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Page 21

by Anthony Wade


  Belladonna was ready. She had prepared for this moment for a week, writing speeches over and over, finding the best way to address the situation. Things were about to change, and it brought a smile to her face.

  As her dresser finished her makeup, Belladonna kept thinking of her husband. Her dead husband.


  She wished he could see the progress being made. She had been working for years, bringing their dream and idea to a reality. The hardest part was planting her followers in just the right places, controlling everything and anyone with power. It had been difficult, and things were going to get even rockier. But Belladonna knew that was inevitable. She kept her focus on the future outcome.

  “Grandmother,” a soft voice said behind her.

  Belladonna looked in the mirror to see Robert standing in the doorway. He was dressed in a black suit. His hair was perfectly combed over. He looked the same, except for one change.

  On his wrist was a black metal bracelet. In the middle, facing upward, was a green symbol . . . the infinity symbol.

  Belladonna waved her dresser away and stood up. She walked to the nearest body mirror. She looked beautiful, her dark red hair put up in a bun. The dress was designed specifically for her. She always thought green was her best color. Her dress showed it. It was dark green, hugging her body tightly. The dress may have seemed plain, but it was breathtaking. The material was very elegant, made with finest fabrics. Her necklace and earrings were shiny diamonds. The pendants were green, matching her dress . . . matching her eyes.

  “It’s time,” Robert told her once she finished gazing at herself.

  She nodded. “This is it,” she said, actually sounding a bit nervous.

  Robert approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder, as if his touch would calm her.

  “I’ve dreamt of this very moment for fifteen years,” she said slowly. “I guess it’s just overwhelming that it’s finally come.” Belladonna forced a small smile.

  Robert took his hand off her shoulder and walked to the door. “After you, Grandmother,” he said.

  She suddenly grew serious, no longer looking nervous, but content. She raised her head up high and walked quickly through the door. Robert followed her as she was met by several soldiers, who led her down the hall.

  They reached the main sitting area. It was the very place she had first met Mrs. Harrison. Once the Harrison’s went missing, Belladonna took control of their mansion. She preferred it over the presidential tower.

  Belladonna was led to the large foyer and to the main entrance. She paused, taking a deep breath. Once she nodded, the soldiers opened the doors.

  Belladonna walked out with confidence, immediately meeting a large crowd. There were hundreds of people. Many of them were reporters, broadcasting the event. None of them cheered. They barely knew the woman. They stayed silent, waiting.

  Belladonna didn’t bother waving at them. She didn’t even smile. It wasn’t like that would make things better. She was just there to give them what they wanted to hear. She was there to tell them the things they needed to hear in order for her plan to progress. She walked to the podium that had been set up earlier that day.

  A soldier rushed to her and placed a small microphone on the end of her dress. She allowed him. Once he was gone, she took one last glance at the crowd before speaking.

  “I know a lot of you have questions,” she said with authority. “I understand this. I am here to explain everything. I am here to explain what must be done.”

  She paused, giving the audience time to prepare.

  “The world is in a dire position. Many of you wouldn’t know because we’ve all been taught to ignore the problem. It’s not your fault. It’s those who have had power these past fifty years.”

  The crowd stayed silent, not taking their eyes off Belladonna.

  “Our population has surged. This planet is crammed with 13 billion people. The fact of the matter is that our resources won’t last much longer with such a large population. Food production just isn’t keeping up with our population growth. Natural resources . . . they’re running scarcer than ever.”

  “We’ve never had a problem getting food!” a man from the crowd shouted out.

  Belladonna didn’t seem angry. “You’re right,” she said with a gentle tone. “Everybody within the wall has always gotten whatever they want, as much as they want. The problem hasn’t yet reached our cities. The problem has started in third world nations. What I’m talking about is the future. We can keep on living, ignoring the population and shortages, and in twenty years, people within the walls will be starving. They won’t be able to get any natural resources.”

  Again, Belladonna paused, allowing them to take it all in.

  “Many people are angry that I have assumed control. I understand, and recent events are unfortunate. But this is a part of the transition.”

  “Transition to what?” a woman asked politely.

  “To prevent the extinction of mankind.”

  Mumbling whispered throughout the crowd. Belladonna raised a hand to silence them. They did so quickly.

  “The population will continue to grow, and we’ll continue using all our resources. Food is going to grow scarce as the supply struggles to keep up with our growth. It’s inevitable that we’ll run out, and people will start to starve to death. People will start dying on the streets. Businesses will close. We’ll enter an era of a forever-collapsed economy.”

  People listened inventively.

  “My plan will be difficult, but if we work together, we can make it happen. First, we can now be aware and address the problem of shortages. This will allow us to invent alternatives rather than invent new models for our phones and televisions and vehicles.”

  “You’re aware of the monitoring of weekly food purchases. You now understand why this has to be. Again, it’s unfortunate. The transition won’t be easy. At times, there will be force. People must obey me. I am assuming control and forcing regulations on everybody because it has to be done if we want to see our society live on.”

  Again, whispering rippled throughout the crowd. A couple of people even shouted in anger.

  “It’s a part of the transition,” Belladonna repeated silently.

  “Dictator!” some old man screamed out.

  A soldier started to go after him, but Belladonna stopped him.

  “Yes,” she said. “I am taking complete control. I will control everything until things start to get better. There is nothing anybody can do, and it’s terrible. You guys are losing most of your freedom, and many of you aren’t going to like me or my followers. But it’s for the greater good. Just understand that I’m trying to help the world, hoping to extend mankind’s life. The transition will be rough, but the outcome will be very rewarding.”

  A couple of more people shouted in anger, cursing Belladonna. This time, she allowed the soldiers to go after a few of them.

  The soldiers weren’t gentle. They took what seemed to be a simple black metal bar and hit each of those talking out against Belladonna. Each person hit began twitching, their eyes rolling to the back of their heads. They eventually fell to the ground, motionless. Several people gasped, but nobody cursed Belladonna any further.

  “The transition will be rough,” Belladonna repeated once again, trying to fuse the idea into their heads. “I hope you understand that. Because if you don’t, I can’t allow you to get in the way. You will be disposed.”

  More whispering. This time, nobody screamed out at Belladonna. Several people were crying. Others were already leaving the mansion, refusing to hear more.

  “I’m sorry,” Belladonna said. “It’s for the greater good. Curfew will remain the same. Media must not report harsh things about our plan to progress. If so, they’ll be disposed. Those who follow us will be rewarded. Those who follow us will never have to worry about hunger or danger for they’re joining me to protect this world. With th
at said, those who wish to follow us must be useful, having something to contribute to our society. Because of these shortages, we can no longer afford to give to those who can’t contribute to society, helping it progress.”

  Belladonna turned to Robert and motioned for him to approach the podium He did so. Once beside Belladonna, she grabbed his arm and raised it into the air, revealing the black bracelet around his left wrist. The green infinity symbol had a glow.

  “We’re entering the era of The Grandmother Society. If you wish to follow us, helping us to prevent inevitable catastrophe, you will be allowed to join our society as a Grandmother Citizen.”

  People continued whispering, keeping their eyes on Robert’s wrist.

  Stations will be set up for those who wish to apply. Everybody can’t be a citizen. But if you prove yourself as useful for society and our idea, you will be allowed, never having to worry about anything. And to identify Grandmother Citizens, each follower will be given a permanent bracelet. All of your information will be stored into the bracelets. If you’re ever in trouble, we will find you through our GPS system, allowing us to immediately track you.”

  Belladonna put Robert’s arm down. He stayed standing next to her.

  “Soldiers will stay on every corner, keeping order. If any Grandmother Citizen is in trouble, these soldiers will help them first. If non-members even try to harm a citizen, they will be disposed. No exceptions.”

  Belladonna took a moment to look around. There was one more problem to address. She thought of the safe. It would have solved the last problem, but Carsyn escaped. She just knew the Harrison’s were somehow involved. The thing was, most people knew nothing of the safe and the nuke locations. Maybe she couldn’t access that until she got Carsyn, but others didn’t need to know that. Their ignorance would keep her alive.

  “There is one more thing,” Belladonna started slowly, as if still thinking things slowly. She turned to look at Robert, who urged her to continue.

  “As I said, this is something that must be forced. It’s for the greater good. I don’t want anybody getting in the way. Other nations are listening right now. I hope you those leaders understand the predicament we are in, and I hope you will join my society, allowing us to add more Grandmother citizens. Those who don’t agree will not be a threat. An attack on the United Regions won’t be tolerated. And to keep my citizens safe . . . to keep our idea alive in order to save the world’s future, I have massive nuclear weapons aimed at specific locations all around the globe. I have power to destroy every country, and if it comes to that, I won’t hesitate. I can’t hesitate.”

  Several people gasped, crying louder.

  “Other nations won’t be harmed unless they attempt to harm us. Countries who join the Grandmother Society will be protected.”

  Shouting grew louder. A few soldiers were forced to take out a few more civilians with their rods. Like before, their eyes rolled back as their body twitched. Their bodies would fall to the ground and left there.

  Belladonna raised her voice to overcome the shouting. “Things must change. Things will get better. It’s time for my society to rule . . . the Grandmother Society, and we will give this world the chance to have an infinite life. You’re either with us, or you’re against us.”

  Ignoring the shouting, Belladonna left the podium. The soldiers swung the doors opened, allowing the new leader into her palace.


  The Author

  Anthony Wade is a novelist, ghostwriter and freelancer for several platforms. He graduated from the University of Kentucky where he studied literature and creative writing. In 2012, he visited Edinburgh, Scotland to further his education in writing. Today, when he’s not working on The Infinity Trilogy, he’s enjoying life with friends and family, dreaming of travel, and a warm bonfire.

  Wade currently resides in Houston, Texas.

  For more information on the Infinity Trilogy and future public appearances, you can follow him on Twitter (Anthony_Wade_).




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