Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 103

by Iona Nixon

  He finally said something. "Sarah, it's so wonderful to see you again. I can see that there have been some big changes in your life since you've gone off to grad school. You certainly seem to have developed into a self-assured young woman."

  "Oh, Dr. O, I've never had such an intense experience!" I replied. "It has been so exciting and stimulating. It's been wonderful, but I've had my share of ups and downs too." I glanced down at his lap, trying to figure out what his problem was. He kept squirming and shifting around like he had a burr up his butt. It was then that I noticed the bulge in his pants. That explained it! Seeing his excitement made me excited too. I felt my face and neck flush and suddenly my nipples became very sensitive. I thought, "Oh honey, what are you getting yourself into?"

  At this point, Dr. O. suggested that I play some of my pieces for him which I thought was a great idea since I now had no idea what in the hell I was doing there. First I played some Beethoven that I had learned that year. I thought it went well and Dr. O looked pleased, and now much more like his old self. I felt more comfortable again, too.

  So I decided to get back to plan A. I smiled and said, "Now, I have a surprise for you." With that I turned to the piano and started playing the Chopin nocturne that I had been pouring my soul into for the last month. As I played, I could feel the emotions that my nerves had kept subdued begin to assert themselves. I felt, rather than thought about, the reasons that impelled me to come here: the hurt, the gratitude, the memories, and the tantalizing possibility that there was something more lurking beneath the surface that just needed the right key to release it.

  I honestly feel that I have never played anything with quite the intensity that I did that piece that day. Something just opened up within me that came surging out of that tender little piece. And the fullness, the richness, the sheer rightness of those feelings told me with an unexpected certainty that I had to be here, that I had to find out the truth of what I was experiencing.

  When I finished I looked up at Dr. O. I thought I just caught a glistening in his eye when he abruptly jumped up and ran to his desk. He grabbed a tissue and blew his nose as I came over to him and put my hand on his arm. "Dr. O, are you ok? Didn't you like it?" I was suddenly unsure of what his reaction meant.

  He turned and looked at me, his dark eyes glistening. He seemed to look deep into me. Then I knew.

  "Oh Sarah!" he said. He put a gentle hand on my shoulder. His touch was so hot I thought it might burn me. "Nothing could have pleased me more. You have grown into such wonderful artist, such a grown woman, in such a short time! I can't explain why I'm reacting like this. You'll have to forgive a sentimental old fool. Probably having my mid-life crisis and I didn't even know it! But I shouldn't subject you to . . . "

  I put a finger to his lips to stop him. "Dr. O, you don't need to say anything. I have grown at least a little wiser over the last few months. I've spread my wings and maybe at times I've flown a bit too high and gotten burned. But one reason I wanted to come back here was not just to show off what I've accomplished. I knew you'd be proud of me, but your approval isn't what I'm after. I wanted to thank you for the faith you've shown in me, and for the love that you instilled in me--for music, for beauty, and for life, too."

  "Sarah," he started, but my finger stopped him again.

  "Please let me finish. I've learned some things about myself, but also some things about you. Things I couldn't see or understand before, but which I can now, or at least I think I can. And I think that I need to find out how true those things really are, that I owe myself that discovery. And I think that you need to be a part of that discovery, and that it will be a good thing for both of us."

  I seemed to have shocked him into silence yet again. He wasn't breathing and I got a little worried. I tapped his nose to bring him out of wherever he was and said, "Dr. O, I'd feel a lot better if you'd start breathing again."

  He let out a big whooshing sound and that made him laugh. I laughed too and soon we were pretty much out of control with laughing. He knocked something off his desk and I just automatically leaned down to pick it up. He must have leaned over too, because he gave me a pretty good whack on the head. I grimaced and put my hand on the sore spot. He put his hand there too and said something apologetic. But I didn't really hear the words because suddenly all I was aware of was his searing touch. My bump was completely forgotten as I took his hand in mine and held it in front of me.

  I remembered admiring those hands in my lessons. They were so sure, so confident, so able to express themselves. But now I saw something else in them, a beauty of form, strength, and elegance. I traced my fingers over the muscles and tendons, explored the form of the joints, felt the texture of the skin. This hand before me was just so sensual. I couldn't help but kiss it and taste it. When I licked between his fingers he gasped. I looked at him, more determined than ever to find in him what I felt sure was there.

  As I pulled him towards me he tried to protest, but my finger silenced him a third and final time. I touched his lips, caressed his check, and finally brought our lips together. He was so soft and so gentle. The other boys I'd been with had mainly just wanted to stick their tongue down my throat, but now I was discovering what a kiss could be. It was like playing my nocturne actually--the slightest pressure is what expressed the greatest passion.

  Whatever hesitation Dr. O. had been feeling, he seemed over it now. He held me tightly, even as he continued to kiss and nuzzle me with the greatest tenderness. I began to feel a fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach which quickly turned to a wonderful warmth and tingling between my legs.

  He guided us over to the piano bench and sat down. I straddled his leg and boldly rubbed my knee against his crotch. (Where had I found this raunchy streak?) I could feel his hard-on against me which turned my nice warm tingling into a hot flood. I kissed him deeply as I wrapped both legs around his waist and began rotate my hips into his. I had an itch to scratch. One part of me couldn't believe how forward, how naughty I was being. This was my piano teacher for gawds sake! But another part of me, the part that was firmly in control now, didn't care a flying fuck. I was so taken by the moment, so absorbed by pure animal passion that nothing could deter me now.

  I could feel his hands roaming over my back and neck and butt. They felt so strong (how else would you expect a pianist's hands to feel?) and sensual, so eager. I wanted more of him, so I worked his shirt loose and began pulling it over his head. He helped, and then pulled off my blouse and held me back before him. I could see his admiration for my body.

  "You like?" I asked playfully, and wiggled to make my breasts jiggle a little.

  "Indescribable," he replied, "and luscious, too, I bet!"

  His admiration was so evident that I felt a rush of warmth flow through me. I tweaked his nose playfully. He pulled me closer and began to lick and suck my nipples. Little flicks of his tongue on the tip of my nipple as he sucked them into his mouth sent shudders through me. I couldn't help but grind my crotch against him. He kept sucking and licking when a little bolt of lightening shot through me and I gasped. Wow, that was fast! It wasn't earth-shattering, but a very nice prelude nonetheless. I relaxed as he looked at me with an odd look.

  "Just a little one. I expect plenty more, understand?" I said with cocked eyebrow.

  "Yes ma-am!" was the earnest reply.

  I kissed him again and began exploring his body with my hands. Nice strong back, firm stomach, and, oh my, what have we here? I have to say, he was really hard. In my two previous experiences with boys I discovered that not all hard-ons are the same. Sometimes, who knows why, there's just more blood flow down there or something. But in the couple of dozen times that I'd made love with my two boyfriends I never felt anything quite this hard. As I held my hand against it I could even feel his pulse marked by a little twitch. The thought that I could make someone this excited made me even hotter. I felt my juices really start pouring out now. I thought I needed to slow down, so I stood and stepped back.
  Dr. O's admiring eyes burned over me like lasers. He pulled me a little closer and ran his hands over my body, and especially my legs, which he particularly seemed to admire. He lifted one leg to remove my sandal, put it back down and did the same with the other. But instead of putting this foot back on the floor he kept it perched on his leg and rubbed and massaged it, separating and bending my toes and massaging the muscles and tendons on the sole with his strong fingers. It felt incredibly relaxing and, well, just good. Then he leaned down and gently licked between each toe. I gasped and felt my anus sphincter contract and relax. Boy howdy, that was new! Wadda you know, a new erogenous zone!

  He returned his attentions to my legs, gently touching and probing up towards my thigh and crotch. My juices were just pouring out now. I'd never been that wet before and I became concerned that he might think it was weird or something. But when he encountered my wetness he just looked at me and smiled. That put me at ease. My panties were absolutely soaked when he got to them and I was glad to feel him pull the soggy mess down. He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped my skirt and down it came.

  So there I was, stark naked in front of my old piano teacher. I don't know why I should have suddenly felt self-conscious, but I did, standing there without a stitch on.

  "You're indescribably beautiful," I heard him say. How could I not smile at that?

  His eyes burned over me for a few more seconds, then he drew me closer and began kissing me on my stomach, my legs, up my thighs, and on my pussy. He was so gentle, so patient. He licked and sucked my pussy's lips, flicked his tongue inside me, fondled my thighs. I started to feel a little light-headed, which he must have noticed because he guided me over to the bench and sat me down. I leaned back, but the bench was too short to support my head so he pulled the other bench over to support me. He was quickly back at my pussy, licking, sucking, driving me crazy. He finally stared licking near my clit, but tantalizingly avoided it by running his tongue around it, never quite touching it. I grabbed his head to guide him to it, but he kept just teasing me, getting nearer but never quite touching it. I was about to go nuts. When he pulled away again I grabbed his head more firmly and pushed him against me. This time I felt his lips gingerly envelope my clit and he sucked it lightly. Waves of pleasure rolled through me. I could feel rivers of warmth flowing inside me as he gently sucked. But he stopped again, damn him, and blew on my now very wet and pulsating clit. I begged him not to stop, but he just kept blowing on me. After just a few seconds of this I couldn't stand it anymore and pulled him to me again. Now, as his lips caressed me the sensation was even more intense. I could feel something building deep inside of me. I realized my breathing was coming in loud pants. Yet once again he pulled away and blew on me. I grabbed his ears and pulled him closer. I wasn't letting go this time! I pushed his face into me and this time he put the flat of his tongue firmly against my super sensitive clit and kind of moved it around, massaging it. I was gasping with pleasure and could feel a rising tide of pressure building and building. Oh gawd, I didn't want it to stop but here it came and my stomach clenched and my knees pulled up and my chin hit my chest as convulsion after convulsion washed over me.

  I couldn't quite believe what just happened. That was by far the most intense orgasm of my life (my big ol' 6-months-of-having-sex life, but hey, the best is still the best). I wanted to know where he learned to do that (post-doc?), but now wasn't for talking. I tried to sit up but actually couldn't, I was so wiped out. So I grabbed his hair to help pull myself up. I gave him the biggest, deepest kiss I could manage. When I'd regained a little more strength I stood up and pulled him up too. Those remaining clothes were a hazard--they had to go! I knelt down and took off his shoes and socks, undid his trousers and pulled them down. He was just standing there in his boxers with a big bulge sticking out. I could see it pulsate with each heartbeat. I pulled on his waistband and looked inside. He laughed at that, I don't know why, but he shut up fast when I reached in and fondled him a bit. I pulled his boxers down and got my chance to see him in all his glory. OK, so maybe a 25-year old's going to have a better body, more definition to his pecs, washboard stomach, and all that, but Dr. O was pretty damn nice. He was well proportioned, had a nice ass, and a nice dick too. No funny angles and a nicely shaped head. It invited me to touch it; I accepted. I stroked it, fondled his balls, kissed and nipped the shaft and darker head. I looked up but he was just staring into nothingness. I pushed him down onto the bench and took his whole dick in my mouth. I moved my mouth up and down his dick several times, my tongue pressed against the underside. I thought I felt a few little contractions and I didn't want things to get away from me here, so I backed off a bit. I had urgent plans for that fellow.

  I kissed and licked him there a few more times then stood and straddled him, settling in his lap facing him. I hugged him hard against me and he hugged back intensely, almost pushing the air out of me. We kissed passionately for a long while, during which time I became aware of his dick pressed flat against my pussy. I needed him inside me, so I lifted myself up a bit and guided him into me. I was sopping wet down there, so once he found the opening he just slid ever so smoothly in. He felt so good inside me, filling me up inside and holding me so tightly outside. I felt safe, somehow, and that relaxed me and made me even more excited. I slid up and down on him and it felt so full and natural and just unbelievably good.

  I couldn't help exclaiming "Oh, Dr. O, I can't describe how wonderful you feel inside of me! You just fill me up."

  He held my face in his hands and looked me in the eye. "Sarah, considering that my dick is halfway to your ribcage, I think it's ok if you call me Caleb now."

  It took a second for that impertinent quip to register, but then I gave him a playful bop on the side of his head and said, "Oh, you are a bad boy now, aren't you?"

  We laughed and I went to bop him again, but he tried to dodge me this time (like I was going to hurt him, really!) and he lost his balance and caught himself on the piano, making a big crash. That's when we heard the voices in the hallway. I'd totally forgotten where we were. I mean, it was his office, for gawds sake! If we got caught, I'd probably be really, really embarrassed (I mean, people still know me around here), but he'd probably get into big trouble, maybe lose his job. I felt my blood pounding and it wasn't from passion now. I held my breath as I heard the voices pass the door and then recede. I let out a big sigh when all was quiet again. I could feel him untense again too.

  For a while we just hugged, not moving, but I soon became aware of him growing inside of me again and after the scare with the voices I was suddenly terribly horny again and I began to gyrate around on his lap, feeling his fullness move all around in there. It was just so sensual and hot and I felt my pussy clenching and knew I was going to cum. As my pussy clenched I could feel him thrusting and even throbbing inside of me. I just couldn't hold back and I was cumming and cumming and cumming and trying not to make too much noise after the scare with the voices so I was probably making all sorts of weird muffled sounds as I tried to keep it in. Finally my whole body just shuddered a few times and the waves passed. I felt totally spent and collapsed in his arms. He seemed pretty wiped out--I had heard a few pretty earnest moans from his side, too. At least I didn't hear any complaints.

  We held each other in an exhausted but satisfying embrace for I don't know how long. Eventually though, we disengaged and returned to reality. We retrieved our clothes strewn about his office. My panties were a total loss. No way I was going to put those things on again! I considered just chucking them in his waste basket, but decided that would look more than a little incriminating, so I wrapped them in a few layers of tissue and stuffed them in my purse.

  Doubt started to gnaw at me now that our passionate encounter was over and we had to engage on a non hormone-saturated basis. I was sort of afraid to even look at him. Neither of us was saying anything as we tugged on our clothes. He was starting to tidy up--putting the benches back, cleaning up the considerable pool of bo
dy fluids on and around the benches. I had just finished lacing up my sandals when he came up behind me, put his arms over my shoulders and hugged me to him while nuzzling behind my left ear.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to wake up," he said cryptically.

  "Huh?" I turned in his arms to face him.

  "I'm having this fabulous dream that this incredibly beautiful, sexy woman is in my office and that for some reason she actually wants me. I'm afraid I'm going to wake up and it will all be over."

  I kissed him briefly but deeply. "It's not a dream, silly."

  "It has to be," he replied. "Nothing else makes sense."

  "Does this make sense?" I asked, and kissed him again, long and earnestly.

  "It makes sense when I can feel you."

  "I'm more than willing to oblige on those terms," I said as I nestled my head against his chin and shoulder. Our reverie was interrupted by several loud gurgles from my stomach. I remembered then that I hadn't eaten all day.

  "Where can a girl go to get a good steak in this town?" I asked.

  He grabbed his briefcase, swung open his door, and motioned outward as he bowed.


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