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An Eternal Family 1

Page 19

by Stein Willard

  Furious, Copernicus slapped his untouched plate off the table. “I will not be…”

  “Pick it up.” The tone was eerily calm.


  The shaman’s eyes stared at him, unblinking. “I said you should pick up the plate and the food.”

  “Why? It’s been in the dirt; no one will eat it anymore.”

  “That’s not for you to decide. Now, pick it up.”

  The hunger must’ve touched his brain, made him foolishly brave. “Or what?”

  Mopi’helma calmly put his plate down. “Or I cut off your head and feed you to my starving people.”

  Copernicus blinked in shock. Decapitation was not a something he could come back from. He stiffly rose from his seat and picked up the food. He placed the plate on the table and looked at the shaman. “How much do you want?”

  “Five hundred million.”

  Mentally, Copernicus heaved a sigh of relief. He could still work with five hundred million. But he shouldn’t come across as to eager to settle. “That’s…that’s a lot of money. Most of my money is tied up in assets. I’ll need more time to get it all together and…and a phone to call my financial advisor.”

  “That can be arranged. You have one day to get the money together.” Mopi’helma reached for his plate. “Money would be great to have, but you could feed the village well for one day.”

  Copernicus cursed himself for his lack of foresight. He had come here with an army, but in his eagerness to get his prize, he had alienated his security team. And how he needed them right now. There were footsteps at the door and Chuey entered. He was still walking with a slight limp, but Copernicus doubted his murderous tendencies had been doused by the sound thrashing he got. He gave Copernicus a cold look before he whispered something in the shaman’s ear. They both left the hut hurriedly afterwards.

  Knowing that something was happening outside, Copernicus prayed it was the Royals. He could get away in the chaos their visit was wonted to create. He moved to the door of the hut and squeaked when a warrior suddenly appeared in front of him, pushing him back into the hut. A glance over the shoulder of the diminutive soldier almost made him swoon with relief.



  Jemima’s eyes jerked opened. The room was pitch-dark and the air smelled charged. She was here. Slowly, so as not to startle Aria who was sleeping next to her, Jemima sat up.

  “Tahlia?” The shadows moved and a tall shape materialized. Jemima’s breath caught at the sight of her wife. It felt like ages since she had last seen Tahlia. And she looked simply magnificent. “Could you carry Aria over to her mobile crib?” She smiled when Tahlia eagerly approached the bed and lifted their sleeping daughter in her arms. For a long moment, she looked down at the baby before she buried her nose in the baby’s neck. A small hand lifted unexpectedly and tapped Tahlia’s cheek before it fell back limply. Tahlia kissed the baby and placed her in her crib. “Come over here, vampire.”

  Tahlia turned to her and Jemima felt herself shudder at the look in the woman’s eyes. It was a potent look, one filled with hot desire and dark promise. She sat up straighter when Tahlia came over to the bed and sat next to her. Up close, Jemima studied her wife intently before she reached out and placed her hand over Tahlia’s heart.

  “You’re soaked. Have you been swimming or something?” She began to unbutton the damp shirt and pressed her hand against the cool skin. She leaned closer and brushed her lips over Tahlia’s. “Let me get you out of these.” Not waiting for a reply, she finished unbuttoning the shirt and pushed it down the strong shoulders. Then she straddled Tahlia’s lap, smiling into the black eyes as she pulled her negligee over her head. Now that she was about to breastfeed again, her breasts had grown heavier and from the look on Tahlia’s face, the change hadn’t gone unnoticed. Nor was it unappreciated. She cradled them in her hands and lifted them slightly. Tahlia leaned in and Jemima hissed when the vampire’s tongue flicked over the closest nipple.

  “I want to be naked with you, darling.” Tahlia lifted Jemima off her lap and lay her down on the bed before she began to take off her wet pants and underwear. When she was completely naked, she lay down next to Jemima, who eagerly pulled her close. “You’re not saying much tonight, honey.”

  Tahlia kissed her deeply. “I just want to feel good tonight.”

  “I can help with that,” Jemima whispered against Tahlia’s lips as she hooked her legs around Tahlia’s middle.


  “You’re not welcome here,” the younger man next to the shaman spat at them.

  “Oh, but you know why we’re here,” Lake said evenly. “We’re not leaving without him.”

  The shaman shook his head. “The gentleman has made an agreement with me and he will not leave here until he has done his part.”

  “Well, then you either let him go or you come with us, but we’re not leaving him here.”

  The young man grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. “Or what, puta?”

  Lake grinned. “You’re a slow learner, you know. Just last night you had your ass kicked by a girl and tonight you ask for another whipping.” She shook her head and glanced at the shaman. “Your gift is wasted on him.”

  The man almost smiled. “Be as it may, he’s right. You are no match for me and my warriors.”

  “How about now?”

  Lake spun around to see Pierre and Leo step out of the shadows. She had heard that the Royals were a loyal bunch and twice now, she had witnessed that loyalty in action. The Golden Prince alone could raze the village to the ground. She didn’t know much about the other lethal-looking vampire, but by the looks of her, she definitely wasn’t a lightweight either. When she looked back at the shaman, he was frowning heavily.

  “Why all this trouble to save an enemy?”

  Pierre moved closer and the shaman’s brief show of bravado quickly disappeared. “Not our enemy. Our family. We are here to support her.”

  Lake glanced at the blond vampire. He had the shaman pinned with a piercing glare. After her step-dad died, life had been very difficult. As if the loss of a loving parent wasn’t enough to deal with, her mother had started dying before her eyes as she grieved for him. Her life had changed overnight. The bubbly cheerleading girl had changed into a morose teenager, who had to rush home after school to take care of her mother. Money became scarce and the first impact was on her social life. No more camping trips with friends or carefree parties anymore. With the lack of a social life, she lost all her friends, until it was only she and her mom left. No one stood up for them when they were scorned for holding up the line as they paid with food stamps. No one was there when her mother had her episodes at night until her only option was to have her mother admitted someplace where she could get the help she needed. Through it all, she had been alone. Alone and scared. And suddenly it all changed again.

  She wasn’t alone anymore. Not vulnerable anymore.

  It was the scariest feeling ever to open herself up to trust again. However, it was also the most wonderful feeling to belong. What had Pierre called her? Family. It was great to have a family again. She wasn’t sure if she would ever trust again completely, but she wasn’t going to give up on a chance to try.

  “So, what now?” she asked the shaman. “Shall we talk this out or would you rather we leave the village a few warriors short?”

  The man’s face pulled into an expression of pure hatred. “You can have him, but if he doesn’t pay up, I’ll come for my money.”

  Lake shrugged. “I don’t see a problem with that.” She turned to the soldiers. “Do you, guys?” At their confirmation, she turned back to the shaman. “As a sign of good faith, senõr, whatever he offered you, double it. Believe me he can afford it.” The man blinked at her and she held up two fingers. “Double.”

  The shaman and his lackey left them and Lake felt Pierre coming to stand next to her. “We never had that chance to talk, but when we’re back in Iquitos, I would love for yo
u to meet my mate.”

  She looked up at him. Mate? He had a mate? Then why the hell was he pursuing her? Vampire mates were notoriously possessive and would kill anyone who messed with their partners.

  “I already told her about you and she is excited to meet you.”

  Excited? Oh no! A threesome? She was being setup for a threesome. She quickly looked away and met the tall, female vampire’s gaze. She didn’t even look aghast in any way. It would appear as if all those vampire movies and books got one thing right. Vampires were unapologetically kinky. The only way to escape this, was to hook up with someone. Since she didn’t know anyone besides a bunch of married vampires, she’d have to find an unattached female. Someone who wouldn’t pressure her about sex. Come to think of it, she already knew of someone who owed her a massive favor.


  Copernicus looked up as Mopi’helma and Chuey entered the hut. They were in an odd mood. Mopi’helma looked frustrated and angry, whereas Chuey appeared excited. The shaman pointed at his rucksack.

  “Grab your things. You’re leaving.”

  “Leaving? What…” He looked at Chuey. The boy was wearing one of his unsettling smiles. “Why are you suddenly letting me go?” He had seen the soldiers earlier and they had Lake with them. Had the shaman struck a deal with the group? Were they going to murder him on the way and dump his decapitated body in the river?

  “Your security team is here to get you.” He poured himself a shot from the Hennessey. “But before you go, we need to finish our business.” He spoke to Chuey in a strange dialect and the guy left only to return with a small case. When he opened it, Copernicus stared. It was a military grade encrypted satellite phone. He looked at the shaman and the man smiled. “You’re not the only powerful man I have been doing business with over the years. Now, call your financial advisor and tell him that I want a billion dollars wired to my account.”


  Looking completely unfazed, he held out a business card to him. “Here is my account number. You can transfer half tonight and the other half within two days of your return to New York.”

  “This is ridiculous. A billion dollars is a lot of money.” What was the man thinking doubling the price like that? He was going to send the five hundred million and that was it.

  “If you fail to send the other half, I’ll have every property or business affiliated with you, burned down to the ground. Then, I will poison everyone who comes in contact with you.” Copernicus felt his throat closing in panic. “When I’m done killing each and every associate of yours, then I’ll come for you. Believe me, the world will be too small for you to hide from me and my powerful allies.” The man smiled almost jovially at him as he waved the card in the air.

  Copernicus took the card and reached for the phone.


  Tahlia watched as Jemima’s hands clawed at the sheets, her face red from the exertions of the past hours as well as from the effort to hold in her screams. Aria was asleep a few feet away. She lifted her mouth off the throbbing nub and heard a soft gasp of protest followed by a hand grabbing the back of her head. Tahlia slid up Jemima’s sweat slicked body to settle on top of her, her hips resting in the cradle of her wife’s thighs. She slipped her hand between their bodies. Jemima’s eyes opened and she fixed a dazed sapphire gaze on her. Tahlia skillfully opened and then connected them and slowly began to undulate, her gaze holding Jemima’s. The sapphire eyes darkened until they were almost black as the pace increased.

  The room reverberated with the sound of Jemima’s erratic heartbeat. So much had changed in the three weeks since they had last made love. As vampires, they didn’t have to worry too much about hurting each other. But with Jemima being human again, Tahlia was extremely careful not to be too rough or too adventurous. However, there were some advantages to these new changes. Jemima’s breasts were full and heavy and it was driving Tahlia wild with desire. Speaking of which, she watched them bounce beautifully as she thrust against her spouse.

  She knew their time was up, when Jemima threw her head back, her neck muscles taut as her mouth fell open. Tiny tremors raced through Jemima’s body. With her newfound human physiology, Jemima was warmer now, but with all the blood pumping steadily through her veins at that moment, she was a few degrees warmer. Tahlia felt the heat seeping into her; everywhere their bodies were touching. The heat, the sound, and the feel of the woman she loved, were too much to resist and Tahlia felt her own orgasm begin to crawl through her veins. Inhaling the potent mix of sweat and sex, she felt her fangs elongate. She needed more. Like she had done countless times since they got together, she nuzzled Jemima’s neck and bit down. Her eyes shot wide at the first taste and she held Jemima closer as she drank, deeply and thirstily. It was the most exquisite taste she had ever savored. She didn’t get to linger too long on that, because her orgasm hit her with the force of a freight train and Tahlia barely had enough time to close the pinpricks before she was flung into an abyss of soundlessness.

  When she came back, she was being cradled against Jemima’s bosom. The blue eyes were sparkling with love. Tahlia swallowed. Jemima. She was always careful to look out for the blonde first when they made love. What had just happened? She didn’t have to ask to know that she had lost consciousness. A complete first for her.

  “For how long was I unconscious?”

  Jemima brushed her lips over her forehead. “A minute.”

  “I…I don’t know what happened. Are you ok?”

  The blonde’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I think so. Had the longest orgasm ever, but I’m fine.”

  Tahlia sat up and looked down at Jemima. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to you.”

  “Same here, darling. One moment I was still aware of you and then the next, I’m suspended in some quiet bubble, having my fun time all alone.”

  “Me too.” Tahlia lay next to Jemima and pulled the other woman into her arms. This was not normal. She needed to think. “I will find out what is happening. Lecrac might know.”

  “Lecrac? It’s the second time you’ve mentioned him.” Jemima sat up and leaned against the head board. “What’s happening, Tahlia? What does Lecrac have to do with this?”

  Tahlia kissed Jemima’s shoulder. Jemima had always been a great listener and a good sounding board. “We came across a shaman in the rainforest, who could shape shift. He is part of an ancient Inca tribe, who nearly died out four hundred years ago with the arrival of the Spanish and smallpox. They can change into large lizards and the poison of these creatures is what infected Syria and subsequently the babies.” She read the alarm in Jemima’s eyes. “He won’t try that again. Not after I let him infect me and then bit him.”

  “You bit him! What were you thinking?” Jemima was glaring at her.

  “I was thinking about you and the babies,” she said calmly and took Jemima’s hand. “I don’t know what happened, but I somehow transported to another period in time where I encountered Lecrac.” When Jemima only stared at her, she continued. “He told me that I was barely scratching the surface where my powers are concerned. He also said that I could seek him out if I had more questions.”

  “And you’re thinking of doing that?”

  “Yes. He might know more about the prophecy than we do. All these changes started to happen when the babies were born. You turning human and me suddenly becoming more powerful. He must know something.”

  Jemima bit down on her lower lip, her gaze pensive as she studied Tahlia. More human than vampire now, Jemima was becoming a little more difficult to read by the minute.

  “All this bothering you, is understandable. However, there is something else that bothers you more.” She cradled Tahlia’s face in her palms. “Vampire or not, I know you by now, sweetie.”

  Tahlia searched Jemima’s eyes. For more than two millennia, she had only lived for this woman. Loved only this woman. And she would continue to love her for millennia to come. There were no secrets between them and she wasn’t abo
ut to start keeping any from her.

  “I’m scared.”

  Jemima blinked. “Scared? Well, that’s to be expected with all these inexplicable things happening.”

  Tahlia shook her head slowly. “It’s me.” She swallowed. “My powers scare me.”

  “Why does it scare you?”

  Tahlia looked away. “I’m scared they might corrupt me. Make me hurt you. Others.”


  Copernicus was quiet as he followed the security detail down the dirt path leading from the village to the river. He had been relieved to be rescued, but his elation was quickly smothered when he noticed the tall, silent vampires who stood with Lake. He didn’t know the female, but he knew who the blond male was. He was considered the most easygoing of the four Clan Royals, but Copernicus wasn’t fooled by the man’s striking looks and rumored sense of humor. He had read up extensively on all the Clan Royals. The Dark Prince was as secretive as he was deadly. The Assassin was to be avoided at all times. Pierre Lafayette, the Golden Prince, was the chameleon. He was in every way as mercilessly brutal as the others, but he was known to confuse the enemy with his joviality. Many had learned the hard way that a bright smile wasn’t proof of a congenial nature.

  And that same vampire was walking a foot behind him. One of the soldiers suddenly popped up next to him, startling him.

  “We contacted headquarters earlier. We’re to deliver you to your home in New York and meet with the boss for a debriefing. The plane is on standby as we speak.”

  He nodded. Anyplace that was as far away from the Royals was good for him. The soldier left his side to relay the news to the others. When they reached the river. Copernicus shuddered when the vampires boarded with them. They all took seats behind him and he was acutely aware of their eyes on him.

  They crossed the river to the other bank and Copernicus sighed with relief when the three vampires disembarked. Lake turned to face him. “This is the only free pass you’re ever going to get.”


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