Book Read Free

Daddies Taboo

Page 97

by Iona Nixon

  The End.

  The Journey

  The sound of trickling water meets your ears just as the subtle scents of pine and mint meet your nose. You feel a finger trail down the side of your face gently pushing a few loose hairs off to the side. The finger continues down your cheek, down your neck and past your collar giving it a gentle tug before continuing down across the expanse of your naked flesh. An electric reaction of sensation and memory ripples across your skin in response to the fingers playful path. As your toes uncurl and you catch your breath your eyes open for the first time that morning to behold your Master. Upon seeing him memories of the past night race through your mind sending small aftershocks across your body, even your kitten quivers in its own way. Love, trust, admiration, longing, loyalty... obedience. In your mind and your heart you give yourself to him now as you had the previous night and many more before that; longing only that he asks you for your body so you can give it to him to do with as he wishes.

  "Good morning Princess." His deep voice rumbles. "Last night I was very pleased with you. I'm sure today you will be just as good a girl." It wasn't a question but your smile reflects the affirmation in your heart. You love nothing more then making your master happy. His smile always warms your heart. You look over his naked body above yours, his chest, his arms, his manhood; His entire body is, in a, word delicious. The sight of his body, the scent of him, the sound of his voice, the feel of him against you and inside you, even the taste of him inside your mouth; you nibble your lip. Your mind lingers on his taste and your eyes fixate on his manhood, your mouth begins to water slightly. Rising to a kneeling position he looks to the tent opening as wind causes it to flap. "It's starting to get light, we wont need an early start though. Don't have all that much planned for today but I do want to reach the base of the cliff by night."

  His manhood was only a few inches from you face now, the smell intoxicating and you can't resist any longer. Leaning forward your eyes close as you take him into your mouth. You let out a soft moan as the familiar texture ripples across your tongue and his taste washes away the world. Your hands come up to caress his length while you taste of him. You can still taste yourself on it from the previous night. A thought in the back of your mind nags at you but you ignore it until after what seems like hours, but was in truth only moments, that same nagging thought pushes itself to the surface. You acted without permission; you didn't ask to take him into your mouth. Nervously you release him and sliding back you let him fall from your mouth, it's agony to loose the sensation of him filling your mouth. With a fear of displeasing him hanging heavy on your heart you open your eyes and look up nervously into his.

  "It's ok Princess you were a good girl yesterday, enjoy your toy." He says as he lies down next to you. He always calls it that, calls it your toy. It is after all, even if you have to share it occasionally. In your heart you know Master loves you because he never lets anyone touch your toy, even those you share it with, without asking you first. You maybe his willing slave but you're his princess.

  With gleeful butterflies fluttering through your chest you throw yourself upon him enveloping him in your mouth. You moan with the renewed taste of him. One hand caressing his heavy sac the other stroking his length; your eyes close in the familiar pleasure of his manhood caressing your tongue. The world fades away and all that is left is you and your toy, then only your toy. Seconds pass like hours, minutes pass like days; pre-cum drips onto your tongue occasionally sending powerful spasms from your kitten. A sound in the background catches your attention distracting you; at first it's annoying, pulling you away from your trance. But when you realize how large and throbbing your toy has become you know what the sound is, and what it means.

  Planets collide smashing your helpless body between love and ecstasy as he erupts into your mouth. Your entire body trembles and shakes in an orgasm that is a match for his as you drink deeply of his love. Once the torrent begins to slow you continue to suckle him like an infant with a pacifier, laying your head across his stomach. His hand pets your hair gently as his rumbling voice lightly whispers sweet nothings to you. Your body slowly gliding down from the incredible orgasm catches new wind as he continues to leak small amounts of his love into your mouth. You relax and fall into that timeless place you do whenever he feeds you his love.

  You come to yourself, your lips rebelling as he is pulled from them. "Princess we need to go if we want to make those cliffs by night." Looking up at him you cross your arms under your breasts and pout. It only lasts a moment though, knowing what is to come at the end of your journey with him you lean forward kissing the head of your toy and climb to your feet. "I love you so much" he says with a smile on his face as he pulls on his swim trunks.

  Still naked and with joy singing in your heart you help him pack away the tent and the lone sleeping bag. You carry the canteen of water slung over a shoulder and across your body, it's sash nestled between your naked breasts where it has an annoying habit of catching your collar when you turn your head too far to the side. The solid metal ring around your neck was a gift from your Master; in your heart you know it to be akin to a wedding ring. Your knee-length special made hiking boots are the only other thing you wear, those too were a gift, he gave them to you so that you would not have to make this trip barefoot. Master didn't want you to wear anything else because the two of you are going out into deep forest in a very little known place in its off season. Here there would be no one but you and your master to see you. At home your always naked and you have come to love it. When you were on the plane, going through the airport and the cities you had to wear that sundress for modesties sake but you hated it.

  Ahead of you Master picked a path through the trees, the tent, sleeping bag and the rest of the camping supplies strapped to his bareback. Looking up into the morning sky you breathe deep the smell of the out doors as the wind caresses your naked body and pulling your nipples to full stiffness. It was a bit chilly here in the winter but Master decided now would be the best time to make the trip because there would be no insects or other people this early in the year. He has always been a Mosquito magnet you reflect with a giggle.

  Hurrying to catch up you leap from stone to stone crossing the brook quickly. "Princess, where'd you go?" he chuckles as his arm encircles you. He places a kiss on your lips as you move off hands now held together pulling you along behind him as the forest swallows you both.

  The End.

  The Roommate

  I touched the disconnect button on my cell phone, rested the back of my head against the soft leather sofa, closed my eyes and laughed out loud. The conversation with my ex-college roommate, Meghan, had been hilarious. We had kept in touch over the years since college, both of us just having passed the 30-year old mark, but not nearly as much as during past year since Meghan's divorce from Jack.

  Meghan lived in South Carolina and was coming to New York to stay with me for an entire week.

  "We need to do some serious man-huntin'," she told me in that humorous southern drawl she could turn on or off in an instant. "You're needin' it worse than me, Annie," she had continued.

  Maybe she had a point. I had warped into a the stereotypical career woman. Yeah, I'd dated Jim for almost three years, and I thought at one time we were becoming pretty serious, but then we started to drift our separate ways. I blamed him first, but hind-sight might tell me that my career was a big reason.

  After putting my nose to the grindstone, I found myself on a fast lane toward the top. Well, not really upper management, but still it was management in the large corporate world. My apartment in upper Manhattan was to die for. I opened my eyes to look through the floor-to-ceiling windows which covered the entire width of my living room wall. The sun was slowly fading in the west, ending another Manhattan day. Soft shades of orange, red, and blue streaked behind the puffy white clouds above the city's towering skyline. I think I loved the view the most at night. I could see the city lights stretching endlessly into the darkness. Lig
hts that twinkled or were motionless, lights that formed a steady stream from cars on freeways, lights that blinked a red or green warning on tall buildings. My apartment was on the 17th floor of a new high-rise. Beyond my windows was my private balcony that spanned the entire width of the glass. The sidewalls of the balcony were solid brick, allowing for privacy from my neighbors; a secure railing protected my hot-tub which constantly emitted steam into the cool, night air. My kitchen was open to the living room--of course solid granite and stainless abounded everywhere. My living room floor was black slate, and I had covered the area in front of my sofa with a soft, oriental tan rug. A matching black leather love-seat was positioned to the left of my sofa facing the kitchen. I had one bedroom with a king-size bed and en suite bathroom with a soaking tub and roomy, glassed-enclosed shower. The only other room was a small powder room, so the apartment was not huge, by hey, this is Manhattan.

  Meghan originally told me that her plane would arrive around 5:00 P.M. She of course missed her flight, that was Meghan, and would now be coming in around 8:00. This was fine with me; I had taken off the entire week from work. Meghan was partially right, I did need this. I had just stepped out of the shower when Meghan called to tell me of her flight change. I was still in my robe, stretching lazily on the sofa with my feet touching the soft rug and my back resting against the supple leather. I noticed that my robe had fallen open below my stomach and that I was pretty much exposed to the world. Of course, no one could see into the room this time of day, but my modesty still dictated that I cover myself, so I did.

  I arrived at the airport about a half hour before Meghan's plane was to land. Parking was not difficult to find and I easily worked my way through the terminal with time to spare. I spotted Meghan walking out of the tunnel as the passengers arrived. When she saw me, she threw her arms into the air and rushed toward me with a big smile and a huge hug, her long blonde hair flowing behind her. Her hair was as blonde as mine was black.

  "It's so good to see you, sweetie!" she exclaimed.

  "It's so good to see you too," I replied as I hugged her back.

  Darkness had come before we left the terminal to find my car. The drive home was not long, we talked about everything and nothing all of the way. Well, mostly Meghan talked and I listened. It was as if we were still in college and the past ten years had changed nothing.

  "I bought two bottles of Krug Champagne and stowed them away in my suitcase," she was saying. "We're going to have our own little party tonight. I've missed you so much. I can't believe you're the big executive now. Okay, enough work talk for us; this week is going to be no-work and all-fun for Annie and Meghan. So did you get us some man meat to carve out this week?" she continued with a huge grin.

  "Tomorrow night," I laughed. "We're going to meet a couple of guys for an off-broadway play, after which the plan is to go out for dinner. I only know one of the guys, and I really don't know him very well. I hope I didn't make a mistake," I added cautiously.

  "Honey, it can't be a mistake. We'll have fun even if these two aren't the right fit. I'm sure not opposed to looking elsewhere the next night," Meghan answered with enthusiasm.

  Planning for the night's festivities, I had called Mark. Mark worked for the same company that I had before transferring to my new job last May. He was good looking and about my same age. I had never had a date with Mark, although I always felt he would have liked to explored this avenue. I was still dating Jim at the time and I was pretty sure that was the reason neither of us pursued our relationship. Mark did pay special attention to me and it was sort of flattering. With Meghan's big push to get something going, I decided to see if Mark might be available. I was pretty nervous making the call, but after we hung-up, I began to feel really good about the decision. Mark was so kind and willing, not desperate by any means. He was going to be a quite a catch for someone. Mark told me that he had a good friend named Todd who was not seeing anyone right now, and he was pretty sure that Todd would be available. So we sort of had a double date set up.

  We arrived at my apartment with Meghan trailing her suitcase. I had emptied an extra drawer in my bedroom dresser for her to put her clothes. I really hadn't given much thought to sleeping arrangements. I decided that I would let Meghan sleep in my bed and I'd throw something over the sofa. I did notice that Meghan brought a lot of sexy evening tops and designer jeans, but I did not see any form of pajamas.

  Meghan kept the conversation going throughout the unpacking before stating, "I think it's time to pop the cork on the bubbly. What do you think?" she laughed.

  "I think that's a great idea."

  We walked to the kitchen where I promptly grabbed two Champagne flutes. Meghan stopped at the counter and began untwisting the wire and cork of the bottle. It popped loudly and started to spill a bit on the granite. We both giggled.

  Meghan teased me even more when she saw the flutes. "Hey girl, we're going to drink tonight, not sip. You got something that holds more of what we need?"

  I laughed in return and grabbed my Cabernet glasses. "How about these?"


  We lounged opposite each other on the cushy sofa, Champagne in hand, resting against the arms with our legs curled beneath us, recreating old times. The first bottle of Krug had disappeared and Meghan had already opened the second. I was feeling the effects.

  "I think that hot tub has been calling us Annie, what do you think?"

  "Sounds fine to me." I hesitated, "I think I have a swim suit that will fit you just fine."

  "Suit?" Meghan laughed. "I've never worn more than my birthday suit in a hot tub yet. Come on, let's get naked!"

  I decided that the odds of us being seen were one-in-a-million. Someone in a complex across the street would have to be using a telescope and would have to have perfect timing. By now I had enough Champagne in me that I really didn't care anyway. And the idea of stripping and jumping in naked was appealing and a little naughty--just what I decided I needed.

  "Wow Annie, you're wasting a Cadillac bod that someone needs to be drivin'," Meghan grinned as she watched me remove the last of my clothes. I blushed while sliding the glass door open. Meghan followed me to the hot tub, bottle and glass in hand.

  We rested our necks on the edge of the tub, half-focused on the stars above and quietly sipped our wine. Life was good. The warm jets worked their magic as I purposely positioned myself to allow the pulsating stream a direct path between my legs.

  "I love you Annie," Meghan whispered.

  "I love you too," came automatically out of my mouth.

  "Did you ever wonder what it would be like with another woman? I mean just for argument sake, no strings, that sort of thing?" Meghan asked.

  "I guess I've never really thought about it," I cautiously replied as I opened my eyes.

  Meghan moved toward me and asked, "Would you let me kiss you? I'm curious and you are the only one in the whole world that I would even want to try this with."

  I felt a little shiver run through my spine as I pondered the question that Meghan presented. I suppose it would do no harm, not with Meghan.

  "I'm okay with seeing what it's like, just for curiosity sake," was my response.

  Meghan moved next to me, removed the wine glass from my hand and placed it on the side of the tub. She touched her hands on either side of my cheeks, stared at me, and then moved her lips to mine. Her first kiss was soft and gentle. I thought that was going to be it. She pulled away only a few inches and looked into my eyes again before leaning forward for her second kiss. This time she parted her lips slightly and rolled her tongue across my lips. I found myself opening my mouth to her advances and our tongues touched as she moved her right hand to the back of my head to hold me steady for a much deeper kiss. Her tongue penetrated my mouth and I sucked it with abandoned. I wanted more and I could feel a tingling sensation rising and become fervent between my legs. I was returning her kisses with more of my own when I felt her soft touch against my right breast. My nipples hardene
d as she gently stroked back and forth.

  "Would you like to suck on my nipples?" I couldn't believe those words were coming out of my mouth, but they did.

  The next thing I knew, Meghan was working her tongue down the bottom of my chin, onto my throat and finally down to my breasts that floated inches above the water line. I could see the water drip from her chin as she lapped first one breast then the other. My nipples were fully erect and the sensation of having them licked and tongued by another woman was almost more than I could stand.

  I felt an orgasm building between my legs, beneath the water, beneath Meghan as she straddled me and placed both her hands on my breasts, kissing me deeply.

  Meghan started rubbing back and forth across my legs. At first I didn't realize what she was doing, and then I understood. Her legs were spread wide and her pussy was moving rhythmically over the lower part of my stomach. She was arching as best she could to line up her pussy as closely as possible with mine.

  Finally she pulled back and whispered into my ear, "I think we need to go inside."

  I was in total agreement. We grabbed the two terrycloth towels near the tub and dried ourselves hastily on the way to the bedroom. I got to the bed first and started to pull the coverlet down, but Meghan had other ideas. She grabbed my hips and turned me front-side up and pushed me to the center of the bed. Her hands separated my legs and she drove her mouth into my wet pussy. I arched my head back and almost screamed in sheer delight. Her soft tongue and lips made sparks flow between my pussy and my brain as I shuddered into a gigantic orgasm. I bucked hard against her mouth, wanting more as my hands caressed my breasts. Her hands started to slide up my waist and continued until they met mine. She guided my hands down my body, not stopping until they clutched her butt cheeks as she continued eating my pussy. She then licked the fingers on my right hand, looked up at me and guided the same fingers to the outside of my pussy. Pressing her tongue against my fingers, she urged them inside. I curled my two middle fingers and started working them in and out of my wet pussy. All the while, Meghan licked my juices from my fingers. I moved my left hand over my clitoris in a gentle sideway motion. My second orgasm came quickly and I stopped for a moment to rest. I realized the alcohol had had some effect, but I also knew what I was doing.


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