The Obsidian Throne

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The Obsidian Throne Page 23

by Michelle Soper

  The prowler’s lifeless body collapsed onto Nev. She could feel his sticky, warm blood coat her skin. The waking nightmare that had hunted her was finally over. She felt herself becoming quickly overwhelmed by emotions and fatigue. Trembling and sobbing, she lay there, her demon’s corpse still seeping the last of its life onto her.

  Wyatt felt it before Nellis even realized what he had witnessed. “She did it. Addi… I need you to go help her for me, please,” he pleaded, feeling himself grow faint from pain, exhaustion, and relief.

  Addi nodded. “Nellis, take him to the bed and get any healing supplies you have,” she ordered. Addi then rushed to find Nev. She located her swiftly, still pinned beneath the prowler’s body. Addi threw Sagrine off of Nev. Picking up the prowler’s dagger, she drove it deep into his head, just to be sure. Pulling out the blade, she wiped it on his sleeve and slid it under her belt. She then carefully and speedily helped Nev into the house and to the back bedroom.

  Chapter 42

  Addi and Nellis worked to get Nev and Wyatt into the bed in the back bedroom. Addi had taken over duties as the healer, and Nellis had searched the prowler’s body before securing it in his shed.

  Nev, lying on her back, was sobbing and writhing with agony. She was covered in blood, not all of it hers. Her bottom lip was badly swollen, neck bruised, and her shoulder was bleeding severely. Addi was truly struggling to get it to stop. “I need you to try and hold still Nev,” Addi pleaded, her voice heavy with worry.

  Wyatt’s eyes flickered open, and he groaned in pain. If someone had told him his head was in two pieces, he would’ve believed them. Perhaps surprisingly, his head hurt far worse than his wound from Sagrine’s blade. He could feel Nev next to him and knew she was suffering. Wyatt searched the bed for her hand. Finding it, he quickly grabbed it and squeezed. He waited for her to squeeze his back, but it didn’t come. “Nev?” he asked, his voice raspy.

  “Nellis! I need you to get me anything you have that might help stop the bleeding,” Addi shouted.

  Wyatt took a deep breath and made himself sit up. He almost blacked out from the searing pain that shot from his head and down his spine, but he refused to let himself succumb.

  “Not now, Wyatt! Lay back down!” Addi ordered, sounding panicked.

  “Elder root. She needs… an elder root salve,” Wyatt stated, clutching his head with his hands.

  Addi’s mind raced. She had never heard of it, but she was willing to try anything. “How do you… never mind. Nellis! Do you have any elder roots?” Addi inquired, her voice grave.

  “Do you want me to brew it into tea first?” Nellis asked, his voice coming from somewhere in the kitchen.

  Wyatt chuckled a bit and then instantly groaned. “Laughing… mistake. And no tea, just the root. Only Nellis would turn one of the strongest healing plants into a tea,” he jested, rubbing his temples gently.

  “No tea. Just bring it, a mortar and pestle and some clean water,” Addi instructed, finally feeling a few hints of optimism.

  Nev pushed her eyes open and saw the blurry outlines of Addi and Wyatt hovering over her. She groaned and jerked away from them as she felt someone touching her shoulder. “Stop! Let go!” she yelled.

  Wyatt was still shaky, and his head throbbed, but he moved to lean close to Nev anyway. He steadied himself on the bed and bent down to kiss her on the forehead. “I keep telling you, I can’t do that. I promised, remember?” he asked her softly.

  Nev felt Wyatt’s presence and squeezed his hand that was grasping hers.

  “There you are,” Wyatt sighed, feeling comforted.

  Hearing Wyatt’s voice, Nev starting crying. Sagrine’s words echoed in her ears. She’d told him she didn’t believe him, but now… now doubt and sorrow gripped her. “He wouldn’t have said that… would he?” she stammered between tears.

  “Said what, love?” Wyatt asked, concerned.

  Nev mumbled something to herself as her crying slowed, and exhaustion began to overtake her.

  “Shh… rest. You’re going to be okay. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere,” Wyatt promised, trying to reassure and soothe her.

  Addi quickly applied the salve to Nev’s shoulder and badly busted lip. She watched as Nev grew calmer and seemed to be resting and then turned her attention to Wyatt. “Alright. Your turn, brother,” Addi directed, pushing him gently back onto the bed. Addi saw him refuse to release Nev’s hand and smiled. “Stubborn as always, I see.” She applied the elder root salve to Wyatt and then covered both their wounds with a clean cloth. “Alright, you two get some rest. You’ve earned it.”

  Wyatt laid close to Nev carefully and made sure his hand didn’t let go of hers. He squeezed it gently as he let himself fall into a deep sleep. The last thing he remembered was hearing Addi and Nellis discuss what other odd teas Nellis drank and the feeling of Nev squeezing his hand faintly.

  Chapter 43

  Addi had peeked in on Nev and Wyatt a few times. The pair were both slowly improving, the elder root salve having worked a miracle on Nev’s shoulder and Wyatt’s wound. Her brother’s headache had also mostly subsided. Addi brought the pair food and water and checked on both their bandages during the first day of recovery. Once Wyatt was recuperated at all, Addi had allowed him to take over cleaning and rebandaging Nev’s shoulder. She’d also had him start taking care of his own wound. Addi knew her brother was far too stubborn to have it any other way. So, she simply reminded him that she was available if he needed anything.

  After three days, hushed conversations and giggles started to be heard coming from the backroom. Addi felt relieved to hear them at first. By the fourth day, however, she was back to her normal reaction of annoyance. Normally, she would have made her aggravation known. Instead, she’d been a little preoccupied. She and Nellis had enjoyed becoming reacquainted with each other over the past few days. So, she decided to give Nev and her brother a pass. Her patience, however, was coming to an end.

  With the rain slowly waining outside, Wyatt could just barely spy the slivers of moonlight slipping through the clouds. He softly kissed around Nev’s bandaged shoulder, letting his hands caress her arms, neck, and chest. Wyatt grinned as he felt Nev squirm while he continued to encourage her to wake up. He had woken to find his headache completely gone, and the wound to his stomach almost fully healed. He would have a nice scar, but he’d always heard women liked those.

  He was eager to see if Nev felt as recovered as he did. They’d both needed to take time to rest and recover. Wyatt, however, woke up today feeling energized. He ran a finger lightly over her still slightly, swollen lip. Then he blew lightly in Nev’s ear and kissed her neck tenderly. The bruising on her throat had gradually turned into shades of purple and blue. Seeing the visible reminder of Sagrine’s presence made him pause briefly. Shaking his head, he pushed the darker memories away. He chose to focus instead on helping her to feel rejuvenated.

  Nev felt a cold shiver run through her, and she pulled the blanket up around herself and snuggled close to Wyatt. Feeling warm again, she quickly returned to sleeping deeply.

  Wyatt frowned a bit as Nev continued to sleep. Maybe you are more stubborn than me, he thought. Grinning, he teased softly, “Well, that just can’t be allowed.” Wyatt slid a hand down her abdomen as he kissed up her chest and neck. He heard her whimper in protest, which only pushed him to redouble his efforts. He lifted the blanket and slid over the top of her, kissing her lips gently.

  Nev’s eyes flashed open. “Can’t you tell when a girl just wants to sleep?” she asked playfully.

  “And is that what a girl wants?” Wyatt inquired, raising an eyebrow.

  Nev giggled and mused, “Maybe. Perhaps a girl needs your help to make up her mind.”

  “That, my dear, can most definitely be arranged,” Wyatt promised as he grinned mischievously. He dove under the blankets with a clear mission to help a girl come to a decision.

  Nev began to giggle uncontrollably now, as Wyatt pursued his goal.

>   Nellis and Addi had just finished a leisurely breakfast when he noticed Addi’s expression of exasperation. “At least they are feeling better,” Nellis offered, chuckling softly.

  “Yes, wonderful. But, am I the only one that realizes this little hiatus we’ve been enjoying can’t last forever? One prowler thinking she’s the lost heiress was one thing, but two? And if she is, then what? I mean… if we are planning on taking on the emperor, then maybe we should be spending our mornings doing more than giggling in bed,” Addi argued, feeling frustrated and anxious.

  Nellis smiled and moved to stand behind Addi. Rubbing her shoulders gently, he slowly began to feel her relax. For the next many long minutes, Nellis concentrated on helping Addi ignore the sounds from the far bedroom.

  Nev and Wyatt eventually appeared and joined Addi and Nellis at the table. “Good morning to the both of you,” greeted Nellis as he sat in the chair beside Addi.

  “Yes, someone thought they might want more sleep. Luckily, I was able to convince them otherwise,” Wyatt said, grinning at Nev.

  Nev blushed and moved to quickly sit down.

  “Honestly, Wyatt,” Addi complained frowning.

  “What?” Wyatt asked, trying very hard to sound innocent.

  Nev looked at all of them and then took a deep breath. She hadn’t mentioned what Sagrine had said to her in his last moments. Nor had she discussed any of the other horrible things he’d said. At first, Nev had been too injured to say anything. Then she’d just wanted to avoid thinking about it for a few days.

  The image she had of her mother for her entire life had been altered in an instant. She wanted to just dismiss what Sagrine had told her and Wyatt, but she couldn’t. Her father’s seemingly innocent words seemed more cryptic now than she had remembered earlier. Sadly, she knew there was at least some truth to what the prowler had said. Nev’s expression grew serious as she contemplated the implications that her mother had not been what she thought.

  Wyatt felt Nev’s demeanor change, and he looked at her with concern. They had just had a fun and playful morning. Now, she seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders… again. “Nev?” Wyatt asked, his voice worried and gentle.

  “I am sorry I didn’t tell you everything earlier, Wyatt. I just… I just wanted a piece of perfect time with you. I know it was selfish, but I don’t regret it,” Nev confessed, looking at Wyatt.

  “It’s okay. I wanted the same thing. I guess I was just hoping the piece of time would be a little longer,” Wyatt admitted before leaning over and kissing her lightly.

  “What is troubling you, lass?” Nellis asked warmly.

  Nev took a deep breath and turned to face Wyatt, looking deeply into his eyes. “First, I need you to know something,” she started to say before Wyatt stopped her.

  Cupping her face gently in his hands, Wyatt gazed at her. “You do know you don’t need to explain or apologize for anything he said, right? I know he was just trying to be vile and hurt me. Hurt us,” assured Wyatt.

  “I know, but still—I just need you to hear me on this. Please,” Nev pleaded.

  Wyatt’s face grew solemn. “Of course, love. Take your time,” he said patiently.

  Nodding appreciatively, she sighed softly. “I’ve never been given many choices. It always feels like so much has been decided for me already. Still, I need you to know that no matter what other choices I do make, whether I make them willingly or am forced into them, I will always choose you,” vowed Nev.

  Without hesitation, Wyatt pulled her to him and kissed her lovingly. After a few moments, he tilted back and caught her eyes with his. “I never doubted. But thank you. I’ll always choose you too,” Wyatt promised lovingly.

  Addi and Nellis both smiled warmly at the two of them. They were both struck by the tenderness of the moment. Even Addi felt no desire to grumble or roll her eyes at them.

  Taking a deep breath, Nev nodded and then straightened up in her chair. She knew she’d tackled the easier part of her worries first. Wyatt had been quick to reassure her, but he wasn’t the only thing that pressed on her mind. The truth about her parents hung heavy over her.

  Wyatt observed Nev’s relief being consumed by anxiety once again. “Now that all of that is settled. Why don’t you tell us what is really bothering you,” he suggested softly.

  “I always thought my mother had sacrificed herself so that my father and I could escape, but now…,” Nev said, taking a deep breath.

  Wyatt grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. “You can tell us. We all care about you,” he reassured her.

  Nellis nodded in agreement. “He speaks the truth lass,” Nellis added.

  “He is right. You are part of our family now. So, I’m afraid you are stuck with us,” Addi said, giving Nev a warm smile.

  Family, she thought. Nev gave a quick nod before breathing deeply for a moment. “My father had led me to believe my mother sacrificed herself so he and I could escape. Now… now I think that is just what I wanted to believe. Sagrine told me something. He said my father was worried I would turn out like my mother,” Nev said, her voice growing quiet as she fought to hold back her tears.

  “Nev, you can’t believe anything he told you. He wanted to hurt you. Remember? We’ve already gone over this,” Wyatt noted tenderly. He turned to look at her more closely.

  “I know. You’re right. But it isn’t just what Sagrine said. I have been playing the last moments my father and I shared over and over in my head. Something he said keeps bothering me. He told me that my mother was brave, beautiful, and kind. And that she was also the Empress Astrella. When shadows overtook her, he fled with me. So, he left the woman he loved to be killed so that he could save me,” Nev said, her voice trembling.

  Wyatt squeezed her hand and sighed. “Hmm… that is a little cryptic. It almost sounds like your dad was talking about two different people. Or at least two sides of the same coin,” he surmised.

  Nellis nodded. “Yeah, the courageous, compassionate side and the empress side,” he noted.

  “And I always thought the shadows were his way of telling ten-year-old me about the coup, but now I think it was her losing herself to something dark and… sinister,” Nev sighed, hanging her head down.

  Wyatt wrapped an arm around Nev and pulled her close to him. “Maybe that explains why he only escaped with you. You were the one he loved and the one he needed to keep safe,” suggested Wyatt gently.

  “Safe from her own mother? That is… harsh. I’m really sorry, Nev,” Addi offered compassionately.

  Nev leaned her head against Wyatt and sighed. “Thanks. Me too,” she lamented sorrowfully.

  “You know that doesn’t make you like her, at least not like the bad parts. Not any more than you, your father and me being Tinks makes us like the prowlers,” Wyatt proposed, lifting Nev’s face to his.

  Nev felt tears roll down her cheeks. “What if you are wrong about me? I feel like I have to go to the palace, but I’m so afraid I’ll… What if there is already a darkness in me?” she whimpered, her voice trailing off.

  Wyatt placed his hands on each side of her face and looked at her intently. “I’m not wrong about you. You are a truly good person. And I know you think I saved you, but you saved me too,” he assured her earnestly.

  Nev shook her head and tried to pull away.

  “Hey, look at me. I love you. I’m not wrong about you. Understand?” Wyatt asked sincerely.

  Nev sighed heavily and then smiled briefly at him. “Okay. I understand. Thank you,” she said, her voice still shaky.

  Wyatt pulled her close and kissed her deeply. “Good, that is settled then. And don’t think to try and change my mind. Stubborn, remember?” Wyatt asked, nudging her forehead with his and grinning.

  Nev smiled at him and kissed him again.

  “We believe in you too, but I think we’ll leave the more physical reassurances to Wyatt. Although, preferably when I am not in the room,” Addi noted, smiling at Nev before shaking her head.r />
  “I concur,” Nellis said, laughing briefly.

  “So, the palace? Anyone have a plan? I mean besides just walking in the front door?” Wyatt asked, glancing around the table.

  “Well, the palace means the emperor. And probably his oracle and general. Oh, and a whole lot of enforcers,” Nellis stated.

  “Is that all?” Addi interjected as she shook her head.

  Sensing something stir within Nev, Wyatt looked at her closely. “Why do I have the feeling you have a plan? And I’m not going to like it?” Wyatt asked as he studied her sympathetically.

  “Because I do, and you probably won’t,” Nev replied, sighing before giving Wyatt a half-smile.

  “Well, no point in keeping us all in suspense,” Nellis declared before leaning forward in his chair.

  “First, Addi and Nellis… I will never be able to repay you for your help and for welcoming me into your family,” Nev stated sincerely with a small, sad smile.

  Addi looked at Nev, feeling confused. “Why do you say that like you are saying goodbye?” she asked. The concern in her voice was evident.

  “Because she is, lass,” Nellis said, nodding at Nev and sighing heavily.

  “What? We aren’t coming with you. You are going there alone?” Addi questioned, feeling panicked and frustrated.

  “No, not alone,” Wyatt replied quietly, swallowing hard at the lump that was now in his throat.

  “No! No. Nev, you can’t tell me to stay here and then tell me you are taking my brother with you. Look, I care for you. I do. But this can’t be your plan,” Addi argued, shaking her head and becoming increasingly agitated.

  “I need to get into the throne room, or I will never be safe,” Nev explained, she looked at Addi sympathetically.

  Wyatt played with the ring on his finger. “And I can get you there,” he added softly.


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