On the Wings of Love

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On the Wings of Love Page 11

by Alanna Lucas

  “Look over there.” Rex pointed toward the cove perfectly outlined in the distance below them. “You can see the cove and the rock formations perfectly from up here.”

  The small sheltered bay formed almost a perfect half-oval. The blue water sparkled and shimmered under the afternoon sun. The rock formations that rose more than thirty feet in some spots looked like small mounds from this distance.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. Tessa took a step forward. Her eyes were wide as she glanced about in complete awe.

  Rex had never brought anyone up here; it always seemed too special to share with just anyone. From the first day he met Tessa, he knew there was something different, something special about her. He hadn’t wanted to admit to himself back then that there could be so much between them, but with each passing day, he loved her more.

  “There’s a better look-out point, but you have to hike down some pretty steep rocks. The view is incredible though.”

  “I would love to see it.” Her sense of adventure spurred him on.

  He guided Tessa back toward the path they had come from, but instead of turning left to go back to where his truck was parked, they turned right and headed down a more secluded path nestled between the pine trees.

  They walked in silence before coming to a clearing. “It’s this way.”

  Rex offered his hand as the terrain steepened in descent. Huge rocks made their progress slow going. At one point Tessa stopped, took in several deep breaths before continuing. Her brows crinkled together like she was wrestling with some deeper thought. Rex decided it best not to intervene. They were having a pleasant afternoon and so far, there was no sign that she wanted to run off.

  A large rock protruding from the hillside created a platform, a perfect vantage point to see the amazing view. They stepped onto the smooth surface, several feet away from the edge. Crisp air tinged with pine and a hint of ocean circled around them.

  “Wow,” she exhaled the word. “You can see the entire town, and the cove, and the Pacific Ocean in the far distance. It is breathtaking.”

  Rex was thinking the same thing about Tessa. Her golden-brown hair glistened in the afternoon sunlight. Her creamy cheeks were stained pink, far too intoxicating to ignore.

  “It all looks so peaceful from up here. I love getting a birds-eye view of things. I think I was a bird in another life. Thank you for bringing me here,” she said as she continued to glance about at the scenery with wonder.

  “It’s my pleasure. There’s another overlook. We need to backtrack and then hike farther down the mountain. It can be tricky to navigate, but the weather seems to be holding. The views are unparalleled.”

  Her eyes brightened. “That would be wonderful.” Tessa didn’t wait for Rex to lead the way, but brushed past in a flurry of excitement.

  However, as they neared the point where they had to climb up the rocks, Rex took the lead. He knew this area like the back of his hand. Tessa carefully followed in his footsteps, taking her time. They neared the top, just one more rock to overcome.

  “Let me help you,” Rex said as he extended his hand.

  Tessa grabbed on and lifted herself up as Rex pulled. The force of his pull was greater than needed and she tumbled right into his chest for the second time in less than an hour.

  “Oh,” she whispered in a breathy tone.

  The rapid beating of his heart ricocheted off his rib cage. She was so beautiful. Rex raised his hand and stroked her cheek.

  Tessa started to pull away even as desire filled her eyes.

  Damn, why wouldn’t she let him in? Why did she have to build a fortress around her heart? He wasn’t trying to take her late husband’s place. He wasn’t going to hurt her or leave. He wanted to protect her, save her, love her.

  She pulled her hand from his and started to push past him. He didn’t want to play second fiddle to her memories. Without thought, he grabbed her arm and swung her into him.

  “Stop running from me.” The words sprang from his mouth with more force than he intended. “If I could go back in time and trade places with him, I would.”

  Her eyes widened with a mixture of shock and surprise. If Rex was being honest, he was a little shocked as well, but it was the truth. He would give his life to see Tessa happy.

  “Why?” The single word left her mouth in the softest whisper.

  “Because… I love you and I would do anything, anything to see you happy.” He cupped her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t you see? I’m not trying to take his place. I’m just trying to love you.”

  Without hesitation Tessa reached up, wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled him into the most exhilarating kiss of his life.

  The warmth of her body set a fire in his soul that he never wanted extinguished. Her tongue danced with his, sending shivers of desire racing through him. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced.

  His pulse pounded with excitement and need as his hand traveled down the length of her back coming to rest on the gentle curve of her bottom. She was all curves and softness, the epitome of woman.

  Rex wanted Tessa. He wanted to possess her, make her forget about the past and live for today. He couldn’t erase what happened, but he believed they could have a future together.

  Rex’s words touched her soul and went straight to her heart, mending the cracks she thought would never heal. She couldn’t change the past. Despite all the ups and downs in her marriage, in her heart of hearts, she knew Jim would want her to be happy. Tessa took a leap of faith and gave in to the thought that second chances were possible. She gave herself freely to the passion of the kiss, not wanting it to end.

  Rex’s large warm hand smoothed over her bottom, bringing her in closer, melting her to him. Oh dear, her body tingled in places she’d forgotten existed. Rex slowed the kisses, nibbling her lips, then feathering kisses along her jaw.

  He inhaled long and deep. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long,” he whispered on an exhale. “Thank you.”

  Tessa rested her head on his chest. The sound of his beating heart was a comfort she hadn’t expected. His words echoed through her mind.

  She lifted her head and stared into his passion-filled eyes. “You meant what you said, didn’t you?”

  He cupped her cheek, then kissed the tip of her nose. “Every word. I’m in love with you.” He brushed soft kisses across her cheek. “I don’t expect you to return the endearment today, but someday…”

  Tessa put a finger to his lips. “I’m falling in love with you. But there’s something…” she swallowed the hard lump in her throat. She had to be honest with him, and there was one thing that might destroy all the happiness she was feeling. She wanted to tell him, she truly did, but what if he pushed her away? “It may be too soon, but Bernie said I should trust you.”

  Rex eyed her with uncertainty. “Tessa, talk to me.”

  It wasn’t the first time he’d said that to her. Breathe, just breathe.

  “I don’t know if I want more children. It still hurts so much and…” She hiccupped on a sob, and her chest ached. “I can’t lose…”

  Rex brought her into him, stroking her back. “I understand. I am okay with not having children of my own.”

  “But you’ll be missing out.”

  “I have a nephew and two nieces to spoil.” Rex lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Children won’t make my life complete. You will. I just want you.”


  Rex silenced her protest with another searing kiss, setting her entire body aflame.

  “I just want you,” he whispered against her mouth as the kiss softened before he pulled back. He rested his forehead against hers. “Nothing has to be decided today. One step at a time.”

  “That’s what Bernie said.”

  He lifted his head and smiled. “Who do you think I learned it from?”

  “Must be a family trait.” Tessa allowed the joy she was feeling to flow through her soul. He was right, nothin
g had to be decided today. For the first in a long time, she just wanted to enjoy the moment and not think about everything that could go wrong.

  The wind picked up, sending currents of cold air swishing about them. White puffy clouds drifted over the cove, blanketing the town like freshly fallen snow.

  “Should we be heading back?” Tessa shivered as another cold gust of wind rippled through the pine trees.

  “No.” She raised a brow at Rex’s teasingly firm tone. “Grams will monopolize you, wanting every detail. I’m not ready to share you. There’s a small meadow not too far away. It’s a good place to spot wildlife and is sheltered from some of the wind.”

  “Lead the way and I’ll follow.”

  Rex pulled her closer, wrapping a strong arm about her waist. A sweet warmth that chased away the chilliness of the day. He kissed her lips with surprising gentleness. “I never want you behind me. I want you right beside me, sharing the adventure.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Tessa whispered as she reached up and returned the kiss.

  They walked side-by-side holding hands until they came to a small clearing surrounded by spruce trees. The bright sunny meadow was bristling with life. The tall grass and wildflowers swayed against the gentle breeze. An eagle soared overhead, circling higher and higher until it was just a speck in the sky.

  Tessa inhaled, rewarded with the rich earthy freshness that comes after a rain. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I was thinking the same thing about you.” Their eyes met and Rex’s heated stare instantly warmed her inner core.

  She was barely able to control her gasp of surprise. He thought she was beautiful? She couldn’t remember the last time a man called her beautiful.

  “We can sit on the edge of the meadow by the spruce. If we’re lucky, we might see a deer.” Rex removed his jacket, spread it out at the base of the spruce tree, and sat down.

  “Aren’t you going to be cold?” Tessa nestled in between his legs and leaned back.

  His arms encircled her, bringing her closer. “With you in my arms, never.”

  Tessa let out a giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She turned her head and glanced up into his handsome face. “You’re excellent competition for book boyfriends.”

  Rex let out a hearty laugh. “I’ll have to make sure I win.” The sly, seductive tone of his voice sent a burning need through her body. Tessa suspected she was in for quite the adventure with him.

  A hawk’s cry overhead broke through their intimacy.

  Tessa relaxed into his warm chest, enjoying the feel of him. Birds chirping, the wind rustling, and the steady sound of their breathing were all the sounds that existed. It was pure heaven. She wanted to spend the rest of her life enveloped in Rex’s embrace. She had fought him and these feelings for so long, but it felt so right.

  “What are you thinking?” Rex whispered in her ear.

  “That I was foolish to run from you.”

  “It was part of the journey. If you’d given in when we first met, I would have been even more suspicious.” Tessa knew it wasn’t about her, but the distrust that lingered in his voice was still unsettling.

  Turning to face him, she asked, “What happened with your ex-wife?”

  Anger flashed in his eyes before he shook his head, letting out a long troubled sigh. His gaze was focused on some point in the distance. He looked as if he were watching a movie as he explained.

  “Natalia and I dated in high school, but I graduated a year before her and went away to college. We’d see each other on holidays, but once she graduated high school, we called it quits and lost track of each other. She stopped coming home to Devlin for holidays.”


  “She never got along with her parents. I don’t even know if she told them about the divorce. Although they have a house here, according to Phoebe, they haven’t spent much time in Devlin, preferring the warmer climate of Nevada.”

  “I prefer Devlin.” Tessa’s declaration earned her a soft kiss. “And you.”

  “I could kiss you all day.”

  “Natalia?” Tessa did not mean to pry, but she wanted to know everything about Rex and his past. It was an important part of who he was.

  “Hmmm, I guess I’m not as persuasive as I thought.” Tessa let out a soft laugh as Rex continued with his story. “We hooked up again after I finished med school. We got married and moved to Dallas.”

  “What went wrong?”

  Rex inhaled deeply. “My grandpa died six years ago, and I wasn’t here. I could have saved him. I wanted to move back to Devlin then, start a family, and she didn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “She didn’t want to see her mother, and said children would ruin the fun we were having. That should have been my first clue. In hindsight, it was a good thing we didn’t have children.” Tessa sensed the hurt that still seemed to linger. She kept her thoughts to herself as she nestled farther into his embrace. “After my grandpa died, I became obsessed with work, with trying to save people. We never saw each other and started drifting further apart. One day I got home from work early, thought I’d surprise her and take her away for the weekend.” He let out a cynical laugh. “I was the one who got the surprise. She had packed up all her things and left.”

  “Oh Rex, I’m so sorry.”

  He shook his head. “It was a painful lesson to learn, but—” Rex kissed the top of Tessa’s head. “I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. This is where I belong.”

  “That first day you came into the bookstore, you hadn’t told Bernie about the divorce. Why?”

  “Oh, so you were listening. I knew cleaning products couldn’t be that interesting.” Rex squeezed her in a playful manner.

  Tessa looked away, trying to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t want to keep anything from Rex, but she also didn’t want to appear weak. “Actually, I was trying not to cry.”

  “Did I say something to…” His words trailed off. She could see the pain brimming in his eyes.

  “No, it was the way Bernie looked at you.” She worried the collar of her jacket. “My mom used to look at little Ryan like that.” Although the sadness lingered, the tears that had always followed whenever she mentioned her son, stayed at bay. A sense of healing washed over her.

  Rex stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t know. And besides I can’t control everyone’s emotions, I just have to get mine under control.” Tessa returned to the original topic. “So why hadn’t you told Bernie that you were divorced?”

  “You are relentless.” Rex chuckled, the sound reverberating against Tessa’s cheek. “I was embarrassed. It was easier to work long hours and pretend to be constantly too busy for anything else.”

  Tessa was dreading the answer to her next question, but she had to know. She looked up into his eyes. “Do you ever see Natalia?”

  “No.” His response was quick and firm. “Not since the day before she cleared her things out of the house. She moved to Boston to live with one of her sorority sisters, I stayed in Dallas. Everything was done through our lawyers. I guess I should be thankful for a quick and simple divorce. She texted me recently, but I blocked her number.” Rex searched her eyes. “You have nothing to fear. She is the past. You are my future.”

  It had been a huge leap of faith for her to open up, to let another man into her life. But now that she had, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to have this man be part of her future.

  “And you are mine.”

  Chapter 11

  Tessa was the happiest she’d been in a long time. Rex was the adventuresome, all-American good guy, but he really wasn’t a scoundrel. He was caring and sincere, passionate and affectionate. Despite the mutual desire that rose whenever they spent time together, he didn’t push or rush things. He gave her time to adjust to their newfound love.

  The obvious nervousness aside, what was she waiting for? There were no obstacles, no other circumstances keeping t
hem from each other. Why couldn’t she have a second chance, just like some of the heroines in the books she reads?

  Tessa had made up her mind. She was going to seize happiness with both hands. And what better way than to surprise Rex with a picnic, especially after she’d ruined the last one when she ran off.

  Her original plan was to surprise Rex with a picnic at the falls, but the weather had turned for the worse and there was no sign that the rain would let up. The location she had in mind might have changed, but it hadn’t dampened her excitement.

  “Do you think the coffee will stay hot?” Tessa eyed the gunmetal green thermos before putting it in the cloth sack.

  “That thermos is the best I’ve found.” Phoebe replied over her shoulder as she finished grinding the coffee beans, before dumping the contents into a brown filter. The full-bodied aroma drifted across the counter. Phoebe turned her attention back to Tessa. “What else do you need?”

  “I’ve already packed the cucumber lemon dill cream cheese sandwiches.” Tessa looked about before remembering what she forgot. “Dessert. What do you have?”

  “Beside yourself,” Phoebe offered with a wink. “How about chocolate brownies drizzled with dark chocolate or white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies?”

  “Definitely the cookies. Rex likes cookies and they’ll go perfectly with the coffee.” Tessa’s insides were all aflutter. She’d never prepared a picnic or planned a clandestine rendezvous.

  “Do you think he suspects?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I asked him to come over to the bookstore because one of the outlets wasn’t working.” Tessa giggled, remembering the last time she’d fixed an outlet, with a little bit of help from Rex. Looking back, they had both been so stubborn.

  With a shrug Phoebe replied, “Yeah, you’re probably right. He’s a man and would want to prove his manhood.”

  “You are too funny at times, Phoebe,” Tessa said. “Thanks for helping me with this.”

  “No problem. My love life sucks so I’m living vicariously through you.” Phoebe added napkins to the bag. “Just be sure to call me after your little adventure. I want to hear all the details.”


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