Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 7

by Cynthia Eden

  Her hold tightened on him.

  And they stayed that way. He didn’t move, not at all, not until he heard her breathing ease into the steadier rhythm of sleep.

  Baby, I hope you’re having the sweetest and the hottest dreams in the world.

  He stared up at the ceiling. His hand still held hers. He was touching the person he wanted most in the world. Right beside her…

  And he was still fucking scared as hell that he would mess up with her.

  I don’t want to lose us. Her words had made his chest ache because the truth was that he was pretty sure he could survive just about anything in the world. Anything…

  Except losing Blair.

  I won’t lose her. I won’t fuck up. I’ll prove that she can count on me.

  He held her hand.

  And didn’t let go.

  Chapter Five

  Blair’s sneaker-clad feet pounded over the beach, sending sand flying behind her as she jogged just above the water line. Waves pounded into the shore, the scent of the ocean drifted in the air around her, and Linc filled her head.

  She’d dreamed about him last night.

  And, though she wouldn’t admit the truth to him…

  It had been a sex dream.

  Not like it was the first time.

  Today, she’d woken up, and he’d been there. His hair had been tousled, his head had been turned toward her, and his hand had still been extended across the pillow, as if he’d been reaching for her.

  She’d wanted nothing more than to reach back for him. She wanted that so, so badly. But if she did, if she gave in to her need…what then?

  One and done? Would the sex not live up to her dreams? Would it be awkward and a let-down? Because, yes, that happened. Sex wasn’t always screaming orgasms and broken beds.

  Maybe it would be mediocre.

  Stop lying to yourself. You know Linc isn’t mediocre.

  So…that led to her next fear. Maybe the sex wouldn’t be awkward. Maybe it would be fantastic. And then what would she do?

  Want more. So much more.

  Blair paused and put her hands on her knees as she bent low, pretending to suck in needed air. She wasn’t winded. The pose was deliberate so that she could buy some time and study the last bungalow on the beach. She’d already run past the others. Only eight bungalows were on the island. Thanks to Natasha’s notebook, she knew the names of all the guests.

  And, unfortunately, one of those names had been familiar.

  Edward Sharpe.

  It had been several years since she’d seen Edward. They hadn’t exactly left off on the best of terms. Mostly because she’d been undercover the whole time they knew each other, and he’d had no idea who she really was. To Edward, she’d been Sidney Thorne, a blonde, blue-eyed artist that he’d met while scouting locations for the newest branch of his hotel chain. She’d gotten close to him because she needed to retrieve a particular item from his possession. There had been a series of high-profile art thefts that had occurred at the exact same time Edward had just happened to visit Paris, Italy, New York, Venice…and well, the list had gone on and on. Her employer—at the time—had needed one very important piece of art retrieved from Edward, at all costs. So her pretending to be an artist had given her the perfect excuse to talk with Edward. To explore his collection. To get in his house.

  And to eventually access every piece of security equipment that he possessed.

  The art work had mysteriously been returned to her employer.

  As for Edward…

  She’d left him without a word.

  Different life. Different time.

  She wasn’t coloring her hair blonde. Wasn’t wearing colored contacts that had turned her pale eyes so much brighter and more vivid. Would Edward recognize her if they came face-to-face?

  She’d used a different voice back then. Adopted a soft southern accent. Adjusted her walk so that it was more ballerina graceful than model elegant. Her posture had been a bit different, all of her movements more flowing. But…

  Her face shape was the same.

  Mouth. Cheekbones. Eye shape.

  And Edward…he’d been an artist, too. With an artist’s discerning eye for small details. So dammit, yes, he probably would—

  Edward walked out of his bungalow.

  She pulled in a deep breath. Tossed her hand up in a friendly wave. They were far enough apart that he wouldn’t be able to see her face. That was good. Safe.

  According to Natasha’s notebook, Edward had arrived alone. Considering that he owned quite the hotel empire, she suspected he might be there because he was considering purchasing the island and adding it to his business portfolio.

  Or maybe there was something on the island that he wanted to steal.

  Either way, he was going to be a problem.

  She took her time turning around. No sense looking nervous. She began to jog back down the beach. When she’d left Linc, he’d been sleeping. Easier for her to slip out that way. But she figured he’d be awake now.

  Yet as she jogged down the beach, her shoulders grew tense. She tried to focus beyond the pounding of the waves and realized…

  Someone is following me.

  She risked a quick glance back. Edward had left his bungalow and was jogging after her. Maybe the guy just liked his morning runs. Actually, she remembered that they had often run together.

  And he’d been faster than she was.

  He was closing the distance already. If he got close enough to her, close enough to clearly see her face…

  I am screwed.

  Her head turned back to the front and that was when she saw her partner running toward her. Clad in black jogging shorts and wearing his sneakers, Linc ran with a killer pace. Sun-glasses covered his eyes but he appeared to stare straight at her…

  A wide smile curved her lips. She had never been so happy to see someone in her life.

  She rushed toward him. He was exactly what she needed.

  The perfect cover.

  She pushed forward with more speed. Was Linc checking over her shoulder? Did he see Edward? She was sure Linc did see the guy. Her partner never missed a thing.

  She was almost to Linc now. Almost…

  She threw her arms around him. He caught her. His arms pulled her close.


  “Kiss me,” she ordered.

  He did. His mouth took hers, and he kissed her with the passionate intensity that she was starting to think of as pure Linc. Kissed her hard and deep, and she kissed him back the same way. Her nails dug into his shoulders. Her body pressed to his.

  Desire exploded inside of her, twisting with the adrenaline that fired her blood until she wanted to tremble and quake and—

  “He’s gone,” Linc growled against her mouth.

  Gone? Who was? Oh, wait. Right. Right.

  Linc’s head lifted. Was he out of breath? He was. But…that was probably from the running. Not from the kiss.

  Linc glanced over his shoulder. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “He’s a problem.” She should have told Linc last night when she’d first seen Edward’s name in Natasha’s journal. She would have told him last night, but then he’d gone on his run and then when he’d come back…

  They’d talked about other things.

  Linc’s head swiveled immediately back to her. “Problem—how?”

  “I know him. He knows me. The man’s name is Edward Sharpe.” She was still in Linc’s arms. They still cradled each other just like lovers. And because she was so close to him, she saw the hardening of his jaw.

  “Just how well does he know you?”

  Behind her sunglasses, Blair blinked. “You sound jealous.”

  He didn’t deny the charge. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “He knew me as Sidney Thorne. Dreamer. Artist.” A wince. “Thief.”

  “You worked an undercover mission on him?”

  She rose onto her toes. Peered over Linc’s shou
lder. She could see Edward running down the beach. Away from them now. And also…away from his bungalow. “This is the perfect time to search his place.”

  “Uh, Blair…”

  She grabbed his hand. “Come on. I checked out this whole island this morning, and I didn’t see any cameras. I did that, by the way, while you were sleeping in.”

  “We can’t both be morning people.” He followed her. “You still didn’t tell me how well you know the man.”

  No, she hadn’t.

  A few moments later, and they were on the bungalow’s wooden steps.

  She reached for the door. It opened instantly. “No lock? Edward, you are getting sloppy.”

  “Maybe he didn’t think he needed to worry about theft in paradise.”

  She tip-toed inside. “Edward is the thief.” She began a quick search, opening drawers and peeking in his suitcase. “He owns a hotel chain, but on the side, he likes to collect art. Other people’s art.”


  Her shoulders stiffened. She glanced over at him. “What does the ‘ah’ mean?”

  “It means he wasn’t your type. You weren’t interested in him.” He got busy searching. “Guy came down here alone, huh?”

  Obviously, Linc had seen the single guest notation in Natasha’s notebook, too.

  “So you’re thinking he’s here to either buy the island or steal something that’s here.” Linc nodded as he searched, reaching under the bed.

  “What do you mean he’s not my type?” She put her hand under the nightstand. Bingo.

  “I mean he’s not your type.” Linc’s eyes were on her, and they’d sharpened with focus. “What did you find?”

  She held it up. “A lock picking set. It was taped beneath the nightstand.”

  Linc’s brows climbed. “Then I guess he’s not here to invest in the island. He wants to take something.”

  Sure looked that way.

  She put the lock picking set back. They didn’t turn up anything else in their quick and dirty search.

  Linc glanced at the watch on his wrist. “We need to go, now. If he’s making a loop of the island, we have some time left, but if he’s not…if he’s taking the same path I did, we have about…a minute. Or less if he’s a really fast runner.”

  Shit. She hurried to the door with him. They slipped outside as the waves crashed hard into the shore.

  And as soon as they were out there, she caught a glimpse of Edward heading toward them. He hadn’t looped around the island.

  “I can’t let him get close to me,” Blair said. She bit her lower lip. “Edward will recognize my bone structure.”

  Linc choked out a laugh. “Did you just say ‘bone structure’—that’s what you think he’ll recognize?”

  “He’s an artist.” She sniffed. “Yes, I said that. Don’t make fun.”

  “Baby, that very statement begs to be made fun of. And trust me, it’s not just your killer bone structure that will catch his eye. It’s the curve of your ass. The gorgeous legs that won’t end. And the breasts that make a man’s mouth water.”

  She gaped at him. “You did not—”

  He nodded. Linc’s gaze was on Edward as he ran toward them. “I did. There are a million things about you that make you unforgettable. That’s why you need to get far away from him. He’s probably circling back now because you stirred a memory in him.”

  “We should run—go the opposite way.” She started to take off.

  Linc caught her arm. “Yeah…no. I have another idea.”

  She blinked at him.

  He smiled. “Aren’t you hot from the run?”

  “I…” Her gaze darted to the water. The pounding waves. She smiled as she understood. “I am.”

  “Go for a swim, sweetheart. I’ll join you.”

  Join her? “Why don’t you come now?”

  “Because I need to make sure your ex stays the hell away from you.”

  “He’s not my ex.”

  “Your ex target.” He ran his hand down her side. She wore her sports bra and loose shorts, and when his fingers skated over her side—over the faint scars that marked her—goosebumps rose over her skin. “Either way,” Linc continued gruffly, “I’ll make sure he doesn’t realize you’re the woman he knew.”

  “I’m not the woman he knew.” She took off her shoes. Put her sunglasses with them. “He never knew me at all.” She headed for the surf.

  No one ever does. Except you.


  Linc watched Blair dive into the water. Of course, she looked like a freaking mermaid. Perfect form and sexy as fuck. She would look that way. Typical Blair. He smiled when she lifted her hand and waved to him, beckoning him closer.

  Oh, yes, sweetheart, I’ll be joining you…

  But first he had to deal with their situation.

  He stood a good twenty feet away from Edward’s bungalow. And the guy was steadily heading toward him. There was always the chance that Edward would just head right past him…

  But that wouldn’t do. Linc needed the fellow to stop so that they could have a fun little chat.

  The dude had brought a lock picking set to the island. Sure, maybe he was just one of those never-leave-home-without-a-breaking-and-entering-kit types, but Linc didn’t buy it. The man was trouble.

  They already had enough trouble to deal with in “paradise.”

  He figured if Edward didn’t slow down, then Linc would just slow him down so when the guy approached…

  “I saw you watching her,” Linc announced flatly.

  Edward stopped. Sweat slickened his brown hair as he turned toward Linc. “Excuse me?”

  “I saw you watching my wife while she was running this morning.” He tilted his head. Let his gaze sweep over his prey. Nope, not her type.

  “Yeah, um.” Edward rolled back his shoulders and glanced toward the waves. Blair was swimming lazily, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “I thought she was someone else.”

  Well, damn, he hadn’t denied checking her out. Linc had just been bullshitting because he hadn’t noticed—

  Edward raked a hand over his jaw. “She reminded me of someone I knew before.”

  See, Blair, I told you. It’s not about some bone structure shit. The man memorized you.

  The same way that…

  Hell, I’ve memorized you, too. Every curve and dip of her body. He could find Blair in the dark, no hesitation at all. He could find her anywhere.

  “Mind if I ask…what’s her name?”

  Linc’s body stiffened. “I do fucking mind. I mind a stranger checking out my wife on our honeymoon.” He marched forward. He and Edward Sharpe were the same height. The douche bucket was a little slimmer than Linc…probably so he can sneak in and out of air vents when he robs people.

  Or…you know, whatever.

  Edward nodded. “I think you have the wrong idea.” He offered his hand to Linc. “Let’s start over. I’m Edward Sharpe.”

  So now I’m supposed to shake your hand and tell you my name…and then you will have a last name for the lady you think you know.

  Linc stared at his hand. Fine. He shook it. Hard. Then he let go.

  “I, ah, didn’t catch your name.” Edward flexed his fingers.

  “Because I didn’t give it to you.”

  Edward glanced back at the water.

  “You’re watching my wife again,” Linc growled. “And trust me, Eddie, I am not into sharing.”

  “It’s Edward.” Edward lifted both of his hands. “You have the wrong idea. I’m not interested in stealing your wife.”

  Oh, holy shit. That wording had been deliberate. It must have been deliberate. Considering the lock picking set and considering that Blair had told Linc the fellow was a thief, there was no way that turn of phrase had been accidental.

  Linc narrowed his eyes. He wanted to snap out, Then what are you interested in stealing? But that would be too blatant. So he asked, “Then what do you want?”

  “To escape. To get away
from it all.” Edward smiled. “To enjoy paradise.”

  “Fine. Enjoy your paradise.” Linc offered him a cold smile. “But enjoy it away from my wife.” He headed for the water and Blair.

  “Ah, so you are one of those husbands, huh? Can’t trust your wife. Can’t let her out of your sight for even a minute because you think she’ll betray you.” Soft laughter. “I’ve been there. We all get betrayed, sooner or later.”

  Well, wasn’t he a fucking downer? Linc spun around. “I trust her completely. One hundred percent.”

  Edward’s brows climbed.

  “She won’t betray me, and I would never betray her.” He needed to make sure Edward got this message. Got it, took it to heart, let it change his ever-loving-life. “And if someone were to threaten her, if someone tried to hurt her, I would do anything to protect her. There is no one in this world who matters more to me.” He didn’t offer a fake smile again. He wasn’t in the mood to be fake. He was in the mood to kick ass. “So stay the fuck away or I’ll break your pretty-boy face, Eddie.”

  Edward blinked. “Ah…excuse me?”

  “You don’t know me. You don’t know my wife. Keep it that way.”

  A sharp laugh from Edward. “You…sound like some kind of criminal.”

  “And you sound like a dick who is wasting my time. We’re done.” He kicked away his shoes and put down his sunglasses before he headed into the water. Blair was smiling at him. Her hair was slick and shining in the light. The waves rocked gently around her.

  He waded through the shallows in that bright, bright blue water. When it was deeper, when the turquoise darkened, he dove into the waves and swam to her. He came up right in front of Blair. He caught her in his arms and pulled her body against his.

  “Hold on tight,” he urged her.

  Her legs locked around his hips. Her arms curled around his neck. “You took care of him?”

  Linc glanced back. Edward was still on the beach. Still watching.

  Eddie, I warned you.

  Edward turned away. Jogged toward his bungalow. But on the porch, he stopped and looked back—

  “I’m gonna have to kick his ass,” Linc decided. “Don’t worry. I’ll enjoy it.”



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