Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 23

by Iona Nixon

  "It feels exciting Sir, I feel excited and I feel very aware that I have no underwear on." She continued to look down as requested and Steve noted this, it was a difficult thing to do when talking to someone.

  "Jenny, I would like you to relax as much as you can and listen to my voice. Block out the other sounds as I talk to you. Now take a long deep breath please." He watched as her chest filled as she did as she was asked. He noticed with relish her erect nipples gliding gently under her red silky dress as she breathed in. "Then slowly let it out Jenny."

  He asked her two more times to take a deep breath and slowly let it out. He wanted her to be relaxed and to be able to listen to hear him clearly. Then he asked her to relax. Starting with her head, asking her to release any tension there and then worked through her body, till he was happy she was a relaxed as circumstance would allow.

  "This time Jenny I want you to concentrate on how it feels to have the fabric of your dress caress your nipples as you breath in deeply." He waited as she continued to breath. He thought he say her lowered eyes close for a moment but he cold not be sure. "I would like you, for a moment, to be only aware of this sensation and how stimulating the soft caress feels."

  He enjoyed watching her. He glanced about to make they were not attracting too much attention. It seemed to him that her nipples were stiffening more but that was perhaps just wishful thinking.

  "Now Jenny, I want you to think and feel how this is affecting you. Perhaps you feel excited, turned on. Perhaps you can feel your tummy flutter. Of course it would be unthinkable to find yourself turned on by this Jenny. You must resist the sensations if you feel them. Deny the the warm sensation in your groin. Do not think about the way it feels when you press your thighs together Jenny. Please press your thighs together Jenny so you know what it is you should not think about." Steve knew well that the mere act of asking someone not to do something would in fact be more likely to make it an irresistible thing to do. He enjoyed the idea that Jenny was struggling with herself.

  Jenny was finding this tough, she felt as though she was in a room on her own. It was like being hypnotised but she had her eyes open, though they were unfocused and she felt warm and very relaxed. Her nipples ached now, she wanted to touch them so bad and she couldn't help but keep contracting her pelvic muscles. It was as if she was caressing herself just by contracting her pelvic floor. It was all at once odd but nice and the more she tried to stop it the more she felt compelled to continue. She felt her eyes closing.

  Then she felt Steve's hand on hers and she opened her eyes and felt herself jump. Brought back to awareness she could feel herself tingling all over. She felt alive and vibrant. Jenny noticed how horny she felt to. No other way to put it she just felt so... sexy. She had never felt such a need before. She momentarily wondered how she had turned from a hesitant, nervous girl, likely to run at the first chance to feeling like a woman who would do anything, yes, she thought, do anything for Sir.

  "Now Jenny, please take the package to the rest room. Open it there. You will know what I would like you to do." He smiled gently at her.

  Almost dazed she picked up the box. It was the smaller of the two, black with a purple ribbon and about four inches square. She picked it up, it had a little weight to it bit it was not heavy at all. Then rising to her feet she was about to go when she said "Thank you Sir."

  Turning she made her way, a little unsteadily to the restroom.

  She nearly stumbled in to the rest room. Glad there was no one else there she looked down at the box she held in her hand. She leaned back against the door, suddenly exhausted, her heart beating and wondering what the hell she was doing. After a moment she gathered herself and took a deep breath and went over to the wash basins.

  She stared at herself in the mirror. She almost didn't recognise herself. She looked... almost radiant, a blush over her and how provocative she thought she looked with no underwear on under her lovely silky halter neck dress. She laid the box down next to the basin and pulled the purple ribbon. It slipped off allowing her to take off the lid of the box and see inside. There on a pillow of purple velvet lay two small golden eggs. At least that is what they looked like. They were smooth and when held Jenny could feel there was a separate weight inside that slid about as she turned each 'egg' in her hand.

  She looked in the box but could find nothing else. She knew what they were but had never actually seen them or held them before. They were 'love eggs' of some sort. 'Well,' she thought, "lets get this done." Jenny didn't even have to think about whether or not she was going to use them. She went to a stall and sitting down lifted her dress. She knew she was wet enough to insert the eggs. It was a long time since she had been so turned on. She thought about caressing herself but didn't want to keep Sir waiting. She inserted the eggs and then she realised the problem would be keeping them in.

  As she walked she could feel them slip and move within her and she was fearful they would drop out on the floor. She had to squeeze her thighs together hard to feel any security at all and doing so seemed to make them slide against each other. She found herself concentrating on keeping them in and being fully aware of the sensations in her groin. It was with some concealed amusement that Steve observed Jenny return. She was valiantly trying to remain composed but seemed almost as unsteady on her feet as she had been when she left. Her face though was a study in concentration. She sat down and looked relieved as she settled in her seat. Looking up at Steve she sat upright and lowered her eyes.

  "Well done Jenny, you are eager to please me. Now where is John?"

  Steve looked up and immediately saw John and caught his eye. He walked across the room with a knowing smirk on his face. "Yes Sir, may I help?"

  "Yes John, we are ready to order."

  Jenny listened as Steve ordered. He, of course, ordered for them both. He didn't use the menu so evidently had been here before many times. She wondered how many others he had brought here and the thought made her feel like a plaything. It was not an unpleasant feeling she noted, not at all what she had expected. Just as John was about to leave the table Steve stopped him and asked him to prepare the private table for them. John nodded and said "Just as Sir wishes" and left them.

  "Now Jenny, I have a private room prepared for us so we can be... a little more intimate if we desire. I would love you to wait for me there." He pointed at a door some thirty feet away. "Please go to the room now Jenny and wait for me."

  She immediately responded by starting to rise, still so conscious of the gift that Steve had given her. So aware of it that indeed the novelty and humiliation of having on no underwear and the fact John new it didn't even register any more. Again concentrating hard she moved as elegantly as she was able towards the door. Again the eggs did a little dance inside her and she was starting to feel the need to touch herself. As she walked, Steve watched, then drew out a little black remote control the size of a key fob. As she got to the door he pressed one of the buttons on the remote and Jenny almost instantly froze her hand on the door knob.

  Her mind reeled for a moment as the eggs started to very gently vibrate within her. She felt weak for a moment as she steadied herself against the door. She tried to compose herself and after a moment proceeded through the door. As she did so the vibrations stopped and all she had to deal with was the involuntary movement of the shiny gold invaders themselves. Inside the door she looked for somewhere to sit and made her way to the round table in the middle of the small room and took a seat quickly. What a relief to be able to relax and she could look about the room.

  Jenny wanted desperately wanted to touch herself but she didn't. Instead she took the time to look about to distract herself. The room was about twenty feet by twenty feet, a square. It was decorated the same as the main restaurant. The round table she was sitting at was about six feet in diameter with a black cotton table cloth. There was nothing else on the table.

  She heard the door open and in came Steve. He closed the door and came and stood behind her. Sh
e turned to look over her shoulder at him as he approached her. He smiled at her and she weakly smiled back.

  "Please face the front Jenny." She did as she was asked and she heard the rustle of cloth as she suddenly felt a piece of cloth being placed over her eyes. Her first instinct was to put her hands up but she caught herself doing it and forced herself to put them back down by her sides. The blindfold felt like it was velvet and she allowed her eyes to close as the felt herself become even more vulnerable.

  "Please stand up Jenny." she heard Sir's quite voice ask. How did he make that request always sound like a demand? She stood and kept her thighs close as the eggs trembled inside her still. Steve pulled the chair away and then pushed the table away from her a few feet, the legs scraping across the tiled floor.

  "Would you care to turn around Jenny?" Again she wondered how a simple question could sound so much like an order as she turned. Blindfolded she wasn't sure she had turned okay, especially as she tried to keep her thighs and bottom clenched and her heels were a little high for her (she normally wore flat shoes).

  Steve looked at her, she did indeed look wonderful. Her silky red dress now clung to her figure and she trembled ever so slightly as she stood there in her red heels. He was amused to notice her standing with her thighs close and her buttocks so obviously clenched. He wondered how hard it was to keep the little present he had given her in place. It appeared to be giving her a little something to think about but her nipples were still beautifully erect under her halter neck. She felt the silence acutely and waited for what was to come next.

  Steve stood behind her. She could feel his presence almost as though the heat of his body warmed her. As he stood close she found herself leaning back, ever so slightly until she could feel Sir against her back. She shivered as she felt his face lower to her ear. She felt the hairs on her neck rise as she smelt his aftershave and as he spoke she feel his breath.

  "Please take my hands in yours Jenny." She let her hands reach back slightly and Steve let her hands rest on his. He placed his hands so that Jenny's palms were on the pack of his, cupping his hands in hers.

  "Now Jenny show me how to touch you, teach me If you will." She shuddered at his words. Teach him? How she wondered. Taking a moment she took a deep breath and lifted his and to her and folded her hands, and so his, across her chest. pressing his palms to her breasts.

  She enjoyed the feeling of his warm hands through her dress. Just having his hands in hers was a wonderful feeling and made her melt. She nearly forgot the little eggs sitting inside her and as she relaxed in his embrace she suddenly was brought back as she felt them slip a little and had to tense her pelvic floor to keep them lodged there. Finding that she needed to concentrate to keep the eggs in place certainly focused her concentration and she used Sir's hand to massage her bust. Not too hard but just so she felt her lust and desire rising within her even more but she couldn't give into it and let it wash over her, the eggs made sure of that and that made her more frustrated and feel the need to lose herself.

  She guided one of Sirs hands down over her stomach and to her waist and then bending over up under the hem of her red cocktail dress. Her calves were aching in her red heels but the touch of Sirs warm hands on the flesh of her lower thigh sent jolts of electricity through her. She was starting to feel as if it was all too much as she guided his hand towards her mound. Then he was cupping her pussy. Her soft trimmed hair in his palm. She could feel herself trying to grind into his hand but he held it softly and she could find no relief.

  Steve nuzzled her neck, and he kissed her there as he felt her chest through her thin dress against his palms. Her hands were hot and she was breathing deeply her chest pressing against his hands and the swell of her rigid nipples plainly felt felt by him. He could feel himself hard and straining against his trousers and he made himself remain in control with her. Bringing himself back to his senses he made sure his pelvis was far enough away from her cute ass so she would not realise how turned on he really was. As his hand slid under her dress he bent over with her slightly and then he could feel the soft hair of her pussy against his hand.

  "I will take care of that Jenny." She isn't sure what he means and for the moment doesn't really care. "Let my hands go Jenny and stand up straight please".

  Reluctantly she lets Sirs hands drop and she feels her dress slip down again. She opens her eyes only to realise she is blindfolded. She had forgotten as she closed her eyes at the feel of Sirs hands. She can feel the heat of Sir leave her and hears him walk in front of her the dining table still behind her she is sure. "What next?" she wonders. Then quickly tenses her muscles to stop those eggs from dislodging.

  "How do you feel Jenny?"

  Her mind reels a little and then she speaks, "I feel excited Sir."

  "I see, and this is how you usual act Jenny?"

  Suddenly she is filled with the realisation. She never acts like this. She feels so wanton and she feels humiliation to have it pointed out to her in such a disarming way. Steve is amused to see her blush bright red yet again and watches as her her face betrays the way she feels.

  "OH! No Sir. I have never done this before. Honestly I never have." She paused for a moment and then added "Sir."

  "So you just act like this with me Jenny?"

  She couldn't think of how to answer him, so she stayed silent. Then she heard a click and almost instantly a light hum and the eggs started to vibrate against each other making stoop over just a little.

  "Would you like to answer Jenny?"

  "I am sorry Sir... I... ahhhh... don't know what to say."

  Steve enjoyed watching her like this. Seeing her discomfort being her pleasure. Her inability to be able to feel the pleasure. He clicked the remote again. The humming intensified and Jenny's hands moved to her crotch, pressing there as she tried to remain standing.

  "You can of course go at any time Jenny, You can just walk out and leave."

  She was pressing her lips together now and trying not to make a noise.

  "Aghhh.... Yes Sir."

  He clicked the remote again and she tensed expecting the vibrations to increase once more. The humming reduced to it's original lower pitch and she found in a few seconds she was able to compose herself a little again.

  "Please sit on the table Jenny."

  She took a step back and then falteringly another till she felt the edge of table against the over swell of her buttocks. Then she perched herself on the edge of table. She could feel the table cloth brushing on the back of her ankles and the back of her shoes slipped from her heels and suspended there.

  "Please hold your hands in front of you Jenny". His voice sent a shiver down her spine now every time he spoke. It was almost as unbearable as the soft vibrating of the eggs. It made the hair on her body tingle somehow.

  "Palms together."

  She felt him slip a rope about her hands but she held them steady. She found that now her eyes were blinded she could feel much more keenly. The rope gentle abraded her skin as he moved it and she could feel his fingers work on what felt like a soft cotton against her skin. Her hands were bound tight but not pinching.

  "Now lay back Jenny your arms above your head if you please."

  She lay back feeling her tummy muscles tense as she performed the reverse sit up. Then she felt the table against her back and she relaxed for the first time since she got in the room. On her back the eggs were more secure.

  Steve set about lifting her slightly more on the table so her body was centred and her knees flexed down over the side. Then Taking the white cotton rope he had neatly bound her wrists with he proceeded to tie her hands stretched over her head to a leg of the table. He took a moment to take the picture in. She was laying there the red of her dress and her pale skin contrasted with the black table cloth and the white cotton rope stood out shining white against it to. She lay there almost peacefully the velvet blindfold in place and the gentle hum of those eggs barely reaching his ears.

  Steve drew himself
from his trance and made short work of securing Jenny's legs to the table legs with the same sort of white rope he had restrained her wrists with. Jenny could only lie and listen, pliable in his hands. But as she could not help but start to relax to the gentle throbbing inside her and the sound of the gentle humming. She knew Sir was now watching but the fact he was almost made her want to start to writhe and squirm in pleasure. She discovered all to suddenly she was trying to lure him to her. She wanted to feel his hands on her. She strained at the ropes holding her ankles to squeeze her thighs and tried to move them against each other to add to the eggs massaging inside her.

  As she begged by her actions she came to realise she wanted to be his like nothing she had ever experienced before. She wasn't quite sure what had happened but here she was, on this table, silently begging this stranger to do unspeakable things to her. What sort of woman was she becoming? Quite honestly, she didn't care. All she knew was she needed something, she needed it unbearably badly and she was prepared to do anything? Yes anything at this moment to ease this torture.

  As these thoughts went whirling through her head she momentarily forgot about Sir. She was suddenly brought back to reality as she felt fingers gently circling her nipples through her dress. Her chest was heaving but the touch of Sir was so gentle, maddening almost. What she wanted was to feel his hands treat her roughly, passionately but instead he teased her more. She wanted to tell him she wanted to tell him to fuck her but she couldn't, she needed to tell him to fuck her hard but other than her groans of frustration, nothing came out.

  Steve could see her mouthing words as she squirmed, he knew what she wanted. But he knew to, that this was something he wanted to keep for good but he knew he wasn't going to make it easy for her. He picked up and ice cube from an ice bucket set beside the table with a bottle of champagne in it. Gently he manoeuvred the ice cube close to Jenny's now erect nipple and then to the sound of the intake of her breath and the jerk her perspiration bathed body he started to work the ice onto her dress over her nipples. First one then the other.


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