Scandals & Seduction

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by A.J. Dixon

  Scandals & Seduction

  By A.J. Dixon

  Copyright 2011 by Alexandra Dixon

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination.

  The greatest thing you'll ever learn

  Is to love and be loved in return.

  ~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole

  ~Chapter One~

  Elizabeth sat in the far corner of the room, listening intently as her parents argued for the hundredth time.

  "It is beyond my comprehension how you could be so stupid Vernon!" Lady Vivian screamed.

  Lord Vernon sat calmly, sipping his whiskey as he looked at his wife. "It was highly necessary at the time dear," he said cautiously.

  With a small smile she took up the iron chalice that rested on the table and tossed it full force toward his head.

  It only missed him because her hand was shaking so terribly before she threw it.

  "What in tarnation’s is wrong with you woman?!"

  Elizabeth sank deeper into the chair as she listened to her parents bickering. For the past twelve they've been at it. Ever since Elizabeth's aunt called Vivian 'a disgrace to the Bellinger family'. That didn't go very well with Duchess Vivian and the next day Dr. Garwen was making a house call to the estate up the hill. Thankfully, Duchess Sarah was fine. Only a few minor bruises and scratches on her face. The doc had her patched up in a jiffy and soon she was writing numerous letters of apology to Vivian.

  Now, her mother had it in for every single one of her in-laws. She had every right to; they all hated her because of her skin and her background. They never once tried to see and understand her for the woman she was. If it wasn't for Elizabeth, they wouldn't even have a place to live. The only reason they did was due to the fact that Vernon's family had fallen in love with her as soon as they saw her. Just a spot of luck perhaps.

  "I wish it left a mark," Vivian spat out.

  Elizabeth stood up and gracefully walked over to her parents. "Mother, be reasonable."

  Slowly, Vivian spun around to look at her daughter. "When you get married you will understand."

  Elizabeth scoffed. "I already understand. Father is sorry. Just forgive him and move past this."

  Vivian's expression softened. She put a hand on her eldest daughter's shoulder and sighed. "Elizabeth my darling, your father and I have something we need to tell you."

  Elizabeth looked from the Lord to the Lady and frowned. "What is this about?"

  "Sweetheart your father and I--"

  "Feel that it is time for you to settle on a suitor," he father interrupted. Vernon stood and, balancing with his cane, walked to his daughter. "Really Elizabeth, you will not stay twenty forever." He fiddled with her dark red curls. "And beauty goes with age."

  "I know that daddy."

  He smiled and looked at his wife. "Your mother and I need a minute. Why don't you go in the garden for a while?"

  With a nervous glance at her mother Elizabeth nodded curtly and turned on her heel. Her heavy cotton dress was so overweighed by ruffles it felt as if she were being buried sixth feet below the earth. And she certainly looked as if she were floating on a cloud. Oh why in the world did her parents purchase this gown, out of all the others, for her? Personally, Elizabeth had liked the simple light pink gown with its matching garter. It seemed the perfect birthday gift for a young woman such as her. Her parents had other ideas though. With Elizabeth being a Lady they expected her to dress and act the part--although the acting part was starting to get on Elizabeth's nerves.

  Gathering the hem of the overbearing gown in her hands, Elizabeth made her way across the extent of the fresh cut lawn and sat down in the wooden swing. A tiny grey dove flew over a few seconds later. It perched on one of the arms and chirped silently.

  "Hello little birdie," Elizabeth murmured as she slowly and calmly reached out to run her fingers along the soft feathers. The bird jumped a little but it didn't fly away. Elizabeth continued stroking the feathers as she found it was a great distraction from all the nonsense going inside the house.

  Her left arm started to get hot until it burned a little. In her haste to leave she’d forgotten her bonnet and her umbrella! The sun's rays weren't at all accepting of her status as a Lady. It just didn't care. And the fact that the longer she sat there the more her skin burned contributed to that fact.

  Using her hand as a shield, Elizabeth covered her eyes. Just enough to block the sun but not to enough to disrupt her vision. She continued to play with the little bird. Something in the back of her mind told her to look down. She did and spotted the toes of a pair of shoes.

  "You need some help darlin'"

  Elizabeth's hand dropped unto her lap when she heard the slow drawl of the man standing before her. Her eyes moved cautiously up the frame of the man, taking in his rather rugged appearance. The foot of his trousers were somewhat torn, as was the collar of his plain white shirt. They did, however, look a tad fashionable. After examining his clothes, Elizabeth's eyes moved up to his face. Long, but not overly so. Sharp green eyes stood out from his pale skin and his chocolate brown hair was pinned to the back of head. A few loose strands dangling over his eyes. His mouth was set in a self-certain grin; the kind that made Elizabeth want to slap him.

  She swallowed hard. "Not from you sir," she replied.

  The man raised an eyebrow. "You don't seem to be on excellent terms with the sun right now."

  Her temper flared. "And what business is that to you?! I don't know you, so please leave me alone." In one fast move she was off the swing and was storming to the house. A hard hand closed around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. "Release me," she ordered.

  He laughed, amused at her valour. "Not a chance. At least, not until you introduce me to your father."

  Try as she might--and she did try--she couldn't pry her wrist from his hold. "Who are you and why do you want to meet him?"

  He chucked again. "Will you stop trying to run away?"

  "Whenever I see that you aren't a threat, I might consider it," she countered.

  He nodded thoughtfully and released her wrist. Absentmindedly, Elizabeth rubbed her wrist. It was definitely going to bruise a little. Hopefully enough to charge him with assault! "Now sir are you going to tell me what business you have with my father?"

  "When I see that it concerns you, I'll let you know." He started to walk past her towards the house.

  Elizabeth practically had to run to keep up with him. "Whatever concerns my family, concerns me. Now tell me or you will not be going a step further."

  He stopped in his tracks, which was just a few feet from the closed front door of the enormous four story palace. The way he stepped toward her, the look in his eyes, reminded her vaguely of the way a panther looked when stalking its prey. He certainly fit the bill for one. "Trust me darlin', you'll find out soon enough."

  Elizabeth wondered where his unusual accent came from. He didn't sound British, but not Irish either. His voice was a little too smooth to be either.

  She was still staring at the man when the door opened. Elizabeth's eyes stayed on the man just as his stayed on hers as someone approached them.

  "Elizabeth Ann," her father's voice sounded out.

  Taking a deep breath and muttering a small curse she spun around to face
him. She plastered a small smile on her face and walked towards Vernon, who was clutching his cane to his left side. "Hello Daddy."

  Vernon looked at his daughter then to the man. Something in his eyes told Elizabeth that he was a little more than happy to see the man. "Taylor."

  Elizabeth stumbled back as her Cather shook hands with the man. "Daddy, do you know this man?"

  Her father chuckled. "Of course dear. This is General Taylor Iversley."

  Elizabeth's eyes widened to the size of tennis balls as she took in the information. She looked at the man who was now smiling at her so hugely she was certain he would have a facial tick later on in the day. "General Iversley? As in the same General Iversley who saved you in Istanbul?"

  Vernon smiled broadly and nodded. "Yes. This is the same one." He turned back to Taylor who was still staring at Elizabeth. "Iversley, I would like you to meet my daughter, Elizabeth."

  Taylor smiled cockily, raising an eyebrow as he walked toward Elizabeth. He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. "Pleasure to you Lady Elizabeth," he said as his lips brushed her knuckles.

  The zing of electricity she felt forced Elizabeth to yank her hand back from Taylor.

  He smiled and straightened up.

  "I can't say it's the same pleasure for me as well general," Elizabeth said defiantly.

  Vernon shook his head regrettably. "Oh my. What happened?"

  Elizabeth lofted the hem of her gown in her hands so that she could clearly see her shoes. In the next instant she presses her heel as hard down on Taylor's toes as possible. "Consider us even now, General."

  Taylor's face twisted up in a grimace but he stood his ground as Elizabeth walked back toward the house. As she walked away she was sure she heard her father say something deadly close to, "You have a lot of work on your hands."

  Taylor stared after Elizabeth as she walked back to her house. She was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women he had seen in years. From her light cocoa skin to her dark pitch black hair that was only accentuated by big blue eyes which held more wisdom than what seemed possible for such a young woman. She was certainly no older than twenty-two at best.

  "Thank you for coming," Lord Vernon said sadly.

  Taylor looked at him curiously. Ever since the war a few years ago, he had no more than utter respect for the man. Lord Vernon had proved to be a very good friend to him in the past years, and for that Taylor would always be grateful. Something told him that there was a problem Vernon had which need Taylor's assistance. What Taylor didn't expect were the words coming out of Vernon's mouth right now.

  "She needs a suitor," he said.

  Taylor stated at the man as if he had finally gone mad. Maybe so, for he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You're joking, right?"

  Vernon shook his head slowly and smiled ruefully. "I wish I were Taylor. The truth is that I'm not in the best of health."

  Despite his best efforts, Taylor's answering question sounds as if he were disrespected the Lord. "And what do you suggest I do about that."

  Vernon didn't give him any unusual looks or glances. It was as if he expected him to act that way. "What I am saying is that if Elizabeth does not find a husband in the next few weeks, it is likely that she will not get her inheritance."

  "What kind if pissed up system is that?" Taylor asked.

  Vernon chuckled. "I haven't the slightest clue." He rested a hand o. His friend's shoulder. "Listen to me. I got married a few months after I left the Navy. I was but a youth still at twenty. Less than a year later Vivian had Elizabeth. At the time I was still a tad naïve and I followed my father's foolish method and made my will. But it states that upon my death, unless my eldest daughter were married, she would not be entitled to receiving her inheritance."

  Taylor shook his head in regret. "What were you thinking?"

  Vernon shrugged. "That is just it, my boy. I wasn't thinking. Now I can't bear to tell Elizabeth. She would hate me."

  "No, she wouldn't Vern. Really, you should have more faith in your daughter."

  Vernon raises an eyebrow. "Her mother found out and threw a wine chalice at my head," he said.

  Taylor clamped his mouth shut and nodded to Vernon, a silent gesture which told him to continue.

  "To be quite frank about it, you are the only man I believe would be the perfect husband for her."

  Taylor has no problem with Elizabeth. She was beautiful, obviously smart and an aristocrat. The problem was he wasn't ready to settle down with anyone. He'd had enough bad experiences where women were concerned. But, who was to say he couldn't have a little fun with the little wild cat? Her father, although a very decent man, needn't know about it. "What makes you think that she'll agree to this?"

  "She won't know," he said calmly. "Unless you tell her."

  "I would never do such a thing," Taylor told hum truthfully.

  Vernon chuckled and started to head back to the house. "Trust me my dear boy. In time you'll see. My daughter always had a few tricks up her sleeve. She's just like her mother that way."

  Taylor laughed and followed Vernon to the house. If he wanted a suitor for his daughter, then he had one. The real challenge now would be to convince Lady Elizabeth that she needed one. With a smile Taylor straightened the collar of his shirt and stepped over the threshold. This was the start of an amazing new game.

  And by all means, he was going to enjoy every minute of it.


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