by Stanski
Thank you
You have my
40. Declaration Of Dependence
I want to share something with you
The Last thing I want you to think
Is that Our happiness is false
It makes me Very content
To think that, in Every way
Each day, I can feel Your warmth
It links our minds and Our hearts
It lets me know I can trust Us
About The Author
Stanski is the kind of guy who doesn’t do things by half measures.
For example, he’s the guy who went to Thailand in 1999, to see in the New Millennium.
He enjoyed it there so much that he decided to stay on for a while.
He didn’t return to the UK until October…
October 2010…!
Stanski began writing in earnest in 2005 while recovering from a motorcycle accident, in the northern city of Chiangmai, in which he sustained serious head injuries.
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More examples of verse by Stanski can be found on his Blog, ‘Elephant Small’
Crawling Distance
In Decline
The Night Jasmine
The Fourth Millennium
Hotel 27
A Fetish For Frustration