Crossing the Line

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Crossing the Line Page 24

by Cynthia Eden

  But first, there was someone else who had to pay. With his life. “I need to make a quick call,” Blair said. “Put me down and hold the thought, just for a moment?”

  Linc let her go. “Loose ends?”

  She nodded. “Time to tie them all up.”


  Edward Sharpe hurried down the hotel corridor. He’d gotten away from those freaking agents and local bozo authorities—courtesy of his high-priced lawyer. He’d gotten away and immediately made a phone call to his contact so that his business could be taken care of in the appropriate manner. Not just Linc. Blair needs to be taken out now, too.

  Natasha had assured him that she was on the job. She had a plan in place—Natasha always had contingency plans. If Edward wanted both Linc and Blair to die together, she swore that she’d send them out in a real blaze of glory.

  He could so very much appreciate the work of a professional. He’d met Natasha years ago. He’d been a thief, and she’d been a killer for hire. It was always nice to have friends with interesting job choices. When he’d been ready to get his revenge on Blair, Natasha had been in the perfect position to help him. The fates had aligned and given him Turquoise.

  He’d never forgotten Blair. Never forgiven her, either.

  Fool me once…and I’ll eventually destroy you.

  After that call to Natasha, he’d taken it easy. Didn’t want to draw attention to himself, after all. Especially since the authorities didn’t have any evidence that they could actually use against him in any sort of criminal cases.

  He never left evidence behind.

  His phone vibrated as he neared the penthouse suite he’d reserved. He did love those high Miami views. Had Natasha completed the job already? My, my, but she might deserve a bonus. He pulled out his phone as he rounded the corner and—

  “Got an interesting text there, Eddie?”

  The phone fell from his fingers.

  Before he could snag it, that asshole Wilde agent, Cole Vincent, had scooped it up. “Huh. Interesting. It appears to be from Natasha Frank.”

  Fuck me. Edward swallowed.

  Cole’s partner—what had his name been? James something? He sidled closer. The guy did that whole creepy, soundless walk thing that Edward knew was a bad sign.

  James peered down at the phone’s screen. “Don’t you want to see your message from Natasha, Eddie?”

  Great, now they were all calling him by that horrible nickname of Eddie. Did they think that shit was funny? As for the text…

  I very much want to see it. But not with the agents watching him. He snatched his phone back. “I thought you were both long gone. Didn’t you need to get back to Blair?” He sucked in a dramatic breath. “Oh, God, is Blair all right?”

  “I’m sure she’s fine. Blair has a way of always landing on her feet.” Cole inclined his head. “Besides, her partner has her back.”

  Not for long he won’t. “How did you know I was here?” Edward glanced around.

  “Because we’ve been following you.”

  He tightened his hold on the phone. “I don’t understand.”

  James spared a quick glance toward Cole. “I told you that he was going to be a prick about this. Told you he wouldn’t just confess.”

  Cole nodded. “You were right.” He dug into his pocket and handed—what was that? A five-dollar bill? Yes, it was. He handed a five-dollar bill to his partner.

  As if they’d made some sort of bet.

  James took the money, made it vanish, then pointed to Edward’s phone. “Was that some kind of picture that Natasha sent you?”

  Not a picture. A video. She was supposed to send him a video when the job was done. He wasn’t about to show the agents anything on his phone. Edward straightened his shoulders. “This is harassment. I will have my lawyers destroy your agency. Up until now, I’ve cooperated with you. I’ve tried to help, but I am done—”

  His phone vibrated. He glanced down.

  He had a text. He didn’t recognize the number, but the text said…

  We’re both still alive. Natasha is spilling every secret she has in the back of a patrol car. You’re done.

  He felt pinpricks in his face.

  His phone dinged as another text came through.

  Oh, and this is from Blair and Linc. Hope you enjoy jail.

  His breath sawed out.

  “Probably want to look at that video you got,” Cole advised.

  His finger swiped over it even though he knew he shouldn’t—

  Natasha’s face filled the screen. One of those unflattering angles that showed her chin, then the rest of her face. “He made me do it!” Natasha yelled. “Edward Sharpe paid me to do everything, and I will roll on him. I will tell you anything you want to know, just do not put me in—”

  The video ended.

  Cole took the phone. “Afraid I’ll have to confiscate this. I think that’s probably evidence.”

  “Probably,” James agreed, deadpan.

  Edward straightened his shoulders. “When did you know?”

  “That you were ass deep in this thing?” Cole inquired conversationally as he pulled out cuffs from his back pocket. “Oh, that would be when you ever so helpfully told us that you had offered to pay Natasha for Blair. I mean, we already knew there was a second bidder out there, we were just trying to figure out who he was.”

  Edward shook his head. “No, I said I was trying to get her back—”

  “Yep, but if we bought that you were doing it because you still cared about her, that would mean you were hung up on the woman who’d stolen from you and who made you look like a fool in those weird art theft circles you must enjoy. We didn’t buy that line of reasoning.” Cole shrugged.

  “You seemed like a bitter asshole to me,” James noted. “So, no, definitely didn’t buy that.”

  Cole’s stare scanned over Edward. “You were also far too interested in Blair’s relationship with Linc. As soon as you realized she wasn’t playing him, that they were for real, that was too much for you, wasn’t it? I mean, I saw your face when I said that Linc loved her. Dude, you need to get better at controlling your rage. It was burning in your eyes. Dead giveaway.”

  He unclenched his teeth. “No one steals from me.”

  “That’s great.” Cole slapped the cuffs on him. “You should tell everyone in prison that. You know, establish rules and dominance early on. See how that works out for you.”

  “I’m not going to prison.” Never gonna happen. “The federal government needs me too much.” He laughed. “And you’re not cops. We’ve been over that shit before, remember? You can cuff me, if that gets you off, but you’re not—”

  “You’re not the only person who has worked for Uncle Sam.” James stared at him with cold, glittering eyes. “Believe me when I say, you’re going to jail. Any strings you had with the government? I’ve personally cut them. No one will be coming to bail you out. You crossed the line. You went after our friends.”

  Cole nodded. “No going back from that.”

  “You’re done,” James told him.

  But Edward just grinned at him. “We’ll see about that.”

  A long sigh escaped Cole. He looked at James. “What do you think it will be like when reality sets in for him?”

  “Oh, dude, I hope I’m there to see it.” He whistled. “Always fun to watch the hope die in their eyes.”

  Rage clawed at Edward’s insides. “I’m not going to jail. The government needs me. I won’t—”

  “If I were you,” Cole advised him quietly, “I’d worry a whole lot about what is going to happen next.”

  Edward clamped his lips together.

  “Linc isn’t dead. You tried to kill him and his partner. Dumbass, you’ll be lucky if Linc lets you make it to prison. Because I sure think that man will be coming after you soon. That is, of course, if Blair doesn’t rip you apart first.”

  The rage inside of Edward was replaced by growing fear.

  Chapter Twenty-One
/>   “Hi, there, Eddie.” Linc smiled as he entered the small interrogation room.

  Edward Sharpe glared at him. Wearing an oversized, garish orange prison jumper, Edward looked like…well, shit. His eyes were lined with shadows and the faint lines near his mouth seemed deeper.

  And it had only been forty-eight hours. Some guys crumbled faster than others. Linc had seen it before. Some perps talked a big game until the cell doors slammed closed and after that…

  They’d beg every cop they saw for help.

  “Surprised you asked to see me today,” Linc admitted. “I’d heard you were transferred by the Feds to holding up here in Atlanta, but to find out that you wanted this little one-on-one…” He lifted a brow. “Color me curious.”

  “I want a deal,” Edward spat.

  Linc frowned at the empty table surface in front of Edward. “Hmm. I don’t think there’s one on the table.”

  “You won’t let the Feds work with me!”

  Linc put a hand to his chest. “Me? I won’t?”

  Edward’s hands jerked—they were both cuffed and chained to the side of the table, so when he jerked, the whole table jerked.

  The guard in the back of the room just watched with bored eyes.

  “You and your friends,” Edward hissed. “You’ve got pull. You’re stopping them from working with me!”

  “You think I have pull?” Linc blinked innocently. Then he met the gaze of the bored guard. “Why don’t you go take a ten-minute break, Warren?”

  Without a word, Warren left.

  Edward stiffened. A spark of fear flashed in his eyes. “He can’t leave me! Wait!” Edward yelled. “Come back! You can’t just—”

  Linc lunged toward Edward and closed the distance between them in an instant. “He can’t just leave you alone with me?” He smiled. “But he can. And you’re right. I do have pull. You honestly think you set up this meeting?” Think again. “I was planning it from the minute you were in federal custody. There was no way I was going to let you get locked away without first having my time with you, Eddie.”

  The fear in his eyes deepened. “Wh-what do you want?”

  “Do you remember what I told you would happen if you didn’t stay away from my wife?”

  “She’s…she’s not your wife! That was a cover. That was—”

  “She’s not my wife…yet. I plan to ask her to marry me. Always planned that. Had the ring for months. Hell, she’s been wearing the rings—both the engagement ring and the wedding ring I bought for her. She just doesn’t know it yet.” He tapped his jaw. “Have to plan the perfect proposal. I’ll work on that when I’m done with you.”

  “You are crazy!”

  Linc kicked back the leg of Edward’s chair. Edward started to topple, but the chained cuffs caught him and the whole table heaved as it fought to hold his weight.

  Linc decided to help gravity out…he flipped the table over. Edward slammed back and the table fell on top of him. “My buddy James taught me that trick. Said it worked wonders with Martin.”

  “Fucking crazy…” Edward panted.

  “I am crazy for Blair.” Linc nodded. “Absolutely, over-the-moon insane for her.”

  Edward strained to lift up the table. “You…can’t trust her. She’ll…leave you…soon enough.”

  Linc squatted next to him. “Still don’t get it, do you?” Sadly, he shook his head. “She’s the one person in this world I trust completely. No one will ever make me doubt her. Blair is it for me.” He slapped Edward’s shoulder. “Now, Edward, let’s go back a bit. Do you remember what I said I’d do if you didn’t stay away from my wife? We were on the island, I was being polite—”

  “You were never polite—”

  “And I told you if you came near my wife, I would break your pretty-boy face.”

  Edward’s breathing hitched and came faster. “You…you can’t. That’s police brutality—”

  “How many times must we cover this? Not a cop. Why do you only remember that part when it seems to be convenient for you?” Linc pointed to his chest. “I’m just a concerned citizen. Someone who, well, when he was left in the room with a hardened criminal, he had to defend himself from an attack.”

  “I’m cuffed! I can’t attack you, I can’t—”

  “Come on, you’re a master thief. I’m supposed to believe you can’t pick a lock?” Linc tapped the cuffs.

  Edward looked down. The cuffs were open. “Oh, shit. When did you do that?”

  “Blair thinks she’s the only one with the lock picking skills.” A soft laugh. “If she only knew.”

  Edward didn’t move.

  Linc rose. “This is your chance, man. It’s you and me in this room. You hate me. Blair loves me. You wanted to take me out in order to hurt her? You thought you’d kill us both?” He waved, a little come-and-get-me gesture. “Bring it. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Edward rose, slowly.

  “But here’s the thing. I don’t think you’ve actually got anything,” Linc added tauntingly. “At least, not anymore. You’re nothing but a criminal. The government is done with you. Your fortune has been seized. Every asset you have is locked away. I’m pretty sure your lawyer isn’t returning your phone calls, oh, and your hit woman Natasha? She is still talking to anyone who will listen, regardless of whether or not she gets a deal. So much evidence is piling up on you. You will never get out of prison. I hope you enjoyed your time on that tropical island because your view for the next forty years is going to be hell.”

  “I just wanted payback! I wanted her to hurt the way she hurt me!”

  “That’s not how shit works, dumbass.”

  “I loved her!”

  You want me to hurt you extra hard, huh?

  “She betrayed me. She took what I valued, so I thought I’d find out what she valued. Take it. Make her suffer.” His face twisted with rage. “All seemed too easy. I’d used Natasha on other jobs before. Woman is cold as ice. Figured we’d get Wilde agents—Blair and her team—down to the island after the other abductions. I could watch her there. See her weaknesses. Find out what mattered to her before I struck.”

  “So you knew who she was all along. You just tried to throw everyone off.”

  “Hell, yeah, I knew. Took me some time, but I eventually tracked her down, and I’ve just been waiting for the perfect revenge. Hard, you know, when the woman you’re after doesn’t seem to care about anything or anyone.”

  “She cares about plenty.” Just not about you, asshole.

  “I had to get her away. Natasha and I convinced Carthright to contact Eric. Even told him to request Blair.”

  “And her abduction once she was on the island?”

  “Had to make it fit the pattern of the others. Besides, that gave me the chance to see if you two were for real or just pretending.”

  “We’re very real. Blair fucking loves me.” He was all about pouring salt in the guy’s wounds.

  “I was the second bidder, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. Just like I know there was never a Monet and like I also know you’re the one who took a shot at us back on the island.”

  “Just wanted to see how you’d react.”

  “I hope you enjoyed the show. Don’t think you’ll be seeing too many high-quality shows in prison.”

  “Natasha wanted to take Eric’s money and get mine. She was greedy like that.”

  “Some people don’t know when to stop.” Like you. You’re still talking. The idiot was as chatty at Matthew Vorten. Vorten was in the hospital, under guard, and spilling every secret he had to anyone who would listen.

  “When I saw what you two were really like together, I knew how to hurt Blair. After you were dead, I was gonna kill her. Going to make it last a long time.”

  You will never touch her.

  “But then the Feds started swarming, and it seemed easier to get Natasha to plant her bombs. Her dad taught her everything he knew about demolitions. Figured you guys could go out in a bang and with
me down in Miami, I’d be free and clear.”

  “You figured wrong.” Linc nodded. “But I do thank you for the confession. That will help to keep you locked up forever.”

  Edward lunged for him.

  “About time,” Linc praised as he ducked the blow and plowed his fist into Edward’s side. “I was getting bored.”

  Edward stumbled back.

  “You should have stayed away from Blair.” Linc’s voice hardened. “And by the way, I always keep my promises.” That pretty-boy face is gonna get jacked up.

  Edward yelled and grabbed the table, like he’d throw that shit at Linc.


  God, this was going to be fun.


  “Where were you?”

  Linc stiffened when he shut the door to his place. “Blair.” He turned and smiled at her. “You let yourself in.”

  She held up her right hand. “I have a key.”

  Yes, she did. With a little extra spring in his steps, Linc crossed toward her.

  She tossed the key onto a table and when Linc was close, Blair caught his hand in hers. “You have new bruises.”

  “What?” His voice rose, as if in surprise. Then he frowned. “Are you sure those aren’t from when I had to fight so fiercely back at the warehouse?”

  “They are fresh.” Her brows lifted. “Who did you fight today?”

  “Technically, I defended myself. Let’s be clear on that. He came at me first.”

  Her hold tightened. “Linc.”

  “Fine.” He couldn’t lie to her. And she probably already knew, anyway. “Your ex wanted to see me. Since I wanted to see him, too, I headed in for a chat.”

  “A chat that left you with bruises?”

  “He looks way worse.”


  Time for distraction. “He’s going to be locked away, you know. For a very long time.”

  “I know.”

  He searched her gaze. “You planning to see him?”

  “If I see him, I’ll want to kill him.” Her shoulders rolled in a little shrug. “So, no, I don’t plan to get close to him. I plan to let him be locked away for the rest of his life. That way, I won’t go to jail for his murder.”

  Linc blinked.


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