The Silent Minority

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The Silent Minority Page 19

by S. Poulos

already stated that man's duty is to improve conditions in the country he is born in. So I won't elaborate here anymore, but I want to say something; that anyone who lives in a foreign country or intends to do so, he must know he is shortening his life span, for it is not by accident, where each one of us is born. Only the country in which each individual is born can give him the full potential abilities, to blossom health-wise, and in general as a human being. Therefore it is of the utmost importance, if a man leaves his country, at least to visit the place he was born as often as he can."

  "You have not answered me; whom shall we blame for this xenophobic phenomenon?"

  "The people with mob mentality... look, the majority of the newcomers, and the majority of the occupants of that country, are happy for their symbiosis. The newcomers are happy for the new opportunities provided by their adopted countries, and for the others, the new colors that the newcomers bring in, with their new customs, food, music etc. to their lives. However, small minorities of each side start the problems, and the rest follow like sheep.

  These minorities of each side are the most vociferous, and with their cunning intellect, manage to lure many vulnerable ones with them. So we have minorities of dissatisfied ones from the newcomers, who are always the dissatisfied and feel that the new country owes them, and from the other side, a small minority with racist inclinations, who instead to looking for the positive side of what the newcomers bring, look only for the negative ones.

  "Unfortunately, as I already stated, many with the mob mentality follow them, with the inconceivable consequences it may bring. One has not to go far in history to verify what I am saying here."

  "Can you tell us how a state should treat the indigenous people then, taking as a fact, that slowly but surely, they are disappearing."

  "If a state or an individual really cares for the plight of its indigenous people, they should aim for what they pretend they are, and that is to preserve the authenticity of this people. But, that is not possible with half measures. I will try to clarify it with an example.

  Let's say that we have two individuals, or two states for that matter, which care for the plight of these people. Now these two individuals-states have two different philosophies- methods of how to approach the issue. One would do the utmost to facilitate their lives, fighting for their rights, which with it brings along social security, benefits, alcohol, mixed marriages, etc. This way in general teaches them to depend on others, and consequently to lose this inner fire, this alertness, that took thousands of years to reach to this point, in short to stay indigenous.

  "The other individuals-states approach is harsh and unconventional, to the point that in many fainthearted ones, it might look cruel or even racist. Their approach is of total segregation from the rest of the population. That means no handouts, no alcohol, no mixed marriages, and no drugs. As the time goes by, the indigenous people of the first case, due to handouts, alcohol, etc., introduced by the whites, lose their authenticity of race, through the mixed marriage acts. In a few generations they have managed to lose their indigenous identity, lose their pride, and integrity, and became so slack and dependant, that slowly the decay is imminent, and their authenticity as autonomous indigenous people has perished.

  On the other case, although at a first glance, it looks harsh and cruel, due to the spiritual alertness, they will have to struggle, but they will continue to live the lives as their forefathers did for thousands of years, keeping their identity, customs, and language. In short, they remain a vibrant group of people, living their lives to full potential, just because the ones that know better, did not intervene."

  "What do you imply then?"

  "Now I am asking you, which of the two acted the right way? The ones that cared for them, fought for them, fought for their rights, and gave the handouts, with the consequences of this approach as the time goes by, for this people to lose their identity, perish for good from the face of the Earth, with no possible return, or the harsh treatment in the other case, that even appears racist, but which forced this indigenous people to sustain their way of life, to stay indigenous, as that was the purpose of the whole endeavor?"

  "I noticed you are pretty hard with psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, etc.; in fact, this is one of the reasons that this hearing took place. Is there a particulate reason for it? What is the specific point; why are you so hard against them?"

  "I have already stated I am against nobody. I merely state the facts. Besides I am not generalizing here. I prize for example the school of Carl Jung psychiatrists, which take a much more holistic approach to their profession than merely the dry materialistic approach of the others.

  "In severe schizophrenic cases for instance, many of the psychiatrists will only provide to the 'patient' with drugs, so they can no longer function properly. In short, they dope them, so that the invader will not be able to use the poor man's brain. The right way would be for the psychiatrist to encourage the 'patient, to be alert spiritually and psychically, so as not to give the opportunity to the invader to possess his brain. But how can this happen, when they neither believe in the existence of the spirit, neither in psyche, though they proudly display this word in their titles?"

  "You have many admirers in this world, but you have created also many enemies. Are you ever afraid for your life?"

  "For anything worthwhile man does in this life, there are risks involved. The only ones that don't have to take risks, are the ones in the cemeteries, and by that, I mean concerning their physical bodies. I am not afraid for my life, for they cannot take my spirit away, but I am afraid in case an inconsiderate hand cuts it short before I finish my work."

  "This sounds as though your work is more important than your life! Is that so?"

  "Don't take my word for it. Put this dilemma to a composer in the middle of a composition work, to a painter, in the middle of a work project, that he is supposed to exhibit. Put it to an inventor, in the middle of a major invention, or to a businessman of a major takeover bid, before it is finalized. Through this, I want to emphasize the importance of having goals in life. I will put it as plainly as that. Do you want to live longer? Then have a goal in your life."

  "But I heard you speaking against it. Any goals will do? Or do you recommend specific goals? If I want to become a boxer, for example, will you approve it?"

  "No! Goals like that, whether someone wants to became a boxer, runner, a basketball player, a football player or an Olympian, are useful only to inflate the ego and bank accounts. It serves absolutely nothing to his fellowman. Any goal of a human being should aim to the improvement possibilities of his fellow man. I will give you few examples here.

  "Let's say someone's goal is to open a shop. If he opens a shop that sells food, clothes, or garden material for instance, he provides service to his fellowman if he opens a tobacconist shop he provides disservices to him. A bakery, a restaurant, a laundry, a toyshop; they all provide service. A casino, a tobacco farm, or a modeling school, teaching young girls how to walk unnaturally, and lose their dignity; these all provide disservice.

  "Any goal that a man visualizes to achieve should be aimed for the benefit of his fellow man, to improve things on Earth. If he puts it in a form of question to himself, it should reverberate harmoniously with his inner being."

  "You told us what goals we should aim at, but you never mentioned how we should achieve that. Can you elaborate about it? What is the best way for someone to go about it, to achieve his goal? I am sure many listeners, and viewers, would be interested to hear this."

  "When an idea comes in to your mind that you would like to achieve, if this idea is, first as I already stated, for the good of your fellow man, and reverberate harmoniously with your conscience, then hold it fast, sleep on it. This way you have already implanted the seed for your dream to be materialized here on Earth. From now on, you only have to water it until it blossoms into a beautiful plant, and that is by constantly nourishing the thought with your wish. It is of the utmost im
portant not to speak about it to any one, except your possible partner or partners for this project. You must go steadily and silently towards your goals, without any hullabaloo, until the goal has been materialized here on Earth. The reason for it is that when an idea is guarded and not publicized, it acts as a pressure cooker; it cooks the idea much faster for it has no leaks. By not talking about your project, you don't have leaks, and the pressure becomes enormous until it is fructified. Whereas when someone talks about it, it probably will finish like that too. Don't talk about it; let your works do the talking for you."

  "Here we are, having a press conference with you, and you continue to lecture us and the world. Although I don't believe many things you say, nevertheless I find them fascinating. Yet one other voice inside me, tells me...hang on, not so fast, this guy is probably taking you for a ride; don't give in so easily.

  "What is it? On one hand, I find it interesting what you say, even logical, and on the other hand, a voice inside me tells me not to take you seriously for all this is fantasies, and not based on facts. I am sure I am not the only one, judging by the type of the questions you get, for really, they are not strictly professional questions, nor the

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