The Silent Minority

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The Silent Minority Page 14

by S. Poulos

plus he has fully operational senses working. To start education as early as that is of secondary importance if not futile. What is of uppermost importance is what kind of soul is going to enter in the woman's womb. That can certainly be influenced by the woman's behavior."

  "And how is that?" Some one asked."

  "So the behavior of the mother-to-be, determines the kind of the soul that is going to be reincarnated? Is that what you trying to say?" Some one else interjected.

  "Exactly. Apart from other reasons that we don't have time for me to expand, the main thing that influences which soul is going to be reincarnated in the woman's womb is that of the law of attraction of the homogenous species. That is, that the souls waiting in the beyond to be reincarnated here on Earth are attracted by the spiritual similarities with that of the mother-to- be."

  "Is this the norm on each pregnancy?"

  "That is the normal case, as things should be. However, many times because of inconsiderate behavior of the pregnant woman, while associating with questionable characters, a soul from the beyond may be attracted through her associates. It does not compare spiritually with that of the mother. When the incarnation occurs, and that is when the first movements start in the mother's womb, when the first 'kicks' happens, instead of feeling happiness, an affinity with the newcomer; a feeling of warning and discontent will occur. That will grow into despair, as the mother is unable to understand what happened. She will be bewildered at how a soul with such bad characteristics, how such a black sheep, completely uncharacteristic of the whole family, entered her life."

  "What do you suggest then?" asked the pediatrician. "Shall we put women in solitary confinement, in order to protect them from attracting bad souls? That is absurd."

  "Nobody has to do anything. The mother-to-be just has to be alert with whom she associates during the time of the pregnancy. That is not such a big price to pay, if we take into consideration the problems, and the unhappiness she is going to avoid."

  "I don't understand. The soul to be incarnated can be influenced by barely a casual acquaintance by the mother with a stranger?" continued the pediatrician.

  "No, the soul can be influenced by a frequent acquaintance of the mother with someone who 'hangs on' in the house of the mother, or rather more correctly, in the vicinity of the mother-to-be.

  And what is the answer for it then, the pediatrician persisted? What is the better way for someone to bring up children?"

  "There is not a standard way for someone to raise children. In fact, there are as many ways to bring up children, as there are kids. One thing is certain; that the parent, the grandparent, the educator, or whoever is involved in bringing up children engages wholeheartedly, regardless of the daily small misjudgments he probably will make. If he does it with love, for the benefit of the children, without knowing it, they will get tremendous benefits for themselves."

  "But do you blame parents for being anxious for trying to educate their children early?"

  "I have already stated that nature cannot withstand gaps. The time allotted for a child to live as a child cannot be compromised. Unfortunately, with the zeal and anxiety many parents and educators are showing, for the children to learn and learn more, disregarding the importance of childhood, they are doing a tremendous disservice to the child, and are guilty towards nature without even knowing it."

  "Should we not encourage kids to learn?"

  "A child, in order to grow up as a balanced adult, needs to live the years allotted to him as a child, free of all worries that the adults throw at him daily. Having said that, the educator must slowly introduce to him the law of balance; that is that in order to take something, you have to give something in return. The educator also must be alert in order to pinpoint the talent the child carries and to encourage it and let it blossom to its full potential. There are also unruly and spoiled children, so the educator should not be afraid to smack a child's wrist, as they are today when a child is unruly, confusing the educators and the child, just because some intellectuals somewhere in an office justified that, throwing with it logic and common sense out of the window. The educator, providing of course that he is a genuine one, and aims for the good of the child, has responsibilities and must act according to his sense of how to solve a problem each time it arises. That is not black or white as these 'experts' decided in their offices."

  "These 'experts', as you put it, spend their lives about this subject. They spend years and years on it. What do you know anything about children anyway?"

  "Let me try a few examples here. A parent, grandparent or an educator brings a glass of milk to an unruly kid. The child throws the glass of milk onto the ground. The educator scolds the child, and brings another one, which the child throws again. I am asking the experts this; should they keep bringing milk to the unruly one? Should they let the kid go hungry? Or should someone smack him on the wrist to let him know that the game is over? If an unruly child is bullying the other kids to the point that they are afraid to go to school, should someone get him by his ear as they used to do in the old days, or should they let him terrorize the other kids daily? If an unruly one keeps playing with the electrical power points, although he has been warned not to, should they let the kid play until he is electrocuted, or should someone smack him on the buttocks?"

  "So, the educator should face each case with its merits?"

  "This is what I am saying. There are thousands examples like that that arise daily, that come face to face with people raising or educating kids, unable to execute their duties according of each situation that arises, because the warning bells are ringing over their heads that they may be charged for excess of physical behavior, just because few 'experts' somewhere in an office decided that they are better qualified to raise kids, just because they have read some books that have been written of some people with similar comprehension of life.

  Here I must say that I am talking about parents, grandparents, and legitimate educators that love what they are doing, but the 'experts' have bound their hands, so they are unable to do the job they love to do."

  "Do you deny the charges made to some people of excessive physical behavior?"

  "Of course there are cases when someone should face criminal charges stick for excessive physical behavior, but here I am talking of parents, grandparents, and educators, that choose their work because they love doing it."

  "So you are proposing what?" someone yelled. "Are you suggesting going back to the times where kids had no rights? Do you want us to go back to the old ages, where kids were molested and mistreated daily, without them having a say about it?"

  "I don't want that, but I don't want to go overboard either with all these sophistries devised by 'experts', thinking that they have the right to impose their intellectual assumptions on others. I tell you, this is another example of intellectual justification. These people think they have the right to intervene and impose their will upon the others, just because they think they know better. Their audacity has reached such proportions that they can indicate to mothers how to raise their children, ignoring even the mothers' instinct and the art of raising children that took thousands of years to be perfected, just because they read some books, which some of their kind thought and wrote."

  At this point, the representative of the Federal Association of the USA Mediums asked permission from the chairman, which he gave, and also informed the audience that they had to be more brief and concise, in order for everyone to be able to ask a question.

  "Let's assume that by contacting the deceased ones through mediums we achieve two goals. First that the relatives get valuable advice that concerns them from the deceased. Secondly, more people that don't believe in life after death get better acquaintance with the idea that there is. Hence the possibility arises for them to re-examine their thoughts about this matter. Despite this, I heard you denouncing this practice. Can you explain why?"

  "Because you assume wrong. There are many reasons why these practices of contacting the decease
d through mediums, table turning gatherings and others should be avoided. I will mention a few here.

  "One reason is that the one passed over is not wiser concerning earthly matters just because he departed this Earth."

  "Those at the beyond, aren't they wiser than us? Don't they know more things than us?"

  "On the contrary, those that are here have one more tool that they don't have in the beyond, and that is their intellect. The only thing those beyond know more than the earthman, is that they know for sure that life continues after death. The dark ones also have the upper hand in those lower parts regions, as they do here on Earth, and sometimes, during this 'channeling', they intervene and give an answer contrary to the one the deceased relative would give. I also stated before that when a man relies for earthly issues, on the advice of the deceased, then he misses the purpose of being here on Earth, that through the daily decisions we make, through weighing and examining, and through the mistakes we make, we mature and become stronger. By spending our valuable time on Earth with such activities, we are missing the bus."

  "Are there other reasons that man should avoid such activities?"

  "The other reason is that we should leave the departed ones alone to perform their duties in the beyond. By

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