The Campers Out; Or, The Right Path and the Wrong

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The Campers Out; Or, The Right Path and the Wrong Page 6

by Edward Sylvester Ellis



  Two men remained standing on the floor below, and the one who climbedthe hay-mow was Hungerford, Chief of Police of Ashton. He had struckthe trail of the runaways in Jersey City, and when he learned of threeboys that had left the train at New Brunswick, he was certain theywere the young rogues whom he was looking for.

  He hired a horse and wagon in the city, secured the help and guidanceof an officer well acquainted with the country, and by judiciousinquiry retained the trail. He was so far behind the boys, however,that it was growing dark when he was only half a dozen miles out ofthe city, and he was obliged to put up for the night.

  He was at it again before daylight, and the couple used their witswith such effect that before long they fixed upon the barn where theboys had taken refuge. An examination of the road and damp earthrevealed the tell-tale footprints, and they applied to the farmer forhis aid in searching the barn.

  That gentleman was surprised to find he had forgotten to lock thestable-door, but such was the fact, and a brief search brought therunaways to light.

  When they recognized the chief of police, they broke down and cried sopitifully that the heart of the officer was touched. He cheered themas best he could, and after they were taken to the house, given a warmbreakfast and their clothing was dried, they felt, as may be said,like giants refreshed with new wine.

  All were eager to be taken home. They had had enough of adventure, andwere willing to face any punishment awaiting them, if they could onlysee Ashton again. Mr. Hungerford was confident that the three wouldreceive the chastisement they merited, but he gave no hint of hisbelief, and prepared to take them thither.

  He paid the farmer for the meal, and then decided to drive back to NewBrunswick, and make the real start from that point.

  He had learned of the robbery the boys suffered, and he was determinedto recover the valuable watch of Mr. Wagstaff from thieving SnakerootSam. His brother officer offered to give him all the help possible,though he warned him that the task would be both difficult anddangerous, because of the large number of vicious tramps in thatsection.

  The first thing done, upon reaching New Brunswick, was to telegraph toMr. Wagstaff that the runaways were found, with no harm havingbefallen them, and they might be expected home that evening. Then,leaving the boys by themselves, the officers set out for the tramprendezvous, where better fortune than they anticipated awaited them.

  Snakeroot Sam was well known to the New Brunswick officer, and theywere fortunate enough to come upon him in the highway, where he had nocompanions. He was collared before he suspected their business, andthe watch and chain were found on his person. Inasmuch as it wouldhave involved considerable delay to bring the scamp to trial andconviction, besides getting the names of the runaways in the papers,Chief Hungerford took his satisfaction out of the tramp personally.The kick administered to Tommy Wagstaff was repaid with interest.Indeed, there is reason to believe that Sam felt the effectsthroughout most of the following summer. Certain it is that he neverreceived such a shaking up in his life.

  Just as it was growing dark, the boys arrived in Ashton and were attheir respective homes to supper.

  And then and there was made a mistake, so serious in its nature and sofar-reaching in its consequences that it forms the basis of thenarrative recorded in the following pages.

  It will be remembered that each father concerned declared that, upontheir return home, the boys should receive severe punishment for theirflagrant offenses. Such was their resolve, and yet only one of thegentlemen carried it out.

  Mr. Wagstaff and his wife were so grateful for the restoration oftheir son that they accepted his promise to be a better boy, and,after a mild reproof, he was restored to their grace and favor.

  It was the same with the parents of Jimmy McGovern. He professed greatcontrition for his wrong-doing, and several days were devoted to aconsideration of the matter, when he, too, was allowed to escape allpunishment.

  Billy Waylett, the youngest and least guilty, was the only one whosuffered at the hands of his father. The latter loved his child asmuch as any parent could, and he felt more pain in inflicting thechastisement than did the lad in receiving it. But it was given from asense of duty, and, as is always and invariably the case, the boyrespected his parent for what he did. He knew he deserved it, and thatit was meant for his own good.

  What was the consequence? It marked a turning-point in the life of thelad. He comprehended, as never before, his narrow escape from disgraceand ruin, and from that time forward became obedient, studious, andpure in thoughts, words, and deeds. He gave his parents and teachersno trouble, and developed into a worthy young man, who became thepride and happiness of his relatives.

  Tommy and Jimmy chuckled together many times over their good fortune.They saw how indulgent their parents were, and enjoyed the mockheroism which attended a full knowledge of their exploit.

  They did not give up their hopes of a life of adventure, and becamedissatisfied with the dull humdrum routine of Ashton. They werecontent, however, to bide their time, and to wait till they becameolder before carrying out the projects formed years before. The seedunwittingly sown by their thoughtless parents was sure to bring itsharvest sooner or later.

  Two years after the runaway incidents the parents of Tommy Wagstaffand Jimmy McGovern removed to the city of New York, and in that greatmetropolis the boys were not long in finding bad associates. Thepreliminary steps were taken in their education which eventuated inthe incidents that follow.


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