Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 1

by Naomi Aoki

  Crossing the Line

  The Yakuza and the English Teacher, Volume 4

  Naomi Aoki

  Published by NaomiAoki, 2019.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. January 15, 2019.

  Copyright © 2019 Naomi Aoki.

  ISBN: 978-1386663171

  Written by Naomi Aoki.

  Also by Naomi Aoki

  The Yakuza and the English Teacher

  Dangerous Lessons

  Dangerous Love

  Dangerous Life

  Crossing the Line

  Tokyo Nights

  Tokyo Nights: Season One (Episodes 4-6)

  Tokyo Nights: Season One

  Tokyo Nights: Episode One

  Tokyo Nights: Season One (Episodes 1-3)

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Two

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Three

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Four

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Five

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Six

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Seven

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Eight

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Nine

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Ten

  Sagaki: A Tokyo Nights Novella

  Tokyo Nights Season Two

  Tokyo Nights: Episode One

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Two

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Three

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Four

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Five

  Tokyo Nights: Episode Six



  Watch for more at Naomi Aoki’s site.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Naomi Aoki

  Content Warnings


  Chapter One

  Chapter 2

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Further Reading: Dangerous Lessons

  Also By Naomi Aoki

  About the Author

  Content Warnings

  Contains Scenes/References to: Gun Violence/Violence/Blood


  Brian glanced out the window of his room at the blue skies, pleased that despite it being September in Alexandra both the rain and the high heat had stayed away. There was just enough wind to scatter the petals from the trees across the green patch of lawn already being set up for the wedding and thank god it wasn’t his. He turned away from the window and tugged at the cuffs of his shirt from beneath the sleeves his suit jacket. No expense had been spared by Gou in ensuring the day was perfect for Jamie, including providing the expensive tailored suit Brian wore, one he could never have afforded on his policeman’s salary.

  He bit back a laugh and shook his head, realising the irony of police officer wearing a suit paid for with the proceeds of organised crime. A suit Brian needed to wear because his best mate was marrying a man who headed a Yakuza organisation in Kyoto. It was hilarious knowing that if the wrong person found out, police would descend on the exclusive venue in a storm of flashing lights and sirens ruining the joyous occasion. Not that Brian was hundred percent in favour of Jamie marrying Gou either, but it would be hypocritical of him to complain. His own father had a rap sheet that filled several files back at the station in Invercargill and only remained out of jail in recent years because of Brian.

  Because of him. Not for him.

  Brushing his hands over the blended silk-merino fabric, Brian gave himself one last cursory glance in the mirror and straightened his tie. He stepped out of his room in the private lodge booked for the event due to start in thirty minutes and went in search of Jamie. A search that didn’t get very far as he rounded the corner and came to halt, staring warily at the person blocking his way. She was the last person Brian wanted to encounter, alone. Not that he could have avoided the fearsome woman with her being Gou’s sister; the only family that had accompanied him to New Zealand from Japan. He didn’t for a second believe her presence here was coincidental nor did he have any qualms in admitting the petite woman scared the fuck out of him.

  Shoving his hands in his pockets, Brian strode forward. Maybe she would do nothing but glare at him and let him pass. Or maybe he was shit-out of luck and the holiday fling of twelve months ago was about to catch up to him.

  “You. You are the man who broke my son’s heart.”

  It wasn’t a question. She reached out and grabbed Brian as he tried to pass, fingers digging painfully into his wrist. He didn’t wince; knew not to show his pain and yet it was the look in her eyes that had him wanting to take two steps back. A steely gaze that spoke of the weapon she’d have wielded if they’d met in Japan; one Brian knew she wouldn’t hesitate to use.

  Brian grinned, letting a little of the darkness he kept hidden seep into it and pried her fingers off. Carefully. There was no need to anger Gou – and in turn Jamie – by hurting his sister. “It was only a bit of fun. Nothing more. There was nothing to break.”

  If he’d meet her under different circumstances, Brian would’ve been impressed. Strength and danger all wrapped up in a sweet package, one that held no appeal. Brian wasn’t interested in dating someone older than him like Jamie. Maybe it was a shame Kennosuke didn’t have a sister... no, Brian didn’t think she’d stop at a simple threat if he’d had a fling with a daughter instead of son. Hell, Gou and Jamie might have killed him before she got the chance. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed his time with Kennosuke. The man had been very entertaining.

  “If Kennosuke’s heart got broken, then it was of his own doing. Not mine.”

  She didn’t believe him. Brian could see it in the intensity of her gaze, one that stared straight through him to peer into his heart, his mind and saw everything he was hiding. He held his breath waiting for her to call him on it; to point out that Brian fooled only himself if he believed his feelings hadn’t gotten tangled with Kennosuke’s. A truth he’d fought hard to ignore, to bury deep inside him and it frightened him that his woman could tear it out of him for everyone to see.

  But the accusation never came.

  Brian watched her shake her head before turning and walking away from him. Swift steps that weren’t hampered at all by the restrictions her deep green Kimono placed on her ability to move. And if asked, Brian would deny vehemently that he’d briefly wondered what Kennosuke might look like similarly attired.

  It had only been a bit of fun. No feelings involved.

  Kennosuke’s mother stopped and turned back to him. “Well, are you coming Brian? My brother plans to marry Jamie today... and unfortunately your presence is required.” Glaring at him as she spoke in the way only a mother could. A scary Yakuza mother.

  Brian gulped and hurried after her.

  Chapter One

  Seven Months Later

  Fucking hell. J
amie owed him big for this.

  Brian rubbed his eyes, his seatbelt unfastened and his carryon sitting at his feet ready. He remained seated, prepared to wait till the mad rush of the other passengers disembarking was over while wondering what had possessed him to take the ten-hour flight to Japan. That’s right, Jamie’s strange request to come visit him, one that Brian couldn’t understand. But the longer they’d talked he’d realised that Jamie didn’t know what the reason was either, other than Gou had suggested Jamie invite him, so it must be important.

  In truth, it only made Brian more suspicious. He and Gou struggled to be civil to each other on the odd occasion they had been forced together. Brian understood why; Gou disliked that his boyfr- husband’s best friend was a cop. It didn’t matter that Brain was a New Zealand cop and not Japanese, it still didn’t sit easy with a man who made his profits on both sides of the law.

  Glancing around the cabin, he could see the last of the passengers were exiting the aircraft and the flight attendants were making their final sweep of the plane. Brain stood, snatched up his bag and made his way to the doors were two more attendants waited. He grinned, teeth catching his bottom lip as he swept an appreciative gaze over them and winked. Flying might not be his favourite thing, but the uniforms sure fitted the airline staff beautifully. They both blushed as they farewelled him: pink cheeks that matched her lipstick, and a deep red tint that rose above a neatly trimmed beard. Brian shook his head and chuckled at the angry voices chasing him down the gangway. It hadn’t been a bad flight. Decent food, superb entertainment and the movies weren’t half bad either.

  It didn’t take long to move through arrivals – collecting his bags and passing through customs – even with his inability to speak Japanese. Suited Brian perfectly, gawking at the place like an overwhelmed tourist while taking note of what he saw or more to the point, what he didn’t see. No bag checks. No sniffer dogs. Jamie had been right, border control was somewhat lacking on inbound flights compared to New Zealand, unless of course you were coughing. Maybe it would turn into a profitable trip after all.

  He walked through the arrival gates into the main terminal of Kansai International Airport and froze. The size of the place; the sheer number of people moving through it, staggering and he could only stare wide-eyed. Jamie should be easy to spot with his tall frame and yet, Brian struggled to see him. Maybe it shouldn’t have surprised him that Jamie hadn’t come considering his newly gained status as Gou’s husband. It did however leave Brian in the unfortunate position of wondering who the hell was picking him up instead.

  Brian surveyed the terminal, looking for someone holding a placard; a bored looking gangster leaning against the wall.... Jamie is a dead man. Kennosuke was the last person he expected to see here, but damn did he look good in a suit. Brian also knew he looked gorgeous out of it too. He gripped the handle of his suitcase and tried to tamp down the unwelcome heat racing through his veins. No matter how tempting another holiday fling might be, Brian had no intention of going there again.

  Wheels clacked on the polished floor as he strode toward Kennosuke weaving his way through the crowded terminal. Brian grinned, loving the strange looks he was getting; the flicker of fear closely followed by one of confusion. Panic filled the eyes of others who bumped into him, bowing quickly as the backed away. They didn’t understand why he frightened them, appearing to be nothing more than a denim-clad tourist, but their fear was justified.

  Kennosuke looked up and scowled as he spotted him. Brian grinned lazily back at him, loving how it made Kennosuke angrier, but it soon disappeared when Brian couldn’t spot any signs of other suit-clad men nearby. He shouldn’t care about it at all; shouldn’t care about Kennosuke. So, what if they’d hooked up for a few weeks eighteen months ago, it had been a little bit of fun and nothing more. At least that’s what Brain told himself. Jaw clenched he swallowed back the protective urge wanting to barrel its way out of his throat in a furious roar.

  “Kennosuke.” He loved how the man’s scowl deepened at the sound of his voice.

  “Call me Ken, for fucks sake.”

  Brain laughed. Kennosuke’s exasperated expression only encouraged Brian’s determination to keep using his full name. “No. Where’s Jamie?”

  “At a meeting. With Gou.”

  He didn’t pry into what, there were some matters that didn’t need to be talked about in a public setting like this. Not that Kennosuke would tell him in private either.

  “You aren’t here alone, are you?” Brian leaned in close as he spoke, not missing the way Kennosuke shuddered.

  Kennosuke shuttered his emotions, his face becoming blank with not even a hint of the delicious scowl he’d shown Brian before visible. Except for his eyes, they remained unguarded, swirling with a myriad of emotion – lust, anger, sadness – and Brian took a quick step back. When Jamie had first asked him to come to Kyoto, he’d briefly entertained the idea of indulging in another holiday fling with Kennosuke but had quickly dismissed the idea. What he was seeing in the man’s eyes now was another reminder of why he couldn’t go there. Jamie’s friend or not, if he toyed with Kennosuke’s emotions for his own pleasure, Brian knew Gou’s sister wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him. That’s if Jamie and Gou didn’t kill him first.

  “I can defend myself,” Kennosuke snapped. He straightened up and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, pushing his jacket aside to briefly reveal a gun. But Brian ignored the snarky response and raised an eyebrow until Kennosuke huffed, “Fine,” and barked out an order in Japanese.

  Brain chuckled as four men appeared beside Kennosuke dressed in jeans and not the expected suits. They were trying to appear more like tourists and not businessmen as if hoping the change of clothing would dampen the dangerous air swirling around them. It didn’t, though Brian had to admit no one would be looking for them dressed like that. “Smart. Very smart. Your idea or Jamie’s?”


  “I’m guessing they don’t like it?” The men had taken up a protective stance around him and Kennosuke looking awkward and uncomfortable without their suits.

  “No. But Jamie suggested it, and well...”

  “He’s fucking the Boss, so no one is prepared to argue with him.”

  Kennosuke shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah. Something like that.”

  Pushing off the wall, Kennosuke walked toward what Brian hoped was the exit. Ten and half hours of travelling – longer if Brian counted what time he got up and the plane he took from Queenstown to Auckland – and Brian was ready to collapse, preferably onto a bed. He hurried after Kennosuke impressed at the man’s speed despite Brian having the longer stride, it barely gave him enough time to survey his surroundings as they walked. Police College and time spent on the beat made searching for potential threats second nature to Brian. At least the men accompanying Kennosuke were focused, not breaking stride even as one pulled out a phone and made a call. Brian knew the moment they stepped outside the doors of the airport terminal a vehicle would be waiting.

  He wanted to make a quip about it, rolling the smart-arse comment around on his tongue. So, tempting to tease Kennosuke about being a spoilt little master who was ferried around the place with door to door service. Brian swallowed the remark down, knowing how unwelcome the teasing would be. He knew why. Witnessed first-hand the distressed state Jamie had been in when that phone call, eighteen months ago, ended. Brain hurried to push aside the memory of his own panic, fearing Kennosuke might have been shot too.

  Fuck, he shouldn’t be thinking of that. Shouldn’t ever think of it. Kennosuke had only been a holiday fling. All it would ever be.

  “So, what swanky hotel has Jamie lined up for me?” he asked as they got into the back of a black SUV idling at the curb while wondering if this whole experience could get anymore cliché.

  Brian tried to ignore the sweet-spicy scent drifting off Kennosuke’s skin and would flat out deny that he’d taken a deep breath of the intoxicating aroma. Arousal hummed in his veins
and tugged at his determination to keep his hands off Kennosuke. The man was gorgeous with his lean muscles wrapped in the dangerous beauty etched into his skin. Fuck it was damned tempting to spend the next three weeks in Kennosuke’s bed...

  But Kennosuke wanted more than a fling and Brian didn’t want more. Didn’t do more. Ever.

  “He hasn’t.”

  “Hasn’t what?”

  “Booked a hotel. Jamie didn’t see the point when there was a perfectly good room sitting empty.”

  “Like hell I’m staying with them,” he spat turning to glare at Kennosuke prepared to demand he be taken to a hotel anyway. “They’ll be all...” shuddering at the thought.

  “You’re not.” Kennosuke sounded bitter, a harsh scowl once more plastered on his face. Brian knew he wouldn’t like what was said next. “The empty room used to be Jamie’s. At. My. Apartment.”

  KENNOSUKE WAS GOING to fucking kill Jamie.

  No. He was going to kill Brian-fucking-Cooper first, snarling as the man strode through the arrivals gate looking just as dangerous and temptingly-sexy as ever. The man hadn’t even realised Kennosuke was here, his gaze flitted above the heads of the other people filling the terminal, no doubt looking for Jamie. If only Kennosuke could find something about the man – physically – that would make it so much easier to get over him, because so far, the man’s arsehole tendencies weren’t doing the trick.

  Jamie might be his friend, but it hadn’t stopped Kennosuke from wanting to punch him the moment he said Brian was coming to Kyoto to visit; an urge quickly upgraded to homicide when it was announced Brian would stay in Jamie’s old room. In his apartment. Sweet, cruel, torture. He could have handled Brian’s presence; avoided him if they’d put Brian in a hotel. But no, Kennosuke had to spend the next three weeks in a small apartment with a man who’d fucked him like no one else had before. He’d fallen hard for Brian in the short few weeks that they’d spent together in New Zealand and with the touching farewell at the airport, Kennosuke thought Brian felt the same way.


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