by S. Poulos
not tried to multiply it for the benefit of the others. So with my departure, I will bury with me the talent, so to speak, entrusted on me."
"That would save us lots of hassle, which would be something to celebrate about," heckled someone.
The chairman noted the Teacher to continue.
"If that idea prevailed in every field, and everyone would take with him whatever knowledge he had to his grave, you can imagine what kind of world we would live in today. There would be no beautiful paintings to admire, or musical creations for the simple reason that the masters would take the know-how, their knowledge, to their graves."
"Should not a man master himself then, before he teaches others?"
"I had similar ideas in the past, but we learn from our mistakes. This is also a reason which should make things easier for those who worry too much about sin. We incarnate on this Earth and we became stronger, and learn though the mistakes and sins we committee daily. After all, this is the purpose of our incarnations on this Earth. If we were perfect humans from the beginning, we would not need to incarnate and go through all this."
"Is that all? Or perhaps there is one other reason you took this course, like filling up your bank account perhaps?" someone asked sardonically.
"There is one other reason that forces many including myself to take this stand. First, there is no time for warning anymore. Secondly this pressure, this inconceivable power, forces everything in to open, as I have already stated, as it forces you to intervene right now for instance."
"Do you imply that you do not get any personal gain? I won't swallow this for anything," the same heckler charged.
"This is the reason now in this important time on Earth. As everything starts to collapse around us, now that man's trust to his fellow man will start to wither, and with nature becoming more and more wild and unpredictable, many voices will appear to spread whatever was in their hearts for years, to warn to guide and to predict for those few who are still willing to listen. They are basically saying the same things that have been said before for thousands of years, for the word comes from the same source, therefore is unchangeable. Here I want to state, or rather to beg with all my heart, to heed the word and not the messenger. The messenger is just a tool that is used for a specific purpose, something like the postman who brought to you a letter. Would you blame the postman, or would you applaud him for whatever is written in that letter?"
"You said a crime is as good as null, the moment the committer repents of it; does this mean the courts are sending to jail many innocent people although they have committed various crimes?" asked the vice-chairman with a rather sarcastic tone. "In that case, we should let every prisoner free to roam our streets, and everybody would be happy."
"It is futile to keep a man in prison, from the moment he genuinely repents for the crime," answered the Teacher. "It is also pointless to let a dangerous criminal out, just because he concluded his sentence. The problem is who is able to judge? Who is going to rule who is genuinely sorry for what he has done, and who is too dangerous to be let out, protecting him from entangling himself more, by committing new crimes, and protecting also the public of course?"
"It is absurd; a man should serve his sentence according to the letter of the law."
"Nothing is as it should be. If things were as they should be, then by now man would be mature enough not to commit crimes against his fellow man, and if someone happened to lag behind, the judge would be able to 'read' the man opposite him like an open book, and pass the sentence accordingly. He would see how this man stands, his intensions against his fellow man, and his inclinations. Unfortunately, the time that has been allotted to man, he has squandered frivolously, with the horrifying results that we witness today."
"What about all the insane ones? All the crazy people?" cried someone. "I mean those who committed various crimes and are now in the psychiatric hospitals? Shall we let them go to? They are innocent, I presume, as they didn't know they were committing a crime."
"The majority of those people you mention that committed crimes, or others that act in an unsociable manner which we consider insane, are not crazy at all. In a sense, they are innocent, but not for the reason you think. These people are not insane they are possessed. I said it loud and clear, for I know the reaction of many psychiatrists that will jump on it, accusing me with all the names under the sun. I do not expect more from someone that proudly calls himself psychiatrist, without believing in psyche as such. Therefore, as this is a psychic and not a material matter as they believe i.e. the brain, let me elaborate a bit about it, and may the receptive ones listen."
"But the decision for the crime that is committed is not taken by the brain?"
"It is true that the decision that directs someone to commit a crime comes from the brain, and that the brain has first to give directions for the type of actions that will take place, but the brain that gives the order and the directions in our case, is not the rightful owner of the body, but an invader. So the perpetrator that committed the crime is not the apparent doer of the act, but the one that gave the directions, and that one is the invader. He used the body of someone, and by possessing his brain, he gave the directions to commit the crime, without the nominal owner of the body being aware of it, or able to react."
"Where is the paradox then? Where is the query? The psychiatrists themselves admit that."
"So we have the paradox. In some cases psychiatrists defend persons with acute schizophrenia that committed horrible crimes, with the idea that they were incapable of rational behavior. In short, they committed the crime, without knowing what they were doing.
That they are innocent, because they didn't know what they were doing, and that is correct, but what the psychiatrists don't tell us is why this is happening. The brains that committed such horrible acts are totally healthy. The proof of it is that they are totally functional human beings. If something was wrong with their brains, they would not be functional at all, and if we performed an encephalography on them, the only time the brain would show some abnormalities would be the time the intruder occupied the man's brain."
"So the doer is not to be blamed for anything?"
"The only blame that we can place on the rightful owners of the body is that they became to 'slack' so to speak, and so allowed the other spirit to take hold of their brain, in order to give directions for the crime to be committed. If they were vigilant, that would not happen."
"Here we go again, said the vice-chairman from the panel. "You invade the fields of the psychiatric profession unlawfully, and it is as unlawful as the body invaders of the cases you just described. For that alone you should be put in prison, and we should throw the key away."
Many applauded in support of the vice-chairman's burst, but the Teacher kept calm without answering.
"I know you ignore statements," said the chairman, "but I am going to ask you a question. Are you not invading the fields of the psychiatric profession, when you fiddle around with their matters?"
"I will repeat loud and clear, this is not a material matter, this is not a brain matter, in most cases if not all cases, if you open the skulls of these poor individuals, you will find that their brains are healthy, and so will any unbiased psychiatrist admit. I say this is purely a psychic matter; by understand the happening; man may come to the solution of the problem. For the moment, the only thing psychiatrist can do is to issue drugs to subdue the brain, in order to prevent the occupier from invading the poor man's brain, but they will not admit it."
"So the churches are right after all, trying to exorcise the possessed ones, while they are ridiculed by the medical community," said a priest with a triumphant voice.
"No. The churches are doing merely a lip service literally. The spirit that occupies someone's brain is well aware of the happening, and won't leave the body he possessed, just because a priest orders it to do so. On the contrary the spirits are irritated and are showing their anger by swearing, cursing, or other contemptuous acts, after all,
they are evil spirits, and otherwise they would not do all this mischief."
"Why are they doing all this mischief? What do they get out of it?"
"Pleasure. There are also some spirits that find all this attention they get quite amusing, and are looking forward for the next 'entertainment' session. The only achievement an exorcism brings is the collapsing body of the possessed one, after the enormous effort and energy used by the invader in order to manifest all these evil acts."
"I would like you to touch one other phenomenon with similar characteristics," said a member of the Council of Paranormal Phenomena. "Could you elaborate a bit about the so-called phenomenon of speaking in tongues? This phenomenon is very similar to the one you just mentioned."
"With similar characteristics, but with two major differences," answered the Teacher. "First, although the invasion takes place by one other spirit, the difference is that this time the receiver is a willing participator. His body is receptive to the invasion to take place; it opens up and lets the other spirit enter, as a flower opens up and lets the bee collect its pollen.
And second, the spirit that enters the brain in this time is not evil as the previous cases, but certainly not as holy one as the followers of a certain church like to think."
"You are off