you with finding a job and affordable housing.”

  Ridgewater Home – Danny’s Room – 5:00 a.m.

  Bella sat with Danny’s head in her lap. He drifted to sleep with the help of heavy-duty painkillers. Her heart ached for him. The past three hours had been nerve-wracking, and she wished she could take away Danny’s suffering and restore his connection with his parents.

  She remained grateful she cultivated a strong-as-blood bond with Danny. Her eyes landed on the penny on the nightstand. She found it on the entryway table earlier. Thank goodness her spur of the moment gesture three years ago had such a positive impact on Danny. It allowed him to seek her out when in dire need.

  Wilson had been correct about the severity of Danny’s condition, but fortunately, they were able to avoid going to the hospital. Dr. Braxton stitched the gash above Danny’s eye and cleaned the other wounds while they waited for the mobile CT rig. Happily, the cut on his cheek did not require sutures, only butterflies and given time to heal would not leave a scar.

  Never once did she leave Danny’s side since his arrival. Partly because he wouldn’t release her hand, terrified he would be alone, and they would whisk him away to a hospital. And in part, because she didn’t want to. Bella’s heart broke many times as she thought about what Danny endured before he showed up on her doorstep, but also gave thanks for Fargusson’s intervention.

  The scan revealed a tear in Danny’s liver. Michael explained Dan’s previous travails exacerbated his symptoms, but thank heavens, the bleed itself appeared to be diminishing and with proper care and complete bed rest the injury would heal without surgery. A blessing since Bella did not want to subject Danny to more trauma.

  Before leaving, Dr. Braxton set up an IV to replace Danny’s fluids and administered pain medication. Luckily, the bleeding was slow enough that with extra hydration, Danny would not need a transfusion.

  “Ma’am, the doctor left. Can I bring you some tea or coffee?” Wilson asked after escorting Braxton out. He reassured the man with his field training he was capable of changing the saline bags.

  Bella glanced at the doorway and smiled. “No thank you. I’m going to rest here for a moment before I call William. I want to make sure he is deep in sleep before I scoot out. I appreciate all your help carrying Danny up and down the stairs and for finding a pair of Caspian’s old pajamas.”

  “Happy to help, ma’am.”

  “Oh, pish posh … stop with all the ma’ams. Please call me Bella.”

  “Alright, ma’a … Bella.” He entered the room and took a seat. Focusing on General Broderick’s son, he asked, “Would you tell me how it is that the general’s son came to you and why you didn’t call him right away to inform him his son is here?”

  Bella considered her new security man. He came highly recommended by William. Keswick had been a unit commander in Special Forces for many years and recently retired from the military. She decided to trust him with personal details. “Well, to begin with, William Broderick is my godson.”

  Wilson’s brows rose as his gaze turned to Bella. A familial connection existed.

  Bella shared an abbreviated version of Sara’s death and the challenges faced by Dan’s parents. She sighed. “Too much pain for someone so young. It isn’t fair. William and Yvonne are doing everything they can for Danny. It is so painful for them knowing his mind twisted events around. Yvonne’s illness only complicated matters for them, preventing her from living with them at SFATB Yukon. William, bless his heart, tries but keeps making choices which backfire with Danny.”

  Wilson nodded, and now it made sense why he had seen young Broderick at the Yukon base over the years. He had never asked why. Prying into a man’s private life was not his style. Though he remained unclear on one point. “So how did he know to come here?”

  “The penny.”

  “What?” Wilson recalled being confused by the coin in Dan’s hand and Bella’s response.

  “William is ultimately responsible for the chain of events. Three years ago, almost to the day, Yvonne was in the hospital with pneumonia and William was unable to leave a conference in England. He called me when Danny became seriously ill with a high fever. I dropped everything to go to him.”

  Her mind wandered further back as she gazed down at Danny, and she shared, “He was such a beautiful baby. The light in his big blue eyes and the bright smile on his face captured every heart. He was an adventurous toddler too. Always climbing things and running around with an abundance of energy and no fears. Happy-go-lucky.

  “Poor Yvonne kept finding him in strange places. The fast and stealthy little scamp could slip away in an instant. It was a wonder he survived toddlerhood.” Bella smiled. “Once Yvonne found him on top of the kitchen cabinets. Everyone searched for him for hours. Somehow, no one ever quite figured out how, Danny had climbed to the top right before nap time and fell asleep. We were all surprised he didn’t roll off while napping.

  “Danny’s laugh and impish grin could make even the dourest or angriest person happy. His smile and giggles saved him from a scolding that day. The bubbly laughter from atop the cabinets alerted them to his location. William had been astonished Danny climbed up so high. He laughed so hard as he set up the ten-foot ladder to retrieve his three-year-old son from the cupboards twelve feet off the ground. Instead of scolding him, the two of them ended up going out for ice cream.”

  A tear came to her eye, and she wiped it away. So much changed. Danny’s heart and soul remained pure and loving, but fate treated him cruelly. He had not smiled since Sara died. Marbella often prayed for the light, laughter, and smile to be restored and for him to grasp so many people loved him.

  Bella lifted her eyes to Wilson. “Sorry, for wool-gath
ering. As I was saying, I traveled to the Yukon base. Witnessing his sister die devastated Danny and he became withdrawn, shying away from all physical contact. He wouldn’t allow any form of tactile comfort, no hugs, no caresses, nothing. In the intervening years, the once carefree boy became stoic, and no one, not his parents, extended family, nor a single counselor broke through the barriers Danny erected. So, I was utterly surprised when he laid his head in my lap.

  “During the raging fever, he suffered terrifying hallucinations. The worst one was a demon he called Samael. Sent shivers down my spine when Danny described a twelve-winged creature with red eyes and long talons who said he would burn in Hell for killing Sara. Danny blamed himself for her death and couldn’t accept there was nothing he could’ve done to change things.

  “For four days he hung close to the edge with a skyrocketing fever. Dr. Pastore wanted to airlift him to a hospital in Whitehorse, but William forbade it, worried the experience might throw his son off the cliff altogether.

  “I didn’t want to agree, but knowing how the orderlies traumatized him after his sister’s death, I followed his wishes and with the help of Jasper, nursed Danny around the clock.”

  Bella stroked Dan’s blond locks again. “Once the fever broke Danny’s tears started. He cried on and off for days and opened up to me, sharing all his insecurities, reaching out for love. I tried many ways to help him understand his family, and most of all his parents wanted him and loved him. I was unsuccessful, changing a Broderick male mind is a daunting task even in the best of situations.

  “In the end, I settled for telling him if he ever needed me, I would take care of him. I gave him that coin right before I left. I told him it was the penny I owed him for his thoughts, that I love him, and he would always be safe with me. Danny only stoically nodded in acknowledgment, and I didn’t know if he believed me.”

  Wilson shifted his eyes to the coin. “I’m happy he believed you.” The gate buzzer alert on Wilson’s phone chimed, and he answered. Recognizing the voice, he turned to Bella, muted his phone and said, “General Broderick sent men searching for Danny. They tracked him here. Yankee’s, that is Sergeant Washington’s unit is here. What would you like me to tell him?”

  “William and Yvonne are probably beside themselves with worry, but Danny’s needs come first. Inform them he is here and safe, but tell them I will contact William. Show them into the morning room and provide them with hot coffee and scones. I need a moment to dress properly and call William.”

  Bella carefully moved Danny’s head to the pillow and slipped off the bed. She tucked the covers around him, leaned over, and kissed the nasty bump on his forehead. “You are still a beautiful boy, inside and out.”

  Ridgewater Home – Morning Room – 5:15 a.m.

  The men gathered in the warm room, and all breathed a sigh of relief upon learning Daniel was here and receiving proper medical care.

  As Wilson poured coffee, Yankee said, “So this is where you ended up after retiring, Keswick.”

  Wilson handed out coffee to Yankee’s, Trigger’s, and Galloway’s men. “I enjoy my new position. The Grand Dame keeps me on my toes.”

  Buzz grinned and teased his old buddy, “Never thought my tough as nails CO would become a Guy Friday or a kept man.”

  “He always did make the best camp coffee.” Dutch snickered.

  Taking his cup and finding a seat, Wilson chuckled along with them. His post-military job did appear out of the norm, but he told the truth, he loved working for Bella. “How in the world did you track Dan here?”

  Yankee patted Shy’s back, aware all men here shared the same affiliation as members of the elite and secret Guardian units, a bond stronger than blood for many of them. “My second-in-command is the best-damned tracker the Guardians have ever had, and Hewitt is a whiz at hacking into camera systems.”

  “Shy’s call sign should be Bloodhound,” Corporal Jack Hewitt quipped. Tonight, he partnered with Mike’s men, and although he still felt terrible for shooting Galloway, they assured him Mike held no malice towards him. They went so far as to suggest he put in a transfer to their unit because Vance would be retiring in six months. Jack liked the idea of joining the general’s security detail, and he decided to talk with Trigger about the possibility later because he also enjoyed being part of Lieutenant Spencer’s unit.

  Fifteen minutes later, Bella joined the men. She learned how Master Corporal André Timide, Shy to his buddies, located a store Danny visited and found his student ID. And how Corporal Hewitt used traffic cameras to follow his trail which ended with him spotting Danny in a police cruiser.

  Yankee tracked down Constable Fargusson, and they discovered he brought him here. When they finished relating the details, she offered them rooms to rest after their long and tiring search. They politely declined, stating they didn’t want to be a burden and already booked hotel rooms.

  After they left, Bella sipped her tea as she contemplated her conversation with William and Yvonne. They were shocked but relieved Danny came to her and the doctor’s assessment. Willie wanted Danny to come home, face his attackers, and go back to Hillview High, believing it essential not to show weakness by running away.

  Neither she nor Yvonne thought that best and held an opposite opinion. There would be no weakness shown by Danny if he didn’t return. The boy suffered an unprovoked, brutal attack. And with six popular boys arrested, he might become a target for retaliation.

  In the end, all three agreed they would present Danny with four choices and abide by his decision. One, he could return home and attend Hillview. Two, go home, but continue to be educated via private tutors. Three, return to SFATB Yukon and resume his life there. Or four, live with Bella and go to high school here. Bella secretly hoped Danny would pick option four.

  Make You a Deal


  Present Day – May 7

  Somewhere on the Outskirts of Toronto

  Drifting in the place where colors play on the back of closed eyelids, where fairies, dragons, damsels, and knights in shining armor dwell, where good always triumphs over evil, and pain does not exist, Dan sat up and glanced around. A bright smile accompanied a joyful laugh as light shone from sapphire orbs when he spotted Brody, Buzz, and Dutch. “Missed you guys.”

  “Right back at ya, brother.” Brody hugged Dan then took a seat next to him.

  “Hey, Pup! Been a while,” Dutch chimed as he sat cross-legged across from the kid.

  Buzz reached over and tousled Dan’s hair. “Halfway between a shaggy teen and a crew-cut soldier. A perfect style for you. More balanced.”

  Beaming Brody said, “I can’t believe we never figured out we crossed paths on that fateful night, Constable Fargusson helped us both, and we both met Pastor Noble. I mean, we shared almost everything from our pasts.”

  Dan shook his head. “Not everything. I was too embarrassed about how I ended up at Bella’s … unable to defend myself. And I only said I had a girlfriend in high school. Never told you Charlie’s name.

  Brody nodded. “Yeah, well, there’s also the fact, from my perspective, that although you share the same color eyes as the beat-up kid in my memory, I never equated him with you. And me, when we met in basic, well, me being overweight, my appearance was vastly different. Doubt you would’ve ever connected the skeleton I had been with the whale I became. Besides, you were in an overwhelmed emotional state, and probably didn’t recall much of that night.”

  Leaning back on the wall, Dan considered Brody’s words. “True. Never knew the constable’s name who saved me, though he inspired me to join the police force. Now that I think about it … I believe he helped me again.”

  “He did, but he didn’t put you together with the lost boy either. Not surprising since he’s helped countless at-risk teens during his long career. Marc is the officer who guarded you in the ICU after the gang war, and when you skipped out AMA, he drove you to TRF HQ. He’s since been promoted to Sergeant and works in the Fifty-first Division,” Brod
y shared.

  “How do you know?” Dan stared at his best friend.

  “‘Cause I was with you every step of the way.”

  “How? You’re dead. Only a figment fabricated from my memories.”

  “I’m your Guardian Angel.”

  Dan laughed. “Angels aren’t real.”

  “Yes, we are!” Brody lightly punched Dan in the bicep and grinned. “Hurts, doesn’t it?”

  “I hurt because Snow and his cronies beat the shit out of me. I conjured you all up because I don’t want to be in this basement alone,” Dan confessed.

  “Pup, you’re never alone. Never have been,” Buzz declared.

  “He’s right. You always have family near. Lots of brothers, both living and dead, who will go to the ends of the earth for you.” Dutch smiled.

  Dan gazed at the two men who held a special place in his heart. They openly shared their knowledge, offered friendship, helped a shy, scared teen develop confidence and new skills, and taught him family does not require a blood connection. They were the first ones besides Bella and Wilson he trusted, and they never once betrayed him.

  Tears welled in Dan’s eyes as painful recollections encroached. The images of Dutch and Buzz began to dissipate. “I’m sorry … I’m so sorry I didn’t save you … I betrayed you …”

  “You didn’t, Pup. Stay strong,” both said in unison before they faded.

  Dan shifted his focus to Brody. “Don’t go. Don’t leave me all alone.”

  “Made a deal with you ages ago, and I keep my word. I’m always here for you!”

  Coming around more fully, Dan shivered as Brody disappeared too. His eyes flickered open, and he found he was not sitting, but lying on the cold, damp floor. Recalling he was in the clutches of Snow, who intended on torturing him to death, his gaze shifted to the only window in the basement, noting the waning light of late afternoon.


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