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In de x
Aesopian fables, ix, 4, 9–10, 176
Aristotle, 190n17
altar rats ( sheshu), 22
Arras, 213n15
Amoghavajra, 28
Attar, Farid ud-Din, The Conference of
An Shigao, 195n38
Birds, 5
An Yushi (Qiangtang sanren An Yushi),
Bada Shanren, 197n66
Ando Shoeki, Tales from the World of the
badgers, 130
Law (Hōsei monogatari), 180, 193n42
Bai Juyi, Bats in Their Cave, 56
animal rights, 189n6 (foreword)
Baimiao ming (The names of the hundred
animal sacrifice, xi
birds), 13, 192n37
animal symbolism, ix, 4, 58, 199n101; mice
Baiyu jing, 191n25
and rats, 18, 34
ballad-stories ( cihua), 67, 191n28
animal tales: and animals’ viewpoint, xii,
ballads: court case of the mouse against
16–17, 172, 193n55; Arab and Muslim,
the cat, 92–93, 102, 205n53; drum bal-
177, 190–91n19, 193n42; bestiaries and
lads, 87, 127, 159, 161–62, 203n33; filial
beast epics, 4–5, 9, 16–17, 90, 189–90n6;
parrot, 191n28; genre from northwest-
Buddhist, 5, 10, 180, 190n13; Greek and
ern Hubei, 123, 206n15; prequel of the
Latin, 4, 189n4 (introduction), 175–76;
crashed wedding, 123–27; prequel of
modern Chinese, x, 20–21, 171–73; as
war of mice against cats, 127, 207n21.
political allegory and dystopic fantasy,
See also prosimetrical narrative texts
x–xi, 10–11, 130–31, 166, 173; prohibition
Bao Wenzheng, 147, 149, 150. See also Bao
of, 171, 211n48; South Asian, 5, 9, 10, 19,
Zheng; Judge Bao
176, 178–79, 212n9; Tang and Five
Bao Youfu, A New History of the Rats (Xin-
Dynasties, 10, 14; and traditional Chi-
shu shi), 20, 164–66, 173, 210n28
nese narrative, ix–x, 6–8, 10–11; wed-
Bao Zheng, 67, 70, 77, 78, 79–81. See also
ding stories, 179, 214n28; Western, ix,
Judge Bao
x, xi; worldwide, 3–5; in Zhuangzi, 10,
Barefooted Great Immortal, 76
166, 191n29. See also Aesopian fables;
Batrachomyomachia, 4, 212n3, 213n13
anthropomorphism; cats; court cases;
bats, 56, 99
court case of the mouse against the cat;
battle formations, 141, 208n40
mice/rats; talking animals; war between
bedbugs, 15, 91
mice and cats; wedding of the mouse
bestiaries and beast epics, 4–5, 9, 16–17, 90,
animal-to-animal predation, xiii–xiv
animals, transformation of, 7, 8, 42, 56–
Bin, Master (monk), 48
57, 99, 197n61, 199n3, 200n20. See also
birds: in animal tales, 5, 192n37; killed by
cats, 45; The Names of the Hundred
animation, 171, 211–12n50
Birds (Bainiao ming), 13, 192n37; par-
anthropomorphism, viii–ix, xi, xii, 3–4,
rots, 6, 10, 12, 37, 45, 191n28; peacocks,
191n23. See also talking animals
51; phoenix, 12–13, 90, 190n8, 192n37;
Anxi, 28
Rhapsody of the Divine Crow (Shenwu
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2 4 0
i n de x
birds ( continued)
Caoshan Benji, 199n101
fu), 12; Rhapsody of the Falcon and the
Carroll, Lewis, Alice in Wonderland, 211n48
Sparrow (Yaoque fu; Cao Zhi), 12;
case files, 91–92, 104, 147
Rhapsody of the Swal ow (Yanzi fu),
Cat and Mouse (Persian; ascribed Obeyd
12–13, 90, 130, 191n29, 192n39, 212n7;
Zakani), 4–5, 177–78, 213n18
Rhapsody on the Owl (Funiao fu), 11–
cat demons, 37, 48–52, 198n83, 214n29
12; Rhapsody on the Parrot (Yingwu
cat haters, 19
fu), 12; as United States in political
cat lore compilations, 18, 53, 193n58. See
allegory, 165–66, 210n26
also Huang Han: Garden of Cats;
-year animals, 18, 31–34, 103, 104, 140,
Sun Sunyi: A Small Record of Cricket
163, 193n58. See also mice/rats: as birth-
Snatchers; Wang Chutong: Chronicle
year animal
of Cats
black cats, 48, 162, 163
cat lovers, 37; Sun Sunyi, 53–54; Wang
Black Roundels, 42, 54, 197n61
Dousheng, 197n66; Zhang Bo, 37, 54
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Decamerone, 176
Cat Mountain New Year prints, 87–88,
Bodleian Library, 104
bomb-carrying candles, 28, 101, 205n50
cat physiognomy, 18, 45, 104, 197n71
Book of Documents, 72, 200n40
“A Cat Replaces the Crown Prince”
Book of Odes (Shijing), viii, 35, 72, 200n40;
(Limao huan taizi), 69–70
“Big Rat,” 23–25, 194n5; “Look at the
cat worship, 48–50, 198n82
Rat,” 194n8
cats: absence among birth-year animals,
books and sutras, destruction by rodents,
163; acquisition of, 39, 45, 196n54; bells
18, 26, 35, 39, 42, 44–45, 46–48, 106–7,
on, 175; of the Buddha, 9, 66, 68, 78–81,
111, 147
150–51; and Buddhism, 18, 39–40, 47,
Bottomless Cave, 9, 19, 59–60, 62, 88, 89
48–49, 136, 147, 149, 176; as caricature
Bottomless Cave (Wudidong; Peking
of Chinese intellectuals, 21; celestial,
opera), 60–61
61–63, 65; chasing butterflies, 43, 45,
Bruno (Florentine painter), 176
197n66; Chinese word for, 17, 35, 36, 43;
Buddha: cat of, 9, 66, 68, 78–81, 150–51; oil
cold nose of, 39, 41; colors of, 37, 43, 52,
lamps for, 107, 147, 151
55, 134, 208n35; as demons and mon-
Buddha’s Slave (cat), 47, 48
sters, 27–28, 37, 48–52, 198n83, 214n29;
Buddhism: animal tales of, 5, 10, 180,
disguised as owl, 124–25; domestic, in
190n13; animals and reincarnation,
China, 17–18, 34–37, 38–39, 41; feeding
6–7; cats and, 39–40, 47, 48–49, 147,
of, 42, 46, 52, 172; feigning devotion,
149, 176, 199n101; cult of the Ten Kings,
40, 48–49, 89, 176, 178; female owners
14; and importation of domestic cat,
of, 53–54, 118, 168–69; foreign origin
18, 38–39; Sevens ceremonies, 198n85.
of, 130; friendship with mice, 32–34,
See also Buddha; reincarnation
46–47; hung from tree, xiii, 39, 158, 176;