Warwick: Episode 2: Galactic Fugitives

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Warwick: Episode 2: Galactic Fugitives Page 4

by Michael James Ploof

  The girls ordered their drinks, and credits were taken off my account. Drinks in hand, we took a stroll around the casino. I was lost when it came to identifying the aliens, but there was one thing they all shared, and that was their wealth. Rich was rich, no matter where you were in the universe.

  There were big grizzly bear creatures wearing gold chains and little else; short dwarven creatures with horns and brown skin with thick bracers crusted with diamonds and other precious stones; scaly merpeople wearing ruby studded tiaras, being pushed around in tubs on wheels. Some aliens had wings, and they flew about the high-ceilinged room, congregating amongst themselves.

  One thing this gambling house had that casinos on Earth lacked was windows. They were all over the place, even on the floor, and my stomach fluttered as we walked across them.

  “Your seat is open at the farnook table,” said Jules. “You will find it in the high-limit room thirty paces straight ahead, then twenty to the left.”

  “Thanks, Jules.”

  When we arrived in the high roller room, one of the bosses approached us, wearing a smile that belonged to the Cheshire Cat. He was tall and skinny, and reminded me of one of the grays, except his skin was pale yellow, and he had four arms. Like all the gambling house employees, he wore a one-piece black uniform with elongated V patterns on the chest and back.

  “Greetings. You must be Lord Zed.” He extended a hand in greeting, and I shook it, surprised the gesture existed outside of Earth.

  “Thank you.” I glanced over his shoulder at the farnook table.

  “Right this way.” He extended two long right arms, and we crossed the room. “My name is Aerz. If you need anything at all, you need only ask, and the staff and I will do everything we can to accommodate you. Can I have a waitress refill your drinks?”

  “That would be great.”

  I would advise against drinking too much Vodskey. It contains a high amount of alcohol. Jules informed me.

  Thanks, Mom, but I can handle my booze.

  Aerz pulled out a high-backed chair for me at the farnook table, and I glanced at the other five players. There was an obese walrus-looking dude, two hairy guys right out of Where the Wild Things Are, a cat lady who looked like she belonged to Purshia’s race, and a four-foot-tall grasshopper wearing a glass bubble over his head. The dealer was a muscular being who looked like a cross between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hellboy.

  “Greetings, Lord Zed.” The dealer offered me a nod. His name tag read Torkongormackzu.

  “’Sup, Tork?” I asked. “I’ll take a million in chips.”

  Val stool directly behind me, bending forward to expose her cleavage and kiss me on the ear, and with Purshia on one side and Ella on the other, I was feeling pretty damn lucky.

  “You have good taste in women,” said the cat lady with a purr.


  Tork slid over a pile of metallic tiles about the size of dominos. Jules told me what I had. Each blue chip is worth a hundred thousand credits, the red ones are worth twenty-five thousand, and the yellow are worth five thousand each. Got it?

  Yes. Thanks.

  “Bets are open, same shooter,” Tork announced.

  “Let the new arrival roll,” said the grasshopper in a raspy smoker’s voice.

  The table looked a lot like a craps table, only smaller, and the players sat rather than stood. The lone dealer had a short stick, presumably for retrieving the dice, and the odds were written on the table.

  Place a blue chip on the line in front of you. This is called the life line,” Jules said.

  This is a lot like a game I play back home. Once I establish a number, my life line bet will be won when I roll it again, right?


  Okay, and what’s the bad number? How do I crap out?

  The bad number is thirteen.


  I placed a hundred thousand credits on the life line, and the dealer pushed the dice to me with his L-shaped stick.

  “Dice are out,” he said. “All bets are locked.”

  I scooped up the two eleven-sided dice, gave them a shake, then raised them to Val’s lips. “Blow on them for luck.”

  She blew sensuously, giving me a wink, and I tossed them. They bounced off the raised table edge and stopped on nine and four.

  “Thirteen is the point. Bets are open.” The dealer snagged the dice and brought them close to his chip rack.

  “Good job, baby,” said Purshia. She kissed me on the cheek and clapped.

  Ella sipped her drink and winked.

  Now bet five more blue tiles behind your lifeline bet.

  I got this, I told her.

  I placed my bet, then tossed the dealer a blue chip. “Put it on twenty-two for me.”

  The two hairy dudes glanced at each other. One of them threw a blue chip of their own in front of the dealer. “Put us on with Zed.”

  “I’ll take that action,” said cat lady, and she tossed in a chip too.

  “Me too,” said the grasshopper.

  The only one who didn’t go along was the Walrus.

  What are you doing?

  Relax, Jules. Orcag said he had the luck thing covered.

  The dealer slid the dice to me, and Val blew on them again. I gave them a toss. One immediately landed on eleven, and the other spun for agonizing seconds across the table. When it finally landed on eleven, the whole table lost their minds.

  “Twenty-two!” the dealer announced.

  The hairy dudes hugged each other and rejoiced. Cat lady bounced up and down in her seat. The walrus, however, wasn’t happy. He slammed the table with his wide, webbed hands and shook his head.

  “Fifty to one,” he grumbled. “That’s a hell of a payday.”

  “Must be my lucky day,” I replied and pulled in five million in chips.

  I spread my bets across the board, putting a blue chip on every number that wasn’t considered center action. All the doubles, like four, six-, eight, and ten, had higher odds than those on the outside. The highest payouts came from the rarer combinations, like double one’s, and elevens.

  As long as I didn’t roll a thirteen, my turn would continue, as would the paydays. If I rolled a thirteen, however, every bet on the board would be lost. I’d put almost everything out there, but I was feeling confident.

  This was not part of the plan. Jules said in my mind.

  I was in the middle of the roll, so I didn’t reply.

  “Four!” the dealer said and proceeded to pay everyone on the number, including me.

  Looks like it’s going well. Quit distracting me.


  I rolled again, hitting an eight this time.

  Five rolls later I still hadn’t rolled a thirteen, and my chips were piling up.

  Our drinks came, and I ordered a round for the table. They had all followed my bets, although they didn’t put up as much as I had.

  “Twenty-two!” The dealer announced, and the cheer that issued from my table turned heads.

  Soon a crowd gathered around, cheering us on. The girls were having a hell of a time, whooping it up and showering me with kisses, and I must admit, I was having a pretty damn good time too.

  I racked up fifty million credits in chips in half an hour, and by that time, most of the other games had stopped altogether. There were hundreds of beings around us, including dozens of security goons and suits I assumed were bosses.

  You’re attracting too much attention, Jules warned me more than once, but there was no way I could turn back now.

  The goal is to get comped the Imperial Suite. How the hell do you expect me to do that without winning big?

  I hope you know what you’re doing, she said cryptically.

  I picked up the dice, careful not to knock over my tall stacks, and gave them another roll.

  “Thirteen!” the dealer said, and he sounded relieved. “Good roll, Zed.”

  “Oh no!” said Purshia as Tork pulled in the losing bets. I’d had thirty mill
ion on the table, and now I was down to twenty.

  “Damn good run,” said the cat lady.

  “One of the best I’ve seen,” the grasshopper added.

  “One more roll.” I slid my twenty million forward. “Put it all on twenty-two.”

  “You sure about that, Zed?” the dealer asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Harry, what are you doing?” Ella whispered in my ear.

  “Don’t worry.”

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “Boss, I’ve got a request for a twenty million bet,” the dealer said.

  One of the suits who’d been watching me touched his ear and glanced at the ceiling. He spoke quietly, then approached the table. “The bet has been accepted. Carry on.”

  The crowd cheered, but when Tork slid me the dice, the room fell silent.


  Not now, Jules.

  I raised the dice above my head, and all three of my girls blew on them.

  “Come on, baby. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!” I tossed the dice, and they bounced across the table. Time seemed to slow as the dice tumbled and spun. They hit the wall, rolled back across the table, and stopped.

  “Twenty-two!” Tork announced in astonishment.

  The crowd went berserk, and more than one suit touched their ear and winced.

  I’d bet twenty million, and the odds were fifty to one, which meant I’d won a billion credits.

  If that didn’t get us into the Imperial Suite, nothing would.

  I tossed Tork a couple of blue chips and thanked him for the good time, then bought another round for my fellow players.

  “What, no afterparty?” the cat lady asked with a devilish grin.

  “Sorry, full house.” Purshia wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss.

  The crowd began to disperse, but the big wigs still hovered. We were on our way to the bar when a tall lizard walked up to us with two big blue gorillas following a step behind.

  “That was a hell of a run you had, Lord Zed,” said the lizard. He wore a fine suit with a high collar, enough jewelry to make a rapper jealous, and tinted glasses that revealed a hint of reptilian eyes. “I am Malagag, proprietor of this establishment.”

  “Hell of a place you’ve got here,” I said and extended my hand.

  He gripped it in his scaly hand, his strength surprising. “Thank you.” He took Val’s hand in his and kissed the back of it. “Such lovely wives you have.”

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  “Indeed.” His slit of a mouth turned up at the corners, and the tip of his tongue snaked out and tasted the air. “I value players of your caliber. I would like to invite you to the Imperial Suite.”

  “Imperial Suite, you say?”

  “It is our most luxurious.”

  “Ooh, Zed!” Purshia clapped and bounced up and down, and Malagag’s reptilian eyes followed her bouncing breasts.

  “Such a generous host,” said Ella, and I noticed the way she squeezed her boobs together with her arms.

  “It is the least I can do. The lord’s run will be talked about for months. Even losses can be good for publicity.” He handed me a glowing room key the size of a flash drive. “Your luggage has already been taken up for your convenience.”

  “That is most gracious of you,” I said.

  “Please dine at any of our fine restaurants. It’s on me.”

  “You sure about that? Because Zed here really knows how to eat,” said Ella.

  “Yes he does,” Purshia said with a purr.

  Malagag’s hairless brow rose. “Enjoy your stay, Lord Zed. We shall be landing on Carribin 3 shortly. I believe you will find the beach games agreeable.” He bowed and took his leave.

  “Let’s go see the room!” Purshia said, pulling me toward the elevator.

  I noticed a restroom to my right. “Hold on. I gotta take a leak first.”

  “We’ll be here waiting,” said Ella.

  I walked into the bathroom and chuckled. Winning like that had my heart pumping, and I still felt giddy with excitement.

  “Jules, you there?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “You’re not watching through my eyes, are you?”


  I stopped at one of the urinals and relieved myself. “That was pretty wild.”

  “It was extremely reckless,” she said. “Orcag is not pleased.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Harry, you were supposed to follow my betting instructions.”

  “No one told me that.”

  “I tried to, but you ignored me.”

  “Well you must have figured it out. What’s the big deal? The dice were loaded, right? No matter what I bet, you would have made it happen.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Harry. The loaded dice hadn’t been introduced yet.”


  “We were going to have you win over a course of hours. You were supposed to lose the first million, but you went off script.”

  “Holy shit.” My stomach flipped, and I realized how lucky I’d actually been. “Well, there you go. It’s much less suspicious this way.”

  “Listen to me, you little worm.” It was Orgac, and he was fuming. “From here on out, you will follow my instructions completely, do you understand?”

  A sharp pain suddenly blasted through my temples, and I almost pissed on my shoes. “Fuck! Yeah, man, I get it. Turn that shit off.” I had barely stuffed myself back in my pants, and I was on my knees in excruciating pain. All the while, Orcag screamed in my ear.

  “I’ll fry your brain and leave you a mindless sack of flesh!”

  I growled against the pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing me beg.

  The pain receded, and Jules said in my mind, I’m sorry, Harry, I had to do it.

  Don’t worry about it.

  The girls were waiting outside, surrounded by a bunch of gushing dudes, but they seemed not to mind the attention.

  “Sorry, gentlemen,” I said as I walked through the crowd. “Gotta go.”

  I led the girls to the elevator and we went to our room on the second to the top floor. It was a big upgrade from the last room, and like Malagag had said, our luggage was waiting for us. A window twice as large as the one in our last room took up the entire wall opposite the door, offering a spectacular view of the cosmos. A rectangular pool was in the center of the room and ran parallel with the window.

  “Talk about an infinity pool.”

  The lounge area had a variety of funky furniture, a full bar, and a large screen playing the gambling house’s advertisements in a loop. To the left was a door, presumably leading to the lavatory, and to the right was a large bed with about two dozen fluffy pillows stacked against an ornate headboard.

  “Look,” said Purshia, running into the dining area. “It’s the Food Replicator 5000!”

  “Will that thing make a cheeseburger?” I studied the instructions.

  “If anything can, it’s this machine,” she said.

  “Jules,” said Ella. “Can you change us back to normal for a while? It’s so weird looking like this.”

  “I can change you back until you leave the room, yes,” said Jules.

  We reverted to our usual selves.

  “That is so much better,” said Ella, peeling off her dress. She wore nothing underneath. “And Jules?”


  “Can you give us some privacy?”

  “As you wish,” she said, but I wondered if she was still listening.

  “Harry, are you going to stare at that machine all day?” Ella went over to the pool, and Val joined her, leaving a trail of clothes behind.

  I glanced at Purshia, and she grinned devilishly.

  After we were naked, we dove into the pool. The water was warm, and the pool must have been hooked up to sensors, because after we were all in it, the lights dimmed, soothing whimsical music played, and underwater lights pulsed.
r />   “Look at this!” Val was over by the window, and I swam over to her.

  The pool was ten feet deep on this end, and the window ran down the entire side. The water was so clear that it was as if I was wearing goggles. I could see the vastness of space, and the blue and green moon. It was like swimming through space, and I felt as though I could touch the stars.

  The girls floated next to the window, marveling at the view. Their nude bodies looked amazing against the backdrop of space.

  Purshia noticed me approaching and got that devilish look on her face; she disappeared under the water. Ella and Val snuggled up to me, their tits floating on the surface like beautiful buoys. I kissed Ella, then Val, exploring their firm bodies. Purshia blew me underwater, and I leaned back and enjoyed the sensation.

  Ella located a control module beside the pool, and a moment later a round island the size of a king bed emerged from beneath the surface. We swam to it and climbed on. The surface was velvety soft and translucent.

  I lay back as the girls fell on me, play-fighting to be the first to taste my hard cock. Purshia was the winner, and she eagerly took me in her mouth. Val and Ella lay beside me, kissing my lips, neck, and biting my nipples.

  “Such a fearless man,” Val whispered in my ear before tonguing it. “The way you played today, the way you won all that money. It made me so wet.”

  Ella joined Purshia, and together they worked on my throbbing erection. Val watched them blow me with lust-filled eyes.

  “Let me taste you,” I said and pulled her toward me.

  She hummed passionately and repositioned herself so we were in a sideways sixty-nine. I teased my way up her thigh with my tongue, then licked her swollen pussy lips. Ella let out a startled moan as she blew me. Val had positioned herself between the blue alien’s legs and was teasing her clit with her tongue. Not to be left out, Purshia popped my cock out of Ella’s mouth and situated herself over me, then lowered herself onto it and purred softly.

  I brought her to orgasm quickly, and Ella took her turn. The blue bombshell clung to me as I fucked her, my wet balls slapping her ass with every thrust. Her orgasm built, and I waited for the moment just before she came to slip a finger in her ass.

  Boy, did she love that!

  She cried out and clung to me, taking as much of my ten inches as she could. When she finally collapsed, Val took her place. The big woman had a surprisingly tight pussy, and her powerful legs glistened as she squatted over me, using the buoyant surface of the island to bounce up and down on my shaft. She went from froggy style to reverse cowgirl, and when I shifted positions and took her from behind, she came like a porn star.


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