The Obsidian Throne

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The Obsidian Throne Page 11

by Michelle Soper

  Wyatt didn’t have a good answer for her. “I don’t know. I only know I love you, and I have to keep you safe,” he said hurriedly. As he stared at her, an idea suddenly popped into his head. The ring, he thought. It can’t be that simple, can it? Well, I don’t see how it could make things any worse, he considered to himself.

  Nev was growing anxious and started to pull away from Wyatt. If she had to meet the prowler again in combat, she couldn’t do it with Wyatt’s arms around her. She would also feel better if he was farther away from the still very present danger.

  Wyatt forcefully pulled her back close to him. This is crazy, he thought. “Tell me you love me,” he implored, with an intense feeling of urgency.

  “What!?! You want to do this now?” she asked, visibly agitated and baffled.

  He glanced at the prowler who was now standing, but still coughing violently. “Trust me,” he suggested, sounding sincere.

  Nev shook her head and sighed. Fine, she thought. “I love you,” she vowed, meaning it but also feeling annoyed.

  Wyatt looked at her closely and then clasped her hands inside his, with the ring sitting atop. “I love you, and I will keep you safe,” he promised, closing his eyes.

  The prowler watched their moment of shared affection with disgust. His throat still burned, but so did his hunger and hatred. Lifting his dagger, he ran towards them. He lunged forward and then fell unexpectedly to the ground. A swirl of purple smoke dancing where his targets had been only a moment before. Furious, he stood and screamed at the sky, “I will find you! When I do, your suffering will know no bounds. I promise.”

  Chapter 19

  Nev had instinctually closed her eyes when the vortex of wind and light engulfed them. She’d felt Wyatt’s hands clasp tightly around hers before sensing a bright light that was immediately followed by air moving around them at an incredible speed. Then, as quickly as it began, the torrent of air stopped and the blinding light dissipated. She found herself standing still. Daring to peek at her surroundings, she was immensely relieved to see Wyatt unharmed and still standing across from her. Finally, Nev allowed herself to release the breath she had been holding.

  Wyatt opened his eyes slowly and sighed with relief at the sight of Nev. “Are you okay?” he asked softly, his voice trembling a bit.

  Nev nodded as she looked at him and then around at where they now found themselves. They were standing in the middle of a room, but it was not in any place she recognized. Her mind spun as she tried to make sense of what had transpired. At least, there was no sign of the prowler. Whatever she and Wyatt had been caught up in, it appeared to only have happened to them. “What happened? Where are we?” she inquired, staring up at Wyatt.

  Wyatt looked around the room and then shook his head. “As for what happened, I only know it involves the ring you gave me. Although it definitely sounds crazy and doesn’t seem possible that any ring could do such a thing. The question of where we are, however, is one I actually have an answer for,” he responded with astonishment.

  Nev looked at him and blinked with surprise. She had asked him the questions, but she didn’t expect him to have any more answers than she did. “What? Then tell me,” she insisted, feeling anxious about being in a closed and unfamiliar space.

  “Well, it looks like I’m living every boy’s dream. I finally got a girl in my bedroom,” he said, laughing at the strangeness of the entire situation.

  Nev just shook her head in disapproval. Was he joking? Of course, he was, she thought. Feeling a bit frustrated with him, she huffed, “Very funny. Now really, where are we?”

  He smiled and shrugged. “I know it sounds impossible, but this is my bedroom in Birclan,” explained Wyatt.

  “But how? That doesn’t make any sense,” Nev remarked, feeling completely perplexed.

  “Well, I think the ring…,” Wyatt started to explain when the bedroom door flung open.

  “Convince me not to kill you!” a female voice boomed. The woman held a crossbow aimed directly at Nev’s head. She was roughly the same age as Wyatt and bore a striking resemblance to him. Her hair was much longer than his but was composed of the same sandy blonde curls. Her eyes, however, were much more brown than amber.

  Nev reacted in an instance, pushing Wyatt back and pulling out her dagger.

  “Whoa, whoa! Everyone, please just take a breath. Nev put the dagger away and Addi, be a dear and lower your crossbow,” Wyatt suggested, as he moved between the two armed and agitated women.

  “Wyatt!?! How did you get here? Who is that with you?” Addi exclaimed, feeling massively confused and relieved at the same time.

  “Surprise!” he greeted with a broad grin.

  Nev looked at Wyatt, and then at Addi. Taking a deep breath, she lowered and put away her dagger. Nev studiously examined Addi. So, you are ‘the’ famous sister, she thought. Nev noted that Addi was wearing clothing similar to her and Wyatt. She was dressed in sensible brown leather pants and boots. Her tunic was a lovely shade of light blue with dark blue decorative stitching. Also, aside from the crossbow, she didn’t appear to carry any additional weapons.

  Addi, suddenly realizing she still had the crossbow pointed at them, quickly let if fall and secured it to her back. She pushed past Nev and gave Wyatt a bear hug.

  Nev watched all of this unfold, still trying to put together how it had possibly happened. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Addi smack Wyatt across the face.

  “Hey, that hurt. And is mostly uncalled for, don’t you think?” Wyatt yelped, rubbing his cheek. Wyatt, noticing Nev growing unhappy about the entire situation, decided it was best if he defused it before she or Addi picked up another weapon. “Addi, we need to talk. Some stuff has happened and well… we should just talk,” he offered, as he gestured towards the door.

  “Yes. We should,” Addi retorted. She glared at Nev and then nodded at Wyatt before heading out through the bedroom door.

  Nev, with her fists clenched, watched her leave. She felt Wyatt grab each of her hands with his own and gently uncurl her anger clamped fingers.

  “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I do need you to stay in here until I come back, though. Alright?” Wyatt pleaded gently.

  Nev shook her head and argued back, “There is no time for this. The prowler could be right behind us.”

  Wyatt tenderly toucher her cheek near where the prowler had cut it. “I know. We won’t stay too long, but I need to talk with Addi. I also need to take care of that wound,” he countered softly, pulling his sash from his belt before gently pressing it to her cheek for a moment.

  Nev knew his requests were reasonable. Plus, even if they left right now, she had no idea where they would go. She peered down at the amulet and was comforted to see it had stopped glowing for now. Maybe Sagrine would not know where they had gone. Perhaps they had stolen a few moments to catch their breath. “Alright,” she relented, albeit a bit reluctantly.

  Wyatt kissed her forehead and handed her his sash. “I won’t be too long. Keep my sash for now. I will patch you up when I get back,” he promised.

  Nev sighed and nodded, staring at his purple sash and the small stains of fresh blood that dotted it.

  “Hey, look at it this way. I got to see your bedroom, dig a hole in the floor and find some hidden treasure. The least I could do is let you dig through my drawers, try on some of my clothes and jump on my bed, right?” he laughed.

  Nev gave him a half-smile.

  Wyatt kissed her forehead again and then left through the door, closing it snugly behind him.

  Addi, pacing outside in the main living area and mumbling to herself, let out a heavy sigh when she heard Wyatt’s door close. “You. Talk. When I heard about the explosion in Serenity Falls and your ledger,” she insisted, before her voice trailed off.

  Wyatt put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry I made you worry,” he offered softly.

  “Worry? I thought you were dead! And then I hear the wind howling and you… you just materialize in
your bedroom! And with some… some woman!” she snapped, shoving his hands off her shoulders.

  Wyatt sighed and sat down in a chair. He ran his hands through his hair and tried to find the right words to help Addi understand. “Look, I am sorry. Things happened really quickly, but I have been trying to reach Birclan. Trying to reach you, ever since I left Serenity Falls,” he apologized, filled with remorse.

  Addi pulled a chair out and sat directly across from Wyatt, placing her hands on his knees and gently squeezing them. “I am glad you are okay, I really am,” she stressed softly before leaning forward until their heads touched.

  Wyatt took in a deep breath. “Me too. Although I almost really wasn’t. That woman in there, she is the reason I’m still standing,” he acknowledged, lifting his head and looking at Addi.

  Addi sat back, studying his face closely. “Right, but something tells me she is also the reason you needed saving,” she countered, raising an eyebrow and sounding cynical.

  Nodding, Wyatt replied, “Partly, but it isn’t her fault.”

  “Oh Wyatt, when are you going to grow up and be more sensible,” Addi rebutted, feeling discouraged. “Let me guess, a strange woman shows up in your life, turns your world upside down, gets you into all kinds of trouble, and now she needs your help to get out of said trouble. That about sum it up?”

  Wyatt laughed a bit and conceded, “I suppose it does. Although, you forgot the part where I drowned, and she revived me. Also, the bit where she is being hunted by the same prowler that took you.” Wyatt paused and stared at his sister as his expression suddenly became more sincere. “Oh, and the fact that I love her.”

  Addi shook her head in disbelief. “Love, Wyatt? Really? Whatever happened in Serenity Falls, it happened just a little over a week ago. And now you are in love?” she asked incredulously.

  “That is the part that bothers you?” he teased, raising an eyebrow and chuckling softly.

  “It all bothers me,” she stressed with a heavy sigh. “I hate the idea of you being hurt… or worse. And I really hate the idea of that prowler taking an interest in you. Again. It is why I… well, why I did what I did. Wyatt, he is beyond dangerous. He is evil.”

  Wyatt brushed a loose strand of hair from her face and said, “Believe me, I have had him in my head twice now. I know he is dangerous. I’ll always remember what you sacrificed for me, Addi. I know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t volunteered to be tested and receive your mark. They would have followed the rumors surrounding our house and taken me away forever. You showed me that sometimes we have to risk everything because it is the right thing to do. Or because we are trying to protect someone we love.”

  Addi let out a long sigh and studied Wyatt’s face closely. “You are my brother, taking a risk for you made sense and it still makes sense. But why her? Why risk anything… everything for her?” she questioned.

  Wyatt smiled and shook his head. “Because she is special. Because I made a promise to her. Because, even though it may seem crazy, I do love her. And because… well, because she is worth it,” he pronounced sincerely.

  Addi drummed her fingers on her knees and stared at him for a minute. “Alright. I know there is something else you are not telling me, like how you just appeared in your room. Even so, it can wait. For now,” she conceded. “You said he has been in your head? Then it won’t be safe here for very long. How much time do you think we have before that prowler reaches Birclan, reaches here?” she asked pointedly.

  Wyatt grinned at her because he knew she’d let him win their discussion, at least for the time being. He took a deep breath and then shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. The last place we saw him was at least a day and a half’s walk, and he won’t be traveling the way we did. So, I would say we have at least a day.”

  Addi nodded and said, “Right. Well, I will pack up some things. You should go see to her wound. The last thing we need is for the princess to get an infection.”

  Wyatt laughed. He knew Addi meant the whole princess bit like an insult, but he knew something Addi didn’t yet. She is just going to love it when I tell her the rest of it, he thought. He then hopped up and kissed Addi on the cheek. “Have I told you lately that you are my favorite sister?” he prodded playfully.

  “Ha. Ha,” Addi quipped, scrunching up her face. “Anyway, tell Nev we will be leaving at first light. Marsdon is a bit of a hike, but we have connections there that could help. I think that is where we should be heading. It’s too bad though, I always liked this place.”

  He smiled at her and responded, “I know. Just think of it as an adventure.”

  “Right. Well, this mystery woman better be worthwhile because your worth is diminishing quickly,” teased Addi as she scoured the cupboards for anything useful.

  Wyatt faked a serious injury and fell to the floor dramatically. “You have wounded me, my sweet sister.”

  Addi glanced at him and shook her head. “And she loves you back? She must be special indeed,” she retorted, laughing.

  Wyatt stood up and brushed himself off before heading towards the washroom. He grabbed a few supplies and made his way to the bedroom. Addi’s playful words sat heavier in his mind than she likely intended. And she loves you back? Hmm… I think so. At least, I hope so, he thought.

  Chapter 20

  Nev had briefly considered rifling through Wyatt’s belongings but, found his bed to be much more enticing. She had not slept in a real bed for over a year. Nev laid down and stretched her legs and arms as far as they would go before curling up with the soft blanket. She sighed with contentment as the sting from her cheek and the encounter with the prowler faded. Closing her eyes, she let her mind wander.

  Sweet-smelling air drifted through the open window above, and Nev inhaled it deeply before smiling to herself. In the past, being closed inside a room would have filled her with dread. Now, she felt strangely content. As she relaxed into the bed, a single image came into focus in her mind: Wyatt. She studied his face in her mind’s eye and slowly came to the realization that she’d really meant what she said prior to their daring escape. I must tell him. Tell him I love him, she thought, beaming.

  Wyatt opened the door and found himself momentarily stopped in his tracks. He didn’t know what he had expected to see when he opened the door, but her lying peacefully in his bed wasn’t it. Her back was to him, and the blanket was tugged snuggly to her. Even so, he could sense a calmness about her. Gently, he closed the door behind him before sitting the supplies down on a small table. As Wyatt moved closer to her, he tried very hard to not make a sound. If she heard him, she didn’t let it be known. For a few moments, he stood mesmerized by her. In the days they’d spent together, most of their time was filled with the constant threat of danger. Moments of calm were rare, and he treasured them.

  Nev rolled over and smiled at him before making room for him on the bed. She pulled back the covers and patted the now vacant space.

  Wyatt did not need more of an invitation. He slipped his boots off and quickly climbed under the blankets with her. The bed was narrow, so they squeezed their bodies close together. He watched with rapt attention as she rested one of her hands on his temple. Feeling her fingers gently twisting his hair around them, he became lost in the thought of how much he loved it when she did that.

  She smiled and confessed softly, “I need to tell you something.”

  He ran a finger gently along her injured cheek. “Do you?” he asked playfully. “Maybe I should play healer a bit first,” he grinned, feeling quite proud of his wittiness.

  Her face frowned slightly, and she took a deep breath, “I do,” she clarified.

  Seeing her expression suddenly become more serious, he grew concerned. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me anything. I don’t want you to feel pressure, not from me,” he countered gently.

  She moved until her face was almost touching his, savoring the feeling of his breath on her skin. Feeling his eyes searching hers, she knew he was looking for hin
ts to what was troubling her. She sighed faintly and gazed into his eyes. “You saved me, you know? And I don’t just mean from the prowler,” she whispered sorrowfully.

  Wyatt nudged her forehead gently with his and smiled affectionately at her.

  Nev gave him a quick smile, even as tears filled her eyes.

  “Hey, you’re okay. We are going to figure this out, and it’s all going to be okay. You’ll see,” Wyatt promised, hoping to cheer her up.

  Nev closed her eyes for a moment, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. “When I went into that town, somewhere in my head, I knew it would end badly. And I think… I know I wanted it to. I was just so tired of everything. And then you saw me, and you saved me,” she revealed.

  Wyatt smiled at her and listened quietly.

  Nev breathed in sharply. “And, you have saved me every day since. I… I should have told you sooner. But I didn’t, and then it was almost too late,” she whimpered, fighting back the tears.

  “It’s okay, you’ve told me now,” he assured, attempting to comfort her.

  Nev shook her head. “No, I haven’t,” she countered, taking in a deep breath before looking at him closely. “I love you.”

  Wyatt grinned and kissed her deeply for several long minutes. He pulled back slightly and chuckled, “I knew you couldn’t resist my charm forever, all one of them.”

  Nev giggled softly and replied, “Aww, I think you have at least two.”

  “Oh really, just two?” he retorted, tickling her.

  Nev giggled uncontrollably until Wyatt finally took mercy on her and stopped. She lay on her back now, looking up at him, tenderly pushing a curl behind his ear and smiling warmly at him. “So, you aren’t upset with me for not telling you sooner?” she asked, sounding concerned.


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