Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete

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Leila or, the Siege of Granada, Complete Page 14

by Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton


  While this scene took place before the tribunal of Torquemada, Leila hadbeen summoned from the indulgence of fears, which her gentle nature andher luxurious nurturing had ill-fitted her to contend against, to thepresence of the queen. That gifted and high-spirited princess, whosevirtues were her own, whose faults were of her age, was not, it is true,without the superstition and something of the intolerant spirit of herroyal spouse: but, even where her faith assented to persecution, herheart ever inclined to mercy; and it was her voice alone that evercounteracted the fiery zeal of Torquemada, and mitigated the sufferingsof the unhappy ones who fell under the suspicion of heresy. She had,happily, too, within her a strong sense of justice, as well as thesentiment of compassion; and often, when she could not save the accused,she prevented the consequences of his imputed crime falling upon theinnocent members of his house or tribe.

  In the interval between his conversation with Ferdinand and theexamination of Almamen, the Dominican had sought the queen; and hadplaced before her, in glowing colours, not only the treason of Almamen,but the consequences of the impious passion her son had conceived forLeila. In that day, any connection between a Christian knight and aJewess was deemed a sin, scarce expiable; and Isabel conceived all thathorror of her son's offence which was natural in a pious mother and ahaughty queen. But, despite all the arguments of the friar, shecould not be prevailed upon to render up Leila to the tribunal of theInquisition; and that dread court, but newly established, did not dare,without her consent, to seize upon one under the immediate protection ofthe queen.

  "Fear not, father," said Isabel, with quiet firmness, "I will take uponmyself to examine the maiden; and, at least, I will see her removed fromall chance of tempting or being tempted by this graceless boy. But shewas placed under the charge of the king and myself as a hostage and atrust; we accepted the charge, and our royal honor is pledged to thesafety of the maiden. Heaven forbid that I should deny the existenceof sorcery, assured as we are of its emanation from the Evil One; butI fear, in this fancy of Juan's, that the maiden is more sinned againstthan sinning: and yet my son is, doubtless, not aware of the unhappyfaith of the Jewess; the knowledge of which alone will suffice to curehim of his error. You shake your head, father; but, I repeat, I will actin this affair so as to merit the confidence I demand. Go, good Tomas.We have not reigned so long without belief in our power to control anddeal with a simple maiden."

  The queen extended her hand to the monk, with a smile so sweet in itsdignity, that it softened even that rugged heart; and, with a reluctantsigh, and a murmured prayer that her counsels might be guided for thebest, Torquemada left the royal presence.

  "The poor child!" thought Isabel, "those tender limbs, and that fragileform, are ill fitted for yon monk's stern tutelage. She seems gentle:and her face has in it all the yielding softness of our sex; doubtlessby mild means, she may be persuaded to abjure her wretched creed; andthe shade of some holy convent may hide her alike from the licentiousgaze of my son and the iron zeal of the Inquisitor. I will see her."

  When Leila entered the queen's pavilion, Isabel, who was alone, markedher trembling step with a compassionate eye; and, as Leila, in obedienceto the queen's request, threw up her veil, the paleness of her cheek andthe traces of recent tears appealed to Isabel's heart with more successthan had attended all the pious invectives of Torquemada.

  "Maiden," said Isabel, encouragingly, "I fear thou hast been strangelyharassed by the thoughtless caprice of the young prince. Think of it nomore. But, if thou art what I have ventured to believe, and to assertthee to be, cheerfully subscribe to the means I will suggest forpreventing the continuance of addresses which cannot but injure thy fairname."

  "Ah, madam!" said Leila, as she fell on one knee beside the queen,"most joyfully, most gratefully, will I accept any asylum which profferssolitude and peace."

  "The asylum to which I would fain lead thy steps," answered Isabel,gently, "is indeed one whose solitude is holy--whose peace is that ofheaven. But of this hereafter. Thou wilt not hesitate, then, to quit thecamp, unknown to the prince, and ere he can again seek thee?"

  "Hesitate, madam? Ah rather, how shall I express my thanks?"

  "I did not read that face misjudgingly," thought the queen, as sheresumed. "Be it so; we will not lose another night. Withdraw yonder,through the inner tent; the litter shall be straight prepared for thee;and ere midnight thou shalt sleep in safety under the roof of one of thebravest knights and noblest ladies that our realm can boast. Thou shaltbear with thee a letter that shall commend thee specially to the care ofthy hostess--thou wilt find her of a kindly and fostering nature. And,oh, maiden!" added the queen, with benevolent warmth, "steel not thyheart against her--listen with ductile senses to her gentle ministry;and may God and His Son prosper that pious lady's counsel, so that itmay win a new strayling to the Immortal Fold!"

  Leila listened and wondered, but made no answer; until, as she gainedthe entrance to the interior division of the tent, she stoppedabruptly, and said, "Pardon me, gracious queen, but dare I ask thee onequestion?--it is not of myself."

  "Speak, and fear not."

  "My father--hath aught been heard of him? He promised, that ere thefifth day were past, he would once more see his child; and, alas! thatdate is past, and I am still alone in the dwelling of the stranger."

  "Unhappy child!" muttered Isabel to herself; "thou knowest not histreason nor his fate--yet why shouldst thou? Ignorant of what wouldrender thee blest hereafter, continue ignorant of what would afflictthee here. Be cheered, maiden," answered the queen, aloud. "No doubt,there are reasons sufficient to forbid your meeting. But thou shalt notlack friends in the dwelling-house of the stranger."

  "Ah, noble queen, pardon me, and one word more! There hath been with me,more than once, a stern old man, whose voice freezes the blood within myveins; he questions me of my father, and in the tone of a foe who wouldentrap from the child something to the peril of the sire. That man--thouknowest him, gracious queen--he cannot have the power to harm myfather?"

  "Peace, maiden! the man thou speakest of is the priest of God, and theinnocent have nothing to dread from his reverend zeal. For thyself, Isay again, be cheered; in the home to which I consign thee thou wilt seehim no more. Take comfort, poor child--weep not: all have their cares;our duty is to bear in this life, reserving hope only for the next."

  The queen, destined herself to those domestic afflictions which pompcannot soothe, nor power allay, spoke with a prophetic sadness whichyet more touched a heart that her kindness of look and tone had alreadysoftened; and, in the impulse of a nature never tutored in the rigidceremonials of that stately court, Leila suddenly came forward, andfalling on one knee, seized the hand of her protectress, and kissed itwarmly through her tears.

  "Are you, too, unhappy?" she said. "I will pray for you to _my_ God!"

  The queen, surprised and moved at an action which, had witnesses beenpresent, would only perhaps (for such is human nature) have offendedher Castilian prejudices, left her hand in Leila's grateful clasp; andlaying the other upon the parted and luxuriant ringlets of the kneelingmaiden, said, gently,--"And thy prayers shall avail thee and me when thyGod and mine are the same. Bless thee, maiden! I am a mother; thou artmotherless--bless thee!"


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