Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 42

by Iona Nixon

  I took several deep breaths as our eyes bored into each other's, my thick, muscular chest rising and falling slowly. I glanced again at my wife, receiving a smirk and the same subtle shrug. She had never seen me as a sub before, and it wasn't something I ever cared to do. Still... I loved a challenge, and if this sweet thing thought I would break so easily...

  "All right."

  She smiled victoriously and a few people in the room clapped as I rose from the couch. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

  "Clothes off, slave. And don't you dare look me in the eye."

  I smirked again, staring deep into her eyes defiantly as I slowly undressed, letting my hardened body become visible to her a little at a time until I was totally exposed to everyone in the room.

  "Oh, you disobedient piece of shit. You will be punished for that. Yes you will." She caught the bottom of my chin with the tip of the leather crop, raising it slightly. She was actually a bit taller than me, with long, sexy legs and delicious curves. "Now handcuff yourself to the chain above your head." The cold steel of the handcuffs jingled as I caught them, never taking my eyes off the mistress. I slowly let my eyes wander up, noting the steel ring hanging above my head, and then after cuffing one wrist, swung them through and cuffed the other wrist so my arms were raised above my head.

  "Good. Now for your first lesson in obedience." The tip of the crop found my chin again. "When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me immediately, and you WILL call me mistress."

  I chuckled loudly at her, still looking deep into her eyes, and then slowly and with obvious intent I let my gaze wander down to her breasts. "Sorry, what? Your sexy little body is distracting me." I grinned at her mischievously, watching her shaking her head at me digging my own grave.

  She stepped around me so that I could only see her in my peripheral vision, and only a brief second later a loud, sharp crack broke the silence in the room. I actually looked around for a moment trying to figure out where it came from, when suddenly the pain hit me. A vicious, burning sensation in a straight line, starting from the middle of my back and extending down to the ass cheek on my opposite side. I blinked, stretched my neck one way and then the other, and said nothing.



  *crack* "Are you going to be a good boy and behave yourself now?"

  I chuckled, smiling broadly instead of wincing at the pain that seared through me. "Probably not."

  *crack*... *crack*... *crack*... *crack*... *crack*... *crack*... I squeezed my eyes shut and lifted my body up slightly so that my feet left the ground, every muscle in my ripped midsection flexing as I held my breath, letting my body absorb the impacts. Finally I relaxed, a long, slow breath leaving my mouth.

  "Let's try again. Are you going to behave yourself? All you have to do is call me mistress." I turned my head as far as I could, trying to find her eyes. I smiled at her. "I'm not afraid of you. Bring it."

  *crack* It was harder now. *crack* A LOT harder. *crack* I could hear her sigh at my defiance. *crack* I blinked rapidly, riding the wave of pain up and then back down, letting it flow through me. *crack* I could see people around the room wincing at each lash of the crop against my back and ass, some covering their eyes and looking away. *crack* I could only imagine what my back looked like, defined lines separating my muscles crisscrossed with red and purple marks from her crop. *crack*

  Finally she walked around in front of me, coming into my view. I breathed slowly and calmly, the sweat sliding down my body betraying the pain that I really felt. I held her eye contact again, letting out a slow, deep, gentle laugh. My eyes traveled down to her long legs again, down one and up the other, eyeing her like a hungry predator, finding myself finally staring into her beautiful brown eyes yet again.

  "What on earth could you possibly be smiling about right now?"

  "I was just thinking about all the terrible things I'm going to do to you when I get out of this."

  She forced a laugh, cleverly disguising her true feelings, pressing the words through her throat in an effort to hide the trembling of her body. "Oh, were you now?" She was the one in charge here. How dare he make her feel this way? No one, no one got the best of her. SHE was the mistress and HE was the slave. She breathed heavily, trying to suppress the feelings suddenly awakened inside her, trying to stop her mind from imagining this vicious animal being set loose upon her. How dare he? She cursed her own body for responding to his brutal, masculine nature.

  She held up the handcuff key, letting it dangle from the tip of her index finger. "Well, you're not going anywhere without this." At that she dropped the key, letting it fall to the floor between us. I ignored the falling key, the tiny sound it made as it hit the floor, instead holding contact with her eyes, looking lustfully at her, a barely noticeable snarl forming on the side of my upper lip, hearing in my mind nothing but her screaming and begging. Finally I looked down at the shiny silver object in front of me.

  I could see her watching, her arms crossed with an amused look on her face. I strained my body, contorting it and stretching, every muscle working as I pointed my right foot, pushing it out further and further, carefully controlling my breathing until finally, without a millimeter to spare, I set the very tip of my big toe down on the key. Working with careful precision I pressed down, and very slowly, slid the key towards me until at last I had it, gripping it tightly with my toes. My eyes flashed up and met hers again, watching as her body began to tremble visibly and uncontrollably.

  The crop slipped from her hand and hit the floor, balancing on the tip of it for a moment, and then falling flat with a quiet thump.

  Part 2

  "How about you? You look like you could use a good, hard lesson in obedience."

  My eyes widened at her boldness while I watched my husband stare back at her with that look... that look I knew all too well. He'd given it to me many times... I trembled slightly at just the sight of it.

  "Aren't you just a cute little thing. You have no idea what bad things I would do to a little girl like you."

  My hand went quickly to my mouth as I stifled a giggle, not wanting to distract from their conversation. He spoke from a dark place deep inside him, a place he knew and visited often. I knew it too... I'd seen him go there.

  "...and you're such a good specimen... would make for such a fine slave. Wouldn't you enjoy the challenge?"

  Oh shit. I could see where this was going already, and it was NOT going to end up where she thought. Dominic loves a challenge... and he has no fear of pain. Especially since... since he got back. He glanced over to me, silently checking for my consent. I knew better than to try to hold him back, and I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that just couldn't wait to see him put this bitch in her place. I simultaneously raised my eyebrows and shoulders in a miniature shrug, sort of a non-verbal "okay". He smiled and stood up.

  My mind couldn't help but flash back as I watched him undress, slowly exposing his muscular body, trained and hardened from years of fighting a relentless enemy, those scars on his body... the scars that he would never tell me from where they came.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, pushing away the immense pressure of the emotion that began to take hold of me, remembering those men coming to my door, dressed perfectly with every detail on their uniforms polished and immaculate. My body giving out as I crumpled to the floor, sobbing, screaming like a fatally wounded wild animal, unable to process what they told me, unable to imagine my loved one never coming home. The one who had chosen me, taken me to be his forever, snatched me from the fire and promised to protect me... I couldn't comprehend their words, what the meaning of missing in action was, I dared not hope in vain for his return that might never come.

  The memories kept flooding to my mind and I had to wipe a tear away as I listened to the two of them taunt and tease each other, people around me chuckling at their banter. That moment that I would never forget, when he walked in through the door, picked me up
in arms and held me tight, promising never to let me go again, carrying my trembling body up to his bed as I wept deeply out of relief and disbelief, making love to me slowly and softly, vowing his love and affection to me forever.

  "When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer me immediately, and you WILL call me mistress."

  "Sorry, what? Your sexy little body is distracting me."

  I only tried to ask him once about those months that he was thought dead, and I knew in that moment never to ask again, as I saw that fire in his eye, quickly extinguished as he spoke to me. "None of that matters anymore, baby girl. All that matters is that I'm here, now, with you, and I'll never leave again." All I got was tiny fragments... the terrifying words that he sometimes screamed in the night... and those scars... and that look on his face, knowing that somehow, in some way, he had found a place inside him, an infinite well of strength and patience and calm. The well that he drew from now as the crop slammed into his body, the gentle, defiant laughs coming from him as this silly girl whipped him, as if she could ever touch him deep enough.

  "Let's try again. Are you going to behave yourself? All you have to do is call me mistress."

  "I'm not afraid of you. Bring it."

  I watched and waited patiently, admiring his naked body, feeling that unmistakable tingling between my legs as I saw his muscles flex and his chest expand and contract with each controlled breath. I closed my eyes and breathed deep, letting the feelings that my memories brought up slowly pass, opening them again to watch the man that had chosen me to be his forever demonstrate his brutal physical and mental strength, my chest heaving gently in a silent laugh at the disbelief on the mistress' face as he dominated her even from such a compromised position.

  "What on earth could you possibly be smiling about right now?"

  "I was just thinking about all the terrible things I'm going to do to you when I get out of this."

  I involuntarily covered my mouth again to hide the broad smile and quiet my laugh. She was really going to get it now... she had no idea. I did. I'd seen this before, plenty of times... sometimes I even helped. Other times I intentionally teased him so that I could feel him do it to me. I shifted and squirmed in my seat, feeling my pussy getting more wet at the thought of what was about to take place.

  I could hear a woman next to me whispering to her husband as Dominic forced his body to stretch and retrieve the key, pulling it closer to him, until it was undeniably in his possession. "Oh my god... he... oh my god!"

  The mistress' entire demeanor had changed and it was becoming clear to everyone now, as they had all unknowingly watched him break her down, demolish her confidence one step at a time, making her tremble and shiver as he stared into her, silently teaching her to know a woman's place, to submit to him. She looked truly terrified and yet, in some primal way, incredibly aroused at finally finding someone that could make her feel this way. Perhaps that's what she had been searching for all along.

  The crop slipped from her hand and hit the floor, balancing on the tip of it for a moment, and then falling flat with a quiet thump.

  Part 3

  The mistress stepped backwards, her body shuddering in a mix of surprise, fear, and arousal as she realized it was only a matter of time before I would free myself. She bumped into the couch behind her and fell back against it for a moment before standing back up, one young couple moving out of the way to the right and another to the left. My breathing was loud and rapid, a low growl escaping with each exhalation.

  My hardened midsection tightened again, and I folded my body in half, slowly and carefully tightening my abs and pulling my legs up towards my hands until my feet touched them. I knew this was not a job to be rushed. At last my fingertips made contact with the key, and I relaxed my body, allowing my feet to touch the floor and support me again while I gripped the key tightly. My eyes found her again, watching as her hand moved to her mouth to stifle a whimper, knowing I would be upon her in moments, but strangely fascinated and making no effort to escape.

  The key went into one side of the cuffs and I turned it, a loud metal on metal rattle sounding off as I pulled the cuffs through the ring, letting them dangle from the wrist they were still attached to while I breathed deeply, seething from the pain that racked my body. I stared at her as I held the cuffs out in front of me and inserted the key into the other side, unlocking them and letting them fall theatrically to the floor.

  She fell back onto the couch behind her and started crawling backwards in an effort to put distance between us, quiet whimpers coming from her mouth with each heavy breath that she exhaled. I walked toward her with long strides, my cock hardening as I looked into her frightened eyes and heard her begin to plead with me. "You can't do this..." She shook her head and held her shaking hands up in front of her face. "You can't do this to me..."

  I said nothing, a mix of a snarl and a wicked smile on my face, as I reached forward and grabbed her roughly by both ankles, yanking her towards me. I pulled her to the edge of the couch, the black dress sliding up underneath her body. "N.... nooo.... please, please don't... p.... please don't..." I ignored her and grabbed her by the chin, pulling her closer to me, ripping out the sticks that held her hair up in place so that it fell to her shoulders. I reached into it until I felt her scalp and grabbed a thick handful, hearing her cry out loudly as I pulled her upright, reached down and grabbed her dress with my free hand, yanking it up and off her body in one violent motion.

  She pointed her finger at my face and she angrily bared her teeth, trying to tell me off for what I was doing, but her lips only quivered, as if she couldn't decide on which words to use. I slapped her hand off to the side, again grabbing her face beneath her chin and pulled her head towards me, claiming her mouth, forcing it open and slipping my tongue inside it, tasting her, feeling her tongue instinctively meet mine.

  Ours eyes found each other's again as I finished kissing her, my breath hot against her face as I growled my words at her. "You bet me that you could make me beg to call you mistress, did you? You silly little slut... now I'm going to make you MINE, right now." My eyes traveled down her body to the corset covering her breasts and stomach, linked to thigh-high pantyhose. She hadn't worn underwear at all.. convenient, I thought. I reached around her side with my free hand and found the zipper on the side of the corset. Her hand snapped over mine, preventing me from unzipping it.

  Her voice was quieter, as if she only wanted me to hear her. "You... you know I have to try to stop you." I flashed a wicked smiled at her again as I stared into her eyes. "I know." I ripped my hand free from hers and violently slid the zipper down, yanking and pulling at the corset, rolling her over on one side and then the other as I tore it from her body, hearing her shrieks and cries as I stole the decency away from her.

  She ended up on her stomach, knees on the floor as I had her bent over the couch, pushing down on her body and pressing her face into it. I took control of both her wrists and twisted them behind her back, holding them tightly to her body while I slipped my ankles between her legs to spread them apart. She groaned and struggled with me, twisting and turning to no avail as I found her sweet, warm pussy, pressing the head of my hard cock into it, listening to her delicious screams as she was forced to let me inside her, no more begging or pleading, just loud cries and shrieks as I thrusted my dry shaft deeper and deeper into her, finally wetting it with her own juices.

  Her screaming quieted down as I buried my cock into her, knowing that I had conquered her pussy and wouldn't be giving it back anytime soon. I pressed her face further down into the leather, watching as she bared her teeth again, just as furious with herself as she was with me. She could have stopped this. She could have called out for help... there were plenty of people there to come to her aid... why hadn't she stopped this? She groaned at herself for losing control, at losing control and somehow enjoying it so much. This wasn't like her at all.

  I could feel her pussy getting wetter as I fucked her hard and deep, listen
ing to her groans slowly changing to long moans of pleasure. My fingers raked down her back and from time to time I bent down and would bite her deeply, hearing her cry out in momentary pain, a slow sadistic laugh leaving my mouth each time. I looked behind me and my eyes fell upon the crop that laid on the floor, a wicked thought coming into my head. I slipped out of her and let her go, turning around and reaching for the crop, and then the glint of the handcuffs on the floor caught my attention. "Oh yes."

  She had begun pushing herself up off the couch, possibly thinking that I was already finished with her? What a mistake that was. I was upon her a moment later, pushing her down hard onto the leather and then taking her wrists again, slapping the handcuffs on one and then the other behind her back. She let out a high-pitched yell as I viciously flipped her over onto her back, bending her knees and spreading her thighs out wide, her wet pussy open and full from me being inside her moments before. My eyes slid down to it, the end of the crop flicking against my palm. Her eyes widened. "Oh no... no you don't..."

  I tapped her on the lips with the crop as I pushed my body between her legs, spreading them again. "Ssshhhhhh.... ssshhh... stay still, you don't want me to miss, because that might really hurt." She whimpered and complied with me, her eyes watching me in fear as her body shook, the tip of the crop sliding down between her breasts, down her stomach and in-between her legs, coming to a stop right over her swollen clit. I pressed it harder against her, swirling it in a slow circle as she moaned and pulled against the handcuffs holding her arms uncomfortably behind her back, widening her legs and rocking her pelvis against the stimulation. I lifted the crop a few inches and brought it down with a quiet slap against her pussy.


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