Witch Way Now: A Paranormal Romantic Comedy (Raising Hell Downunder Book 4)

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Witch Way Now: A Paranormal Romantic Comedy (Raising Hell Downunder Book 4) Page 16

by Rhiannon Hartley

  "Feels like smoke," Jacob looked down at where she was moving her hand over him.

  "But it works," she smiled up at him. "And I want you to enjoy this as much as I do."

  "I think I'd enjoy it even with ten condoms," Jacob groaned, and Beatrix pulled her hand away. "God, are you ready? Can I?"

  "I might die if you don't," she whispered, spreading her legs wide for him and wrapping them tight around his back. "Need you so badly. Waited so long."

  "Worth it," Jacob breathed, and he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "God Beatrix, you're so very worth it."

  He pushed inside her in one smooth stroke, and Beatrix moaned out at the feeling of Jacob's cock, so hard and thick, filling her up. It was like nothing else, giving herself to him like this, letting him inside her, and it felt like there was nothing between them at all.

  "Fuck, you feel perfect," Jacob groaned, moving in slow, tender strokes inside her, rolling his hips against her again and again. "Absolutely fucking perfect."

  "All yours," she whispered, pressing her hips up into him, willing him to move faster, take her harder. "I'm all yours."

  Jacob took both of her hands in his, holding them over her head, and Beatrix moaned out loud, loving the feeling of sweet vulnerability. She trusted him completely and submitting to him like this was so hot, so damn good. It was like he knew exactly what she most wanted and exactly how to give it to her. He moved faster, deeper, harder, rougher, groaning out as he filled her up again and again. Every stroke of his cock brought her closer and closer to the edge of climax again. She couldn't believe how her body was reacting; she had never been able to come again so fast before.

  "Jacob, fuck, you're so good," she moaned, leaning up to kiss him. He kissed back, harder, deeper, plundering her mouth with his tongue like he was claiming her as his own.

  "You're perfect," he groaned, his words vibrating against her skin. "Absolutely perfect. Like a goddess."

  She gasped out a breath. "Just a witch," she moaned.

  "My witch," he said firmly, hips thrusting against hers, pressing deeper, harder, rougher and making her scream.

  "Yours," she confirmed. "God, Jacob, you're going to make me—"

  "Good," he groaned. "Want to feel you. Want to feel you come all over my cock."

  Beatrix cried out as each thrust inside her brought her closer to the edge, her body primed and ready to tumble over again.

  "Come for me, Beatrix," and it was almost a command. That sent her tumbling into spirals of ecstasy, climax ripping through her body, blacking out her vision, and there was nothing but Jacob. Jacob and the pleasure he gave her as he came inside her, groaning wildly, spilling right inside her body.

  "Fucking hell," he groaned with one final thrust of his hips. "Fuck, I..." For a moment, Beatrix thought he was going to say something crazy. Something absolutely wild. Something like 'I love you.'

  But he couldn't be even thinking that, not yet. Could he?

  Jacob collapsed on top of her, their sweat-slick skin pressed together, and Beatrix didn't want to let him go, just wanted to keep him there, pressing her into the mattress. She kept her legs wrapped firmly around him.

  "I must be squashing you," Jacob whispered, the hint of a laugh in his voice, and he tried to move off her.

  "No," Beatrix objected. "I like it!" She squeezed her legs together for just a moment, keeping him in place.

  "Strangest girl," he laughed. "But I like that about you."

  "I'm lucky you do," she whispered.

  "If anyone's lucky, it's me," he breathed, pressing a kiss to her neck. "You're absolutely exquisite. You know that, right?"

  "Hmm, I'm not sure. You'll just have to say it a few more times, so the message sinks in."

  "I don't think that will be a problem," Jacob murmured. "Okay, you have to let me go, just for a minute. I need to, uh, deal with this situation."

  "Fine," Beatrix grumbled, but she released him anyway. "Um, it just melts away."

  "Handy," Jacob said, looking down. "No clean-up."

  "Magic is pretty cool, huh?"

  "You're pretty cool," Jacob said, smiling, drawing her against his chest, one strong arm wrapped around her.

  Beatrix smiled against his skin and let herself relax into the warm comfort of his strong arms.


  The next morning when Beatrix woke up, she was acutely aware of one highly significant development. She wasn't alone. Instead, her bed was full of one very warm, very firm, and very delicious Jacob. His chest was pressed against her back, one arm slung around her waist, holding her tight against him even as he slept. And damn, that really brought a smile to her face.

  But nature called, and so she slipped out from under his arm, looking at his sleeping face fondly in the dim light.

  Beatrix padded silently down the hallway, where Gumbo and Prada where still entwined in their bed. Prada looked at her with the most judgemental expression a small dog could muster.

  "Okay, I slept with your dad!" Beatrix said, throwing her hands up. "Sue me!"

  Prada let out a single yip of disapproval, and Beatrix laughed, opening the door to let them both out. "Don't judge me, guys," she said to their retreating backs. "Just because it took me longer than it should have."

  "Talking to the dogs? Should I be worried?" Jacob's sleepy voice came up behind her, and Beatrix whirled around to find him grinning, rubbing his eyes.

  "Prada started it," Beatrix said with a grin.

  "Oh, she's extremely judgemental, that one," Jacob said, stretching out his long arms. Beatrix couldn't help but appreciate the view of his rippling chest, the bulge of his biceps.

  "Coffee?" she said, trying not to let herself get distracted before they had even had the chance to properly caffeinate themselves.

  "Yes, please," Jacob said. "And how about I hook us up with a fancy omelette? There are some eggs in the fridge, and I'll chuck in those leftover roast veggies."

  "Sounds perfect," Beatrix said. Almost unconsciously, she found herself wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.

  "Can't think of a better way to spend a morning, frankly," Jacob grinned. "Way better than going to one of those trendy cafes that Ant likes so much. Did I tell you about the one with the foamy eggs served in tiny bathtubs?"

  Beatrix laughed out loud. "You've gotta be kidding me."

  "Wish I was," Jacob smiled, fiddling with her dressing gown as though tempted to pull it off.

  "Don't!" she laughed, slapping his hand away. "Prada will see."

  "Fair enough," he said. "I'm not sharing you with anyone. Not even her."

  Beatrix rolled her eyes, but god, it felt so good to finally have this with him. She felt like she could let out all of the warmth, all of the affection she had been holding back. It was a struggle to keep her hands, her lips off him as he chopped up vegetables and whisked eggs.

  When they sat down, Beatrix couldn't keep the smile off her face, even as she ate the (slightly burnt, due to distractions) omelette.

  "You look very pleased with yourself this morning," Jacob commented, taking an enormous gulp of coffee, and Beatrix watched his throat move as he swallowed. Even his damn throat was sexy, she thought.

  "Well, I got the guy," she shrugged, smiling. "And finally got over my teenage desire to keep myself cut off from everyone, no relationships, not letting anyone get close."

  "So this is a relationship, then?"

  "God, I hope so," Beatrix said, her forehead wrinkling as a brief surge of anxiety twisted her stomach. "Otherwise, all that stuff I worked through will be for nothing."

  "I very much want it to be," Jacob said, his face serious for once. "I want you to be mine, Beatrix. No one else's. And goddamn it, I really want to be your boyfriend. Pretty much the greatest honour and privilege I could imagine."

  "Then I'll allow it," she smiled, feeling like her cheeks were going to get sore. She never smiled this much usually.

  "So, what are we going to do on this fine
day?" Jacob asked. "Apart from work, of course. Can't forget that."

  "But maybe we can be a little late..." Beatrix said, eyebrows raised in question.

  "I was going to suggest we chuck a sickie, but I know you'd never let yourself do that. Even for me."

  Beatrix scrunched up her face. "I do need to make sure everything's okay in the workshop. Plus, we have to tell Onyx how good he was last night."

  "He's probably telling Shauna about our abrupt departure right now," Jacob grinned.

  "Undoubtedly. She'll be happy, I think," Beatrix said. "She told me not to wait too long, or I'd miss out on you."

  "You've got me now, Beatrix," he said, his eyes full of a tenderness, a warmth that was almost overwhelming in its intensity.

  "I do," she said softly.

  They were very late to work indeed.



  Beatrix snapped back to reality, pulling herself back from a very pleasant reminiscence of the night before - or had it been from this morning?

  "Sorry!" she said, turning to Shauna. "I'm a little distracted today."

  "I can guess why," Shauna said, raising her eyebrows. "He's done nothing but stare at you since you arrived. Late."

  "Well, you should be happy I took your advice, right?"

  "I'm delighted, Bea," Shauna said, and suddenly she reached out, capturing her in a tight hug.

  "What was that for?" Beatrix laughed.

  "I'm proud of you, you daft girl," Shauna said, looking almost teary. "You didn't let your fear control you."

  "Or my seventeen-year-old self."

  "Exactly," Shauna said, nodding hard. "And that's why I'm proud of you. People have trouble moving past their issues, even when it's stopping them from being happy. But you did. And just look at your reward."

  Involuntarily, Beatrix's eyes moved to Jacob at the desk in the corner. He looked up, and when his eyes met hers, he smiled. A slow, gentle, easy smile of pure joy.

  "Pretty great reward," Beatrix breathed.

  "It's good to see you happy, hun," Shauna said. "But I still need you to come and enchant these bulbs."

  "Of course," Beatrix said, tearing her eyes away from Jacob. "Yes, absolutely. I am one hundred per cent focused on work."

  "Oh, Bea," Shauna laughed. "You're a good person and a great boss. But a bloody terrible liar."


  It was an accident, really, the way it happened. Beatrix and Jacob were walking back to the house, Gumbo and Prada in tow, when Gumbo caught the scent of what must have been a rabbit.

  "Gumbo!" Beatrix yelled as he took off on long legs, his ears flapping as he ran. "You get back here!"

  Gumbo, for all his usual obedient laziness, took no notice of her whatsoever, and so Beatrix took off at a run after him. It was a good thing she always wore sneakers.

  "Beatrix!" Jacob called after her, picking up Prada, who had begun to pursue Gumbo on her very short legs. "Come back! The bond!"

  But Beatrix barely heard him as she raced after Gumbo, finally grabbing him by the collar.

  "We don't run after rabbits," she said firmly. "They have as much right to be here as you do."

  Gumbo whined and tried to escape her grip, and Beatrix had to fight to hold on. She sometimes forgot how strong he really was. "We don't," she repeated. "I'm going to have to put your lead on, and I know you hate that."


  She looked up to see Jacob running up to her, Prada in his arms.

  "The bond!" Jacob called, sounding out of breath. "Nothing happened, I think—"

  "It's gone?" Beatrix said, and she knew it must be true.

  "Yeah," Jacob said, coming to a halt in front of her. "I wonder if it was because we–"

  "Maybe," Beatrix shrugged, and for some reason, her stomach turned sickly. "Well, you're free now," she said. "I mean, you can leave and go back to your place tonight if you want, and—"

  "I don't want to," Jacob said quickly. "But I know you like your space, so—"

  "I don't want you to go," she said without even thinking about it. "Well, not yet, anyway. I know eventually you might need to go home. Ant misses you, for a start."

  "So you're not trying to get rid of me?" Jacob said, trying to hold onto the struggling Prada. "Promise you're not just being polite?"

  "I would never be that polite to you," Beatrix said, a smile filling her face. "I hope you know that."


  Jacob was showering - he certainly needed it, after all the exciting ways Beatrix had found to make him sweaty - when her phone began to vibrate.

  Beatrix scowled and picked it up.

  "Mum?" Beatrix frowned.

  "You sound so surprised, my daughter," Agnes said. "How do you fare?"

  "Uh, I'm good," Beatrix said, still surprised. "Really good, actually. What's up?"

  "I thought you should know I'm coming to visit you," Agnes said, as though she were telling Beatrix she had just won a huge and highly desirable prize.

  "Visit me?" Beatrix repeated. "Is this because I wouldn't go out with that Scottish warlock? Wait, you're not bringing him, are you?"

  "Of course not, daughter!" Agnes said. "But for some reason, you refuse to come to the commune, and so I must come to you."

  "Uh, right," Beatrix said, wondering if there was any possible way she could tell her mother that it was incredibly inconvenient to have a guest without offending her.

  "I won't be any trouble, my darling," Agnes said. "I'll bring my own yurt, just like last time."

  That was the one good thing about her mother's visits, Beatrix had to admit. She refused to sleep on the futon in the study the way Jacob had. Apparently, sleeping in an actual building interfered with her ability to absorb the energies of the Earth.

  "Um, okay," Beatrix said slowly. "I, uh, I'm pretty busy with work. When were you thinking of–"

  "I'll be there on Tuesday," Agnes said smoothly. "The local farmer is driving down to Sydney, and so I'll be hitching a ride. Me in a truck, can you imagine!"

  Beatrix could absolutely imagine. She pitied the local farmer, who'd have his ear talked off for hours about why Ordinaries were inferior in every possible way.

  "Well, um, I guess it's okay," she said.

  "Okay?!" Agnes was offended. "I'm your mother! Why wouldn't you want me to visit?"

  "It's not that!" Beatrix said quickly. "It's just, I'm busy. With work. And," she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I'm seeing someone."

  "Seeing someone? What do you mean, seeing someone?" Agnes said, instantly suspicious. "Oh daughter, it's not that ghastly Wade, is it? You could do ever so much better than him, my child!"

  "No, it's not Wade," Beatrix said quickly, chewing her lip and wondering how much to tell her mother. "He has a serious girlfriend now, I told you. I, um, the guy I'm seeing. Jacob. He's...he's not a warlock."

  There was silence. A very tense silence.

  "I see," Agnes said, her voice cool and distant. "I know you've dallied with Ordinaries, Beatrix. We all do, from time to time. But you can't seriously be considering anything meaningful with someone like that."

  "Well, I am," Beatrix said, raising her chin defiantly even though her mother couldn't see her. "I really am. Jacob is...amazing, actually. He's smart and hardworking and he makes me laugh. He's a good person. And he doesn't care that I'm a witch, so I don't see why I should care that he's not."

  "You told him?!" Agnes's voice rose in anger. "Beatrix, how could you be so foolhardy! You know that our knowledge should be kept within magical families, and—"

  "Well, it's too late for that," Beatrix said firmly. "He knows. And he's fine with it, Mum."

  "I just want the best for you, daughter," Agnes said, her voice wheedling and placating now. "And I just can't see how you could be happy with an Ordinary. Not for anything real. Not for a true meeting of souls."

  "My soul is doing just fine," Beatrix said. "Look, I understand if you'd rather not visit–"
she began, hopefully.

  "Oh, I'm still coming!" Agnes said fiercely. "I can see just how much I've neglected you. How much you need my guidance, daughter."

  "Okay, Mum," Beatrix sighed. There was no point fighting her mother. She knew exactly how that would go.

  "Tuesday, then," Agnes said. "And do try to think of your future, my child."

  The call ended, and Beatrix let out a long sigh.

  "Your mother again?" Jacob asked, suddenly appearing behind her, wearing just a towel slung low on his hips.

  "How did you guess?" Beatrix grimaced.

  "Because you get that look on your face," Jacob said, grinning. "Like you've just been asked to eat a bowl of slugs."

  "It's not like that!" Beatrix protested. "I love her, I really do, it's just..."

  "Family can be difficult sometimes," Jacob offered, taking her hands in his. "Doesn't mean we don't love them. You don't have to feel guilty, Beatrix."

  Beatrix swallowed. "I'll try my best."

  "Besides, I can't wait to meet her," Jacob grinned. "She'll love me."

  Beatrix looked at him for a moment but didn't say a word. How could she explain that her mother had a very particular kind of prejudice and that even Jacob's charm would be useless against her?

  17 Jacob

  Jacob was pretty sure that he was the luckiest dude on the face of the earth. He couldn't wipe the smile from his face and he sure as hell couldn't shut up about Beatrix.

  "–and the way she laughs, it's like, I don't know, man. I swear to god it legitimately lights up the room. Like everything becomes brighter, just because she's laughing. Is that possible?"

  A balled-up pair of socks hit Jacob squarely in the side of the face.

  "Ow!" Jacob laughed, though he couldn't really claim it hurt. "What was that for?"

  "Because I asked if you'd help me with this washing, and you ended up giving me another monologue about how perfect Beatrix is," Ant said, throwing another pair of socks. This time, Jacob dodged them.

  "Sorry!" he laughed. "I just... I really like her."

  "I can tell," Ant said, with exaggerated patience. "I promise, I believe you. And it's great to see you so happy, but man, you're off with the pixies. You didn't even complain about my new installation."


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