Descent into Darkness (Crystal Sphere Book 1)

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Descent into Darkness (Crystal Sphere Book 1) Page 26

by Ingrid Fry

‘Hardly your fault, it’s insidious, like depression, sucking away your light and life. We should go to the hospital, get you checked out. Secondary drowning is an issue.’

  I took a deep breath; the air flowed in and out of my lungs easily and effortlessly. I sent my mind deep into my body sensing and scanning. My body hummed with energy, and I sensed the water, weed and debris atomise and evaporate. Crystal power pulsed through the cells of my body as if I’d had recent contact. It appeared that Drom’s intervention had changed my physiology. Just how powerful was he?

  ‘I’m fine. But could you walk me back to the hotel? I’m lightheaded.’

  ‘Of course.’ He smiled and plucked green weed out of my hair. ‘You’re covered in lake weed; you look like a mermaid.’

  I smiled back at him. ‘I don’t care.’

  The joy and power of love—the ultimate connection—flooded back into my soul. My body tingled with light and I involuntarily turned my face upwards. The sensation was as warm and uplifting as sunlight after a thousand dark winter days.[31]

  Chapter 32: Lies & Domination

  Drom held my hand to ground me as we wended our way back through the botanical gardens. The plants, trees, flowers and grass gleamed with golden light; I could feel the energy of the universe pulsing through everything. We walked in silence our minds linked, but without thought.

  ‘This is how it should be,’ I said.

  ‘This is how it is.’

  ‘It is?’

  ‘We’ve lost our connection to what really is. Most people are slaves to their own minds, lost in a constant stream of thoughts triggered by emotions, which trigger more thoughts, more emotions, and so it goes in an endless stream of unreality, which seems real. It’s a construct of our minds. That’s why so many people have a continuous sense of dis-ease and discontent running in the background of their minds. Most people are lost, unconscious of the true reality. They’re searching the world for what’s right in front of them, or rather inside them. Oh, and Maggie, what happened then was suicide. The other was self-sacrifice. You’ve now experienced the difference. It was the Dark Force driving you to despair. That’s what it does. You’re fine now.’

  ‘What about the residue? Can you tell if it’s still there?’

  ‘I don’t want to go looking for it, so I’m not sure. But you’ll be better able to deal with it now your source connection is strong again.’

  ‘I can’t thank you enough.’

  He squeezed my hand. ‘My pleasure.’

  The world shimmered with luminosity and beauty as we ambled along a Paris-like street towards the hotel. It was difficult to differentiate myself from anything. People, cars, concrete, birds, grass, litter—all boundaries were indistinct.

  Ashley exited the hotel, saw me, and loped towards us. A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind and spun me round, breaking my connection with Drom. It was Jason.

  He registered my sodden, mud and weed-covered clothes. ‘Jesus, what happened?’

  Ashley bounded to a stop, grabbed my shoulders and asked the same question. Jason pushed him away. ‘Get off her.’ He glared at Drom. ‘Why are you here?’

  ‘Maggie fell into a lake and I pulled her out.’

  Drom obviously didn’t want to elaborate or play the hero, but I wanted them to know. ‘That’s something of an understatement. I was dead. Drowned. Gone. Drom resuscitated me, brought me back. The Dark Force damaged my connection to the light. Drom healed and restored it. The Dark Force was at it again. It drove me to take my life.’

  Jason looked shocked. His breathing was rapid and shallow. Ashley’s hands tightened into fists. I could feel what he wanted to do, more than anything, but he held himself back. Why the hell couldn’t we just have a group hug for Christ’s sake? I loved them both and they loved me.

  Jason wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me. He seemed more upset than I was. Ashley banged his fist gently against a light pole, but the look on his face was far from gentle.

  ‘Drom, I owe you big time,’ Jason said. ‘Thank you for saving Maggie’s life. I can never repay you.’

  Drom’s face was serene and lit by a gentle smile. ‘No thanks necessary.’

  ‘Ditto,’ Ashley said. He gave Drom the thumbs up, but his brow was furrowed, his jaw tight. His eyes burned into mine.

  ‘We better get you some dry clothes,’ Jason said. ‘Drom, why don’t you come to the hotel with us, have a drink, some lunch?’

  ‘I’ve a couple of things to do first. What about I meet you at 12:30 pm in the bar?’

  ‘See you then,’ Jason said. ‘Thanks again.’

  Jason pushed past Ashley. ‘You Ms. Maggie, have some explaining to do.’ He gripped my arm and steered me towards the hotel. ‘I was worried sick,’ he said, removing bits of slimy weed from my hair.

  We headed towards the hotel lifts, with Ashley following quietly, a few steps behind. Jason’s grip on my arm was intensifying with each step, and by the time we reached the lifts he was hurting me.

  I tried to pull free. ‘Let go, you’re hurting.’ His gaze was a million miles away, focused on something in his own head, and his grip intensified. The lift doors opened. ‘You’re hurting! Let go!’ I jerked my arm again.

  Ashley’s resistance broke as the lift doors closed with us inside. He stepped forward, grabbed Jason’s arm and pushed him hard against the side of the lift. ‘What the fuck are you doing? Let her go. You’re hurting her.’

  Jason released me and swung a punch, full force, at Ashley. Ashley blocked it. Jason slammed into Ashley’s chest with both hands and pushed him against the doors. The air rushed out of his lungs.

  ‘Stop it! Stop it now!’ I screamed at them.

  Jason launched another ferocious punch and Ashley blocked that one too. Ashley was holding himself back. ‘Mate, settle, stop!’

  ‘Don’t you friggin’ mate me,’ Jason growled, shaping up for another swing. ‘You’re no mate of mine.’

  Thankfully the ding of the lift indicated our floor and not the start of the next boxing round.

  The guys faced the front of the lift, brushed the hair from their eyes and straightened their clothes.

  We hurried silently back to our room. Ashley opened the door and guided me in, hand on my back. Jason knocked his hand away. ‘Back off.’

  Ashley dashed straight for the hotel phone and spoke to Mel about getting my clothes laundered. He hung up and said, ‘She said they can clean your clothes right away and have them back within the hour. She’s sending someone to collect them.’

  ‘Thanks.’ I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I pulled off my sodden, weedy clothes and placed them in the laundry bag. Wrapping myself in a fluffy white robe, I returned to the lounge. The laundry guy was already there.

  Jason had a cup of tea waiting for me, the guys had coffee and the atmosphere was … awkward. Someone had to start talking about the elephant in the room.

  ‘Jason, I ...’

  ‘Listen Jace, I ...’ Ashley said.

  ‘I need to know ...’

  We stopped to see who was going to go first.

  Jason had his hands on his hips. He took a deep breath and exhaled. ‘I’m sorry to raise this after everything you’ve been through, but I need to know what’s going on with you and Ashley. I’m assuming Inspector Johnston showed you the CCTV footage?’

  We both nodded.


  I remained silent on the grounds I would incriminate myself.

  ‘It was convincing, don’t you think?’ Ashley said.

  Jason clenched his fists. ‘Convincing?’

  ‘Yeah, I knew there was CCTV, so I thought a pash would add some realism to our story. Worked a treat, don’t you reckon?’ Ashley looked pleased with himself.

  Jason stared at him with narrowed eyes.

  Ashley made a face like the penny just dropped. ‘Hell! Don’t tell me you thought it was real? Shit, so that’s what all the agro was about.’

  Jason fidgeted and t
ugged at the neck of his T-shirt. ‘It seemed real to me,’ he said quietly.

  ‘It was a pretend kiss, all part of the plan.’

  ‘Was it part of your plan too?’ Jason asked me.

  Before I could answer, Ashley said, ‘No way, mate. She was so surprised she fell off the chair.’

  Jason rubbed his forehead. ‘Right. It was a good plan then. Probably helped take the heat off us. I’m sorry for my behavior and for doubting you. It was very convincing after all.’

  ‘Yeah, no worries, mate. Maybe I should go into acting if I’m that good.’

  I shook my head in disbelief. ‘You’ve got the Hollywood smile for it.’

  The smile and the guile. I worried about Ashley’s easy ability to spin mistruths. But who was I to judge? I was as guilty. I felt sad and bad for Jason. We were taking him for a sucker and it wasn’t right. Ashley was culpable; he’d made the first move, and persisted. But I’d been too weak to resist. I could’ve told him where to go, but I didn’t—because I didn’t want him to go. I loved him too. It was hard not to. Everyone loved him. He could be rude, inappropriate, politically incorrect but he had charisma, a heart of gold and he called a spade a spade. He was a rascal, but I’m sure neither Jason nor I could imagine our lives without him. Still, things were complicated now. Too complicated.

  Jason took two beers and the champagne bottle from the fridge. He poured me a glass of champagne and handed Ashley a beer. ‘Sorry, guys.’ He looked crestfallen. ‘Here’s to the three musketeers.’ He held out his bottle and we clinked. ‘To the three musketeers!’

  ‘Come with me, Maggie.’ Jason took my hand and led me into the bedroom, closed the door.


  ‘This.’ He untied my robe and slipped it off my shoulders.

  ‘I’ve still got weed in my hair.’

  ‘I don’t care.’

  He grasped my shoulders and then ran his hands over my breasts and around my waist. He lifted my chin and kissed me gently, then deeply, as his hands gravitated to my buttocks. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around him as he sat me gently on the bed.

  ‘I thought I’d lost you,’ he whispered. ‘Lost you to Ashley. I was devastated.’

  ‘You haven’t. I’m yours.’

  ‘I’m going to make sure it stays that way.’ He lifted his T-shirt over his head. His body was lean and his muscles rippled. He unfastened his jeans, dropped them and his jocks, to the floor and stood looking down at me in his naked splendor. Holy moly. My knees were weak and he hadn’t even touched me yet.

  ‘Do you feel up to this? Are you okay?’ He moved me further back onto the bed.

  ‘Yes. I’m fine. I love you.’

  Jason straddled me, held my face and kissed me deeply, before moving to my breasts and nipples, sucking and biting them. His hands moved forcefully over every part of my body and I groaned with pleasure and anticipation. I moved to reciprocate, to give him pleasure, but he held me down. He seemed different. Forceful, powerful ... driven.

  I got it. Jason was making a point. Ownership and domination. A guy thing. Go ahead and make your point. He could dominate me to his heart’s content, but only for as long as I let him.

  ‘Don’t move,’ he whispered. He opened my thighs with his legs and teased my body with his tongue, mouth, lips and fingers, bringing me to exquisite heights of pleasure. Then he entered me, slowly, and I wanted him so much, so, so much. ‘Come on, take me, Jason. Take me now, please.’

  ‘You don’t want me,’ he whispered in my ear.

  ‘I do. Yes. I do.’

  ‘Like this?’ He pressed his body hard into me and then withdrew.

  My body shuddered with desire. ‘Stop torturing me.’ I tried to pull him closer.

  ‘He pressed in hard again, then pulled away. ‘Beg.’



  ‘Okay. Please!’

  ‘Beg some more.’

  ‘Please, Jason.’

  ‘More. You can do better.’

  Damn your friggin’ stupid power games. ‘Fuck you!’

  ‘No, Maggie. Fuck you.’

  And he did. Well and truly.[32]

  Chapter 33: The Nature of the Beasts

  Our bodies lay entwined in a tangle of sheets. Melded together in gentle bliss, relaxed, enjoying finally being in each other’s arms, after everything.

  There was a gentle knock at the door.

  ‘Psst! You guys? Drom rang, and he’s running late. He’ll be here at half one. That’s fifteen minutes. Maggie, your clothes are here. I’ve left them outside the door.’

  We dressed, and I felt so happy and relaxed, I must’ve had a huge smile on my face.

  Jason kissed me. ‘Hey, my Maggie’s back!’ His face split into a crazy, gorgeous grin.

  ‘God, I love you,’ I said.

  ‘Ditto. Big time.’


  There it was. I felt it again. The sense of connection and deep love for Jason came flooding back. Ashley was a distraction. The emotions he generated in me could only lead to disaster. Jason was my one true love and always would be.

  We returned to the lounge, where Ashley was kicking back on the couch having another beer.

  ‘I thought you two were never coming out. A few in depth conversations, I guess. Looks like you’ve made her a happy woman. I’ve been coaching him, Maggie, you know that, don’t you?’

  The man never knew when to quit. Jason threw a cushion at him. ‘Shut it, Ash.’

  There was a knock and Ashley leapt up to answer it, sliding his gun in the back of his pants. ‘Who is it?’


  ‘No worries.’ Ashley opened the door. ‘Come on in.’

  I gave him a hug. I could feel his bones through his clothes. ‘Welcome to the Diplomatic Suite.’

  ‘Hi, all.’ He scanned the room. ‘Very swish.’

  ‘Beer?’ Ashley said, proffering him one.

  ‘Thanks, I’m parched.’

  Drom dumped a carry bag of what sounded like rocks on the floor and removed the strap of his satchel from around his neck.

  I could see Ashley and Jason checking him out.

  ‘How are you, Maggie?’

  I gave him the okay sign. ‘A1. I didn’t realise how bad I was feeling. I’m back to my normal self ... well, as normal as I can get.’

  He laughed. ‘There is no such thing as normal.’

  Ashley pointed to Jason and me. ‘Ain’t that the truth, especially around these two.’

  Drom rummaged in his satchel. ‘I’ve got something for you.’

  Jason and Ashley rocketed into high alert mode. Ashley reached around to the back of his jeans.

  ‘Relax,’ Drom said, handing me something wrapped in blue velvet. I unfolded the cloth to reveal—a crystal! Not dull, but shining with brilliant translucence.

  ‘Drom! Where’d you get it?’

  ‘From you.’


  ‘Yes, you were clutching it in your hand when I dragged you out of the lake. I put it in my bag for safe keeping and forgot to give it to you. Did you forget you had it?’

  ‘I didn’t have it to start with. How weird. I must’ve fished it out from the lake when I was half dead. Maybe that’s why I was drawn there. Wow. So, this is another crystal. I wonder how many there are?’

  ‘The number one hundred and thirty-seven comes to mind. On this continent anyway, or maybe the planet.’

  ‘You know about them?’

  ‘Yes. They’re meteors from the beginning of time—keepers and restorers of light, destroyers of darkness. Generally, they lay dormant and only come to light and activate when an energy imbalance threatens to destabilise or destroy any part of the energy matrix in the universes.

  ‘Universes?’ Jason said.

  ‘Yes, there are infinite universes out there. Technically I should say there are infinite universes right here. Anyway, these crystals are specifically locked in to life forms which vibrate at their own energy
frequency. Any life form, even inanimate objects can be aligned to the crystal, but primarily it’s attuned to the energy field of a specific human life force. In this case, it appears to be you, Maggie.’

  ‘Lucky me.’

  ‘You may not be the only one, but I think you are the primary.’


  ‘The primary life force the crystals use to defeat the Dark Force and restore balance.’

  ‘Crikey, I don’t like the sound of that,’ Jason said.

  ‘Me neither!’ I felt suddenly tired. ‘I don’t want to be used by anything or anyone.’

  ‘The crystals won’t make you do anything against your will. It’s like you are the crystals, and they are you. It’s a symbiotic relationship. You want what the crystals want, and by the way, you have done this before—all through time.’

  ‘Huh. No wonder I’m tired.’

  ‘You’re talking about reincarnation?’ Jason asked.


  Ashley rubbed his chin. ‘Jesus. How do you know all this?’

  ‘I’m kind of like Maggie, an intuitive, a psychic. I just know stuff. That’s why I live my life the way I do, learning as much as I can. It’s about remembering what I already know and following my inner compass, following where it leads and then doing whatever it is I’m called upon to do. I’m itinerant because of it, but my life is never boring. Boring would be good once in a while though.’

  ‘You can say that again,’ I said. ‘Drom earns a living playing the stock market and doing a bit of prospecting, amongst other things.’

  Ashley’s ears pricked at the word prospecting. ‘Huh, we dabble in a bit of prospecting, me especially. We’ll have to have a chat.’

  I held the crystal to catch the sunlight streaming in through the windows. ‘So, what should I do with this?’ The sunlight refracted through the crystal and a light blasted out, so bright we felt our retinas fry.

  Ashley covered his eyes. ‘Jesus! Put it away!’

  I was impressed. ‘Hell, there wouldn’t be a shadow left standing after that.’ I quickly wrapped the crystal in the blue velvet. ‘I have another crystal. Ashley has one too. Mine saved our lives, but now it looks dead. It doesn’t seem to have any energy anymore.’


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