Before Ben

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Before Ben Page 6

by Cynthia Eden

  Eric’s gaze turned considering. “You’re saying she never got a good look at her attacker. And in the garage, neither did you.”

  “I’ll foot the bill,” Ben said immediately. “All of this will come to me. She’s scared, Eric, and I can’t have that.”

  What could have been surprise flashed on Eric’s face, but then the emotion was quickly masked. “You want full-service protection? Are you asking for a bodyguard, too?”

  Now Ben stiffened. “Look…you acted as a bodyguard for Piper, and you married her.”

  One shoulder rolled in a shrug.

  “Then Simon hooked up with Gwen Soloman when he was put on her protection detail.” Simon Forrest was one of Ben’s closest friends, and a guy that Ben considered to be one lucky bastard. Why? Because Simon was now deeply involved with the gorgeous Hollywood actress he’d risked his life to protect. From what he could tell, there would soon be wedding bells in Simon and Gwen’s future.

  Two bodyguard situations. Two marriage endings. Um…there might be a pattern. “If Courtney gets a bodyguard, how about we assign Julia? She’s smart and capable and—”

  Not likely to marry Courtney.

  Eric sighed. “You are so messed up in the head.”

  No, but he was realizing he was a jealous SOB when it came to Courtney, and the idea of some bodyguard moving in and watching her twenty-four, seven…New idea. Better protection plan. “Courtney can stay with me.”

  “You’re not a bodyguard.”

  “No, I’m not. But you installed the security system at my place.” After Ben had been attacked by the creep who’d been obsessed with Piper. Another story, another day. “And we both know it’s probably one of the best systems in the world.”

  “Uh, try the best. You think I was going to risk your safety ever again? Your place is like Fort Knox. Better.”

  “Exactly. So while you are giving Courtney’s place an upgrade and figuring out what’s happening with her case, she should stay with me.” Obviously, it was the perfect solution. “I’ll keep her safe.”

  “How long have you been involved with this woman?”

  “Seriously, you want me to kiss and tell?” Ben whirled and strode for the door. “Tacky.”


  He looked back. Fine. “Friday night.”

  Eric’s eyes widened. “You slept with her the night she was attacked?”

  “Yeah. I did.” His voice roughened. “I’ve wanted her for a very, very long time, and I wasn’t going to be dumb enough to walk away from her. I was with her at the bar right before the attack. I let her leave on her own, even though every instinct I had screamed for me to follow her. I was at the fucking bar with some blonde I didn’t know while Courtney was being attacked. How the hell do you think that shit makes me feel?”

  Eric’s expression sobered. “Ben?”

  “She’ll move in with me until her place is secure.” As far as he was concerned, it was a done deal. “Now let’s get back to Courtney. I want to get moving on her case.”

  A done deal.


  “Absolutely not.” Courtney gaped at Ben. “You think I’m moving into your place? No way. No.”

  She was still in Eric Wilde’s office. Ben and his brother had returned a few moments before, and they’d brought in a new guy with them, Simon Forrest. Simon was tall and fit, built much like Ben and Eric. But Simon had a darker, dangerous air that made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

  What made her feel majorly uncomfortable? The idea of moving into Ben’s home. His bed.

  She shook her head. “If the security upgrades are going to take a while, I can always stay at a hotel. I’m sure the security there is—”

  “Security at most hotels is shit,” Simon cut in with his rumbly voice. A voice that reminded her a lot of her favorite actor. “Far too easy to swipe a key from a maid or to shimmy a cheap lock. That’s the last place you want to go.”

  “Um…” She rubbed her hands against the top of her thighs. “The cops didn’t seem to think I was in any real danger. And I don’t have proof that anyone was inside my home.” Her stomach twisted into knots. “Look, maybe I should—”

  “Courtney,” Ben said her name softly and with no emotion.

  Her head swung toward him.

  “Are you afraid?”

  She knew the tone of voice he was using. Knew the look in his eyes. He pulled this routine in the courtroom. Looked all unthreatening and easy, but the truth was that Ben was moving in for the kill.

  “Courtney?” Ben prompted.

  Her back teeth clenched. “Yes, I’m afraid.”

  “Do you think the same guy was in the park?”

  “I believe it was him, yes, but I don’t have any proof. And the police said—”

  “Wouldn’t you rather be safe?” Ben pushed. “Don’t you want to be cautious? I can give you a secure place to stay for the night. And it’s probably only going to be a night or two before—”

  “I am not staying at your home.” That would be a serious mistake. Because…she didn’t trust herself around him. Getting him out of her system—well, that plan had been absolute crap. If anything, she wanted him more now than ever before. Mostly due to the fact that she now knew just how incredible sex with Ben actually was.

  His sexy lips thinned. “Fine,” Ben seemed to bite out that retort. “Then I’ll just move into your place.”

  Uh, no. That wasn’t an option, either.

  “I’m not leaving you on your own,” Ben added darkly. “Not until we figure out what’s happening. Simon and Eric can both attest to the fact that these sorts of situations go south, fast. I’m not going to turn away and have something happen to you.” He shook his head. “Bad enough that I can’t get that image of you in the garage out of my head. You think I’ll just stand by and let you be put at risk again? Let you be alone if some predator is coming after you?”

  He couldn’t get the garage image out of his mind? That was…surprising. Courtney faltered as she stared up at him.

  Simon cleared his throat. “Ben’s place is safe. I can vouch for that. I helped to oversee the installation of his system. And I mean, sure, I get not wanting to stay with him because the guy can be an ass some days—”

  Her lips parted in surprise.

  Ben turned his head toward Simon. Glowered. “Thanks, buddy.”

  Simon shrugged. His lips twisted a little as a faint light appeared in his gaze. “But he’s also a good guy. The kind of guy you can count on when shit hits the fan. And Ben’s right, I have seen situations like this go south, faster than you can blink. Until we know the full details, I would always advise caution. If you have a safer place to stay while we get your apartment secured, then take it.”

  Ben looked back at Courtney. He flashed his dimples. “See? I’m the good guy. You can count on me.”

  She didn’t think he was good. More like dangerous trouble. But she was also afraid and not sure what to do at all.

  “We can put a bodyguard on you,” Eric offered. He was leaning his hip against the edge of his desk. “Offer you twenty-four, seven protection with one of our best agents…”

  Ben’s dimples disappeared. “You’d better be talking about Julia,” he muttered.

  She didn’t know who Julia was but… “That sounds expensive.” Getting the new security system at her place sounded expensive, too. Just like hiring Wilde to investigate the things that had been happening was expensive. The firm catered to high-end clients, so, of course, the price tag was going to be huge. The problem, though, was that she didn’t have a huge budget.

  She’d been saving every dime because she wanted to open her own firm. She didn’t want to be forced to take certain clients by the higher ups—like she’d been forced to do with Laslow. She didn’t want to play political office games. She wanted to be her own boss. To have the independence that she’d always craved. And she was almost there.

  To pay for the security services, she’d be dipping into her saving
s. The bodyguard, oh, jeez, she was sure the bodyguard would put her way over her budget. “No bodyguard,” she said, shaking her head before anyone else could comment. “I, um…” Her stare darted back to Ben. “I need to talk to Ben alone.”

  Ben blinked.

  “Can we go outside, Ben?” Courtney asked quietly. Before she made any sort of decision, she wanted to discuss a few things, without an audience.

  “Why?” He seemed genuinely perplexed. “Eric is in charge of your case. I trust my brother completely. We don’t have secrets.” A roll of one shoulder. “At least, not anymore.” He waved toward his brother…and Simon. “Whatever you need to say, speak freely. It’s okay.”

  Well, if he thought so…Fine with her. “I’m not sleeping with you again.”

  Simon seemed to choke.

  She spared him a frown. “You okay?”

  “Great.” His face flushed. He flashed her a shark’s smile. “Never better. Please continue. Please.”

  She peered back at Ben. “I’ll take the couch if I stay at your place. Not your bed.”

  “Sweetheart…” Dammit, why had his voice gone all soft and tender? She’d thought he would be mad. If anything, he was staring tenderly at her. Like she’d just said the sweetest thing ever. “As far as the couch…Not happening.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Ben—”

  “I have a guest room. You can use that. No couch needed.”

  Her mouth closed.

  “And I promise…” He eased in close. His voice was low, just for her now. “I will keep my hands off you. Unless you should decide that you want them on you.”

  Her chin notched up.

  “Protection doesn’t come with a price.” He leaned back. Stared in her eyes. “Not from me. I truly want you safe, and I’ll play by any rules that you put out for me.” Another shrug. “Didn’t you hear Simon? I’m the good guy, you can count on me.”

  Bullshit. He was wild and rough and he played by his own rules. He flashed his smile, and the guy got whatever he wanted.

  And he’d decided he wanted her.


  “I like her.”

  Ben paused at Simon’s announcement. Courtney was right outside of the office, chatting with Eric and Dennis, and Ben had been intent on following her out. But at Simon’s words, he glanced back.

  And found his friend grinning at him. “Your charm isn’t going to work on her.”

  Ben straightened his shoulders. “My charm works on everyone.”

  “She’s different from the others. You know it. That’s why you’re so quick to rush after her.”

  Hell, yes, he knew Courtney was different. She’d always been different. Just out of his reach. She’d never responded to his flirtations. Never laughed at his jokes back in the day. He’d had her in his bed, but the woman still seemed a million miles out of his reach.


  But now it would be different. For the night, at least, he’d have her close. In his home. In his bed…his guest bed, anyway.

  And he would keep his hands off, just like he’d told her. Until Courtney asked him to put his hands on her. Then it would be a whole new game. They could fight in the courtroom all day long. He rather enjoyed those battles. But when they were alone, it wasn’t a fight he wanted.

  It was just her.

  “You know what it’s like when we take one of these cases.” Simon advanced slowly toward him. “We have to explore all aspects of our client’s life. She going to be okay with that?”

  So far, she’d agreed to getting an updated security system and to spending the night with him. Eric was going to talk with his contacts at the PD and see what he could find out about the attack at the parking garage. Courtney had answered all the questions asked of her, but as far as shoving into her life? No, she hadn’t agreed to go down that road, not yet.

  “Huh. That’s what I thought.” Simon rubbed a hand over his jaw. “People have secrets, Ben. Sometimes, those secrets can be pretty dark. You sure you’d be up for handling that?”

  Did he look scared? “I can handle anything that comes my way.” Simon was his friend, but his buddy didn’t get it. Simon only saw what was on the surface. Like the rest of the world, he saw what Ben wanted him to see. The image he presented to the world.

  Good guy, my ass.

  He could fight dirty. He could play hard. He could be the sonofabitch you never wanted to face in the dark.

  Chapter Six

  “I just want to get a few things, and then I’ll be ready to go.” Courtney’s body was way too stiff as she stood in the elevator with Ben. After the meeting at Wilde, she’d gone back to her office to meet with clients. The day had dragged—minute by slow minute—until she’d finished up just after six p.m. To her surprise, Ben had been waiting outside for her.

  He’d followed her back to her place, and now he was heading up with her as some sort of—she didn’t know…security? Bodyguard? Friend?

  “You’re tense.”

  And his voice was gravel rough. Sexy. Her dang toes had curled.

  “Do I make you nervous, Courtney?”

  He’d kept a very careful distance between them. At his question, she turned toward him and laughed. “Of course not.” Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. “The situation is just insane, and it’s making me a little flustered.”

  The elevator had reached the top floor. The doors opened with a ding.

  “You have a right to be flustered. You have a right to be any fucking thing you want to be.”

  She slipped from the elevator and glanced back at him. He stalked after her. He’d taken off his suit coat and rolled up the sleeves of his blue dress shirt. A fancy, crisp shirt that she was sure had cost several hundred dollars. The guy had always looked like money, even when he’d been running around in faded jeans and tight-fitting t-shirts that stretched across his chest.

  That blue shirt, though, it made his eyes gleam. Contrasted with his golden skin. Made him just look…


  I shall not lick.

  She hurried toward her place. She wasn’t surprised to see the men near her doorway. Eric and Simon had said they’d meet her after work.

  Courtney would bet a month’s pay that they didn’t give every client this personal attention. The CEO and VP of the company coming out for a security inspection? No way. Ben had pulled strings. The good old family connection, and, honestly, she was grateful for that connection right then.

  Eric lounged near her door. Simon stood at attention, his hands loose at his sides as he glanced to the left and the right. “We need security cameras out here. One that focuses on the elevator. One that aims for the stairs. And we need them downstairs, too. We should be able to see every single person that enters and leaves the building.”

  Ben slid closer to Courtney. But when he spoke, his words were directed at Simon. “Hello to you, too, buddy. My day was good. Thanks. So was Courtney’s. And how was yours?”

  Simon glowered.

  Ben tossed Courtney a smile. “He’s never been big on the chit chat, but the man can get some serious security business handled.”

  Courtney glanced between them. “Um, we should check with the building manager to make sure it’s okay to install cameras out here.”

  “It’ll be okay.” Eric seemed absolutely confident.

  Too confident. Her eyes narrowed on him.

  He shrugged. “I know the owner. Consider it a done deal.”

  Uneasy suspicion cut through her. “Tell me you aren’t the owner.”

  A laugh slipped from Eric. “I’m not the owner. If this was my building, trust me, security would be one hell of a lot better.”

  Her shoulders sagged a little as she stepped forward and unlocked the door. Her security system beeped when she went inside, and Courtney quickly tapped in her code. The men followed her inside, and the apartment that she’d always considered spacious and open suddenly felt absolutely tiny. Or maybe they were all just too big.

ng looks disturbed,” Simon noted as he began to prowl around her den.

  No, nothing looked out of place. The apartment seemed totally normal. Did he doubt her now? Was that—

  Ben nodded toward her bedroom. “Why don’t you go get the things you’ll need for tonight?”

  His voice was so careful. He was being careful. She didn’t quite know how to respond to Ben this way. She was used to the sparring, slightly sarcastic Ben. Courtney could handle him. This guy—this careful gentleman made her nervous.

  She muttered something—something vague and semi-polite as she hurried into her room. She flipped on the lights and—

  Stay away from him.

  For a moment, Courtney couldn’t move at all. She stared at the words in bright red that had been left on her bedroom wall. Right over her bed. The letters—God, that had better just be paint, red paint and not blood—had dripped into long streaks that trailed down the white wall. “Ben.” At first, his name came out of her as a rough gasp because the shock was like a punch straight into her gut.

  She had to shake her head, had to take a step back, had to suck in a breath.

  Maybe it’s not there. It can’t be there. It’s— “Ben!” Now she yelled his name as she got her breath, and he responded in a flash. She heard the pounding of his footsteps as he ran to her, felt his hands curl tightly around her shoulders and then—

  “Fucking son of a fucking bitch!”

  Then she heard his rage.

  He pulled her back. Pushed her behind him.

  Simon and Eric were there, crowding in close.

  “Don’t touch a damn thing,” Simon barked.

  Her hands were shaking so Courtney balled them into fists. Touching wasn’t on the agenda. Getting the hell out of there? Yes, please. Suddenly spending the night at Ben’s place seemed like the best idea ever.

  “We need to search and make sure the perp isn’t still here,” Simon added grimly.

  She gaped. “Still…here?”

  “Stay with her, Ben,” Simon directed. And she saw that he’d shoved back his fancy suit coat to reveal a holster. He pulled a gun out of the holster like it was a totally normal thing to do. Maybe it was normal for him.


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