OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9)

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OUTCAST: Trust, Friendship, And Injustice (Beauty 0f Life Book 9) Page 28

by Laura Acton

  Robert stopped to take a breath, but whatever he planned say never made it across his lips. Jon reached the top of the staircase in time to witness Ray come unglued and slam his fist into the man’s face, knocking Bozonnet out cold with a single punch.

  Standing and pulling back before he unleashed the beast and pummeled the asshole to death, Ray caught movement to his right and turned to find Jon staring at him. Fury unleashed, understanding now what Jon, Boss, and Lexa did to Dan he glared at Jon, wanting to knock his lights out too.

  Jon registered aggression, condemnation, and contempt in Ray’s expression. His teammate wanted to eviscerate him. He could only stare back. Jon could offer no excuse for his repugnant choice of words to someone he called a friend. Rooted in place, Jon maintained Ray’s gaze. If Ray came at him now, he would take whatever Ray dished out without defending himself. My words are indefensible.

  Ray turned his back on his tactical leader. If he didn’t leave now, he would do something he might regret. He walked into the bedroom and directly to Loki.

  Ridgewater Home – Second Floor – Master Bedroom

  Glaring at Nick with barely controlled fury, Ray declared. “I’m going to the hospital with Loki.”

  As Ray removed the white wig from Loki’s head, part of him was relieved his best friend had not overheard what Bozonnet said. Loki’s world would be crushed if he had. Boss was a father to him, but Loki was always so protective of Dan ever since the Central Bank call when Dan talked the soldiers into giving up. Ray believed something Loki viewed on the monitors during the call affected him profoundly and initiated the desire in Loki to protect Dan.

  Now Ray only needed to decide how to handle Loki … how much or little to share with him. Loki would pick up on the tension, but he couldn’t crush his brother’s world by telling him what Lexa, Jon, and Boss did. Hell, Ray had to figure out how he would deal with them too. Ray needed space to think. They better damn well give it to him, or they would not like the result.

  Nick only nodded when Ray’s reproachful eyes pushed him away from Loki. He went and knelt next to Kinsey who began to stir. Placing a hand on her shoulder to encourage her to remain still, Nick’s mind whirled. Hearing his words back at him from Bozonnet shamed Nick to the core.

  What have I done? I demolished my team. What I did is inexcusable. Son of a bitch, everything the felon said is in the transcript. There will be no hiding this from Gambrill, and now Lexa and Dan might be fired. He closed his eyes as the ramifications became clear. I destroyed my family.

  Ridgewater Home – First Floor

  Gobsmacked, Bram didn’t want to believe his ears. He took several faltering steps backward as if to move away from a horrific scene. But it didn’t stop the despicable things Boss and Jon said to Dan from slamming around in his head. His heart ached for Dan. To tell him Lexa deserved better was shocking and unconscionable. And Lexa to say he was worthless while telling him she loved him … beyond shameful.

  Every painful, lonely childhood memory Dan shared with him flooded in as Bram fought not to yell across the coms at Jon. Dan never believed he measured up or was genuinely accepted. All three struck him below the belt in the worst possible way. Goddamn them! What the hell were they thinking? That’s right they fucking didn’t. They went off half-cocked.

  Bram recalled finding Dan in the basement. Dan gazed into Nick’s eyes and so softly said, ‘Knew you would come for me. Thanks for caring.’ Caring? Dan still possesses a warped sense of thinking if he believes those three care.

  Anger rose, swelling and nearly overwhelming Bram as he dutifully guarded the pieces of shit sitting in the chairs. When two patrol officers arrived, he nodded to one and strode away. He must leave now before he laid into Jon. Bram wanted to pound the shit out of Jon and Nick. Though punching his sergeant would be a sure-fire route to unemployment. As for Lexa, he would never strike a woman in anger, but he would be delivering a blistering set down to her when he could speak rationally.

  But Bram’s priority now was Dan. He needed a true friend now more than ever. In a clipped, feral, disgusted tone he said over the headset, “Uniforms have Snow and Riqueti in custody. Heading to the hospital now to be with Dan. Hardy, Pastore, don’t you dare come anywhere near Dan or I won’t be responsible for what I might do.”

  Outside Ridgewater Home

  Switching off his headset, Bram strode to one of their SUVs the task force drove to the front of the house. He sat for several minutes in the driver’s seat, too consumed by anger to drive. Pounding his fist on the steering wheel, Bram only stopped when medics loaded an unconscious Loki into an ambulance, and a solemn, pissed off Ray climbed in after. The doors closed and it took off.

  He began to get a grip as uniform officers put three of the dirtbags into patrol cars and left. A tiny ember of relief flickered in him for two reasons when he noted Kinsey starting to awaken on another gurney. One she had not overheard Bozonnet’s remarks and two, she would likely be alright … at least he hoped she didn’t sustain a severe injury. Bram put the SUV in drive and followed Kinsey’s ambulance.

  Ridgewater Home – Second Floor

  Lost in self-recriminations, Jon moved only enough to allow the EMTs and patrol officers to pass him at the top of the stairs. He tuned out the headset upon his first glimpse of Loki and another heated glare from Ray as they went by him. His eyes darted to Kinsey as they rolled her past too, and he blamed himself for everyone being hurt.

  But his mind mostly focused on the fact the four felons tailed Dan and overheard their entire conversation. And now … what he said was in official records. Nothing would salvage the team now. His mouth and lack of judgment and restraint in dealing with Dan destroyed everything.

  Nick exited the master bedroom after Turner had been carted away on a gurney. He halted when he spotted Jon, noting his shuttered eyes and utterly washed out expression. Words, so many hurtful words … the team will never be the same. Consumed by his thoughts, Nick didn’t hear the first call to him from Fulco.

  Fulco’s gaze moved from Hardy and Pastore wondering what the heck was going on and why both were nonresponsive to his call. He chalked it up to the leaders being in shock and concerned for injured team members, much as he had been the night they located Broderick and Ridgewater in the warehouse years ago. Again, louder, Fulco said, “Sergeant Pastore.”

  Startled from his musings, Nick found Fulco standing about five paces away. When did he approach? Still distracted, he answered, “Yes.”

  Fulco got right to the point though he perceived he still didn’t have Pastore’s full attention. “We ran the license plate on the car they used. Officers were sent to the registered address. They found a senior male tied up in his basement. The constable reported one of Snow’s men beat on the man, but he will be fine, he sustained only a few bruises. However, they ransacked his home, made a terrible mess, as they searched for anything of value.

  “I want to extend our thanks to your team and to Dan too. Excellent work today. This trap worked, and now we have seven of the fourteen back in custody. Always enjoyable to work with such a tight-knit team. If you want to head off to check on your injured officers, Arbor and I will mop up the scene with the task force.”

  Nick could only nod, and he gave Fulco a tight smile before the detective entered the bedroom to supervise the collection of evidence. Shifting his gaze to Jon, he stepped towards him. “Let’s go. We must talk. We need to fix this.”

  Jon blinked, finally noticing Nick. “Can it be fixed?”

  Nick removed his cap, rubbed his face, put his hat back on, and pursed his lips as his eyes misted a bit. “I don’t know, but I must try.”

  “We … you and me both.” Jon pivoted and started down the stairs.

  Woods Behind Ridgewater’s Home – 6:00 a.m.

  Speaking into his phone, Wilson said, “Ma’am, Yvonne was right to worry about this.”

  “How much came out?” Bella asked.

  “Enough to do significant damage.” />
  “Take care of it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Wilson disconnected and peered at Mike sitting next to him. “How long to make this disappear.”

  Turning off the live-feed security cameras with sound the two had been eavesdropping with on the laptop, Mike pulled up another program. “Three minutes tops.”

  Wilson smiled and set the timer on his wristwatch. “Twenty bucks says you can’t do it in two.”

  “You’re on, will be a pleasure to relieve you of your money. Go.” He tapped away on the computer, and a short time later he said, “Done.” Reaching out his hand, Mike grinned. “Hand it over, Wilson.”

  “Damn, Galloway you’re fast. One minute fifty-seven seconds,” Wilson said as handed the twenty over.

  Mike closed his laptop and pocketed the money. “Have to be if you work for him.”

  Wilson laughed. “Don’t you mean her?”

  “Yeah, sometimes Mrs. General is scarier than General Badass. When she called before her flight and told me to get here ASAP, well, I can tell you she’d cut off my prairie oysters and serve them deep-fried if screwed up this one. She’s extremely protective of her son.”

  “As is my boss. When Bella and Yvonne team up to defend Danny, no one dares say no, or they enrage two mama bears.” Wilson chuckled.

  “True. Let’s pack up and hustle to the airfield.”

  “Will you be staying with us?”

  “I’ll fly you there, but no. I’ll be returning to Kandahar on the next transport. It was fortuitous I happened to be in Ottawa taking care of some business. Drake is traveling with Mrs. Broderick and will be around. He’ll blend into the background unless you require his assistance.”

  “I don’t expect any trouble, so if you need Drake, he can return with you.”

  Mike shook his head. “This is Drake’s rotation to cover her. Despite Plouffe being dead, we’re still not comfortable leaving her unguarded after the attempt on her life in January.”

  Wilson nodded understanding William would remain vigilant with Yvonne’s safety. They gathered their gear swiftly and left with no one ever knowing they had been there.

  Words Can Hurt


  May 9

  St. Michael’s Hospital – Waiting Room – 6:35 a.m.

  Bram met up with Ray in the ER waiting area after sitting in the SUV in the parking lot for the longest time to clamp down on his rage. Both men exchanged looks which clearly said now is not the time to discuss what happened at the Ridgewater home. Instead, Bram focused on the welfare of his teammates. “How are Loki and Kinsey? Any word yet?”

  Ray shook his head. “No. He was still out cold when we arrived, and they took him back. I saw them bring in Kinsey. She appeared mostly alert, but no word on her condition either.”

  Bram nodded, took a seat, and buried his face in his hands as his elbows propped on his knees. He sighed, drew in a breath, exhaled, and lift his head to peer at Ray again. “Is there anyone we should call for Kinsey?”

  “I don’t know. Bo…” Ray responded stopping before he completed because simply saying Boss brought forth a surge of anger and hurt. He blew out a long breath, seeking calm. “If you want to go check on Dan, I’ll wait here for information on both of them.”

  “I’ll stay here with you a while. Dan is most likely dosed up on painkillers and asleep at the moment,” Bram said. Though, in truth, the reason he wished to remain was he still didn’t have a handle on his emotions as Bozonnet’s words continued to roll through his mind. Dan would need him to be composed, and he was too close to coming unglued. He didn’t want to broadcast to Dan he was aware of what Boss, Jon, and Lexa did to him.

  Viewing Bram’s expression, a mirror of his own, Ray said, “Understood.”

  Both men sat in silence, each trying to come to terms with all they had learned this morning. Eventually, they must confront and deal with the situation, but for now, each needed time to process their anger.

  Bram’s phone rang. Though it was Kellie, he hit ignore, letting the call go to voicemail. He couldn’t speak with her now, his feelings too raw.

  The door opened, and a doctor entered the waiting room. “Family of Constable Peltora?”

  Ray and Bram rose and strode over to the female wearing a lab coat.

  “Morning, I’m Dr. Catherine Jepsen. You must be Kinsey’s teammates.”

  Both nodded as Bram inquired, “How is Kinsey?”

  Dr. Jepsen smiled. “She authorized me to update you on her status. I sent her for x-rays of her jaw. I want to rule out any hairline fractures. If the film comes back normal, she will be able to go home. Although she will need a few days of rest as the bone contusion and whiplash she suffered will be painful.”

  Handing Bram a piece of paper, Catherine said, “She asked me to give you this number and have you call her fiancé Kane Moss. It is a bit uncomfortable for her to speak at the moment.”

  Bram accepted the slip. “Thank you, Doctor. Please tell Kinsey we will contact him.”

  Ray added, “Do you know who is treating Constable Baldovino and his current status?”

  “Not off hand, but I’ll check and have the information nurse provide you an update if there is one. Any other questions?” Both shook their heads, and Catherine returned to the treatment area.

  Bram called Kane, and as he hung up, he realized how hard those calls were to make. Nick or Jon usually handled notifying family. He understood in their positions, they shouldered a considerable responsibility for the team and carried enormous weight when someone was injured.

  Turning to Ray, Bram reported, “Kane is on his way.”

  “Good. I don’t recall Kinsey ever mentioning she is engaged.”

  Bram shook his head. “Me either. Though, I’m happy for her. This job is tough to do without having someone to go home to.”

  Ray thought about Maurita and had to nod in agreement. Maurita adds joy and normalcy to my life. I’m glad she relocated here and is giving us a chance for a long-term relationship. Hope one day Loki finds a compassionate woman to enrich his life too … he deserves happiness. Dan also deserves a shot at happiness. Damn, I wonder how long he and Lexa dated. I never suspected they were …

  As Ray spotted Jon and Boss entering the hospital, he winced, and his gut rolled with renewed anger as his thoughts shifted to how those two mistreated Dan. The expression on Jon’s and Nick’s faces in Dame Ridgewater’s home confirmed the truth of Bozonnet’s words. He nudged Bram and pointed to the entrance. “They’re here.”

  Bram glimpsed them, turned away, and clamped down on his emotions. He did not want to air the team’s dirty laundry in a public venue.

  Upon arrival, Nick glanced in the direction of Ray and Bram noting both still wore grim expressions mixed with anger before they ignored him and Jon. Although he could ask them for news on the other two, neither appeared to want interaction with them. So, Nick halted at the information desk to speak with the nurse on duty, a new one he didn’t recognize.

  After receiving details on Kinsey’s condition and no update for Loki yet, Nick whispered to Jon, “We must give them space. Tempers may flare otherwise, and the last thing we need is to create a spectacle.”

  “Agreed,” Jon answered in a clipped, weary tone and scanned the room for two empty seats away from his teammates.

  His features locked in a placid expression, one he used while negotiating when required, Nick approached his men and stopped. “The team is off rotation for the next three shifts at least. Once Kinsey’s and Loki’s conditions are clarified, Gambrill will adjust schedules as needed.

  “The four of us will debrief in private at my home tomorrow at three p.m. This will give each of a little space to process our thoughts before we broach what must be discussed.” Nick then strode to the opposite side of the waiting area, joining Jon.

  Twenty minutes later Kane arrived. He sat with and spoke to Pastore and Hardy unaware of the situation with the team. Kinsey joined them a short time later, reporting no fractu
re to her jaw. She wanted to wait until they found out about Loki, but at Kane’s urging, she relented to being taken home when Jon promised to update her on Loki later in the afternoon.

  Ray leaned over to Bram. “You should go check on Dan now. Loki will want to know how he is doing. I do too. Never got a chance to visit him before leaving for Ridgewater’s place. I would go myself but, … Loki.”

  Having gained sufficient control over his emotions, Bram smiled tiredly at Ray. “Yeah, I understand. You two are best friends. I’ll be back in a bit.” Bram rose and strode down a well-known hallway.

  Waiting for an elevator, essentially dead on his feet, Bram checked the time. Nearly nine. His mind too tired to even calculate how many hours he had been awake now. Once the door slid open, he stepped into the empty lift and pressed the button for the ICU floor. Christ, I know that number by heart. Spent way too damned much time in this place. Nurse Nancy is right Alpha Team keeps this hospital in business.

  Bram rested against the wall, closed his eyes, and took several cleansing breaths. Our family is in utter chaos now, and I’m not sure if anything will ever be the same again … but thankfully everyone is alive.

  St. Michael’s Hospital – ICU – 8:58 a.m.

  Exiting the elevator, Bram headed straight for Dan’s ICU room. From the far end of the hallway, he recognized the guard was missing. It concerned him at first but realized they probably lifted the protection detail since the four felons had been recaptured.

  Bram stopped three doors away and took a moment to school his features. He wanted to give no hint to Dan of what transpired at Bella’s home, at least not yet. What he told him would depend on the outcome of the meeting with Jon and Nick tomorrow.


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