Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 28

by Iona Nixon

  Eve licks her lips and lifts her beautiful, sultry eyes to look up at John Cena, sweat heavily coats her beautiful face.

  "You've... ahh forget it..." Cena says while shaking his head.


  A short time later as John Cena and Eve Torres are getting dressed, Cena buttons up the jeans he's going to be wearing out of the arena. When he turns away from Eve to pick up a shirt from his travel bag, Eve smirks slightly before suddenly dropping her knees and covering her face.

  "Oh my god....what did I do?" Eve asks herself a loud as she covers her mouth with her hands and starts to tear up.

  "Huh?" John Cena turns towards Eve with a raised eyebrow before he sees her on the floor crying. "Oh... damn... Eve I'm sorry..." John says as he kneels down and places a hand on Eve's shoulder.

  Eve turns her head and looks at Cena as tears stream down her cheeks. "I swear John...I never wanted to hurt Zack...I swear!"

  "Yeah I understand..." Cena nods his head, "Look I'll try... to talk to Zack for you... try and smooth things over for you and him..."

  Eve lowers her head and starts to heavily sob "I'm so....I'm so horrible!"

  "No... no you're not... you were just acting in the heat of the moment earlier... Zack misunderstood... and I... over reacted myself... I thought you were... well you know..." Cena says

  Eve turns her head and looks at John Cena before she shakes her head. "No...I...I...really do care about Zack..."

  "I know... and... I'm sorry for what happened Eve..." Cena says.

  Eve reaches forward and wraps her arms around John Cena, slightly catching him by surprise as she hugs him tightly. "I can't....believe I did this..."

  "It...was just a heat of the moment thing Eve..." John says as Eve hugs him tightly, nearly causing him to fall on top of her.

  Eve lifts her chin and rests her head on John Cena's shoulders as she remains hugging him. "Do you...forgive me, John?"

  "Yeah... sure... I do..." John says as he lightly hugs Eve to try and comfort her.

  Eve raises an eyebrow and slyly smirks as she keeps her arms around John Cena. "Oh...thank you...thank you so much John..." Eve says before she unwraps her arms and breaks the hug from Cena, as she looks at him raises her hands to wipe the tears off of her cheeks. "You're...a real good friend, John..."

  "Thanks Eve... although I don't really feel like one right now because of what happened to Zack... ' Cena says.

  Eve softly smiles and looks at John. "Well...I think you're a real good friend know...mine..."


  A half hour later after showering and getting changed in the Divas locker room, Eve Torres is walking to the exit of the Valley View Casino Center. As Eve walks she sees Alicia Fox texting on her cell phone and before Eve can get past her, Alicia looks up, "Oh Eve... I'm so sorry about what happened to Zack... Kelly and I are going to the hospital to check up on him, you want to ride with us?" Alicia asks.

  Eve Torres pauses for a moment and raises an eyebrow as she looks at Alicia Fox, with a slight smirk on her face. "Ummm...and why would I want to go do that?"

  Alicia makes a bit of a face as she's surprised by Eve's question, "Because you and he are close... kinda expect that you would want to see how he's doing..."

  Eve raises her hands up and starts to laugh. "Close?" Eve replies before she shakes her head " see Zack just thinks we're close..."

  "What do you mean? You two are always hanging out..." Alicia replies as she raises an eyebrow after hearing Eve laugh.

  Eve presses her lips together and rolls her eyes. "Yeah...don't remind me about all those stupid little dates I've had to go on with him..."

  "Eve are you feeling alight?" Alicia asks with concern in her voice.

  Eve presses her lips together and smirks "Damn...I must be a good actress...hell I should be up for an Academy Award!" Eve says with a lick of her lips. "I fooled you, I fooled Zack Ryder, I fooled John Cena...I fooled the WWE Universe...hell I fooled everybody!"

  Alicia Fox shakes her head, "Eve... what are you saying?"

  "Oh come on're smarter...I did the same thing that you would have done...I used Zack...I couldn't have picked a better fool to use..."

  "You used Zack? For what?" Alicia then pauses and thinks about what happened earlier, "You used Zack just to get a chance to kiss John?"

  Eve rolls her eyes. "No..." Eve pauses and then smirks. "Although that wasn't a bad incentive..." Eve smiles proudly. "Alicia...think about it...everyone is talking about me now...not Zack Ryder, I used Zack to get people talking about me"

  Alicia shakes her head, "Eve... Zack could be seriously injured... and... you're saying you use him just to get people talking about you? That's not right..."

  Eve shrugs her shoulders " would have done the same thing..." Eve pauses and smirks. "And next week...I'm moving on to bigger and better week I'll have John Cena wrapped all around my finger"

  "Eve... I don't know what's the matter with you... but your priorities are way out of whack... I can't believe you just said that..." Alicia says

  Eve laughs a bit and shrugs her shoulders. "Alicia...sweetie...I'm only human..."

  The End.

  My Accidental Porn Adventure

  I had a little bit of time before my girlfriend got home, and since I knew she'd be too tired for sex, I was spending my last few minutes online, looking at amateur porn and stroking my cock. I like all kinds of porn, but my favorite has always been real women. I like women who aren't porn stars, just little fuck machines caught in a moment of unbridled horniness, a candid photo of someone's wife with a big cock in her mouth. With cum on her face. A pretty girl you might see at the bank, with her skinny legs spread open, a sly smile on her face, showing off her shaved pussy, never thinking it would reach a stranger like myself, now looking at her glimmering pussy while I jerk off thinking of what it would be like to bury my mouth in it. I was clicking through pictures such as this, girls, girls, girls, college dorm scenes, young hot wives, girlfriends in the shower, when I clicked on a page that would forever change things. There in front of me were 12 pictures of my girlfriend, naked, horny, and fucking someone else.

  Of course, I could tell by the pictures that they were from a long time ago, before we even met. Her hair was different, she may have still been in Boston at that point, maybe just out of college. I figured she was probably dating some guy, probably not seriously, but they had a strong sexual attraction (from what it looked like) and one night passion got the best of her and she agreed to let him photograph her completely naked, while she sucked him off, while he fucked her.

  A lot of thoughts went through my head at once. I was still turned on, of course, being a dumb guy and all, but I was also scared – surely she is unaware that her naked body is out there for anyone to see. She must have no idea she is basically a porn star, at least in this one set of pictures. I should tell her. But I'm not sure how. "Honey, right before you got home I was jerking off looking at porn and, um, you're up on a website." Our sex life had been lagging a little, since she started a new job and was working all the time, and I think I may have just gotten used to not having sex, because all my gratification comes from my right hand. So I didn't want this to ruin our rebuilding of our sex life. So I decided to keep it to myself. Right after I came in a tissue.

  All night I kept thinking about it though. Through dinner, during a rented movie, I kept thinking about those pictures of my girlfriend from 5 or six years ago. She was hot. She was very sexual, as she had been with me in times past. And there it was for anyone to see. Who knows how many guys jerk off looking at my girlfriend? That thought was even more of a turn-on, actually. But if I told her, her whole world might come crashing down. I was at a loss. But the next morning when she left for work early, I went right back to the page. I had to see it again. I tried to figure out who was hosting these photos. What website has them? Where did they get them? My research took about two hours. Time I told her was spent w
orking on my novel.

  Over the next few days, I did a lot of internet searching, research, detective work, and found the company who puts out this website that had pictures of my girlfriend fucking some other guy. I found an address and a phone number. They were located in the Valley, of course, about 30 minutes from my home in L.A. I tried the phone number first, but only left a message, never to be returned, another message, again not returned, at which point I figured they would never get back to me. So I had to drive up to the office myself and see if maybe I could talk to someone. What I would say, I wasn't sure. I guess I'd just ask to take the pictures down. I mean, there are millions of girls naked on the internet these days, right? What's the harm in taking one down? From one guy to another, maybe they will just feel sorry for me and we can all pretend like those pictures never existed. Of course, I know it's a dirty business, so that was my ideal scenario. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be that easy.

  My heart was racing as I pulled up to the office building. It was very nondescript, very unassuming, which made it even scarier for some reason. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I at least had to try. Even though my girlfriend might never know about any of it, I knew I was doing the right thing. I went to the door, which was unlocked, and let myself in. There were a couple of hallways, but mostly the whole office building looked empty. Great, a wild goose chase, I thought. There's not going to be anyone here, I said to myself, I'm an idiot. I walked past a desk that looked like it had never been used, towards a door that was slightly ajar. I knocked on the door and it opened a little, revealing a middle-aged guy sitting behind a desk, a couple cameras on the desk, and a simple laptop.

  "Hi there," he said. "You're definitely not the girl I'm expecting."

  "No, hi. I'm Robert. Um, is this 'Real Teen Pictures?'" I asked.

  "Possibly. Who's asking?"

  "Do you mind if I sit down?" I said.

  He looked worried and annoyed, but gestured to a hard plastic chair nearby. "You might want to sit there, not on the couch. Trust me."

  So I sat on the chair and explained my situation. I told him that my girlfriend was young at the time, dating some jerk, and now she's a working professional and I don't want her to find out that she has a compromising spread on the internet, it would really crush her, etc., etc. He actually looked like he was listening, he actually was very cordial and friendly once he realized I wasn't very threatening. And I thought maybe I was getting through to him. Maybe this would be easier than I thought. And then there was a knock at the door.


  "Yes, come in," the middle-aged guy, whose name was Rick, said. He got up, a little nervously, I think since I was there too.

  "Do I have the right place?" a small, scared female voice asked. I turned my head and saw her, a pretty young girl of about 21 years, skinny, tan, blonde, wide-eyed, and visibly nervous.

  I felt pretty uncomfortable at this point. I had watched enough amateur porn to catch on to what was happening. I had found myself in an "audition" scene. And I knew what was supposed to happen. Even though I hadn't yet accomplished what I had set out to do, I thought maybe it would be best if I get out of there.

  "Should I just come back another time? Maybe tomorrow?" I asked Rick.

  "Hang out for a second," he said, and gestured for me to sit back down. I was confused. Why would he want me to hang out? Clearly he's about to take advantage of this young naive girl and give her her initiation into the porn industry. I had seen it a million times in online clips, in videos, I knew what was going to happen. Why would he want me there? I'm just some guy. In fact, I didn't think I should have been there at all, especially not since I have a girlfriend. She would definitely not approve of me watching some young hottie "audition" for the porn industry. Although, I was only there to try to help her out in the first place.

  "I'm Sam," the girl said, now feeling a little more comfortable. She put her purse down and sat down on the couch. Rick didn't stop her from doing so, as he did me. The couch probably contains the results of hundreds of money shots. Once little "Sam" sat down on that couch, she was basically sinking into a life of being a sex worker. I felt bad for her. What happened in her life up until this point that made her come here today? Oh well, I thought, that's not why I'm here. I should just try to find a graceful time to make my exit and try to talk to Rick again later. Maybe after he was more relaxed, which I would assume would be right after this audition.

  But I couldn't really find a good time. Every time I would start to get up, Rick would gesture me back down. He introduced me to Sam as his friend, Bobby. I was suddenly in the room, playing along with a real scene in a real porn. Rick even started rolling the cameras on Sam, filming her as she talked. He never got me on camera, thank God, but the conversation quickly turned to sex and porn, which Sam seemed happy to talk about.

  She was a sweet girl, Sam, but definitely sexually charged. I don't know how much was an act and how much was true, but she told us she lost her virginity at 14 (she was actually all of 20 years old, not even old enough to go to a bar), and she has had countless sexual partners since. She is not sure what she wants to do with her life, but she figures she might as well make some money off her body while it's still young and supple.

  Once she started talking about her body, that was all the cue Rick needed. As I sat there awkwardly, Rick told Sam to stand up in front of the desk. Which was right next to me. He was still careful not to film me, but she was very close to me. I couldn't believe I was about to watch this whole thing go down. I began to plan in my head, when I would leave. Since I had seen videos like this before, I guessed that she would start to take off her clothes. Maybe when she did that, I could get out of the office, maybe wait outside. Maybe I needed a drink after this, then maybe I could come back and talk to Rick about my girlfriend's pictures.

  Sam did, indeed, start to undress. Rick filmed her liberally, shoving the camera down her body, zooming in on her ass. Sam had a short skirt on, which fell off her body like that's all it was ever meant to do. She had long socks on, which gave her a slutty school girl look, which is maybe why I could not bring myself to leave the room. Rick and Sam both seemed fine with me being there, so I guess my cock was the only thing that wouldn't let me leave. How many times do you get to see a 20 year old hottie take off her clothes right in front of you and it not be cheating? I decided to at least stay to watch this part.

  Rick instructed Sam to walk back over to the couch. She only had her thong on at this point. Her tits were small, but perky, the way I like them. Her legs were so young, almost rubbery. Her ass was round, small, the kind you want to give a spanking to as you're fucking her from behind. I don't know about Rick, but watching this pretty young girl parade in front of us naked except for her thong and long socks, my dick was hard as a rock. Which is maybe why I had almost completely forgotten about both leaving and why I was there in the first place.

  While Sam was over by the couch, Rick told her to stick her ass out toward us and slowly peel off her thong. He zoomed in as she spread her little cheeks, revealing a tiny little asshole and a completely bare, wet pussy. Rick and I were both practically drooling. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was a normal guy. I mean, sure, I looked at porn, but I never thought I would actually see one happening in person, right in front of me. My heart was beating fast. I knew I was doing something wrong, but staring at this young girl's eager pussy, as she spread her cheeks for two older guys in an office somewhere in the Valley, I couldn't help but get caught up in the sexual nature of what was happening.

  Rick turned to me and whispered that he never shows his face in these videos, that it's always blurred out. He then told me that my face too would be blurred out completely and that I have nothing to worry about.

  "Wait, I don't want to be on camera," I said.

  "Don't worry, I promise no one will know who you are. Just don't talk much," he assured me.

  I guess I was too caught up in the moment, cause I bough
t into anything Rick was saying pretty easily. I guess that's how he is with the naive young girls who show up at his office every day too. He had me just like he did them. But as Sam turned back to us and said, "You like what you see?" and giggled a little, nervously, wearing only her socks, her tits hanging slightly over the couch, I couldn't help but be taken in by her. She was the stuff guys like us only dream about. Maybe when I was younger I could have gotten a girl like her, but these days, where would I even find her? What am I even thinking about? I have a girlfriend. I shouldn't even be here. I wouldn't go looking for any girls, I have one at home.

  Rick asked me, "Do you like her school girl socks?"

  "I do," I said nervously, worried about my voice being on camera.

  "Sam, honey, come back up here to the desk," Rick instructed her. She, of course, did as she was told.

  "You're a little slutty, aren't you?" he asked her.

  "Obviously, I am. Don't you like slutty girls?" she asked in a sexy voice that she had clearly used a million times before.

  "You want to be in the porn industry, right Sam?"

  "Sure, why not?"

  "Great. Then we have to make a tape for you, showing what you can do," Rick said. "Why don't you start by sitting here on the edge of the desk and letting Bobby take off your socks for you while I film you playing with your pussy."

  Oh fuck, I thought. I'm in it now. Now I really don't think I could escape even if I wanted to. My cock was hard as fuck looking at this little slutty princess standing a foot away from me. Rick was bringing me into this, which I guessed he could sense wouldn't be that hard.

  Sam did as she was told, which I think she liked doing generally, and sat on the edge of the desk. She spread her legs as Rick moved around the desk and filmed her touching herself. She played with her pussy, which we could see was already soaking wet. She put her leg up to my lap. I grabbed it instinctively and started to pull down her sock. Her legs were freshly shaven. Clearly she knew what she was going to be doing today.

  I took one of her socks off and exposed her bare feet. She had small, cute feet, red-painted toes, and she flexed her foot on my lap. I took her foot in my hand and played with it for a little while while she continued to finger herself for Rick and his camera. Her foot quickly found my dick from outside my jeans. Or maybe my dick found her foot. Either way, she was not shy about what was going on here. She looked over at me as her foot rubbed my cock through my pants and she bit her lower lip. She said, "Nice," referring to the size of my bulge. That was pretty much all I needed to continue. I hadn't been turned on that much in a long time. I could have cum right there in my pants, but I knew I had to hold out.


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