Lupa (Second Edition)

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Lupa (Second Edition) Page 25

by Kimberly Odum Wells


  The redhead giant’s name was Wallace. The raven haired menace was Rob. No last names were given. The tiny blond name was Constantine and the daughter of the scarred woman was his mate and wife, Virginia. The large man and tiny woman were Thomas and Lillian Wolfe...that’s right, of the Wolfe Hunters.

  The group was sitting in Luke’s trailer. More like packed in it like sardines. The tiny space just wasn’t built for ten people. Jean Rene and Diana sat on the couch, Max and Josette across from them and the rest standing around fitting in where they could. The wolves were outside playing with the children. There were seven in all.

  There was a nervous energy filling the room. Max and Josette’s because they were sitting in front of legend, but Max couldn’t figure out for the life of him why they’d be nervous.

  “And you’re the Jean Rene Laurent. Not a son or cousin or anything,” Max asked.

  “I am,” the man said. His legs were crossed at the knee, his arm rested on the back of the couch with his mate tucked into his side.

  “The first father of all werewolves,” Max said.

  “The one true father would be Freki, I am simply Diana’s humble servant,” he said smiling at the woman at his side.

  “Oh brother,” Thomas said laughing.

  “What’s funny,” Josette asked but she was smiling already.

  “Lover boy there,” he said motioning to Jean Rene with a tilt of his head. “The only one worse is my son-in-law.”

  Josette looked over at the Constantine and Virginia. She was standing in front of him, leaning back into his chest. He was stroking her hair.

  “Jealousy is a terrible thing,” he said smiling. “All this time I would have thought you would have picked up a thing or two about loving a woman properly.”

  Josette blushed and put her head down to hide the smile on her face.

  “Don’t worry about my lovin’, Constantine,” Lillian said, “I assure you he’s not lacking in that department.”

  “Momma,” Thomas and Virginia said at the same time. Thomas was laughing but Virginia looked as red as Josette. When the laughing died down Jean Rene continued.

  “It is true Diana is mother of all werewolves, the daughter of Geri and Freki.”

  “A descent Mon Lupe,” Diana corrected him.

  “Of course Mon Lune,” he said dipping his head at her.

  “As are you,” she said, “Lovely Josette, a sister for me and brave young Max, a brother for my love.”

  “What?” Max said. “I don’t understand.”

  “The guardian of Geri and Freki’s daughter, Jean Rene is the decent of him. The one Odin blessed to watch over and protect his beloved wolves’ child. The two were separated in battle but it was the boy’s job to watch over the girl and he never stopped looking for her. Even now the descendants are bound together. The male always a born werewolf the girl always with a trait, her true wolf not released until she finds her true mate.”

  Josette and Max looked at each other. Josette mouth dropped opened and she started to laugh. Max hugged her to his chest. “I told you Tehila, you are mine in all ways,” he whispered in her ear when she’d settled down.

  “Really,” Thomas said, “Another one.”

  “What does it mean, this Tehila,” Jean Rene asked.

  “Lover,” Max said. Josette died a little from embarrassment.

  “And your name for him,” Diana asked. She sat up a little as if excited.

  “Honi,” Josette answered with her head buried in Max’s chest. “It means wolf.”

  “Fitting,” Jean Rene said.

  Josette looked at the man, the king of all werewolves. “Why?” she asked.

  “Because he is indeed your wolf, it is the daughters that truly rule.”

  “But Max is an alpha wolf.” she said.

  “Oui,” Jean Rene said. “He’s very powerful, almost as strong as I. He is no one’s wolf to call,” he said.

  “But I followed Josette’s father’s orders, even my father’s orders,” Max said.

  “That is because you are a good wolf to your alpha and son to your father. Have you never disobeyed?” Jean Rene asked. The tiny grin told Josette that he suspected that Max had.

  “Only when Josette is concerned,” Max said.

  “See,” Jean Rene said.

  “If Josette is to rule, why am I not her wolf to call?” he asked.

  “Because Odin had sense and knew women are way more hot-headed than men,” Wallace said.

  “What,” Diana said in mock dismay.

  “You are a kick ass first, ask questions later, kind of woman,” Thomas said. Everyone in the group was nodding. Diana wasn’t offended at all, she was smiling. “You’re all just a bunch of wusses,” she said.

  “Every mated man in this room has had numerous near death experiences because their women have rushed headlong into battle.” Thomas said.

  “Not me,” Lillian said.

  “I bet Alexis would disagree,” he said.

  “Let’s wrap this up, we’ve interrupted their wedding,” Jean Rene said cutting down the chitchat. “There’s a lot more to our story but it can wait for now,” he said.

  “I’m tired of waiting,” Josette said. “I think if I hear the word again I’ll rip someone’s throat out.” The room was dead silent.

  “My father is dead, my mother is dead. Max’s grandmother is dead. My wolves are without a leader and everyone keeps telling me I need to wait. But every day that passes Thomas Ronin grip on my people becomes that much stronger. I am Nonakris here and if I truly rule, than I done waiting.”

  “Got a live one there boy,” Thomas said but he wasn’t smiling. “Shit if she don’t sound like Diana.”

  “She’s a Nonakris but Diana is the Nonakris,” Max said.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works Max,” Diana said. “We’re the same. The one true queen is the first, the daughter of Geri and Freki. All unclaimed wolves and werewolves will be drawn to Josette. Loyalty plays a big part in it. Think of it like people swearing fealty to a queen. Unless there is another descent of our line that is a leader of a pack Josette could reign supreme in America.”

  “But you’ve been queen for a long time,” Josette said.

  “Not as long as the story says, but I have no interest in moving back to America, Jean Rene and I home is France. We left to get the European werewolves under control. America we left alone because the wolves were more civilized.”

  “That’s enough Mon Lune, we need to allow Josette to get ready for her wedding.”

  “Wait, you didn’t answer why Max was no one’s wolf to call.”

  “Our line’s purpose is to protect the line of Geri and Freki above all else. No one or thing can override that order, not even the descent of the mother of all werewolves. Wallace’s explanation, while crude, was also correct. Sometimes it is necessary to have to take the reins, so to speak,” he said and pulled Diana back into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Mon Lune is quick to pass judgment and is seldom wrong. We reign together but she makes most of the rules. I need to step in only occasionally and not for a very long time.”

  “That is because I have a wonderful teacher,” she said kissing him lightly on the lips, “With the patience of Job.”

  “And as old as him too,” Wallace said.

  “Wait...what?” Max said.

  “I am over five hundred years old.”

  And with that the conversation was over. They had a wedding to prepare for.


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