Hunter's Mate

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Hunter's Mate Page 3

by Becca Jameson

  “I guess so.”

  The crowd, which had gathered around the entrance, dispersed, probably no longer interested since it would seem the fighting portion of tonight’s entertainment was over.

  “They are so damn similar.”

  “Identical,” Hunter agreed. “Though we won’t have any trouble telling them apart.”

  “Nope. That’s for sure.”

  Hunter turned toward his friend and grinned, their ridiculous fight all but forgotten. “I claim the one in the dress,” he joked.

  Caleb rubbed his jaw. “Good idea, unless you want me to hit you again.”

  Hunter chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one who got two punches in. You fight like a sissy.”

  Caleb groaned. “I don’t fight at all, asshole. You started this.”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “You want to stand out here all night arguing? Or should we go inside and stake our claim before someone else does?”

  The wide eyes on Caleb’s face followed by hasty steps toward the entrance was all the response Hunter got. Two seconds later, they were back inside, scanning the room, both of them inhaling long and slow.

  It took seconds to scent the women at the exact table Hunter and Caleb had vacated. Royce had cleared away the empty bottles and wiped the table top.

  “They have no idea,” Caleb murmured.

  Hunter agreed. These women either didn’t have the ability to scent their mates, or Hunter and Caleb were being played masterfully. Hunter was betting on the former.

  Without consulting Caleb, he approached the women. He had no idea what he was going to say, but he wasn’t going to waste another moment.

  Hunter’s attention was focused on the woman in the tight dress, loving the way it rose up her thighs now that she was sitting. Her tanned legs went on forever. Her calves were sexy as fuck in those damn heels. He already knew she was a runner, so he wasn’t surprised she had muscular legs.

  Long unruly curls haloed her face and hung down her back. When she turned to face him, she cocked her head to one side. “Hey. I saw you while I was jogging earlier, didn’t I?”

  He nodded. “You did.” He extended a hand, beyond pleased she wasn’t blowing him off. “Hunter.” He couldn’t be sure how hard he might have to work for this woman. If she knew nothing about how mating worked, it could take a while. If she knew nothing about the existence of shifters, it could take even longer.

  There weren’t many non-shifters these days who either hadn’t heard of shifters or denied their existence for one reason or another, but it happened from time to time.

  The smile that spread across this woman’s face nearly made his knees buckle. When she set her small hand in his, an electrical tingle raced up his arm and warmed his entire body. “Layla,” she purred.

  “Layla…” He tried it out on his tongue and loved it. “That’s beautiful.” And so are you. He couldn’t take his gaze off her.

  She giggled. “Thank you.” Her hand was still in his. He was reluctant to release her. If he had his way, he would never stop touching her from this moment forward. Might not be practical, but it seemed like a solid plan from where he stood.

  All his life he’d heard other shifters speak about what this moment would be like. Nothing anyone had said prepared him for the onslaught of emotions welling up inside him. Let alone the stiffness of his cock that he instinctively knew would not be abated anytime soon.

  He had no idea what the two women were doing in town, but he didn’t want to ask either. If she said they were just passing through, he might lose the loose grip he had on his sanity. He’d leave that question for later.

  He cleared his throat. “I already know you can run. Can you dance?” He felt like an idiot. That was the cheesiest line he’d ever used on a woman.

  She rolled her eyes. “Is that the best line you can come up with?”

  The smile that spread across his face was genuine. He liked her already. Convenient really. She wasn’t going to make his life easy. Ever. And he loved it. He shrugged. “I could probably come up with a few others, but I’m not sure they would be better.”

  When she returned the smile, the world stopped spinning. Please, God, make it so that I get to see that smile every day for the rest of my life.

  Shifters believed that Fate was the woman who moved everyone around like puppets on a string. She had long ago determined when and where Hunter would meet his mate. He believed that with every fiber of his being. And here he was. Fulfilling his destiny. Or at least laying the groundwork.

  Layla glanced at her sister for a split second. The other woman wasn’t paying attention though. She was currently being wooed by Caleb.

  “I promise to return you to the table after a dance. Don’t worry.” He wanted her to feel comfortable with him. No matter how badly his wolf screamed to get her out of this bar and back to his house where he could fully claim her in his bed, that wasn’t going to be an option. Not immediately anyway. He had a lot of explaining to do before he could get that sexy dress off her body.

  He hopped down from the stool and wrapped her arm around his. “Why ever would you want to return me to the table?” she asked with a wicked grin.

  His heart stopped. Fuck me.

  Chapter 5

  Layla couldn’t take her eyes off Hunter. Even though they hadn’t exchanged more than a handful of words, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him from the moment she saw him on the side of the road earlier.

  The man was larger than life. Not just tall—though she suspected he was about six-two—but broad and…more than that. She couldn’t put her finger on it. He filled the room. She felt confident he was a shifter.

  And damn, he could move. She was impressed with his dancing skills. And his attentiveness. He’d made her feel special from the moment he approached their table, mostly because he never took his eyes off hers.

  She’d glanced around as he led her to the dance floor and noticed that over half the patrons were watching. Some of them were trying to hide their curiosity, but many of them were blatantly staring.

  Layla assumed most of the people in McGregor’s knew each other. The town wasn’t that large. There was only the one bar. The question on her mind was just how many of these people were shifters? Most of them? All of them?

  There was a vibe in the air. Something she couldn’t put her finger on. As if everyone knew a secret she wasn’t privy to. It was a bit unnerving, but she ignored it.

  Hunter had taken her hand to lead her to the dance floor, and he’d never let go. Thank goodness because the music was country, and he was leading her in a perfect two-step, one hand clasping hers and the other on the small of her back. She’d felt a moment of panic as they joined the other dancers, but Hunter was so confident that he easily led her through the steps.

  She tipped her head back to smile at him as they made a circle around the floor. “You’re good at this.” One hand was on his waist, and she gripped his beltloop under the oatmeal-colored henley he wore.

  “I’m good at lots of things.”

  “Except maybe fighting. Not sure which of you was winning out there.” She laughed. He was cocky. She liked it though. It was more of a well-earned confidence than an annoying attitude problem. His half grin seemed permanent, with only one half of his smile lifted. Almost a smirk. Like he knew he had her. And he wasn’t wrong. She was even more into him than she had been when she first spotted him.

  His dark hair was thick and had a slight wave to it. His eyes were a deep brown. And he was tan, making her think he worked outdoors. Of course, she was also unusually tan for a blonde, and she definitely never risked the sun on her skin.

  Hunter led her around the dance floor with such practiced ease that by the time they were on their second circle, she was almost in sync with him. She’d done some line dancing and a little two-stepping occasionally, but it had been a while.

  She glanced over at their table to check on Elena when they passed by that side of the floor,
surprised to see her sister in an intimate conversation with Hunter’s friend.

  Hunter drew her closer. His lips came close to her ear. “Don’t worry about Caleb. He’s a good guy. One of the best. That’s why I didn’t put a lot of effort into my punches.”

  Layla brought her attention back to Hunter. “Elena’s going to kill me. We’re supposed to be spending time together, and bars aren’t really her scene. I dragged her here.”

  A low chuckle vibrated from Hunter’s chest. “Even better. Caleb isn’t a huge fan of bars either.”

  “Then why are you here?” she asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing, but I think we’d have the same answer.”

  Her face heated, and she slowly smiled at him. Finally, she narrowed her gaze. “Wait a minute. How did you know which sister I was? Or did you not care?”

  He laughed again, tipping his head back. His eyes were dancing when they met hers again. “I knew. And trust me, I cared.” His voice was low. Serious.

  She stopped breathing and licked her lips. “How?”

  He winked at her. “Surely you realize I’m not your average everyday human.”

  She swallowed. “Well, I thought maybe, but I wasn’t sure. What are you exactly?”

  He slid his hand up her back and leaned his lips close to her ear again. “Lupine.”

  Wolf. He’s a wolf shifter.

  “Where are you from?” he asked.

  “Los Angeles.” At least I was.

  He lifted a brow. “Wow. Culture shock. Is this your first time visiting Canyon Springs?”

  “Yes.” The word came out on a breath. It felt like he was sucking the oxygen out of her. She chuckled in her mind at that thought. It sounded like something her grandmother would have said.

  “So you haven’t met any shifters before?”

  “No. Not until today. You’re the first.”

  He chuckled. God she loved that sound. “Me and about fifty other people in the bar.”

  She flinched and let her gaze wander around the room. People were definitely still watching the two of them. “I feel like everyone’s watching us. I’m like a shiny new toy in town.”

  The hand he had splayed on her back tightened. “Don’t worry. No one will approach you. They’re just curious.”

  She leaned her chest back a few inches to look up at his face again. “Because I’m human? I thought the town had a mixture of people living in it. Elena and I aren’t the only humans in the bar, are we?”

  He shook his head. “No. The town is about fifty fifty. People are staring for several reasons. One of them is because you two are unbelievably identical. I’m sure you get that everywhere you go.”

  “Yes, but not usually so blatantly. It’s more than that.”

  He nodded. “Like I said, they’re curious. They’re more interested in my intentions than you.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Oh? And what are your intentions?” She slowly smiled, not at all concerned with the direction of this conversation.

  He studied her face for several seconds before murmuring, “Let’s just see how things go.”

  For some reason, her heart rate picked up. There was no denying this man was sending her libido into overdrive. She hadn’t been this aroused in a very long time. Was it because he was a shifter, and she badly wanted to have sex with a shifter? Or was it something else? Something supernatural like her grandmother had said.

  She shook that last thought out of her mind. It was absurd. Obviously the rumor mill perpetuated by Grandma Mabel was just that, rumors. There couldn’t be any validity to the idea that shifters had some sort of power over humans and could brainwash them into thinking they wanted to have sex.

  Layla shuddered as her nipples stiffened against the spandex of her black dress. If he glanced down, he would see her high beams. She licked her lips, wanting to speak again if for no other reason than to steer the conversation away from his sexual inuendo and her traitorous body. For as much as she wanted to experience a good fuck with a shifter, she wasn’t so easy that she would do so five minutes after meeting one. “Tell me how you knew which sister I was.”

  “Your scent.”

  Her eyes went wide again before she could control her reaction. “We smell different?”


  “And you could identify that from me jogging past you on the other side of the street?”

  “Yes.” He smiled indulgently. “Without a doubt. Everyone puts off their own pheromones. Yours are imbedded permanently in my mind.”

  “I was sweaty and gross,” she pointed out.

  He continued to smile as if his expression was permanently affixed on his face, and he was beyond certain she was a sure thing. “You couldn’t be gross if you ran a marathon in the mud.”

  She scrunched up her face. “Trust me. I can be gross.”

  He shrugged. “Looking forward to seeing this side of you then.”

  She lifted a brow. “Who says I’m going to be interested in seeing you again?”


  “So cocky.”

  “Can’t deny it.” He pulled her torso closer to his, allowing her to feel his erection against her belly. His expression turned serious. “I would never pressure you though. Never. I promise. You’ll come to my bed on your own.”

  She shivered. Yikes. He was so confident. In addition, her damn pussy was wet, and since she wasn’t wearing panties, her arousal was gathering between her legs. “Damn. You don’t mince words.”

  “Nope. Why bother? You’re into me. I’m into you. So, we’ll enjoy the dance, literally and figuratively. When you’re ready, I’m going to rock your world.”

  “Why don’t I doubt that,” she murmured. She wasn’t even opposed to his suggestion. Half of her wanted to throw caution to the wind and leave this bar with him right this second.

  She remembered Elena and jerked her gaze back toward her sister. Hunter’s friend Caleb was sitting on a stool, and he was leaning into Elena, her hand clasped in his. “Wow.”

  “What?” Hunter asked.

  “I don’t think Elena has ever let a man she just met get that fresh with her.”

  He chuckled. “You really don’t know much about shifters do you?”

  She shook her head. “Only the nonsense my grandmother filled my brain with.”

  “Your grandmother?”

  “Yes. Her name was Mabel. She raised us. She also took every opportunity to grumble about shifters.” Layla winced. “Don’t worry. Elena and I aren’t prejudice against anyone on the planet, but we were subjected to her bigotry often.”

  “Sorry to hear that. Did she have an uncomfortable experience with a shifter or something?”

  “No. She was pissed because her sister married one. Her sister lived here in Canyon Springs. Marge Keller. That’s why Elena and I are in town. She left her house to us.”

  His eyes widened. “Ahhh. You’re Marge’s great nieces.”

  “Yes. We came here to sell her house and wrap up her affairs.”

  He frowned. “You plan to sell it? Why?”

  She cocked her head to one side. “Why wouldn’t we? We never knew Aunt Marge. Never met her. She and her sister never spoke after Marge met her husband and stayed in Canyon Springs. Elena and I don’t know a single person here. Marge’s house and her belongings are foreign to us.”

  “You know me,” he pointed out.

  She giggled. “Okay. That’s kind of a stretch. I mean you’re a great dancer and sexy and intriguing and interesting, but I’m thinking a few dances and twenty minutes of conversation doesn’t quite constitute a sufficient reason to stay in town,” she teased. Her brain fogged a bit while she spoke, though, making her wonder why the hell not? Craziness.

  “I’m sexy?” He gave her that half grin again.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t act like you didn’t know it.” She glanced around the room again. “I’d guess that’s why everyone is staring at us. They’re actually pissed at me for stealing your a
ttention, aren’t they? I bet you usually dance with all these women.” She stopped herself just short of suggesting he’d probably slept with several of them too.

  His chest vibrated against her again. Apparently he found her humorous. “No one is pissed. Do they look pissed? Look closer.”

  She stared at him for a few moments before taking on his challenge and letting her gaze wander slowly around the room. He was right. Many people were watching her watch them, but most of them were either smiling or smirking. It was kinda strange. As if they were slapping him figuratively on the back for making this conquest.

  Layla started to pull away. The entire situation suddenly overwhelmed her.

  Just then, the music changed to a slow song, and Hunter slid his hands to hers and lifted them to rest on his shoulders, misreading her retreat. “Don’t let them intimidate you, Layla.” God, she loved the sound of her name on his lips. “Ignore them.”

  His hands both caressed her back, one of them smoothing up to her neck, his fingers tangling in her curls. He slid his fingers through her hair once and settled his hand at the base of her neck again. “Your hair is so soft,” he whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen hair quite this color before. It’s so light, like spun gold.”

  She didn’t respond. Mostly she just enjoyed the timbre of his voice. It was mesmerizing. Almost hypnotizing.

  About ten red flags came up at that thought and she stiffened, pulling back from his heat.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I need some air. Some space.”

  “Okay. Let’s go outside.” Before she could respond, he had her hand in his and was leading her through the crowd toward the entrance. More red flags. No matter how intrigued she was, she knew this was a bad idea. She didn’t know this man well enough to put herself in a compromised situation. Leaving the building would definitely do that.

  Besides, Elena was still at the table. Layla twisted her neck and rose onto her toes to spot her sister. She was still in the same spot. Still leaning into Caleb. She had a drink in front of her. Probably Sprite, knowing Elena.

  Layla felt a bit of panic and tugged her hand free before they reached the entrance. Hunter spun around, his expression concerned.


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