by Emily Bex
Shade laughed out loud as an image of Raven flashed through his head. That vampire always had a flare for the dramatic. “Little fucker is fast though, got to give him that. Hell, I don’t care what he wears as long as he gets the job done. And where is Cory now? Where did you set him up?”
Marco pointed in the direction of the barracks. “He bunks with the warriors, but he has his own workshop in that room on the end. Easy to find, it’s the building with the warriors standing in line, waiting for him to take their measurements.”
Shade slapped Marco on the back and headed out to check on Cory. The warriors standing outside Cory’s workshop saw Shade approach and all stood at attention. He nodded at them, telling them at ease, and entered the crowded workspace. Cory had stacks of quality leather, purchased from the best shops in Florence, mostly in black and brown, but he saw a few stacks of bright colors. Cory was busy taking measurements on one of the warriors and recording everything in a book. He had an industrial sewing machine and a large work table with handmade patterns stacked to the side, and the instruments of his trade scattered about. Cory looked up in surprise when Shade entered, and the warrior stood at attention. Shade dismissed the warrior, asking to have some privacy with Cory. The warrior quickly exited, and Shade took a chair, kicking another chair out for Cory.
“Take a seat, son. Tell me how things are going for you.”
“Master, I can’t even tell you how much I love it here. I stay busy all night. Every warrior here wants custom leathers. And I do repairs for them as well. I have a feeder. I could never afford a feeder at home, and most of the street kids were as malnourished as I was, so feeding from them did little to sustain me. I would hunt, but I was never really trained to hunt, so that was not always successful. No one feeds from me now. I did as you commanded.”
Shade reached out and put his hand on Cory’s shoulder. “I am proud of you, son. Marco says you are doing well, and the warriors accept you here. You have any problems, you call me, understood?”
Cory beamed at him, glowing in his praise. “Yes, master. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. For the first time, I feel like I’m part of a family.”
Shade smiled at him. “You repay me by working hard, changing your life, upholding Medici values. You look good Cory, healthier, stronger. Now, I have other business to take care of.”
The boy was still frail by vampire standards, but he’d clearly put on weight, his color not so pallid and the dark circles were gone from beneath his brown eyes. His dark hair still hung long and shaggy, but not unkempt. His face was still boyish and slightly feminine in appearance, making him more pretty than handsome.
Shade stood, giving him a bear hug and a couple of hard pounds on his back with his closed fist before turning to leave.
Cory stood in the doorway of his workshop as he watched his benefactor stride back across the training field in the direction of Castello, feeling affection for the man that picked him off the street and most likely saved his life.
Shade headed back to Castello. He needed to go over a few things with Kate before they began these interviews. Heading into the bedroom, he called out for her and laughed to himself. Clothes were strewn everywhere, and it looked as though a tornado had gone through.
“Bel, where the hell are you?”
Kate called out from the closet. “I’m almost ready! I think I tried on every dress. I’m so nervous, I hope this is appropriate. I was unsure of what you wanted.”
She had chosen a simple but classic red sheath dress with a scalloped hemline, black patent leather heels, and a pair of ruby and diamond earrings.
“Just come out, mi amore, I am sure you will be fine.”
Kate stepped from the closet, her hair down, her make-up done, wearing his favorite red. “Is this okay? I can change if you don't like it.”
“Bel, you look beautiful!”
Kate sighed in relief. “Now please, tell me what to do. I’m so nervous.”
He walked to her, sliding his hands around her waist and kissing her softly. “I am going to give you some instruction. I have chosen five warriors to meet with you, like an interview more or less. I have already drilled them on their responsibilities. You need not worry about such. I wish for you to get to know them. Get a feel for them. You will meet them one at a time and then make a decision. It is a very high honor for them. I am not only master here, but one of the few remaining royal bloodlines in the vampire community. To be selected as your protector is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a warrior, but also, you must be able to get along with him, trust him. Go with your instinct, I will approve any of the five you chose. It is important to me you like him. I think if you go with your gut, you will make a great choice. Understand?”
Kate bit at her lip. “What do I ask them? I don't know anything about warrior skills.”
He smiled down at her. “Has nothing to do with their skills. I have all of that covered. I have selected only my best warriors as candidates. Ask them about themselves, if they have family, what they like to do, if they like music. Find out who they are, you will be spending much time with whoever you select. Relax, please. They will be much more intimidated by you than vice versa.”
Kate looked surprised. “Intimidated by me? I doubt that. But I think I know what you’re asking of me. You’ll stay with me, of course?”
“Si, at least until one of them is appointed. Now come, we must go, they wait for us.”
Taking her arm, he led her down the long marble hallways and felt all eyes on them. None of the staff was visible, but he felt them watching from their hidden perches to get their first glimpse of his mate. He puffed out his chest, his stride was strong, and he felt like he would burst with pride at the beauty on his arm.
Kate’s heart was beating fast as she allowed him to lead her through these hallways. She felt like the one being interviewed. Thank goodness he was with her. She drew strength from him. He was confident, in his element, and it showed. She’d try and mirror his confidence. She held her head up high and tried to keep up with his bold stride through this palace.
As they approached the conference room, Gi was standing by. Kate remembered his kind face from her first visit.
“Good Evening Gi, you, of course, remember my mate, Katherine?” Shade released her arm and placed his hand lightly on the small of her back, watching as Gi bowed low and smiled at her.
“It is a great honor, my lady, to have you back within the walls of Castello. We are all pleased to see our master so happy and we wish to be of the utmost service to you while you are here. Please call upon me personally if there is anything you need.”
“Kate, Gi is the majordomo here, head of my house and the entire working staff. He served my padre in his younger days and has seen me grow to be the vampire I am today. I have already spoken to Gi today to inform him that he will be coming back to Virginia with us, and he is to select from the house staff someone to take over his position here.”
Kate smiled warmly at him. “Gi, may I call you Gi? I only saw you briefly when we were here before. I look forward to hearing more about your time with Shade growing up. Something tells me you will have more than a few stories to tell.”
Shade observed her as she took his manservant in stride, he could feel her relax. He could tell she liked Gi. They’d get along fine, and he’d make her life much easier and more comfortable when he returned with them to Bel Rosso. Gi opened the conference room door for the both of them, and Shade led her inside.
Kate stepped into the massive room, turning her head in all directions to take it in. “This is your conference room? This room is huge!”
The long room was filled with a massive oval conference table polished to a high sheen that would easily seat fifty people. But most impressive of all were the walls. Each of the four walls had been painted in frescoes depicting Florence or the Tuscan countryside. She walked over to the walls and saw a signature in the corner. She squatted down for a closer look...Vasari. A
painter from the Renaissance period and he was here, in this room, painting these walls. Kate realized that even among art historians, this work existed here unknown and unseen by the mortal world. She stood and turned to look at him.
Shade smiled widely, knowing she recognized the artist. “The murals are very old, and many historic things have been decided in this room. Now, I have young warriors ready to meet you. So, come, let me settle you down, and I will call in the pups.”
He took her hand and led her to a chair at the head of the huge table, pulling it out for her and making sure she was comfortable. Leaning down, he kissed her softly.
“Relax. They are just vampires, like me. Are you ready?”
She looked into those blue eyes. “Vampires like you? Hardly like you, lover. But I’m ready, nervous but ready.”
As they went through the interviews, four of his warriors had passed through, and he was impressed with Kate. She’d made him proud and he loved her elegant and composed demeanor. She had relaxed a little and he let her take the lead after the introductions. He had yet to get a feel from her that she’d connected in a positive way with any of the candidates and there was one she clearly didn’t like at all. He had to hold back his laugh. He’d saved Luca, his personal choice for her, for last.
Calling in Luca, Shade watched as he strolled in and nodded his head to his master. Then he went to Kate, knelt at her side, took her hand, and kissed it lightly. Luca told her he was most honored to meet her before standing, waiting for Shade’s command.
“Luca, my beautiful mate has some questions she wishes to ask of you. As always, I expect you to answer them honestly. ” Shade smiled at Kate. “You have the floor, bel rosso.”
Kate took a deep breath. This process had been exhausting. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to be looking for. She wondered what she was supposed to see in these men to make her think they were the best choice for serving as her protector. Shade knew these men. He could just choose someone for her. She really didn’t feel a connection to any of them, if that was what was supposed to be happening. There was only one left, and she’d be glad to get through it. The last warrior entered the room and Shade introduced him as Luca.
Kate sensed something in him immediately. This warrior was different. She could see that he felt more at ease with Shade. He deferred to Shade, as was proper, but held his own. He came to her side, knelt, and took her hand. She wasn’t used to all the formal greetings and thought this would take some time to get used to. There was something in his eyes. Kate sensed warmth in him and a real affection for Shade, but there was something else in his eyes, something that said, ‘Don’t fuck with me.’ This was a warrior who relished in being a warrior, just like Shade. This was a warrior who never backed away from a fight, and while she knew he had no real sense of loyalty to her yet, she felt the depth of his loyalty to Shade and knew he’d do anything for Shade, including protecting her.
“Luca, please, take a seat. You make me quite nervous looming over me.” She smiled as he nodded and took a seat at the table. "Si, my lady."
“Luca, do you live here in Florence? Do you have a family? A wife, or mate?”
"Si, my lady, I was born just outside Florence in a small town called Empoli, but I have lived in the warrior camp since I was a boy of ten and have been here my entire life, although, as you know, warriors travel extensively. We go where we are ordered. As for family my lady, I have one cousin who is here in the camp, and no, I am not mated."
His voice was soft, and his accent was thick. “I only ask, because as I’m sure Shade has explained, we’re living in the U.S. currently, in Virginia. So, you’d be away from Florence for much of the time. I was concerned you’d feel isolated being away from your family.”
"No, my lady, I’m quite used to living where I’m assigned. It’s a warrior's life."
“I, uh, I hesitate to ask, Luca. But you know I’m mortal? I’ve been led to understand that mortal mates are not seen as appropriate choices for a master. Does that...bother you at all?”
"No, my lady. You are my master's mate. He trained me. I have studied under him since I was ten, all my skills as a warrior, I attribute to him. It would be my honor to serve him, and you."
“Oh, I had no idea Shade had trained you. Well, that makes a difference, doesn't it?”
"It does to me, my lady. He is my family. I was born to be a warrior, but not all warriors can get into the Medici camp. It was my father’s dream for me, to be a Medici warrior. Shade took me in when my father died.”
Kate now understood the bond between these two men and knew it would never be broken.
“Luca, I’ll be honest with you, I’m new to this world, your world of vampires. Shade is teaching me, but I still have much to learn. Shade has explained you’re a day-walker. I try to coordinate my schedule to Shade's as much as possible, including sleeping during the day when he’s at home. We’re in the process of furnishing two homes, one in Virginia, and one in California and that takes a lot of coordination. As I understand it, you’d be required to go with me whenever I leave the house.”
"Yes, my lady. I assure you, my presence will be as visible or as invisible as you require it as you go through your day. There are times when my physical presence can act as a deterrent in itself, and other times when I know you will want your privacy. I’ll be close at hand, and aware of everything taking place around you, but you won’t see me unless I’m called upon."
“Luca, this is a very serious question.”
"Yes, my lady?"
“Can you drive a stick shift?”
"Excuse me, my lady?"
“Well, it seems Shade has bestowed upon me a Jaguar I can't drive, so I was wondering, can you drive a stick shift?”
Luca bit his lip to suppress a laugh. "Yes, my lady, I assure you, I can drive a stick shift. I’ll be happy to take you wherever you need to go, we can teleport, or I can teach you how to drive a stick shift if you prefer."
Kate placed both hands palm down on the table. “Well good, that's one problem solved.”
Shade laughed loudly as he shook his head. “Bel bosso, you continue to surprise me.” Leaning in, he kissed her softly, and she felt her cheeks burn, knowing her blush was visible.
Luca was startled by his master's sudden outburst of laughter. He’d never heard his master laugh before, and he watched the exchange between his master and his mate, and the love they held for each other in their eyes, his kiss, and her blush. He’d been aware his master was holding her hand beneath the table. This was a side of his master he’d never seen before. He sensed his master's protectiveness over her and understood how important this role of protector would be to his master.
”My last question Luca, since I understand you’ll be living inside our home, do you like music?”
"Yes, my lady, I love music."
“But Luca, do you like music twenty-four hours a day? Because we play music all the time, sometimes it even plays when we sleep.”
"That should not be a problem for me, my lady."
“But Luca, it’s not always soft and soothing music. It turns into the head-bangers ball in that house.”
Luca had heard Shade’s playlist before. "You mean like Shinedown, Foo Fighters, Skillet, and classic AC/DC, my lady?"
For the first time, he dared to smile during the interview. She smiled back at him and turned to Shade. “I think I have asked all the questions I need to ask.”
Standing, Shade reached his hand out to Luca. “Thank you, Luca. We shall make a decision and I will let you know as soon as I have had time to share my bel rosso's thoughts. Anything you wish to ask or add?”
Luca shook his hand and turned to Kate. “My lady, I am honored to be asked to have this opportunity to serve you. I wish to thank you, even if I’m not chosen. And my best wishes to you and master for a loving eternity together.”
As Luca bowed and retreated, Shade pulled out bel’s chair and took her into his arms, hugging her tight. “You did f
ine, Kate.”
“I’m glad that’s behind us. I was nervous. So, what are your thoughts?”
“Kate, my thoughts are not of importance at this moment. It is your choice to make. If you do choose one of them, and they do not work out, it will look bad upon them. I can wiggle them out of it, but the sting and failure will remain with them for the rest of their lives, so do not take this lightly. If you do not like any of them, we will begin with another round until you feel a connection. Si?”
“If you’re asking me which warrior I was most impressed with, and the warrior I feel will fit into our lives and best serve us, then I’d have to say that is clearly Luca. His loyalty to you is evident. I saw it as soon as he entered the room.”
Cocking his head, he looked at her. “Bel, Luca is close to me. He was trained by me personally. His loyalty to me and this family is like none other. But I needed you to see that, I needed you to make this choice, the two of you must get along, must trust each other.”
He paced back and forth, “He has earned this honor, and if you do not choose him, you will not hurt me, so please do not pick him because he is close to me. I will find something for him suitable here in Florence. His padre served my own. And when his padre was killed, I promised him before his death I would look after Luca. He has worked hard and steadfast to be a good warrior and he is damn good, he will serve you well, he is loyal, and I have no doubts he will give his life for either of us.”
“Lover, I already trust him. He has such deep respect for you, he looks up to you, it shows in his face. It’s clear he’s already extended that umbrella of loyalty to those you love.”