Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 9

by Cynthia Eden

  The folks who’d come out to stare now rushed back inside. Well, everyone but Eddie. He didn’t rush so much as…he wasn’t in the little crowd at all.

  Linc filed that piece of intel away for later.

  “We can’t just sit here,” Blair fumed. She was behind the fountain, her body curled low, and Linc still had his body shielding her. “The shot came from the left, and we need to go see if the guy is still there.” She pulled in a breath. “I’ll make a run for it.”

  She tried to lunge up.

  He yanked her right back down. “The hell you will.”

  “Uh, yes, I will.”

  “No gun. You don’t have a gun on you. I’ll make the run for it.”

  “You don’t have a gun either.”

  True, but he’d take a bullet any day of the week before he’d let anything so much as mar her skin.

  “Linc.” She grabbed his wrist. Held tight. “You go charging off after the shooter and you won’t look like a spoiled rich boy.” Her voice was low. Tight. “Your whole posture is wrong right now. You look like a predator and not like…” Her gaze darted over him. Froze on his arm.

  “A victim? Sorry, I’m not real good at being the—”

  “You’re hit!”

  “Barely a graze. It’s nothing. Don’t give it a thought—”

  “My husband has been shot!” Blair screamed. “Help! Please, someone help us!”

  The gunshot hadn’t hurt his ears. Her high-pierced scream was pretty damn piercing, though. He winced. “Blair, come on, you—”

  “I am the freaked-out bride of a handsome jerk who was just shot. I’m playing my role. And you need to play yours.”

  Footsteps thundered behind him. He looked back and saw Cole and Martin running toward him.

  “We’ve got you, sir,” Martin said.

  “Where’s the shooter?” Cole demanded at the same time. Oh, of course, he had a gun.

  Blair pointed with one shaky hand. “I think…that way.”

  Cole took off.

  Martin looped one of Linc’s arms over his shoulders and started guiding him toward the building’s steps.

  “Are you shitting me right now?” Linc snapped.

  Martin stumbled.

  “I have a graze on my arm. I can damn well walk.” He jerked away. Reached for Blair and hauled her up in front of him. Then he ran back inside, making sure to keep her covered every step of the way. Martin followed him, and as soon as they were safe—

  “I am suing someone!” Linc shouted. He stared down at his bloody arm. “What kind of lame-ass security do you have on this island? I was shot.”

  Natasha rushed forward. “We have a nurse and doctor on staff in the spa. They can help you—”

  Blair put a hand to her forehead. “That’s a lot of blood.”

  “It’s…I, um, think it’s a flesh wound,” Natasha stammered to say.

  Blair swayed. “I’m going to faint. I can’t stand the sight of blood. This is going…oh, the room is spinning.”

  Holy shit. Linc had to take a moment to simply admire Blair’s performance. She was doing a full-on sway. He was pretty sure that she was even going to let her body collapse to the floor.

  Natasha took Linc’s arm and wrapped a giant white cloth around his biceps. The cloth immediately soaked bright red.

  “Oh, no,” Blair whimpered.

  Linc saw her knees buckle.

  He surged toward her. He would always be there for his partner.

  But Natasha stepped into his path. “Please don’t sue.”

  Blair was sliding down, down—

  “I’ve got you.”

  Linc tensed.

  Blair had just been scooped up, but she wasn’t in his arms.

  Her hair slid over her face, beautifully disarrayed and providing optimal coverage for her as Eddie the art thief held her in a close and careful grip.

  Oh, fuck that. Linc locked eyes on him. He yanked away the white cloth.

  Natasha gasped. “Oh, no! I think your blood is dripping on the floor.”

  He stalked toward Eddie. “Give me my wife.”

  “You need that wound taken care of,” Eddie told him with a concerned glance. “I doubt that you’re the kind of man who gets shot a lot. You’re losing a large amount of blood.”

  It was barely a freaking graze. The guy was being dramatic.

  “If you’re not careful,” Eddie added, his voice all fake concerned and caring, “you’ll turn your beautiful bride into a widow.”

  And, yes, Linc knew a threat when he heard one. Jaw locking, he ordered, “Give her the fuck to me…now.”


  “Forget my arm. I want you to check on my wife.”

  Blair allowed her lashes to flutter open. When they opened, she saw a woman with short, curly brown hair peering over her. The woman’s eyes were a dark green, and her expression was cloaked with concern.

  “Hello, there,” she said softly to Blair. “My name is Georgia Dushane. I’m the nurse here at the island.”

  “Nurse?” Blair put a hand to her head. Began to sit up.

  Linc pounced. “Baby, don’t move too fast.”

  “Sir.” Another man’s voice. Annoyed. “I have told you to stay still five times already. I need to finish cleaning your arm.”

  “Yeah, well, you said it was a scratch. That my gunshot wound was a scratch.” Linc sniffed. “I don’t know how much I value your professional opinion, doctor.”

  She’d heard Linc carrying on the entire time she’d pretended to be unconscious. Linc Rutherford was in full effect.

  Her head turned to the right. Linc frowned at her, and a tall, broad-shouldered male stood behind him.

  “Darling.” Linc’s voice washed over her. “Are you all right?”

  She reached for his hand. Twined her fingers with his. “I was just worried about you.”

  His lips thinned. “Apparently, I only have a scratch. A scratch.” His hold tightened on her. “We’ll see if my lawyers see it the same way.”

  “I’ve treated your wound,” the doctor said crisply. He moved closer so she was able to better assess him. An African-American male with a short haircut that emphasized the strong bone structure of his face, the doctor stood close to Linc’s height and appeared very fit. With the news Cole had delivered about the staff members mostly being former military, she had to wonder if the fellow was a military doctor. He did carry himself with the squared shoulders and the tight spine that she often noted from men and women who had served—

  “I’m Dr. Henri Wallace.” He offered his hand to her.

  She took it as she sat up. “I’m so embarrassed. I never faint.”

  “Well,” Georgia allowed with a sympathetic shrug, “it has been quite the day for you.”

  “Understatement,” Linc growled. “Serious understatement.”

  Georgia bit her lower lip and cast a quick glance at the doctor, then at Linc. After a moment, her gaze darted back to Blair. “Is everything…good? You haven’t recently been experiencing any symptoms that you’d like to tell us about?”

  Symptoms? Blair puzzled that particular word in her head as her stare swung slowly around the doctor’s office. The place was bigger than she’d expected. She could see two exam tables to the side. A very large medicine cabinet. Pill bottles and syringes were inside—they were easy to spy through the cabinet’s glass doors. The cabinet’s front door sported a large lock, though a key was currently in the keyhole to that lock.

  “What kind of symptoms are you asking about?” Linc piped up quickly. “You think something is wrong with my wife?”

  “I was asking about, ah…” Georgia’s green gaze dipped to Blair’s stomach, then back to her face.

  Oh. Blair received the giant hint. “I’m not pregnant.”

  Georgia and the doctor shared a long look.

  “I’m not. We haven’t tried yet, and I’m on birth control.” But with her fainting and all, yes, she could see where they’d be concerned.
br />   “We have tests available,” Dr. Wallace offered as he made his way toward the medicine cabinet. “If you’d like to take one.”

  “Not necessary.” She blew out a quick breath. “I’m certain that I’m not pregnant.” Considering the last time she’d had sex…yep, huge impossibility. Huge. Not that she’d overshare that fact with the doc.

  “I see.” He removed the key from the lock. Deposited it in his pocket.

  Her gaze lingered on the medicines in the cabinet.

  Linc pulled his fingers from hers. “One day, we’ll have a baby.”

  Her attention immediately snapped to him. Her eyes widened.

  He put his hand on her stomach. “Nothing would make me happier than to be the father of a sweet baby girl who has her mother’s eyes.”

  Her heart gave a hard lurch. Just an act. Not real. Do not get confused.

  Linc leaned forward and kissed her. Tenderly.

  Not real. Not.

  But…it felt real. That was the problem. The lines were blurring and everything felt too real when he touched her. Kissed her.

  Linc eased back. “But my wife isn’t pregnant now. No need for a test. And if we’re done with my scratch…” He held up his bandaged arm. Sniffed again.

  She saw the doctor glance heavenward.

  “Then we’ll be leaving. Provided, of course, we can get to our bungalow without being shot at again.”

  The doctor lifted one brow. “I am sure we can make arrangements for your protection.” He moved to the side. Opened the door.

  Cole stood there.

  Well, well. Looked like the team was all together again.

  Chapter Seven

  “That was certainly an interesting day.” Cole stood inside of the honeymoon bungalow, his shoulders hunched and his voice low. “Security is patrolling the island, but so far, the shooter hasn’t been located.”

  “Uh, he’s still here,” Linc responded grimly. “Security might want to patrol a bit harder.”

  Blair patted his arm. He’d been ramped up with fury ever since the shooting. Normally, he was much better at keeping his cover—and his cool—but this time, things were different. As soon as they’d gotten away from the doctor and his nurse, Linc’s facade had cracked. Hard. He was continuing to crack, a fact that made her increasingly nervous.

  “He has to be here.” Linc rose. Paced. “You can only get to the island by boat or seaplane, and I would at least hope folks here would notice some unannounced guests. Since there were no new boats or sudden seaplane arrivals, that means the shooter is one of the people already here. A guest, an employee.” His gaze cut to Blair. Heated. “An asshole art thief.”

  Tread carefully. She kept her position on the edge of the bed. “Edward was inside when the shot was fired.”

  “You sure about that?” Cole asked quietly. “Because I thought he ducked out right before Linc carried you from the place. Very nice touch, by the way. Looked all romantic and honeymoon-y.”

  “Honeymoon-y is not a word,” Linc told him curtly. “And it looked strong and dramatic.”

  Her lips curved into a smile.

  “It looked awesome,” Linc continued grimly. “Because I do lots of awesome things.”

  Cole glanced at her. Rolled his eyes.

  “It was perfect.” Linc was obviously on a tangent. “Right up until the moment someone shot at my partner.”

  Now she stiffened. “I wasn’t the one who got shot. You were.”

  “Graze. I was grazed.” He huffed out a breath. “Either the shooter was a shit shot or he barely missed what he was actually aiming at.”

  She waited. Replayed the scene in her mind—

  “Your head, baby.”

  She stiffened.

  “He was two inches away from hitting your head. Your head was on my shoulder. He hit the top of my arm. I think the asshole was aiming for you.” He gave a hard, negative shake of his head. “I thought they were supposed to be kidnappers asking for ransoms here. No one said some jerk would be trying to kill Blair. This isn’t the MO we’ve seen with the others. This was a straight-up attack. I’m not going to stay here while she’s targeted, and our hands are tied because we’re supposed to be playing the role of helpless guests.”

  She rose. Closed the distance between them with slow steps. She’d ditched her shoes, and her feet slid over the slightly cool floor. Blair pressed her hand to Linc’s chest. He seemed to be practically vibrating with fury. “I need you to calm down.”

  “I am calm. Like, the calmest fucking person in the room.”

  His heart thundered beneath her touch. “I’m okay, Linc.”

  His eyes blazed. “Just a few inches. Fucking inches. What the hell would I have done if you’d died in my arms?”

  Her own heart skipped a beat at his words. “I didn’t die.” She stared into his eyes. “I’m okay,” Blair said once more.

  He sucked in a deep breath. Nodded.

  She kept holding his stare. He was on the verge of losing his control. She could see it. She kept her hand on him because Blair needed to touch him so that she could help to soothe him.

  She’d always been able to calm Linc down any time he’d become upset before. But this time…

  The tension was still there. In his body. His face. His eyes blazed with a wildness that was almost feral.

  “I didn’t know what threat to look for,” he gritted out. “I’m sorry, B. I put you at risk.”

  “You didn’t.” She shook her head. “This isn’t on you. You were the one throwing me behind the fountain, remember? The one shielding me with his body when I did not need shielding, and the one who thought he’d just go charging after the shooter while I stayed behind and hid.”

  Like that was her style. Only never.

  “Linc, are you listening to me?” She moved even closer to him. “Nothing is on you. We need to all take a breath and focus. We have to figure out our next plan of attack.”

  He pulled in another breath. His nostrils flared. “Candy apple.”

  His words had been so low, barely a murmur. She frowned.

  He swallowed. Nodded. “I’m good. I got it.”

  Cole whistled. “Every single time.”

  Blair’s head swiveled toward him. Her palm still pressed to Linc’s chest.

  With a shrug, Cole said, “That’s how it always works. Beauty tames the Beast.”

  “Did he just call me a beast?” Linc asked. His voice wasn’t as savage. The primal edge blunted. “Because I thought I was a beauty.”

  “No,” Blair said as her fingers patted his chest. “That’s obviously me.”

  He caught her hand. Lifted it to his mouth. Pressed a kiss to her palm. “Obviously. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Her stare jumped back to him. Her breath caught. Her heart raced. And she laughed. “You can drop the cover. No flirting needed. It’s just Cole here. No other eyes are on us.”

  A muscle flexed along Linc’s jaw.

  “Cover,” Cole repeated with faint amusement. “Right. You can drop that now, Linc.”

  She put her hands on her hips and moved to Linc’s side. “There something you want to say to us?”

  Cole’s gaze darted from her to Linc, then back to her. “Nope. Not a thing.”

  “Good.” Blair straightened her spine. “Okay, guys, let’s think this through. The MO is definitely different. Could be because my cover was blown. Our cover. Because if someone knows I’m a fake, then the perp will suspect Linc, too.”

  “Because we’re a package deal that way,” Linc noted.

  She nodded. Damn straight they were.

  Cole cleared his throat. “Maybe the shot was a scare tactic. We don’t know that the shooter missed his target. Perhaps he—or she—intended for it to only be a warning. That way, if Blair is abducted and held for ransom, Linc will know the perp isn’t playing.” A pause. “Wasn’t that the problem with Helen Vorten? The husband thought the kidnapper wasn’t serious. He was in paradi
se, after all. He was sure he could find his bride. And he did. Only she was dead when she washed ashore.”

  Blair considered his words. “They’re setting the stage so that Linc doesn’t refuse a pay-off?”

  Cole considered her words. “He’s been running around being the arrogant rich boy—”

  “I have not been that arrogant,” Linc cut in. “And if I have been…it’s because I have an acting gift.”

  Cole’s hands fisted at his sides. His face hardened. “Take this shit seriously. Like, for five minutes, try taking something seriously.”

  Oh, no. No, no, no. He’d said the absolute wrong thing to Linc. Blair’s lips parted even as she felt the temperature in the room ratchet up.

  Linc stalked toward Cole. Stood toe-to-toe with him. “When it comes to Blair’s safety, be assured that I take the matter one hundred percent seriously.”

  “You crack your jokes, you throw out lines—”

  “Like you don’t do the same shit. It’s called coping, and we all do it. And guess what else? Blair fucking likes my jokes.”

  “I do,” Blair felt compelled to say. To be honest, she’d never really laughed much until Linc had come barreling into her life.

  “See? She does. It’s not my fault you don’t have a good sense of humor.” Linc glared at Cole. “But don’t you ever doubt me or my loyalty to my partner. There is nothing more serious to me than Blair.”

  Cole’s head cocked as he studied Linc. After a tense moment, he nodded. “I’m sorry, man." He sounded it. “I get it. Didn’t realize the full picture, but now I see it.”

  “Glad that your vision is clear.” Linc backed up. Returned to Blair’s side.

  She reached out. Stroked her fingers down his arm.

  He exhaled. “I’m good, B.”

  If he was good, so was she. But…she was very afraid his words were a lie. Linc wasn’t good, and she wanted to be alone with him so that they could really talk.

  Once more, Cole’s gaze darted from her to Linc. His expression was shuttered this time, and she was unable to read his thoughts. Speaking slowly, Cole told them, “If the perp is locked on Blair, we can expect an abduction attempt to come very soon.”

  “Especially once I announce to Natasha that I want to be taken off this island, right away,” Linc added.


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