Save Me

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Save Me Page 2

by Alexander, AJ

  The pain my mother went through to keep a roof over my head still haunts me after all these years. I hear a knock on my office door, bringing me back to the present.

  “Come in.” Corpsman Reese pokes his head into my office.

  “Sir, Donna called. There’s a woman refusing to leave until she speaks to you.”

  I sigh before waving him out the office, “Duty calls.”

  “You need to stop blaming yourself for other people’s mistakes, darling. Live your life and find happiness. That’s the best thing you can do for you poor old mother; some grand babies would be nice as well.”

  I can’t help but chuckle at my mother. They say that at a certain age women get baby fever, well then, they get grandma fever as well. “Mom, I’ve gotta go.

  “Don’t work too hard, okay?”

  “I never do. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I wait for my mother to hang up before placing the phone back on the receiver. I plaster on a smile as I walk down the hall toward the front desk. When I step into the waiting area, I notice a woman staring out of the window toward the Hood Canal.

  “Ma’am? What can I do for you?” I ask from behind her.

  With a startled gasp, she jumps out of the chair. She turns to face me but doesn’t lift her eyes.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you, are you alright?” I ask, concerned.

  She’s young, mid twenties at most, round face, and chocolate brown hair falling just past her shoulder blades. From her startled reaction and lack of eye contact, I’m reminded of my mother.

  “I-I-I’m s-s-sorry to bother you, s-s-si-sir, but I’m new here and w-w-wanted to meet my doc-doc-doctor,” she stammers, quickly glancing at my face then back to my collar.

  Don’t be scared.

  Would you like to have a seat? I can answer any questions you might have.” I have a seat myself and try to make her feel at ease. If she is anything like my mom, then just being in the same room with a man would make her afraid.

  “NO!” She shouts before covering her mouth, a panicked look in her eyes as she begins to walk backwards towards the elevator.

  “Please don’t be afraid. You came to ask me some questions?”

  Whether she is in an abusive relationship currently or in the past, I don’t know, but I’m drawn to her. I don’t want her to leave without answering some questions that she has for me. Honestly, I don’t want her to leave at all. I need to gain her trust, then maybe I’ll be able to help her.

  “I-I sh-sh-shouldn’t have c-c-come.” She shakes her head rapidly, spins on her heels and heads quickly toward the elevator.

  I’m overcome with a desire to protect her from her abuser, to give her a safe place, something I could never do for my mother. If she would only tell me who or what she is so afraid of. I take a step toward her reaching out my hand to grip her wrist, “Isabel!” a man yells as the elevator doors open, causing both of us to jump in surprise. His eyes narrow at my out-stretched hand.

  She flinches before continuing her hasty retreat toward the elevator. As soon as she’s within arm’s reach, he yanks her into the elevator. I watch in shock as she crumples in on herself and begins to tremble.

  I notice a little girl huddled in the corner behind him. He releases the doors while staring at her like he owns her.

  So, she’s currently being abused. There’s no way I can stand by and do nothing.

  I stare at her trembling form as the doors close. I have to do something to help her, her little girl must be terrified; I remember those feelings all too well. I’m going after them. I swore an oath to protect and serve and I won’t go back on that now. Functioning purely on instinct, I head toward the elevator and hit the down button, watching to see where the couple gets off. Parking garage level B.

  “Reese! Call the MAs, tell them to meet me at Parking Level B. One of my patients and her child are in fear for their lives, they can meet me there,” I yell as the elevator doors open.

  “Yes, sir,” I hear Reese respond before the doors shut.

  My stomach drops as I’m reminded of what could happen to Isabel while I wait for the elevator to arrive. As the doors open, I rush toward the exit. I turn the corner, all I see are taillights.

  Damn it!

  “Sir, we rushed here as soon as we could. What seems to be the situation?” an MA says.

  I notice his nametag says, Michaels. “Michaels, a new patient came to introduce herself, Isabel. However, before I could get her last name she was verbally assaulted and manhandled, by a man who I assume was her husband.”

  I shake my head trying to forget the frightened look on her face. I never want to see that look on anyone’s face again.

  “Is that it, sir? Did you have a run in with them here in the garage?”

  “No, when I got here, they were gone. However, I did get a partial plate number.” I already know that information will be of no use to them. Without a formal complaint from the victim there is very little they can do.

  “Unfortunately, sir, that won’t help. We’ll take statements from you and your staff, but without a formal complaint from the victim there isn’t anything further we can do.”

  “Thanks, Michaels. I’ll do anything that I can to help. I’m sure everyone else feels the same. I’d like to give my statement in my office. I still have charts to update and patients to see.”

  As I make my way back to my office, I can’t help but replay what happened in my mind. It still amazes me how many abuse victims fail to report their abusers every day. My mother flashes through my mind, but I push those thoughts aside. I need to focus on the here and now, the patients I have waiting upstairs that need my help. Not someone who may or may not come back and probably doesn’t even want my help in the first place. I’m sure that man is dangerous, and he’ll do something to her, if not today then tomorrow. However, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want your help.

  The elevator chimes as I reach my floor, the mystery patient continues to haunt me. All I have is her first name, I’ll have to wait for her to make an appointment, something tells me it will be happening sooner rather than later.

  “Sir, everything alright?” Reese ask as I head back toward my office.

  “Unfortunately, they made it to their car before the MAs and I got to the parking garage. Let’s hope she makes an appointment and we can speak to her more then.”

  “Hopefully. Your next patient will be here in about thirty minutes. Are you going to take a lunch today?”

  “I have something in my desk, I have more charts to complete.” I open my door to head inside. “Just give the door a knock when they arrive.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Reese gives me a salute before heading down the hall, probably to grab lunch himself before the afternoon patients arrive.

  Sitting back down at my desk, I pull out a Cliff Bar and take a bite before getting back to the stack of charts I’m behind on. I know I should probably have a complete meal, but I need to finish these charts and I have a full load of patients this afternoon before heading to the ER for an overnight shift. There isn’t enough time to sit and eat lunch.

  As I scribble my name and reach for the next chart, my mind wanders back to the conversation I had with my mother earlier. My job makes me happy, helping patients makes me happy, but am I missing out on something else by being so dedicated to my job? Is there another type of happiness that I don’t even know I’m missing?

  Suddenly, I’m startled by a knock on my door. “Sir, your first patient of the afternoon is here.” Reese peaks his head in the door, noticing the startled expression on my face he asks, “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, Reese. Everything is fine.” I smile before signing my name and stacking the finished files together and grabbing them off my desk. “Can you take these downstairs to be filed correctly.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll make sure it’s handled right away.” Reese nods before heading toward the elevator.

  I shake my head before
turning toward the mirror, “Mom’s ideas of grand babies and marriage are just getting to you. Just stay on course, save as many people as you can. That’s your calling in life.”

  With that I head out the door to fix the world one patient at a time.

  Chapter Four


  My alarm sounds, waking me promptly at 4 a.m. to start my day. Quickly turning off the ringing before it disturbs Jason, I make sure the blankets are pulled up and smooth before heading toward the bathroom to shower. I have exactly one hour to shower, dress, wake up and settle Sophie, make breakfast, make Jason’s lunch, and ready his uniform before he steps out of the shower. There is no time for dilly dallying.

  In the bathroom, I lay out his shave kit how he taught me, hang his towel directly outside the shower, and my night clothes are completely inside the laundry hamper before stepping under the tepid water. This house doesn’t have a large water heater so to ensure he doesn’t run out of hot water; I use as little as possible.

  The cool water stings my newest bruises. It’s in these moments that I let the walls down and cry, tears fall to be washed away by the clean water. This was not how I envisioned my life. The only thing I can do is protect Sophie. I have to do everything I can to make sure she remains out of his reach.

  I turn off the water and dry quickly, I’ve spent too much time in here. Wrapping my hair in the towel, I hurry into the bedroom to get dressed and am surprised to find Jason awake and stroking himself.

  “Took you long enough. You’ve kept me waiting.” I’ve been wondering when this was going to happen again. Yet another duty I’m expected to perform to keep my husband happy, if only it worked. I let him use my body whenever he wants, every once in a while, he’ll show his appreciation by running his hand down my back or telling me I’m a ‘Good little mouse.’ I’m pathetic for craving those soft moments; for being desperate for his approval. I doubt today will be one of those times.

  Resigning myself, I drop my head to the floor and clasp my hands in front of me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were waiting.” I hate being a doormat, but I’ve learned that being disrespectful earns me nothing but pain.

  “Bend over the bed, face down. I don’t want to look at your face.” Jason swings his legs out of bed and stands, his pajama pants and underwear around his thighs. Walking to the bed where he’s standing, I follow his commands and prepare myself for the initial pinch I know is coming.

  I’m left waiting, holding my breath, probably Jason trying to punish me by leaving me exposed, embarrassed. My mind drifts when my eyes close, Dr Patterson popping up. He is one of the handsomest men I’ve ever seen. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help but think about him. The way those blue eyes peered into my soul. The soothing cadence of his voice when he spoke to me. The only thing Jason wants me for is being his punching bag these days, but I know it’s the stress. Things will get better soon. He loves me; at least I think he does. I honestly cannot remember the last time he told me so. Maybe if we have sex more often, it’ll help.

  A warm stream hitting my cold skin makes me jump and the sounds coming from Jason let me know he’s finished, I just have to wait for him to dismiss me. The sticky fluid starts to trickle down my butt toward my thigh and it’s difficult not to reach back to wipe it away. I hear Jason re-adjusting his clothes while I continue to stand there, bent over the bed with cum dripping down my leg. Out nowhere, I’m hit in the side of my thigh, dropping me to the floor with a scream of pain. My leg won’t move. The pain in my thigh is excruciating.

  “Don’t make me wait again. Clean yourself up and get out,” he steps over me and walks calmly to the bathroom.

  Tears stream down my face as I cradle my leg, trying to get the throb to lessen. It takes a few minutes but I manage to get back to my feet and limp my way to my dresser. Pulling the towel out of my hair, I wipe at my butt and leg as I lean against the dresser. I’m farther behind now, I’m going to have to rush to get everything done on time.

  Without paying much attention, I grab clothes and get dressed as quickly as possible, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast started before waking Sophie. Hopefully, if she wakes up before I come in for her, she’ll stay in her room. I won’t be able to move fast enough to block anything coming her way this morning. Hobbling down the hallway, I get what I need for breakfast from the fridge.

  Jason eats the same breakfast every day; two scrambled eggs with salt and pepper, one piece of whole grain toast with butter, and two slices of bacon, along with a cup of black coffee. I’ve gotten the cooking down to a science and know exactly how much time it takes.

  I’m able to get his breakfast made, toss a bowl of oatmeal in the microwave for Sophie, and get Jason’s uniform set up. I’m not sure how I was able to get it done, but I did. As Jason goes to get dressed, I take Sophie her oatmeal and a cup of milk on a TV tray so she can eat in her room after visiting the bathroom.

  “I eating in bed?” her sweet voice questions.

  “You are today. I’ll set your clothes out so you can get dressed when you’re done, okay?”

  “But not sick.” The confusion on her face makes me smile.

  “I know you’re not but it's a special treat for today.” Turning to her closet, I try not to limp. The less questions she asks, the better.

  “Oh, Daddy mad today.” the dejected tone of my little girl breaks my heart. Apparently, I didn’t hide my limp very well. Looking over my shoulder at her, her head down and shoulders slumped. I can’t stop the tears from filling my eyes.

  “It was an accident, Mommy fell.” the lump in my throat is painful to speak around but I force the words out.

  “Okay, Mommy.”

  I pick out an outfit for her, laying it on the end of her bed, and give her a big hug and kiss before making my way out of her room.

  On his way past me in the kitchen, Jason stops and turns to face me. “You’ll be going to the doctor today, Isabel.”

  Confusion as my eyebrows cinching together but I don’t dare question it.

  “I need more sleeping pills. You don’t eat until I have them.”

  Dread sinks my throat to my stomach. I hate this. I hate lying to the doctors to get pills for him. All I can do is nod my head in agreement and hope the lie works one more time. I can’t come home without them.

  He leans down toward me and I flinch. I feel the smile on his lips when he kisses my hair. Such a sweet act tainted by manipulation and hatred.

  The door closes behind him and I’m able to let out a breath. For a few hours I’m not afraid of pain, I don’t have to walk on eggshells, I can be happy to see my little girl.

  Chapter Five


  I’ve been running from room to room all morning, having finally caught up. I love being busy, don’t get me wrong, but I hate leaving patients waiting. My mind wanders to Isabel, again. I haven’t been able to get the image of her face out of my mind. Even now with a small break between appointments, my mind drifts back to her. Wondering if her and her little girl are safe. If I will be able to help her again. I’ve never been so obsessed with a patient before, but the need to protect not just Isabel but her daughter is overwhelming.

  My thoughts are interrupted by my office phone ringing. I look up, checking the clock. I smile, knowing exactly who is on the other end of the line. “Hello, Mom.”

  “It could have been anyone calling. How did you know it was me?”

  “You’re a creature of habit, just like me. You call me at the same time every day.” I chuckle as she mumbles incoherently under her breathe.

  “What’s wrong?” She questions

  “What do you mean? Nothing is wrong.”

  “You’re making jokes. You never make jokes; I’d even go as far to say you’re smiling.”

  My smile immediately falls as I cough into the phone, “Mom, I just have a small break in between patients. I’m trying to catch up on some paperwork.” I start shuffling around on my desk looking for something to ke
ep me busy. Realizing that I have been sitting here day-dreaming about Isabel and her daughter for I don’t know how long. I begin to internally chastise myself before my mother responds,

  “Who is she?”

  “Who is who mother? I have no idea what or who you are talking about.” I try to wish Reese to materialize on the other side of the door, but he is no where to be found when I need him.

  “Adam, I am your mother and know where there is something going on with you. Now tell me before I get on a plane.” Knowing my mother is not one to make idle threats, I sigh before telling her.

  “I have a patient that I am worried about. Are you happy?”

  “Male or female?”

  “Female.” Mom squeals into the phone like a school girl and begins asking a million questions. “Mom, you know as well as I do that I can’t answer any of those questions even if I did know the answers.”

  “What do you mean if?” Leave it to my mother to catch the one part of the conversation that I wanted her to miss. There is no need for her to know that I come in every day hoping she has stopped back in, left a message, or made an appointment. I’m sure I’m driving poor Donna nuts by now.

  “She hasn’t made an appointment yet. She came in to introduce herself and ask some questions, but we never got any further. Her husband is obviously abusive, she also has a little girl that looks to be about three or four years old.”

  “Poor thing.” I can hear nothing but sympathy in Mom’s voice.

  “I just can’t get either of them off my mind.”

  “You like her.”

  “No, I don’t. She is just a patient and I’m worried for her well being.”

  “What does she look like?”

  “Long chocolate brown hair, she comes up just below my chin, petite build. I’m not sure what color her eyes are but I think they are an amazing shade of green.” I growl in frustrating as I rattle off the information to my mother, she backed me right into a corner.


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