Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 93

by Iona Nixon

  Detective Garcia leaned over and kissed me again before shutting my door.

  "Don't fall in love before I get there."

  I laughed and told him not to worry, I would be waiting. He watched until I was safely locked inside my car before he walked over to his unmarked Crown Vic and pulled out of the parking lot behind me. He followed me for a couple of miles before turning up the side road which lead to the police station and I watched him in my side mirror until he disappeared from sight. I thought about the possibilities of the evening and pressed the gas pedal a little closer to the floor.

  My house was presentable enough but I changed the sheets on my bed, just in case. I lit several candles throughout the living room and changed into my favorite jeans and a soft white sweater. It was comfortable but sexy and easy to get out of, and trust me, that was on my mind.

  It was about twenty minutes later that I heard his car pull up the drive and a few moments later, my doorbell rang.

  I expected Mike when I opened the door, I didn't however, expect the dozen long stemmed red roses he carried in with him or the heart shaped box of expensive chocolates he handed to me when he came through the door.

  I was smiling from ear to ear. "What is this?"

  "These are for the maid. You, get me instead."

  I couldn't help but burst out laughing and I told him that was a fair enough deal, I was still the one making out.

  He asked me where my vases were and I pointed to the cupboards above the microwave. He reached up easily enough and found a clear crystal vase which he filled with water then added the beautiful flowers. He placed the vase and flowers on the dining room table, turned around and asked me what I thought.

  "I think the maid is one lucky girl."

  He grinned and pulled me into his arms. I suddenly realized how much taller he was than me, barefoot, I barely came up to his chest and I stood on tip toes to kiss him. This kiss was different than the others, sweet and gentle as if the urgency had been replaced with something else, something deeper, and something I hadn't expected.

  This gentle giant of a man made me feel like a young girl again.

  Hormones? At my age, I know all about them and mine were completely out of control. My knees were wobbly and weak, my heart was pounding like there was a marching band inside my chest and I had trouble remembering who I was.

  His kisses were tender, teasing me it seemed, slowly urging me to ask for more. I kissed him back, softly at first but when the heat seared through me like a forest fire, I crushed my mouth onto his, opening my lips slightly so that my tongue could graze his.

  Michael's grip suddenly became tighter and as he pulled me closer I felt his hardness pressing urgently against my belly. I raised my hips into his, grinding his erection between us and a deep groan filled his throat as his hand slipped into my hair, twisting it around his fingers.

  The strength in Michael's hands was incredible and I couldn't have moved even if I had wanted to. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he lifted me up off of the ground and set me down on the cool black granite of my island counter top.

  At this height my head was level with his and my legs wrapped easily around his waist. Like two teenagers, we kissed and clung to each other, touching and exploring as if we had never experienced anything like this before.

  Michael stood back for a moment, his face flushed, his breathing heavy in his broad chest.

  "God, what you do to me. You make me feel like I am seventeen again. In fact, better than that cause I never got this lucky when I was seventeen."

  I burst out laughing at his comment and his smile broadened. "I love it when I make you laugh."

  I smiled and pulled him back to me, grabbing his gorgeous behind as I did. "And I love it when you make me laugh. It sounds like we are a perfect match."

  Michael looked at me through half closed lids and said, "So, it's all about you, is it?

  I kissed him long and hard before saying, "Of course it is. It is always all about me."

  It was Michael's turn to laugh out loud before offering his rendition of Toby Keith's "I Wanna Talk About Me," which sent me into gales of laughter until my stomach hurt and I nearly fell off of the counter.

  I had tears running down my cheeks by the time he finished up the second chorus and he began kissing them away between verses. Soon his mouth was on mine again, hungry and wanting and I asked him if he was ready to take me to bed and ravish me.

  He lifted me from the counter, swept me up into his arms and whispered, "Just show me the way, babe."

  I pointed to the foyer and he carried me to the bottom of the steps before putting me down. I kissed him again then took his hand as we climbed the stairwell together. We walked up silently, hands clasped together and I led him into my bedroom.

  We stood at the side of the mahogany sleigh bed, arms wrapped around each other, kissing for a moment until he lifted me up onto the bed and stood between my legs. His hands went to my stomach first, slipping beneath my sweater, his fingers clutching and stroking my skin before pulling the sweater over my head and sliding his fingers inside the waist band of my jeans.

  Michael unsnapped them quickly then slowly unzipped them, his dark eyes never leaving mine. I lifted my hips up for him as he pulled them from my legs and dropped them into a heap on the floor. His hands caressed my bare thighs as his fingers teased the edge of my pale pink panties, never touching the skin beneath but setting fire to the core of me just the same.

  I quivered and squirmed beneath his hands, struggling to force his fingers inside the lacy fabric but the man held fast, taunting me with his touch.

  I closed my eyes when I felt his tongue running along the skin of my inner thigh and moaned as I felt the heat of his mouth against the wetness of the silky fabric between my legs.

  His teeth bit playfully at the thin cloth and the tender mound beneath it making me ache for more.

  My mind spun as I grabbed the back of his head urging him to take what he wanted and in a second he removed the thin material between us.

  His tongue teased and titillated until his soft kisses drew the core of me into his mouth. I bucked and writhed what I could beneath him, a prisoner to the strength of his grip on my thighs and when he slid his tongue inside of me, his nose rubbing against my tender nub, I felt my release cover his face as he drank me in.

  I couldn't think, my mind had left me somewhere in that hot whiteness and I was aware of nothing but his mouth on me. I was running on pure emotion or perhaps raw passion because when his tongue began the slow grind again I could think of nothing but to hope this never ended.

  I rode wave after wave, lost in a place of utter sensation, unable to bring a discernable thought into focus, I only knew I could not stand it any longer but at the same I could not bear him to stop.

  When I finally found I had no more strength left in me and slowly released his head from my grasp, he gently bit my inner thigh before raising himself up and stripping in front of me.

  I looked at him, hard, throbbing, dark blood running through the swollen tip, and I knew I wanted him to make love to me. He gave me a look that was both tender and filled with lust at the same time and as I clasped my fingers into his and whispered, "I want to feel you inside of me," he groaned softly and slipped between my legs.

  He drew my legs up onto his shoulders and stared into my eyes as he slipped slowly into me. I let out a gasp as he touched every part of me, there was something about the way he filled me, like he was molded perfectly for my body alone and in just a few moments I was close to release again.

  He must have known, must have felt it, because his thrusts became harder, more determined and he told me to come for him.

  I needed no further urging and I clamped down on him, my muscles contracting again and again as I coated him with my hot wetness. I felt my body fade away, but even as I drifted into oblivion I was ever aware of his long, slow strokes.

  I couldn't tell you how long we remained like that, I wa
s no more aware of the time than I was of my own name. He made love to me for hours, pulling more and more from me from what seemed like a bottomless fountain until I collapsed and trembled beneath him.

  I saw him relax then as if he understood that I was completely spent and his concentration seemed to shift. I watched him as he continued, I wanted to take him in now, to see his face and expressions, to see his pleasure as he slid in and out of me.

  It was an amazing thing to watch, his dark eyes focused on mine, and I could feel his blood and white lust engorging him. He watched his erection disappear inside of me, glistening from my silky cream and then he drove into me, hard and furious and I begged him not to stop.

  My muscles clutched and held him as a loud groan escaped his throat and he suddenly plunged deep inside of me, lifting me from the bed as he gave me my due. His thrusts continued for a few moments, eventually slowing even as I felt him pulsing inside me.

  I couldn't stop staring at him and I didn't want to let him go. Michael carefully lowered himself down on top of me, my legs wrapping around his waist to hold him close. He kissed my face, the hollow of my neck, my shoulders, my lips.

  He held me next to him, our arms and legs wrapped tightly around one another as we whispered the words only lovers share until sleep took us both over. I awoke hours later to find him still sleeping even as the sun was seeping through my window blinds.

  I kissed his chest, his neck, and finally made my way up to his lips to wake him. He stirred, opened his eyes and pulled me to him, holding me firmly to his chest as he kissed me back.

  There are more things said without words in that moment, and I stared into his eyes, falling in love with him as I did.

  Should I have been more careful? Perhaps. Maybe I should have reined my heart in a little but I felt no fear in giving myself to him. And as he was standing in my kitchen in his boxers later that morning, making me breakfast, I discovered the card that he had buried inside the flowers he surprised me with hours earlier.

  I opened it up, and tears came to my eyes as I read what he had written to me the evening before, realizing that all things happen for a reason.

  "To the woman who fell into my arms this morning. I am falling for you now and I have no intention of letting you go this time."

  The End.

  Beach Foursome

  I was on a trip to the Caribbean on business and made arrangements to stay in a very cozy cabin on the beach. The weather was fabulous with 85 degree days, low humidity and a steady tropical breeze that blew out of the west. I was walking along the beach one afternoon and about a mile up from where I was staying there was a secluded cove...turquoise water out to a barrier reef some 1000 feet or so off shore; and then a deepening blue that stretched on as far as the eye could see. Coral reefs spattered the cove out to the barrier and I knew it would be a great place for snorkeling.

  The next day I returned following some daytime meetings and dove in with mask, snorkel and flippers. There was no one in site and I had the place all to myself. The water was astounding...warm and clear. The fish were even more amazing with all sizes and colors darting in and out of the coral outcroppings. I would give my flippers a smooth and gentle up and down motion and glide through the water with the fish; moving from one side to the other watching them play in the shallow surf. About an hour later I emerged from the water and found two very attractive women walking down the beach. They were both very well proportioned, one about 5'8" and the other slightly shorter at about 5'6". As they got closer I could see that their two piece bathing suits were showing off their deep tans. The taller of the two had on a brown suit that barely contrasted with her skin tone and the other was wearing a bright yellow bikini that was stunning against her body. As I headed back to the cabin I couldn't help but keep my eyes on these very good looking women. We exchanged hellos and smiles as we passed...and I turned around more than once to get a glimpse from the other direction.

  That evening I walked up to the hotel to have dinner. By happenstance I was seated several tables away from the two ladies I had seen on the beach earlier that day. Somewhat to my chagrin there was a third party at the table, a very attractive guy who was obviously having a good time with the two of them. I was waiting for a fourth to arrive, but after 15 minutes or so no one else showed up. One of the two ladies looked my way and smiles and nods of recognition appeared. I walked over to say hello and they asked me to join them. Turns out the two women, Mina and Sarah, were a couple and the guy, Troy, was a friend who just came along for the trip. We had an enjoyable evening together; drank a bit too much and enjoyed some wonderful seafood, danced on the outside deck under the full moon, and generally just had a good time.

  As the evening wore on we were sipping drinks and I couldn't help but notice that Mina kept glancing at me in a very seductive way. I leaned over and whispered in her ear that it was too bad she was with Sarah because I was very attracted to her. She smiled and giggled softly. As she leaned back in her chair she asked if we all wanted to get together tomorrow and have some fun. We all nodded yes and asked her what she had in mind. How about a masturbation party on the beach she asked? I had to do a double take because I wasn't quite believing what I heard. I asked her if I heard her right and she replied that I did. She said she loved to masturbate and in fact she was playing with herself at that very moment under the table. She proceeded to slide her chair out just far enough to let me see that her hand was up under her dress slowly rubbing her pussy.

  Sarah and Troy laughed and told her to stop because she was embarrassing me. I quickly corrected that misnomer and the four of us agreed that we would all meet to go snorkeling the next day about 4 PM in the cove where we had seen each other earlier in the day.

  I was incredibly horny the whole night and next day and couldn't wait to see what was in store for us. We all met as planned and I was struck again by how beautiful these two women were. Well, to be honest with you Troy was no slouch either. He was about 6' tall with a very nice build; a firm chest and muscular arms with a slim middle, sort of a surfer build, with a tanned body, although not as tan as the others. We all donned our gear and headed out into the water for a swim and some snorkeling. I could see Mina and Sarah swimming through the water and their bodies were just as splendid under water as they were above!!

  We all exited the surf talking about how great the water felt and how spectacular the scenery was. Sarah said that she brought some things down for our party and spread four beach towels down on the large grained, white sand that lined the beach. The sun was not quite as hot as it had been earlier and a full moon was starting to rise on the horizon. I've always thought that being able to see the moon in full daylight was an amazing thing and was looking forward to seeing it later as the sun set.

  Sarah had put together an incredible meal for us and brought several bottles of wine to enjoy. After several drinks Mina asked if we were all still up for a party and when we nodded yes she stood up and took off her top and bathing suit bottoms. I could feel myself starting to get hard as I watched her strip. One by one we all took off our clothes and sat back down. Mina said she wanted to play a game and looked to see if we were all agreeable. After laughing we said we were, but wanted to know what it was before we agreed. She told us what she had in mind. She obviously had either played this game before or had been thinking about the encounter as much as I had.

  Mina went on to explain that she wanted the four of us to get oiled down and then sit in a circle facing each other. We were all to play with ourselves while the others watched. We would each get a chance to stand up while the other three were sitting and walk to the others and have them do something to us. We were not to stop masturbating during the entire game and the other three couldn't stand up or rearrange themselves. And, one last thing she added, you two guys can't cum until all four of us have made our rounds and we sit back down and cum together! This all sounded incredible, but I didn't know if I could hold off that long before losing it. We all agree
d to give it a try and got started.

  Mina instructed that it was time to start playing with ourselves and we all slowly started. She gently pinched her nipples with one hand and started rubbing the inside of her legs as Sarah went right for her pussy and almost immediately inserted a finger inside. As she pulled it out I could see the glistening of her wetness on it. She took her finger and moved it up to her mouth as she put it in and looked around at the three of us smiling with lustful brown eyes. Troy and I both went for our cocks and slowly started stroking.

  Mina then told us that Sarah, Troy and I needed to take the baby oil and spread it all over her; without stopping what we were doing! She was first, followed by Troy, Sarah and then me. One by one we were all glistening with the sun setting into a beautiful panorama of colors. Along the way we would rub an occasional breast and buttocks as the oil made its way along; all the while rubbing and stroking ourselves...sounds of pleasure filling the breeze as it drifted away from us. The feeling of having these three people rubbing baby oil on me while I was jerking my cock was sensual beyond belief. On more than one occasion I had to stop stroking myself to avoid blowing my load as they touched my chest, my neck, my balls and my ass; their hands moving smoothly across my body as the scent of sex filled my nostrils.

  It took about twenty minutes for the four of us to have the oil applied and when we were done Mina asked us all to sit down in a squatting fashion so we were resting on top of our calves, legs spread open, facing each other. Mina was on my left with Troy across from me and Sarah to my right. She then asked us to move closer to each other so that our knees were touching the person next to us on both sides. As we shimmied forward the resultant formation was four people very close together with the shape of four vees that looked something like a star without the fifth point. As we were doing this one of us would occasionally remind the other that they had stopped Mina's orders, which was never to stop playing with yourself.


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