The Fallen and the Elect

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by Jerry J. K. Rogers

  Chapter 45

  Gary was feeling extremely confident. Even though he was flying back toward Los Angeles, he was elated at receiving word the second plane had taken off with all its cargo without observation or hindrance from the three Church investigators. Years of research and development were saved, despite the destruction of the research compound outside of Aguascalientes. With millions of dollars expended, the hard work and dedication of virologists, genetic engineers, biologists, and doctors, a single sample of their sought-after prize survived and was now on its way to their facility outside of Montreal, Canada. Only one of the sponsors for the project knew of the recent incidents threatening the success of the project. He could now report to all the sponsors, clients, and patrons that the company was capable of meeting the projected time lines. His only hesitancy was in becoming overconfident, considering the strange coincidence of Father Hernandez and his companions serendipitously showing up at the same institution where one of the key researchers was admitted. Their actions were more troublesome than he anticipated and could still disrupt in some way the entire project. Gary knew it was necessary to minimize any more chance encounters, thus his plan to have the precious cargo and only witness who knew what happened in Mexico embark from El Paso instead of directly out of Las Cruces. If any one of the three happened to try to go to the airport, which they did, the hospital vehicle and temporary diversion of the aircraft would have confounded them. This allowed Dr. Petroyev’s assistant to transport the hermitically sealed package at the airport right in front of the three Church investigators. They would be focusing on the doctor to arrive from the hospital under guard. It appeared the deception worked. The only action to accomplish once returning to the office would be to terminate the employment of Alder Dennison.

  With just over 30 minutes before landing at the Van Nuys Airport, Gary decided to attempt a quick nap. As he reclined in the leather seat and closed his eyes, the phone inset into the armrest chimed.

  “This is Gary,” he answered after flipping the tan-leather cover from over the armrest and pulling out the handset.

  “Oh thank God you’re alive,” the voice on the other end of the telephone blurted.

  Gary recognized it was Sheila’s voice. “Of course I’m alive, you’re talking to me aren’t you?” he snapped back.

  “We thought the worst after what happened with the company plane. We thought you were on it.”

  Gary raised his chair to the inclined position. “What do you mean what happened with the company plane? I decided to take the chartered plane back to L.A. since the company paid for it to help with our diversion trick. Petroyev went with the packages to Montreal.”

  “You didn’t hear then,” Sheila responded, Gary hearing the angst in her voice.

  “Sheila, just tell me.”

  “A sudden storm came up and the plane attempted to divert around it and somehow ended up losing control. It went down outside an incorporated area called Angel Fire in New Mexico. Everyone on board was lost.”

  VII. Debrief


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