316 Rose Rd. (A Cherry Falls Romance Book 11)

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316 Rose Rd. (A Cherry Falls Romance Book 11) Page 3

by Frankie Love

  "Thank you," she murmurs as I brush the mud from her skin and carefully clean her up. She’s still a little damp from the shower, and it’s hard not to wonder just where the water might be dripping right now. I push that to the back of my mind. I need to stay on message here. Even if all I want to do is slide my hand up beneath that towel and feel what other parts of her might be wet.

  She watches as my hands move over her ankle, and I am sure that I hear her let out a little gasp when my fingers brush the sole of her foot.

  "Ticklish?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. "Not really," she replies. I can see a little flush to her cheeks. I know that she is enjoying my touch, maybe even as much as I am enjoying touching her. And I know that the two of us are entering some dangerous territory right now.

  "You live here alone?" she asks, looking around my cabin. It's not much, but it’s mine, and I’m glad that I don’t have to share an apartment with shitty roommates again as long as I live. I nod.

  "Yeah, I do," I reply.

  "I don’t know if I could live up here all by myself," she remarks. "So far from the rest of the world..."

  "You get used to it," I reply. "And besides, I never much liked the rest of the world to begin with."

  She laughs, and I begin to wrap a supportive bandage around her ankle to make sure she doesn’t roll on it again. I slide my hand up her calf, supporting her carefully as I do so. I know that I could be done already, but as soon as I am finished, then I am going to have no more reason to keep touching her and I am not sure that I am anything close to ready for that.

  "You’re so lucky to be on your own," she sighs, looking around. "You don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks."

  "You don’t strike me as the kind of girl who cares much about what other people think of her," I remark, and she pulls a face at me.

  "I wish," she replies. "I have a lot of eyes on me. And I know that if I do anything wrong, they’re going to be there to judge."

  "You really didn’t hear anything out there in the showers?" I ask her, and she pauses for a moment. I can tell that she is considering coming out with the truth, and I press a little further.

  "I thought it might have been one of those cougars," I remark, casually, even though I know that the sound I heard when I had been passing by had been anything but animal.

  "Need to make sure there isn’t anything prowling around here that might do someone damage," I continue, and I flick my eyes up to meet hers again. She bites her lip.

  "It wasn’t a cougar," she admits. "I know that much."

  "Oh, yeah?" I ask her. She nods.

  "I thought you might have been in trouble in there, the noises you were making," I go on, sitting back on my haunches and looking up at her. I’m distinctly aware of the fact that it would take so little for me to see all of her in this moment – I could just tug at the towel she has wrapped around her, and let it fall to the floor for good.

  "I... guess I was, in some ways," she replies, and she can’t keep the little smile off her face as she speaks.

  "Oh, yeah?” I press, returning her grin.

  "Can I be honest with you?" she asks, and I nod.

  "Of course you can."

  "I – uh, I wasn’t in pain or anything," she confesses. "I was trying to... I was, well, I was trying..."

  I can see that she is going to have a hard time coming out and saying what is on her mind right now. She’s a preacher’s daughter, if Grant’s recon is right, and I have no doubt that she has spent most of her life trying to forget that anything impure could exist in her pretty little head. But she closes her eyes for a moment, gathers herself, and then looks at me once more.

  "I was trying to make myself... you know," she finishes up.

  "Come?" I fill in for her. She parts her lips slightly at the sound of that word coming out of my mouth, but she doesn’t seem to mind it so much.

  She nods. "Yeah, come," she replies. "I’ve never... I mean, I came out here because I wanted to get away from all the pressure I’ve been putting on myself. I wanted to give myself a break for a change, make it so that I didn’t have to worry about doing this or that, and I could just focus on my pleasure."

  She looks away from me, and I can see the excitement shining in her eyes. I know that she has never spoken this out loud to anyone before, and it thrills me to know that she’s telling it to me. Because it means that she believes I have reason to know.

  "I guess my sexy noises need a little work," she remarks with a little giggle, tucking a loose strand of her wet hair back behind her ear and meeting my gaze once more. "Given that you thought I was a cougar."

  "Nothing wrong with getting a little animalistic every now and then," I say. I can already feel my cock starting to stir to hardness, and it takes everything that I have not to pounce on her right here and now. I need to control myself. Even if the thought of pushing my tongue into her mouth is the only thing that I can think about right now.

  "I just want to be able to come properly," she explains, biting her lip for a moment. "That’s why I’m here. And that’s why I was in the showers, too. I just... want to have an orgasm. Know what it feels like. I was getting so close too, before you interrupted me."

  "Well, for that, I am truly sorry," I say, letting my eyes trace up and over her body, taking in every inch of her gorgeous form. "But you got to practice to get where you wanna go, right?”

  "I suppose so," she breathes back, her gorgeous eyes lifting to meet mine. Then, with a brazen look about her, she lets the towel fall open.

  I take her hand and move to kiss her. She has just gifted me this delicious body of hers. And there is no way that I am going to pass up the chance to take it.

  Chapter Six


  As he moves to kiss me, my head spins. Am I really doing this? Can I really be doing this? Yes, I am. This moment is too sweet and too tantalizing to resist.

  Cliff’s tongue meets mine as he runs his hands down my arms, just the way that I imagined he would when I was in the shower and dreaming of him. He wants me. This man wants me. And I can already feel my pussy beginning to throb with want once more at the thought of everything that he will do to me now that he has me.

  He moves his mouth to my ear, letting his breath warm my skin, and I shiver – the pain in my ankle is all but gone now, the insistent want between my legs demanding far more of my attention.

  "I’m going to make you come, Harper Higgins," he murmurs against my ear, and then he begins to kiss down my neck. I sink back into the seat, the warmth of his mouth almost more than I can take as he traces down, down, down my throat, towards my beasts. He swirls his tongue around my nipples, taking his time with each one, as though he is in no rush at all with any of this.

  His hands are confident as he spreads my legs, cups his fingers around my soaked pussy. He traces them over my lips and I groan, looking down at his hand between my thighs. I can’t believe this is really happening. All the fantasies that I have had over the years, everything that I have ever imagined, it’s all coming to pass in this moment – with this man, this powerful, wild mountain man.

  He moves to kiss me again, his tongue in my mouth, his hand on the back of my neck as he pulls me closer. His fingers dip inside of me for the first time, and I gasp against his lips, shocked at how good it feels, at how much I already find myself longing for more. Yes – this is what I need, this is what I want. I grip tight to his shoulders, hanging on for dear life, as he spreads me open with his hand.

  The shock of feeling someone else down there is almost more than I can take, but he is slow and careful, taking his time, making sure not to rush this or push me any further than I need to be pushed. I press my head against his shoulder and he slides down, down, kissing my stomach, that sensitive spot beneath my navel that makes my toes curl.

  "Mmm," I groan, and I run my fingers through his hair, watching as his mouth flicks up into a smile at the response that I give him. I am his now, utterly an
d totally his, and I know that nothing that I do will be able to change that.

  He kisses over my thighs, over the crease of my hips, as he moves his fingers inside of me – I can already feel my wetness beginning to warm the inside of my thighs. He looks up at me again, and I could swear that his eyes are darker than they were before.

  "I want to taste you," he murmurs to me, and I groan in response – he takes it as all the permission he needs and, finally, he presses his mouth against my pussy for the first time.

  The sensation of his lips against my clit is almost more than I can take. My entire body arches off the seat for a moment, my whole system overwhelmed as my nerves light up with want for him. How can it feel this good? I reach down to touch his head, to make sure that he is really there and I am not making any of this up. I want him. I want this...

  All the tension that has been building inside of me feels as though it is going to tip over into something else any moment now. There is that twitching at the inside of my thighs again as he swirls his tongue around me softly, taking his time, his fingers still pushed inside of me. The pressure, the mix of sensations, it’s almost too much for my body to take.

  I feel as though everything else has switched off inside of me apart from the pleasure receptors in my brain, the ones that are telling me how darn good this feels, how much I want more.

  He plants a kiss against my pussy and then flattens his tongue, stroking up and down my whole length a few times and making me shudder with want. I tip my head back on the seat, my legs beginning to shake as I draw closer. Even though I’ve never felt it before, I know what I’m coming close to, and I want it, I want it so badly that everything else seems to fall away just like that.

  How can anything else matter when I have Cliff’s mouth against me like this?

  I find that I am pushing myself back against him, lifting my hips so that I can grind against his face and feel his tongue moving eagerly against me. He has begun to slide his fingers in and out of me now, moving a little faster, letting me set the pace as I push myself back against him over and over again. The waves of pleasure are starting to crest in me, starting to reach the very tip of what I can handle.

  This is going to happen, finally.

  I’m past the point of no return as his tongue swirls around my clit once more, my entire body seizing up and my vision beginning to blur around the edges as finally, at last–

  "Oh!" I cry out. The pleasure tears through me like a wildfire. It starts at the top of my head and cascades down over my body, peaking between my legs as the muscles twitch and spasm. He doesn’t move his mouth from me, doesn’t pull his fingers from inside of me, and the pleasure arches and arches and rises and rises until it feels like nothing else at all matters right now.

  My whole body trembles, the rush of it reaching to the very edges of my system, filling the dark spaces inside of me with light that I didn’t even know that I needed. I grasp his hair, holding him in place, not wanting this to be over – not wanting to lose the intensity of how this feels, of how he makes me feel.

  Slowly, finally, he pulls back from me, plants a kiss on the inside of my thigh, moves his gaze up to meet mine once more. His eyes burn with want for me and I need nothing more than to reach down and kiss him again, taste myself on his lips, remind myself of just where he has been and just how much he is willing to do to get me where I need to go.

  Chapter Seven


  Her cunt is perfection.

  There’s no other way to put it. As we kiss, as I share the taste of her on my tongue, my cock is rock-hard, aching to move inside of her. I know that I just made her come for the first time, and if that’s all she’s willing to let me do right now, then I’ll live with it. But fuck – her pussy tastes like honey and I want nothing more than to know what it would feel like, too.

  She pulls me up beside her, and I slip next to her on the chair. Then I lift her onto my lap so that she can rest her head against my shoulder. She is beautifully and totally naked, her body so tempting to me that I can hardly keep my head straight. But I am willing to do this exactly as she wants to. No rushing. No pushing before she is ready. I know that she is new to all of this, and the last thing I want to do is give her a reason to hold back even further.

  "That was so good," she whispers against my ear, and I can still feel her body trembling with the aftershocks of what I have just done to her. I smile, brush my lips over her cheek. She smells delicious, the musk of her skin too tempting to ignore.

  "How you imagined your first orgasm?" I murmur, and she nods.

  "Better than I imagined possible," she confesses, and I have to admit, the thought of being the first and only man to get to taste her like that is seriously fucking hot to me.

  That pussy belongs to me now – well, for as long as she’ll let it, at least.

  "That good, huh?" I ask.

  She grins, nuzzles against my neck. "I think you know the answer to that question."

  "Yeah, but I want to hear you say it," I reply.

  She giggles. "Then yes, it was good," she replies. "And you didn’t mistake me for a mountain lion or whatever this time?”

  I laugh softly. "I didn’t." I brush my nose against her hair, just fine with spending the rest of the night like this if that’s what she wants. I haven’t felt this good in a long ass time. Her in my arms feels like fate.

  She lets out a long breath and nestles against me, and I wrap my arms right around her more tightly. Hard to believe that I only met this girl earlier today. It feels as though she has been this close to me from the start, as though the two of us were always meant to be this way with one another. I like the feeling of her soft, supple little body in my arms, and I want nothing more than to learn every inch of it as best I can.

  "You know, Cliff… I want to return the favor," she remarks playfully.

  "What do you mean?”

  "Only fair, right?” she replies, lifting her head so that she can look at me properly. "I mean, you got me off. So I want to make you..."

  "You don’t have to worry about that," I assure her. "If you’re not ready."

  "And what makes you think that I’m not ready?” she asks, pouting playfully. I trail a finger down her back, admiring the curve of her shoulders, the way her body seems made to fit against mine.

  "It’s your first time," I reply. I don’t want to bring up the fact that I know that she is a preacher’s daughter, but that’s part of it, too. She must be new to all of this, and the last thing that she needs from me right now is to push her into something that she isn’t sure about.


  "So, there’s no reason to rush," I point out. She tips her head to the side, looks at me for a moment.

  "You think that I need you to set the pace?" There’s a little edge of rebelliousness in her voice. I’ve got to admit, this is the last thing that I would have imagined if someone had mentioned a preacher’s daughter to me, but I like that she is full of surprises.

  "It’s not that," I reply.

  "Let me guess," she sighs. "You know who my father is?”

  "Yeah," I admit.

  She shakes her head at me, but she doesn’t seem pissed or anything. "I thought so," she sighs, trailing her fingers over my chest in the most tantalizing way. "Most people get a little freaked when they find out who I am."

  "I can imagine."

  "But they don’t seem to get that I’m my own woman," she continues, shaking her head. "And I can make my own choices. Just because my father wouldn’t approve of everything that I’m doing with my life doesn’t mean that I’m crazy for wanting it."

  "No, I get that," I agree. I don’t want her to feel like I am patronizing her, but at the same time, I need to know that she wants this as much as I do.

  "Good." She moves her hand to my head, running her fingers over my scalp. I swear, I feel like I am lighting up every time she puts a hand on me. It’s almost more than I can take, but I manage to contain my primal desire to
bend her over the seat and fuck her here and now.

  "I came here to get away from that," she continues, a little more softly than before. "Not my father, just – just all the pressure that comes from being seen as nothing more than this good little girl, you know?”

  "I understand," I reply. "I don’t think I could handle any of that. It’d drive me crazy."

  "Yeah, it drives me crazy sometimes, too," she agrees with a sigh. "You should have seen what it was like at my Christian college – oh, that stuff was just too much for me."

  "You went to a Christian college?" I ask. Honestly, I have a hard time imagining someone like her somewhere like that.

  She nods. "Right out of high school," she explains. "I did my first couple of years there, but it just wasn’t for me. And the men – I swear, most of them were just trying to out-pious each other. Felt like nobody actually wanted to have any fun or explore the world, you know?"

  "So why did you stay so long?" I ask.

  "My father," she admits. "Didn’t want to let him down."

  "And you didn’t find some nice Christian boy to marry?” I ask her, teasingly. She grins at me and shakes her head.

  "No, none of them were to my taste." She shrugs. "They weren’t real men. They weren’t like you.” She grins and slides an arm over my chest, as though she is still having a hard time believing that I am right here in front of her. "They were all canned lines, you know?" she remarks, shaking her head. "Every time any of them came near me, it was like they had planned out exactly how the conversation would go in their heads. And they couldn’t handle it when I didn’t play by those rules."

  "I get the feeling that you don’t make a habit of that," I reply, and she shakes her head.

  "Not if I can avoid it," she agrees, fluttering her lashes at me. Fuck, she looks so cute right now, it takes everything I have not to lean down and plant my lips against hers.


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