Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 21

by Cynthia Eden

  “No, no, wait—”

  The door was creaking open.

  James tucked his knife back in his sleeve and yanked Martin—and his chair—upright.

  The young cop stood in the doorway and nervously twisted his hands. “I couldn’t find the chief.”

  “Really?” James feigned confusion. “Let me go see if I can locate him.”

  He strolled for the door.

  “Stop him!” Martin screamed. “That asshole just put a knife to my throat! He’s—”

  “Delusional,” James noted as he paused by the young cop. “You should probably get a shrink in here to talk to the fellow.” He patted the cop’s shoulder. “You stay with him, and I’ll hunt up your chief.”

  Relief flashed on the cop’s face. “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Seriously. Don’t ever.


  “Are you back again?” Edward demanded wearily when Cole entered the interrogation room. “Look, I am not in the mood for any of your—”

  “I saw you and Natasha Frank in your bungalow the night that Blair was abducted.”

  Edward straightened in his chair. “Well, someone likes to watch.”

  “Cut the crap. She’s escaped and she’s probably going after Blair. Is that what you want?”

  Edward didn’t respond.

  Cole pushed harder. “I get that you don’t love Blair, but do you want her dead? Because your file says you’re a thief, not a killer. At least, it doesn’t say that…yet.”

  Edward’s fingers tapped on the table. “I don’t want Blair dead. But I would like her back.”

  “Dream the hell on.” Cole crossed his arms over his chest. “What did you and Natasha talk about that night?”

  Cole cocked his head and peered at him curiously. “How did you get back in to see me? Because I thought you were done.” A pause. “Did you bribe the cops? The Feds? Because…” A little smile teased his lips. “I just tried that, too, and I think I will actually get to see my lawyer soon. I’ll be walking out of here before you know it.”

  “Fine. Don’t cooperate with me. Spend your life being a dick. Hope that works for you.” Cole turned away.


  He didn’t look back.

  “If I talk, then you get Blair to agree to meet with me. One on one, got it?”

  “I make no promises.”

  “Then I tell you jackshit—”

  The door opened. James slipped inside. He cast a dismissive glance over at Edward before meeting Cole’s gaze. “Are you still wasting time with this dumbass? I got what we need. Let’s go.”

  That had been quick. Cole looked down at his watch.

  “We really need to go,” James emphasized. “Like, now.”

  Hell. “What did you do?”

  James shrugged. “One of Wilde’s private jets is gassed and ready to fly. Why keep the bird waiting?” He held open the door.

  Since he knew James had probably done something that was about to get them in trouble, Cole headed for the door.

  “Natasha asked me what I’d do for a woman I loved.”

  Oh, now Edward wanted to talk. Cole spared him a quick glance.

  Edward locked his jaw. “I told her that if it was the right woman, I’d do anything. I would pay anything.”

  The right woman.

  “Then I told her good night because I wasn’t interested in screwing Natasha. The next thing I knew, Blair was gone. Or the woman calling herself Blair, anyway.” He waved his hand in the air. “You know what I mean.”

  “I know Blair vanished, and you didn’t do a freaking thing.”

  “No, I did.” Edward’s hands clenched into fists. “I went to Natasha, and I told her that I would pay whatever was necessary. If Linc couldn’t cover the ransom, I’d step in.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “She didn’t say anything. Just smiled at me.”

  James grunted. “We need to go. Now.”

  “Her smiling meant nothing. I don’t have any intel to give you. And I want out of here,” Edward insisted.

  James grabbed Cole and shoved him out of the door.

  “The smiling meant plenty, didn’t it?” James asked.

  Yes, it did.

  “Get this,” James continued grimly. “It seems Natasha was sleeping with Matthew Vorten.” They hurried and dodged their way down the hallway. “Martin let that shit slip when he was, you know, afraid of bleeding to death.”


  “I think Natasha wanted Helen Vorten to die. Or maybe she killed the woman because her boyfriend wanted his wife to vanish. It wasn’t about any kind of damn test.”

  “I think someone needs to be talking to Matthew Vorten.”

  Someone absolutely did. The problem? He lived in Atlanta…

  Exactly where Cole knew Blair and Linc had returned.


  Linc frowned down at the text he’d just received from Cole.

  Natasha Frank was sleeping with Matthew Vorten. Think she planned for Helen to die all along.

  Looked like the interrogations had been fruitful.

  His phone pinged again. Working on loose end here. Don’t do anything stupid.

  “Fuck you,” Linc whispered. “My plans are always genius.” He crept back into the bedroom. Put his phone on the nightstand and eased onto the bed.

  Blair was still sleeping. Looking like a perfect angel in the middle of the tousled covers. He brushed back a lock of her hair. Stared down at her.

  Then he bent and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Hey, sleeping beauty. I need you to wake up for me.”

  He eased back to see her lashes flutter. Her eyes opened. Locked on his.

  He smiled tenderly at her. “For the record, I would love to start the day by making slow love to you. You know, the kind of sex where your toes curl and you moan my name over and over again as you come a good three times.”

  She blinked.

  He kissed her sweet lips again. “But we have a problem, and her name is Natasha Frank.”


  “She escaped custody, and our Wilde buddies have found out some new details about her.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like the fact that she might have been screwing Matthew Vorten and that she planned to murder his wife.”

  Blair sat up, fast. “That’s news.”

  “Um.” She was holding the sheet to her chest. Covering up his stellar view. “I think we should pay the guy a visit, don’t you?”

  “I think we should definitely pay him a visit.”

  “And find out why his girlfriend is trying to kill you? Don’t you think we should do that, too?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Good thing he lives in Atlanta.”

  “Very convenient.”

  He didn’t move. “Want to take a shower first?”

  “No. I want to beat down that man’s door and force him to tell me what’s happening.”

  “I thought that might be your preferred plan.” He paused. “But you should shower so you can be more awake and ready. Then we’ll get our weapons and go in prepared for whatever is waiting on us at Vorten’s place.”


  “I’ve already talked to Eric. Some of the Wilde agents will be bringing tech by for us to use. By the time you’re done showering, they’ll be here. We’ll be ready to roll.”

  She sucked on her plump, lower lip and bit it. “Are you joining me in the shower?”

  Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes. “We have bad guys waiting.”

  She nodded. “Right. Of course. I just—”

  He scooped her into his arms. “Fuck, yes, I’m joining you. Like, was that even a question?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “We have to be fast,” Linc breathed against her mouth.

  The shower pounded down on her. Her back pressed to the cold tile wall while Linc’s warm, wonderfully muscled body was in front of her.

  “Though, God, I want nothing more…” He kissed her neck. Licked her skin. “Than to go slow and to take my time with every single inch of you.”

  Her body was already practically humming for him. They were both naked, and the warm water from the shower poured over them. His heavy cock pushed against her legs. She wanted him in. She didn’t care so much about going slow. Fast and frantic? Sounded great to her.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” His mouth pressed to her neck again. “Every time, I want more and more.”

  She felt the same way. Her hands slipped between their bodies. Locked around his cock. Squeezed. Pumped.

  “Fuck being slow.” He grabbed her hips. Lifted her up. Held her with the easy strength that she could sometimes forget. His muscles flexed and rippled as he stared down at her with an intense, focused gaze. “I need you.”

  He thrust in.

  Her hands flew up. Clamped around his shoulders. Held tight.

  The water pounded on her. He pounded in her. Over and over. In and out. She was deliciously sensitive and every glide of his cock had her moaning and arching against him. Her orgasm was close, she could feel it already building, and she just needed—

  He pushed a hand down on her sex. Strummed her clit.

  She jolted. Her orgasm slammed into her.

  “Hell, yes. Baby, you are so damn beautiful.” He thrust hard and deep, fast, rapid drives into her that sent aftershocks of pleasure careening through her body right before his release poured into her.

  He stiffened against her. Held her tighter. Kissed her deep and had her body quivering.

  When his head lifted, she blinked water out of her eyes. Her legs were still around him. Her heart still thundered in her chest.

  He sent her a warm smile. “We should start every day this way.”

  Her breath caught. The idea of waking up every day, of seeing him smile down at her…

  Then fucking him in the shower…

  Sounds like a great—

  He withdrew from her. Slowly lowered her legs. Stood with her under the shower spray as the water poured on them. “Stay here a little longer,” he murmured before he pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “I’ll go get towels for us.”

  He pulled away and pushed open her glass shower door. Blair closed her eyes and turned her head beneath the shower spray. She knew they had to get moving. They’d find Matthew Vorten and question him. She’d make the guy talk. If he was guilty, she’d bring him down and when this mess was over…

  What then?

  Did she even dare to hope about what might happen then?

  Starting every day with Linc smiling down on me.

  Beneath the spray, her own lips curved in a smile.

  The shower door opened once more. She reached out and flipped off the water. As it slowed to a drip, drip, drip, she lifted her right hand toward Linc. She could feel the soft, fluffy towel and—

  And the cold metal of a handcuff as it snapped around her wrist.

  Her eyes flew open.

  The other handcuff snapped around the long metal handle on her shower door.

  And while she gaped at him, Linc turned the pounding spray of the shower back on. The water hit the side of her body.

  “What in the hell?” Blair yanked on the cuff. “This isn’t funny, Linc.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  She grabbed for him, but Linc jumped back.

  He’d already put on jeans.

  Meanwhile, she was stark naked, handcuffed, and still in the shower. “What are you doing?”

  “Other than severely pissing you off?” Linc winced. “I think your place is bugged, and it seemed like the shower would be the safest place for us to talk.”

  He thought—

  “Come on, B. You suspect the same thing. I mean, the bad guys lured you out of town. Of course, they had goons sneak into your place while you were gone. Probably have listening devices all over your home. You didn’t sweep for any because you wanted to draw out the perps.”

  There might be devices… It was a suspicion she had, yes.

  “So we’re talking in here, while the shower blasts, so we can be safe.” He reached up and turned the spray away from her body. The water pounded into the tile behind her. His gaze lingered on her body. All wistful-like.

  He’d better get used to feeling wistful because if he didn’t get her out of the cuffs soon, he would not be getting—

  Linc handed her a towel. “It’s for you to cover up with because—eventually—I will be sending other agents in to uncuff you. And when they come in, I don’t want them getting this killer view.”

  “Linc.” She snatched the towel from him.

  He held up his hands. “You’re mad.”

  “You just made love to me and now you’ve cuffed me!” Mad didn’t even begin to describe her feelings. She yanked on the cuffs again. That stupid handle on her shower door was surprisingly sturdy.

  “I know what you would have done.”

  She dropped the towel to the floor of her shower.

  He winced again. “That’s not a good idea. Now it will be all wet.”

  She was all wet. Blair swiped dripping hair out of her face.

  Linc sighed. “You would have gone in and risked yourself.”

  “What are you talking about—”

  “You were already kidnapped and nearly killed, and do you know what it did to me when I came upon the wreckage in the water?” His handsome face hardened. “When I thought you were dead?”


  “I fucking wanted to jump in that water, Blair. I wanted to jump in and find you, and if I couldn’t find you…” His words trailed away.

  She saw him clench and unclench his hands.

  He released a slow breath. “The thing is, I already knew I loved you before then.”

  “If you love me, get me out of the handcuffs!”

  “But I didn’t realize you were my whole fucking world, not until I thought you were gone.”

  She didn’t speak. Couldn’t.

  “It’s all too easy. Too neat. You see that, don’t you? You have to see it. You’re the best agent I’ve ever met. Suddenly we know that Matthew Vorten is involved with Natasha? And he just happens to be right here in Atlanta? Come on. It’s like things are tied up for you with a little bow on top. Know what I really hate? Bows.”

  She pulled in some quick breaths. “Linc, let’s talk about this.”

  “Cole thinks the bad guys want your weakness. They want to hurt you by going after the person you care about the most. Dude thinks the island and all the abductions were some big test for you.”

  Blair shook her head.

  “I’m going to give them that person.”

  “No.” She surged forward. Grabbed for him once more.

  But he was just out of reach.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.” He winked at her.

  Winked at her. As if this was a joke.

  “After all, you’ll be coming to save the day. You’re my partner. You’ll have my back.” He spun away from her.

  “How can I save you when I don’t know where you’ll be?”

  “You’ll know.” His broad back was stiff. “Because when I took the handcuffs out of your nightstand, I also borrowed your tracking device.” He looked back at her. “Knew you had one of those trackers here. Very useful.” He reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small tracker. “So tiny. I’ll tuck it under my shirt collar, and you’ll be able to follow me.”

  “This is a bad plan.” How could he not see that?

  “You think so?” He turned to face her. Cocked his head. “Is it worse than you leaving me behind on the island because you wanted to protect me?”

  Had Eric told him that? “I—”

  “Is it worse than you trying to shut out all the Wilde agents who are your friends so that you can go lone wolf on this one?”

  “I’m not a lone wolf.” She was a naked wolf. Cold and shivering and the
water kept pounding down and spraying as it bounced off the tile. She was afraid to turn off the water because, dammit, he was right. Her place was probably bugged and the roar of the shower muted their words.

  With a knowing nod, Linc said, “Wolves mate for life, you know.”


  A shrug. “Just saying. They do. They find the ones who complete them, and they don’t let go.”

  “Are you making that up?” No. Forget it. Blair narrowed her eyes on him. “Your plan sucks.”

  “No. The plan you had—the one that involved leaving me behind, leaving the other agents out in the cold, and going after the perps yourself—that was a bad plan. Hell, B, you didn’t even have agents watching your home. I had to call them in when I arrived. Eric didn’t know that you were coming back here.”

  But Linc had known. Because he knew her. “My plan would have kept you safe.”

  His expression softened. “Mine will keep you safe. Remember that, okay? And try not to be too pissed at me.”

  “Impossible!” He was heading for the door again. Leaving her naked and cuffed. Oh, hell, yes, she was going to be pissed. “Linc, stop, you don’t need to do—”

  “They’re watching your house. They’re watching you. The longer this goes on, the more dangerous it is. The perps figured out that I love you. They think that you love me.”

  She couldn’t breathe.

  “You don’t, of course,” he said without looking back. “I know you don’t love me. But they don’t know that. To them, we were real lovers on the island. So they think that when they take me, it will hurt you.”

  “Stop it.” Water was on her cheeks. Water, not tears.

  “I’ll text Wilde. The tech team can follow every move I make with the tracker. Then you and the other agents will swoop in and save the day. Wait a bit, though. Make sure all the big players in the game are there before you close in.”

  “Stop calling it a game.”

  “But that is what life is, B. A giant game. We don’t always know the rules. We don’t even always win, but we play, every single fucking day.” He hesitated. “I’ll give orders for Wilde agents to come into your home in an hour and uncuff you. You should dry off. Cover up. Really, please, be covered up when they come storming in.”


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