Descent into Darkness (Crystal Sphere Book 1)

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Descent into Darkness (Crystal Sphere Book 1) Page 18

by Ingrid Fry

  * * * * *

  We must’ve resembled a motley crew walking into the luxurious surrounds of the Hyatt hotel. A tall, gorgeous blonde manned the check-in desk, and, as we approached, Ashley brushed back his hair and adjusted his jacket.

  ‘Hi, Melanie,’ he said, reading her name badge.

  Well, I suppose he read her badge, but I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if he was already acquainted, with her being tall and blonde an’ all. He seemed to know someone wherever he went. I remember asking him about it once and he said it was because he ‘gets around a bit.’

  ‘We have a booking under Ashley Beringer, the Diplomatic Suite.’

  Melanie tapped away on her keyboard. ‘Yes, Mister Beringer. Welcome to the Hyatt. You’ve chosen a beautiful room. Special occasion?’

  He flashed his new choppers. ‘Sure is, sweetheart.’

  ‘Would you like your luggage taken to your room, sir?’

  ‘No thanks. I can take care of it.’

  Yeah, too easy, given we didn’t have any.

  ‘By the way, would you happen to have a tape measure I could borrow?’ he asked.

  Jason and I exchanged glances. What the hell did he want a tape measure for?

  ‘I can arrange for one to be sent to your room right away, sir.’

  ‘Thanks, Melanie. You know,’ he said, leaning forward and sliding his phone across the counter, ‘I’m incredibly rich. Here’s a new iPhone with my number in it. Call me some time.’

  Melanie’s jaw dropped, and Ashley chuckled. ‘Just fooling with you, darling. But you do have my number, if you’re so inclined.’ He flashed another smile. Boy, he sure was making the most of his new dental work.

  Melanie handed him his phone and the entry card to our room. ‘Thank you, Mr. Beringer,’ she said, laughing. ‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’

  ‘Now that you—’

  ‘Ashley!’ Jason said, cutting him off. ‘Thank you, Melanie, we’ll be heading off to our room now.’ He steered Ashley away from the desk. When we were out of earshot he said, ‘You are fair dinkum unbelievable!’

  ‘Sure are giving those new choppers a work out,’ I said.

  ‘Just having a bit of fun. I’ve been wanting to try that line for ages.’

  ‘Don’t forget the tape measure,’ he called back to Melanie.

  She nodded.

  ‘What’s with the tape measure?’ Jason asked.

  ‘Can’t say. Come on, kids, let’s get to our room, and get settled.’

  The Diplomatic Suite was on the thirty-first floor, and according to the brochure at reception, it was 141 square meters of “unparalleled luxury”. Ashley swiped the card and opened the door. Yep, it was huge and luxurious all right, with beautiful views across the city.

  Locating the master bedroom, I stood in awe at the size of the bed.

  ‘Hey, Jason, check this out. It’s bigger than our bed at home!’

  ‘Bloody hell, it’s massive!’ He threw himself on it and dragged me with him.

  There was a knock at the suite door.

  ‘I’ll get it,’ Ashley called from the other room.

  Fear flooded my body. ‘Wait!’ I yelled. ‘Don’t!’

  Ashley stuck his head in the room. ‘What’s up?’

  ‘Is there a peephole? You need to be careful.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I’m an army guy, remember?’

  The door opened and closed with a clunk.

  ‘Come out here, guys,’ he said a moment later.

  We slid off the bed and joined him in the lounge. He was standing next to a trolley on which sat an ice bucket, champagne, crystal glasses, a large platter of assorted canapés and a tape measure.

  ‘First things first. Champagne for the lady?’

  ‘You bet.’ I did a spontaneous happy dance. Ashley noticed and laughed as he poured me a glass.

  ‘You sure do love your bubbles, don’t you?’

  ‘Mmm! Delicious!’ I said, as the effervescence tickled my nose, bringing scents of honey, spice and citrus. The taste in my mouth was fresh and delicate. ‘This champagne is nectar of the gods. I’m in heaven.’

  ‘Glad you like it.’

  The smile couldn’t be wiped from my face.

  Jason read the champagne label. ‘Taittinger Brut Reserve.’

  I nearly dropped the glass. ‘Taittinger! Ashley, really?’

  ‘Nothing but the best for you, my dear,’ Ashley said, putting on his James Bond voice.

  Jason looked up from the bottle. ‘Is it expensive?’

  ‘Only about $500 a bottle,’ I said.

  ‘What!’ Jason said. ‘You’re nuts. You can’t afford this with the room an’ all.’

  ‘Yes, I can. I told you, I’m cashed up; I’ve got a small fortune in gold nuggets, mate.’

  ‘But you need to save your money for a rainy day,’ Jason said.

  Jason was frugal by nature. He worked tirelessly in his business and he saved hard. This extravagance would mess with his head.

  Ashley slapped him on the back. ‘You know that’s not how I operate and I always get by. We need to snap the top off a cold one.’ He opened the fridge and examined its contents. ‘Crownie or VB?’

  ‘VB please.’

  Ashley handed one to Jason. ‘Here you go.’

  They sculled their first beer in about ten seconds flat and slammed the empties on the trolley. Ashley wiped his mouth on his sleeve. ‘That went down like the first cold tinnie at a butcher’s picnic. Another?’

  Jason nodded.

  I picked up the tape measure. ‘What’s this for?’

  ‘Ah, nearly forgot!’ Ashley took it from me. ‘Come here, Jason. I need to measure you up.’

  Jason took a step back. ‘What the hell for?’

  ‘Just come here.’

  Ashley lifted the tape measure over Jason’s head and brought it around to measure his waist.

  ‘We need to get us some new clobber. We can’t go out on the town looking like scumbags.’

  ‘We’re going out? I’m too tired,’ Jason said. He hated going “out on the town” at the best of times.

  ‘Relax, we’re having dinner at the hotel, but we can’t go in what we’re wearing, they wouldn’t let us in.’

  I grinned. ‘Want me to measure his inside leg?’

  Ashley scribbled the measurements on a piece of paper. ‘All done.’

  ‘I’m going to check out the bathroom,’ Jason said, disappearing into the master suite.

  Ashley handed me the pen and paper. ‘Can you write your measurements?’

  ‘I wouldn’t have a clue what they are, other than I’m an Australian size twelve. How are you going to get us clothes?’

  ‘I have a clothes dude.’

  ‘That’d be right.’

  ‘We should get your size right. Want me to measure you?’

  ‘No, I’ll do it.’

  ‘It’s too hard to get an accurate measurement. I’ll do it for you.’

  Ashley put the tape measure over my head and drew it in tight around my waist, bending to see the numbers.

  ‘Twenty-nine,’ he said jotting it on a note pad.

  Moving the tape to my hips, he pulled it tight, but it slipped over my bum.

  ‘It’s crooked,’ I said.

  He put both hands at the back of my buttocks, took the tape, straightened it and moved his hands back around to my front.

  ‘Thirty-nine.’ He grinned. ‘And now for my favourite part. Hold your arms out to the side’. He slid the tape along my back and moved it back and forth to align with my bust. ‘Arms down.’

  I dutifully obeyed.

  I shouldn’t have been letting him do it. I needed to keep my distance. But the energy from him … it was more intoxicating than the champagne.

  ‘It’s a bit tricky,’ he said.

  ‘Yeah, funny how the tape keeps slipping. You seem to be having a lot of trouble.’

  ‘The clothes dude told me how to take measurem
ents. He said it’s important to get the tape aligned with the nipples.’

  ‘I’ll bet he did.’

  Stop now, Maggie. Don’t let him do it.

  Ashley fumbled around with the tape, brushing my breasts.

  ‘That’s done the trick,’ he said. ‘Now I can see where the tape should go.’

  My face felt red hot. ‘You’re shameless.’

  ‘Thirty-nine,’ he said. ‘You’ve got the perfect hourglass figure, but I didn’t need a tape measure to work that out. I can measure to a millimetre by eye.’

  ‘You can take the tape measure off now.’

  ‘Perhaps I should double check.’ He drew me in close with the tape measure and pulled it back and forth across my body. ‘Jeez, I nearly forgot. I should measure the upper leg.’

  ‘You don’t need the—’

  He knelt and threaded the tape measure around the top of my inner thigh. His face was against my stomach as he straightened out the tape measure and moved it slowly backwards and forwards between my legs.

  ‘It needs to go a bit higher. It’s important to get the right alignment here,’ he said, hoarsely. Ashley continued to have trouble with “the alignment”.

  Oh my God, this was so sensual.

  ‘Ashley,’ I whispered, ‘stop it; you’re killing me.’

  ‘Not more than it’s killing me,’ he groaned. ‘You love it. I can tell. I’m seriously gonna take up dressmaking as a hobby.’

  My heart was pounding and I felt even hotter.

  ‘My knees. Stop it.’

  He clutched my bum and pulled me forward. ‘Christ, you turn me on.’

  My whole body quivered involuntarily.

  ‘Maggie!’ Jason said.

  I jumped. Ashley moved back.

  ‘You’re not letting him take your measurements, are you?’ Jason pushed Ashley with his foot, and Ashley toppled over. Jason read the scribbled measurements. ‘Too late, I see. Gee, your writing’s a bit shaky, mate.’

  Ashley jumped up and quickly moved to stand behind the drinks trolley. ‘Bring me your glass, Maggie. I’ll give you a refill.’

  When he took my glass, he took my hand along with it, and his fingers caressed mine as he poured the champagne.

  ‘There’s a lot of effervescence,’ I said.

  ‘Way, way too much.’ He met my eyes and his gaze was fervent. I couldn’t look away. The champagne overflowed.

  ‘Careful,’ I said, licking my fingers. ‘What a waste. At $800 a bottle you can’t lose a drop!’

  ‘Here.’ Jason took my hand and put my fingers into his mouth one at a time. ‘Mmmm, sure is good champagne.’

  ‘When did you have time to organise all this, Ashley?’ I asked, as Jason continued to lick my fingers. The corner of Ashley’s mouth twitched as he watched Jason.

  ‘I made a few calls when you were checking out of the hospital.’

  Jason dragged me by the hand towards the master suite. ‘Let’s have a shower together. They’ve got one in there as big as a ballroom.’

  Glancing back at Ashley, he had one hand over his heart, and raised the other to his temple, mimicking a gun. ‘Phhht!’ he said, simulating the recoil, and shooting himself in the head. Ashley’s face was solemn as he blew me a kiss, and Jason closed the bedroom door between us. Behind the door, a glass smashed on the marble floor.

  ‘I’ve been dying to get you alone,’ Jason said, ‘I keep thinking of us in the hospital stairwell. It was so hot. I can’t tell you how much I want you.’

  He sat me on the edge of the bed and took off my top. Kneeling between my legs he reached around and unhooked my bra. He cupped my breasts and kissed them.

  ‘You feel so soft,’ he whispered. He pulled off my jeans and then virtually ripped off my panties.

  ‘Shouldn’t we shower first?’

  ‘No way! I want you right here, right now, right the way you are.’

  He pushed my knees apart and kissed me between my legs. I felt his whole body shiver and I held his head. We groaned simultaneously.

  His voice caught. ‘Jesus, you’re wet already.’ His hand moved between my legs. I let out a loud moan and gasped, ready to faint with pleasure. There was a sound of more breaking glass from the next room.

  Jason pulled me onto the bed. ‘Whatever the hell’s going on in the other room, I don’t care.’ He straddled me and caressed my face, lips and breasts. He sucked my nipples hard while one hand made its way back between my legs.

  ‘I love you,’ he whispered. ‘Remember that. No matter what happens, we stay together. No matter what.’

  ‘No matter what,’ I whispered back.

  He pressed on my shoulders as he entered me and our bodies merged and dissolved into depths of sheer bliss.

  ‘I love you, Jason,’ I said, to the sound of more breaking glass.[21]

  Chapter 22:

  Hey, You! You’re Looking Hot Tonight.

  ‘Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.’ — Matthew 7:15

  Wrapped in a fluffy white bathrobe, I entered the lounge, wanting to know when the clothes dude was going to deliver our outfits.

  The room was perfect, no broken glass anywhere. Brand new crystal glasses were on the drinks trolley, and another bottle of Taittinger sat ready and waiting. The lights were low, scented vanilla candles flickered on the coffee table, and soft sounds of chill-out jazz filled the room.

  Ashley was leaning against the window frame looking out at the view, with a can of beer in his hand.

  Approaching him, I stumbled on the rug, caught my robe on the edge of the coffee table, and felt my face blush. ‘Um, ah … hello. When will our clothes arrive?’

  ‘Any minute now, luv.’ He pointed to the laundry bag. ‘You can put your old clothes in there and they’ll launder them, ready for you tomorrow. Everything okay? You seem nervous.’

  ‘Nuh, no. I’m fine.’ Pouring myself a glass of champagne, I took a breath and surveyed the room. ‘All this. Thank you, Ashley. You’re very generous.’

  ‘No worries, it’s my pleasure. Where’s Jason?’

  ‘Having a shower.’

  Ashley put his beer on the ledge. ‘You two have really quick showers.’

  ‘Not that quick.’

  ‘Way too quick, I reckon.’ He pulled me into his arms. ‘I like to take time with my showers—long, hot and slow.’

  Trying to disentangle myself from his arms, I said, ‘Wastes too much water. We have restrictions, you know.’

  He slid his hand into my robe. ‘There’s no restrictions with me.’

  Feeling hot and weak, I held his arm to steady myself.

  What had got into him? This was so wrong. But it felt so right. He was irresistible.

  His mouth found mine and we kissed. His hands were urgent and insistent as they explored my body.

  ‘You feel so good,’ he groaned. ‘I—’

  I pushed him away. ‘Jesus, Ashley, we have to stop. I feel like I’m going to explode. We can’t keep doing this; it’s killing me, seriously. What are you thinking? What’s got into you? More to the point, what the hell’s got into me? I can’t believe I kissed you. This is insane. Remember Jason?’

  ‘I know, I know, how can I forget? I love you both. Having you close has reignited my feelings. I know you’re his girl, and he loves you, and you love him, but—’

  ‘How would Jason feel if he knew what you just did?’

  ‘Not happy, I guess.’

  ‘You guess? He’d be devastated.’

  ‘Why the fuck does everyone get so hung up on monogamy? If you’re up for it, he might want to share. You never know. He is a sharing, caring kinda guy, after all.’

  ‘You are seriously insane.’

  ‘No, just different. Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me the truth.’

  This trajectory was going to end in tears. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think if Jason wasn’t here you’d be in the bedroom with me, having a ve
ry long, very hot shower. Probably the best shower you ever had.’ He gripped me around the waist. ‘Wouldn’t you?’

  I nodded mutely.

  ‘It’s so hard to resist when you come onto me like you do,’ I said. ‘It sets me on fire, but I feel bad. It’s wrong. I’m betraying Jason. We’re betraying Jason. I love him with all my heart. But you make me want you. It’s so confusing.’

  Ashley tipped his head back and sighed. ‘I knew it. How could you resist me?’ He laughed and mussed up my hair. ‘Your body wants me, there’s no doubt about it.’ He slid his hand back inside my robe. His breath caught in his throat and he swayed. I reckoned his knees just went weak too.

  He yanked open my robe and pushed me against the window. ‘You want me. I want you. Simple. Jason’s still in the shower; I can hear it running.’

  ‘No. Stop it!’ I wrapped my robe back around me and pushed him away. ‘This can’t be. It has to stop. Right here, right now. It won’t work. How can I love two men? It would be crazy. I’d get too tired. I’d have no time to read. I wouldn’t get a decent night’s sleep. I’d have to devise schedules, timetables; I’d have to look my best all the time, and anyway, who does what, with who and how and when?’

  ‘Whoa! Steady on, girl, you think way too much. And you would get a good night’s sleep because I need to sleep alone.’

  ‘Really? How come?’

  ‘It’s simply the way it is now. I need to sleep on my own.’

  Huh. Very odd. He didn’t sleep alone when we were together.

  ‘I can’t believe I’m even having this discussion. And aside from all that, what about jealousy—all the emotional complications?’

  ‘I’m not jealous in the least,’ he said.

  ‘Oh, so what was with all the glass smashing I could hear before?’

  Ashley looked sheepish. ‘I was a bit clumsy, is all. Don’t worry, it’s easy. I’ll be your love coach, and I won’t impinge on your reading time.’

  ‘You are mad!’ I punched him hard in the arm. ‘Ow!’ I rubbed my hand.

  He flexed his bicep. ‘Guns of steel.’

  I pretended to look unimpressed.

  ‘We’re going to have to toughen you up and get you fit. Teach you how to punch and shoot, give you some self-defense tactics.’


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