Heart of the Resonant- the Soldier's Tale

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Heart of the Resonant- the Soldier's Tale Page 10

by B. C. Handler

  She crawled out onto the little nest, giving the spot next to her an affirming pat. It was a little weird getting comfortable, seeing as I’ve never rested this close to her before. However, that was easy to get past once I felt the residual warmth of the side she slept on, as well as the plushness of the sleeping bags and mats. Considering I’ve slept on the rough dirt for the last several days, this felt like a bed made for kings.

  Fell kept me from closing my eyes. Slowly, and easily, she shifted closer to my side and took my hand in both of hers. Her bright, brown-gold eyes looked deep within mine. Holding my hand to her cheek, she nodded her head once and said, “Delo tay, Al-Leever.”

  The tender gesture of gratitude gave me pause.

  “D-don’t mention it, Fell,” I replied without thinking. But it didn’t seem to matter. Her smile grew a touch wider, understanding apparent.

  Her gaze lingered, and I tried to get cozy, but an uncomfortable tension persisted. The makeshift flap parted with Meriel’s hand, and I was glad for her company if it meant it would take some of Fell’s attention.

  Though, it was easy to forget about the fox-woman when the elf crawled into the tent in nothing but a blush. I sat up on my elbows, not quite believing my own eyes. Closing the flap behind her, Meriel sat on her knees, her starry eyes unblinking and never breaking away.

  Inklings of doubt permeated. Along with the water, shelter, food, and naked woman before me, I was starting to think I perished to exhaustion and was having a dying dream.

  I’m by no means a player, but women didn’t make me nervous; however, the woman before me certainly did.

  Meriel shifted closer ever so slightly, forcing me to sit up. When less than a foot of distance separated us, she reached out and set her hand on my chest, her warmth suspending my doubt.

  Entranced, I just sat there and stared, she doing the same. Perhaps it was the low light in the pawnshop or her aggressive behavior, but Meriel really was an enthralling woman. Asides the ears, her light-olive skin tone gave her an exotic edge, the blush making her face even darker. I took my time appreciating her short bronze hair, and her soft-looking lips.

  My gaze went lower to appreciate her alluring body. Muscle groups stood out in her upper body, core, and legs, and it just seemed to enhance her feminine aspects, like her chest, making her modest swells look perkier by the strong muscles underneath. That was when I noticed the scars, as well.

  Several white lines marred either arm, and a jagged, pinkish scar the size of my hand blemished her left flank. The sight of the scars gave me a sense of respect for her; the marks a testament to her strength. In a way, they moved me. The rents in her flesh weren’t ugly; they were charming.

  The increased pace of my heart snapped me from the small lull, and I became extremely aware of Fell. I only manage to look at her for a second before Meriel forced my gaze back to hers. Abandoning words and gestures, she rested her hands on my shoulders and deposited herself onto my lap, putting her sex directly over my apparent desire. Despite the blush she wore, the elf didn’t look nervous. Her tongue darted out and wet her lips. A steamy breath left soon after.

  She was poised, watchful—like an animal. Betraying everything about the situation, she leaned in and gave my cheek a peck, and then leaned her head against mine while wrapping her arms around my back for a deep embrace, pressing her diamond-hard nubs into my bare chest.

  My lust reached the ignition point. I settled my hands on her tight, powerful waist, savoring the texture of her soft, warm skin as my hands roamed up her back, along her shoulder blades, and finally ending with my fingers combing through her cocoa hair.

  Giving her head a gentle tilt, I claimed her lips. I pulled away once to catch a breath before submerging myself completely, taking Meriel’s lips with aggressive ambition. And she was more than willing to comply. My tongue sought hers, and the slippery muscles wrestled, Meriel moaning with approval.

  The kiss ended abruptly when Meriel shoved me into the ground and frantically started working my pants. As her hands found my belt, I looked at Fell, who was on her side with her head propped in her palm, watching with a sultry smile. The playful look on her face dulled when her gaze flicked south just as Meriel finally got my pants down. Once exposed, she seized my cock in her hand and gave me a few slow, deliberate strokes. I groaned as pleasure ripped through me.

  Meriel settled her knees on either side of my hips. With her hand still around my cock, she raised her hips and brushed my swollen head along her glistening slit. With a sufficient coating of her hot juices, she lowered her hips, her pussy enveloping the head of my cock with a warm, moist embrace. A loud moan climbed out her throat, and it lowered in pitch as her pussy took in more of my length.

  Once out hips were flush, she went still. Short, choppy breaths came out of her hanging mouth. Keeping herself propped up with her hands on my chest, Meriel’s hips twitched in random ticks. And it felt mind-numbingly good. Her hot pussy was tight, the tightest I’ve ever had the grace to experience, each twitch making it feel like she was making a fist around my cock. But to my disappointment, she didn’t move.

  What happened to all that spine?

  Grabbing a firm hold on her hips, I sat up and positioned her over my lap, getting a yelp of surprise that snapped into a cry as soon as the thrusting began. She babbled a lot, the sounds so slurred that I didn’t know if she was speaking or just making guttural noises.

  I pushed it away and focused on sliding in and out of her narrow channel. Wanting more, I released her hips and grabbed a firm hold off her toned ass, giving the globes a firm squeeze before bouncing her on my dick. Moans tumbled out of her in time with the thrusts, her body trembling against mine as her nails sunk into my back, the woman holding on like this was the ride of her life.

  Time faded away as I lost myself in Meriel’s depths, losing myself in her wetness, her pressure, her warmth, and the messy sounds of our flesh colliding. The time in limbo would cut short, however.

  Meriel locked up around my girth with almost painful pressure and uttered a trembling cry, her arousal spilling out of her in a flood. I grunted as she clawed my back, but the pleasure of her quivering walls drowned out the pain.

  Meriel rag-dolled, her hold on my back, and cock, easing as she fell backward onto the sleeping bags. She rolled onto her side, still gasping, almost like she wasn’t aware of where she was.

  Fell, blushing, took the elf's hand, cooing some gentle words.

  My heart raced, perspiration gathering as heat built within like a busted boiler. I focused on Meriel’s pussy, her wetness sliding across her ass cheek, awakening a primal hunger. I shifted further into the tent on my knees and dragged Meriel over by her hips. Her lithe body made it easy to get her on her knees and her ass at the right height. She shot a look over her shoulder, silver-blue eyes bearing a fearful gleam. They went wide once I drove my cock forward, her drenched insides accepting me readily. Reaching far deeper than before, my swollen glans pressed against something solid; at the same time, Meriel jerked and uttered a choked cry.

  I pulled out, her honeyed walls making it difficult, and then drove my hips forward, giving her womb a gentle bump. Meriel dropped her head and uttered a low moan, unconsciously driving her hips into mine and forcing my cock to bump against her lowest point.

  Knowing that she liked that sort of pressure, I squeezed her narrow waist and began to pound into her. My head was brushing along the branch I made for the tent frame, so I leaned over her, really using my entire weight to fuck her.

  And I wanted nothing more than to fuck her, to punish her, to break her. I reached around and pinched her pert nipple between my fingers while I slammed my hips into her ass.

  Maybe it was the rawness of everything that stirred these emotions. Or maybe it was because the civilized version of me wasn’t here to manage the feelings I fostered for Fell and Meriel. My friend died because of them. I wanted to fuck Meriel until she died, and I wanted Fell to watch as I destroyed her friend.<
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  But the fox-girl seemed to enjoy that.

  Fell had adjusted herself so she was closer to Meriel’s face. Fell watched the lewd scene passionately, the confetti of freckles across her nose more prominent against the flushed backdrop. Meriel dropped to her elbows, resting her head next to Fell’s, and after gazing at each other for a second, they began to kiss.

  Not a gentle, friendly kiss. No. It was heated and messy, and Fell was the aggressor. She reached up and tugged on Meriel’s long ear, her pussy giving me a death squeeze in response. Fell assaulted the elf’s mouth, going so far as to draw Meriel’s tongue into her mouth to suckle. The quivering flesh around my length conveyed nothing but bliss from the effort.

  The surprising display had brought me to the edge. Wanting nothing more than to finish before my heart exploded, I increased my tempo and pumped into Meriel’s pussy. The kiss broke as Meriel screamed, but Fell shut her up with another forced kiss.

  With one final thrust, I drove myself into the elf's pussy like I was trying to get into her womb, and came hard and deep. Meriel dropped to the ground, her hips only remaining up with my aid, and clenched as her orgasm bloomed around my still ejaculating manhood.

  My vision blurred from sheer euphoria. Suddenly feeling very light-headed, I lifted my chest off her back, intending to sit back on my haunches. Instead, I lost my balance and stumbled back into the stone wall. The icy stone helping me cool down from the sexual high.

  Meriel collapsed to her belly, the thick load I unleashed spilling out of her with each twitch of her hips. Fell pressed her forehead to Meriel's, stroking her hair while giving me a smug smile as her tail swished lazily.

  Once my head was clear, I felt a small pang of guilt from how aggressive I was.

  Meriel drew in one final deep breath and then groaned as she rolled to her back, taking several deep breaths before sitting up. She reached down to her sex and wiped away some of the mess I made. After staring at her messy hand, she looked at me.

  With an uncomfortable cough, I pulled my boxers up and scooted forward. Before I could even think about apologizing, the elf whapped me across the face with a slap. She stormed out of the tent, leaving me with a burning cheek. I looked at Fell, who tittered to herself before waving a finger.

  Am I missing something?


  Guess I went too far.

  Meriel returned a few minutes later, coming back from cleaning herself, probably. When she looked back with a frown, I dropped my head and held my hands together. Fell commented something, which Meriel replied to with a mumble. Shortly after, Meriel guided my head up and regarded me with softer eyes. Leaning in, she gave the cheek she slapped a peck.

  With that matter settled, she shifted to the other side and lifted the cover of the sleeping bag and crawled in. Once settled, she held the cover and patted the side next to her. Considering what we just did, I held no reservations about coming into the inviting warmth. She shifted around until she had her head on my chest with her arm draped across my stomach. It was then when Fell shifted closer, pressing into my other side and resting her hand only my stomach to hold Meriel’s.

  With either woman sandwiching me with warmth, lethargy came. Before sleep took me, Meriel pressed her lips to my neck and whispered, “Delo tay.”

  Chapter 8

  I’ve gotten so used to waking up to see the sky instead of the tent canopy that I forgot where I was, but then remembered last night. Though several things were different about this particular morning. No headache, no chill, and I felt refreshed.

  Meriel still snoozed with her head on my chest, where a pool of drool had collected also. I didn’t mind; not like I can criticize her for being messy after what happened.

  The scar on her right cheek stood out to me. Reaching over, I traced the contour with my thumb, barely applying any pressure. She had more scars than me.

  What did you live through?

  It doesn’t matter.

  Regardless of how they occurred, she was alive. Alive and warm. Just like me.

  I drew Meriel in closer and closed my eyes.

  I am scared, still, and worry made it feel as though a tumor has been swelling in my head from the stress. Things beyond compression transpired before my skeptical eyes, and I realize how fruitless it was to give it any sense. Even now, my heart raced, unsure of the future and how everything was doing back home.

  But at least I wasn’t alone.

  Last night added a new layer of complication with my companions. Was that just Meriel's way of thanking me? I’m not exactly complaining, but it was abrupt considering…Well, everything.

  I’ve never seen such a dramatic shift in personality once Fell was suffocating in front of her. Maybe she was that thankful for me saving and caring for her friend.

  At the thought, I looked over to the fox-woman, who still snoozed.

  Are they just friends?

  That kiss was not platonic. After reflecting some more, I could see the heat and passion in Fell’s face last night, like she got off watching Meriel get fucked.

  A groan made me put a pin in that idea. Meriel stirred and yawned. Sleepy eyes searched mine, and she gifted a smile. The smile disappeared when she licked her lips and then saw the drool. She wiped the puddle away with her hand, sheepishly muttering what must’ve been an apology. Showing that there was no issue, I lightly ran my nails along the contours of her back. She sighed contently and settled into my chest again.

  Did she feel like she owed me? Was she worried that I’d abandon them unless she didn’t make it worth my while? Blowing off steam?

  If it were any of those reasons, why would she act so tender?

  I don’t know what to make of this relationship, and I don’t know how I feel about either of them, but I can’t deny the reassuring comfort of their company.

  The small reprieve ended when I untangled myself from Meriel to take care of business. Being extra careful not to disturb Fell, I left the tent and stepped out into the dewy air of the morning. Everything from last night was still in place. My laid out clothes from yesterday were still wet, but the fish Meriel set out looked promising.

  Before I went to relieve my bladder, I checked my rifle and pistol. Both were still by the tent opening, safeties still engaged and looking like they hadn’t been disturbed. The enigma of the two women still suspended my trust, but I couldn’t deny that they were growing on me.

  I grabbed my Beretta and went to water the trees. I collected an armful of sticks before coming back, and then I used that to feed the fire. Meriel came out of the tent as I blew on coals to get the sticks to catch. She smirked when I didn’t bother to look away from her naked body. Feeling proud of drawing my attention, she strode over to where she set her clothes and bent over to give me a good view of her scuttled ass.

  I enjoyed the show of watching her dress before finishing the fire. Once that was done, I decided to check on Fell. She was awake, but didn’t leave the comfort of the sleeping bag. A touch to the forehead confirmed that she wasn’t running a fever anymore. The water and food must’ve helped. A lot of color had returned to her face. Though, if I'm honest, I can’t quite believe the drastic improvement. Infections can be lethal without antibiotics. Even if the body can handle it, the person can be sick for a week or two after the fact.

  I found myself staring at her ears, wondering if her… quirk had something to do with it. Sensing my gaze on her ears, Fell took my hand and guided it to the pointed tuft of fur. Giving it a rub with my thumb, her ear twitched, and I felt the muscles working along with the warmth. There was no more doubt about them being real.

  I left her to rest and took in our camping area. The question now was whether to settle down or keep moving once the girls improved. Meriel's limp should go away after another couple of days. Still, prolonged walking could exacerbate the injury, so another week of taking it easy would be ideal, the same applying for Fell.

  To be honest, I had thoughts of seeking civilization, but what if there
wasn’t any? An idiot could see that this wasn’t Earth. The violent wildlife encounter added further ticks to this being a different planet.


  I shook my head clear. I only had a hand in practical science, none of that theoretical crap. Then again, the softness of Fell’s ears and the abnormal length and shape of Meriel’s made me reconsider.

  Speaking of which, Meriel came up with a whole dried fish in hand. My stomach growled at the offering. Thoughts were pushed to the side as I took the fish and sat by the fire. She guided Fell out of the tent, and together we ate breakfast. The fish was practically jerky, real tough, and flavorless at that, but I’d rather not get into the chilly river until the sun had helped warm up the place some.

  As I chewed, my gaze wandered over the river, past the forest, and up to the mountains. They looked big from within the forest, but with a clear view, I could really see the true might of their expanse. Getting up there would give me a good view of the land, but the climb wouldn’t be worth it. Following the river was more feasible since civilizations always sprouted near rivers.

  Hitting the wall of confliction, I stopped thinking about it to keep my nerves from rising.

  We’ve earned a break. Take a break, so I don’t break.

  I think that, but there are some things I should get out of the way. Mainly securing the area in case there are more of those bear-like creatures. Should’ve done it sooner, but I figured the noise would have scared off anything lurking around. And I’m pretty sure bears are solitary— Wait, no. Looked like a bear, not actually a bear.

  I’m still mad at myself for wasting an entire magazine to kill that thing. Better for me to poke around so we don’t get a repeat from two nights ago.

  Finishing my fish, I turned to the girls and held my hand over my eyes like a visor, gesturing around us. Meriel was getting better at reading my gestures because she didn’t give the usual blank look this time.


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