Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 105

by Iona Nixon

  Another kick. Hard. Forceful. I almost fell. I doubled over, my hands resting on my knees for support, panting and moaning in pain.

  Tamara laughed again in carefree fashion, immensely enjoying my plight. "Did that hurt, sweetie?" she asked. "Hm, I'll bet it did. Well, maybe I'll give you a ten second break or so, isn't that nice of me?"

  "Uh. Uh. Yeah," I gasped. I knew her questions were basically rhetoric, but I wanted to show her that I was still with her. That I could take more. That I could take more? Did I really want to show her that? I couldn't! I wanted her to stop!! The harness was cutting into my scrotum now, and my testicles were growing cold. The circulation was restricted, maybe cut off entirely.

  She leisurely strolled around behind me. "Stand up, please, sweetie," she crooned from behind my back. I was awash with fear. I knew she would kick me again, and I couldn't even see it coming. I forced myself to comply with her request. "Legs a little wider, please," she sang sweetly. Again I complied, dread clouding my mind. I felt her fingers gently tickle my balls, but in their state, it felt like she was slitting my sack with knives. She giggled. Then she stepped back. Every neuron of my brain was overcharged with fear and a desire to turn to face her, to run, to collapse in a heap and beg her to stop. The anxiety was palpable. When would she do it? I had no warning, nothing... Oh god, please let it be light...

  Her boot slammed into my nuts. I screamed out and gasped, doubling over again and warbling out moans of pain. I heard her giggle again, and again she kicked me right in my balls. I howled out, waves of nausea and suffering washing over me. I stood frozen, half-doubled to the ground, teetering on the balls of my feet.

  "Oh, don't fall down, dear," she chuckled. "I know you can take it. You're so strong and brave. Your nuts are so tough. They can take anything I dish out, can't they?"

  I just maintained my stance, gasping for breath and trying to recover. Tamara slowly strode around in front of me and stood a couple of feet from me, her left hand on her hip and her right gently and absently toying with her vulva. Her breathing was accelerated. She was clearly turned completely on.

  After a few seconds, she bent towards me and said in a rough whisper, "Ok, stand up. Straighten that back. Be a man for me."

  With superhuman effort I did as she told me. I was near tears. I couldn't take this. It was too much. It was just too much.

  Once again, I felt the scalding kiss of the toe of her right boot on my rocks. I yelled out my torment. I was rasping moans of suffering with every breath now. My brain was going mad trying to deal with the pain conflicting with my inactivity. Run!! my brain yelled. Fight!! Something!! Anything!! But I just stood, panting and heaving in pain.

  I remained there, my breath rattling in my lungs, my traumatized balls throbbing and my butterflies doing cartwheels in my stomach. Then her lips parted and the words came forth that I dreaded most. "Are you ready for the field goal?" she asked, a cruel, devious smile spreading across her lips.

  And I have to say yes. Because even if I say "No," it doesn't matter. It's coming anyway. The beads of perspiration drew together in drops on my forehead and trickled down my face. "...Yes," I managed to rasp. My heart was hammering in fear, and Tamara's wicked grin spread even wider. I swear I could see her salivating with anticipation. No! Please, don't! my mind screamed.

  Then it came.

  She took a step forward with her left leg and wound up with her right. Her face screwed up with determination, and she let fly. The toe of her right boot slammed into my exposed testicles with brutal force.

  Time stopped.

  For an instant, I couldn't hear. Bright flashes of light exploded in my vision. I felt like I had been lifted off the ground with the force of her savage kick, floating in mid-air. A surge of electric fire seized my gonads, burning twin paths up my spermatic cords, up into my abdomen. Every nerve on the way from my flattened balls up my spine to my brain was jangling in ragged, overloaded alarm. I was past any concept of pain.

  I was aware that I was doubling over, my legs completely forgetting how to support me. In slow motion, I crashed to the floor, every muscle in my body in spasm. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't scream. I couldn't move.

  Then the overwhelming nausea hit me. I was able to gasp once. I felt sure I would vomit.

  My brain remembered how to feel pain again, the instant of shock passing. Icy fingers of wracking agony wrung my soul. My balls were screaming with white, blinding agony, paralyzing any voluntary action I might wish. I screamed out my plight, a guttural howl of anguish. I sobbed a rasp of breath in and howled out again. Unimaginable pain pulsed through my balls. I instinctively cupped them and lay in the fetal position, gasping, writhing, choking out vocal bleatings to express my torment. I fought the urge to vomit with all my might as I rolled on the floor, cradling my destroyed nuts.

  I twitched and heaved in overwhelming, hammering agony. I gulped in breath in between mournful howls of surging, rushing pain. I was dimly aware that Tamara had sat down on the couch beside me, watching me express my suffering. She lit a cigarette and quietly observed.

  I began to calm down, still gasping and sobbing for breath, I cupped my gonads, expecting to feel them crushed flat. Amazingly, they were still there, and still felt rounded. They injected pain and nausea throughout my whole body in pulsing waves of grief. Throbbing and burning, the two utterly annihilated orbs were my entire world: one of black, suffocating torment.

  Tamara watched and smoked. I gasped and rolled. I was paralyzed with nausea. I couldn't draw full deep breath. After some time, watching me suffer and gasp, she stood over me and straddled me. With her half-smoked cigarette still dangling from her lips, she squatted down, grabbed my hair, and placed her pussy on my mouth.

  "Come on, eat me out," she whispered. "I'm so fucking hot. You can't believe how turned on I am right now. Come on, eat my pussy. Make me cum, baby."

  I shuddered and struggled to comply, forcing my jaws apart and snaking my tongue out to lap at her dripping snatch. She jumped the moment my tongue touched her pussy. She moaned and ground her vulva down on my mouth, her fingers with a solid lock on my hair.

  I fought the nausea and pounding waves of pain that were only just now beginning to ebb, and concentrated on performing cunnilingus on my beautiful, horny, delicious, barbarically cruel wife.

  I kissed and sucked the meaty lips of her twat, flicking and lapping my tongue into her mound and over her clit. Her pussy was overflowing with juice and hot as a stovetop. I tried to focus on her wonderful taste and the sexy sounds she was making and ignore the pounding throb in my balls.

  She grunted and rocked her hips, puffing on her cigarette while she rode my face. Her breathing quickly increased in pace, and she was very quickly on the edge of orgasm. She was super turned on and sensitive, so I attacked her clit as best I could with my tongue trying to bring her off.

  She grunted and growled loudly, holding my hair tightly and began bucking on my face. "Ohhhhhhh!!!" she moaned and her breathing came in gasps. "Yes! Yes! Fuck, yes, just like that! God, I love you baby, eat me! Eat my pussy! Yes! I'm gonna cummm...."

  She ground her snatch down hard on my mouth, gyrating and rotating her hips rapidly, bashing her pubis into my nose and smearing secretions all over my face.

  She bucked and came hard, threatening to rip the hair out of my head as she wailed and quivered with her teeth biting down hard on her cigarette. She gasped for breath, puffed on her smoke and held my face tight against her shivering pussy as she came, moaning and whimpering with her blissful, intense release. I suffered and shifted in my pain while I sought to bring her pleasure to a maximum.

  Finally she sighed and released my hair, panting and grinning with satisfaction. "Fuck, I love you so much baby. I love that you let me do this. It's so hot, it's so fucking hot. I love it so much, I loooooove kicking you in the baaaaalllsssss....." She sniffed a couple of times, drawing breath through her nose and then drew deeps drags from her cigarette, finishing it and stubbing it out in
the ashtray on the coffee table.

  She purred and shuddered in contentment as she exhaled a plume of smoke. She then rose, somewhat unsteadily and took a few deep breaths.

  "I love you, baby," she said. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you too bad?"

  "No, I'll live," I managed to croak out.

  "Good, because I want to finish this properly. You up for it?"

  "Ok," I whimpered, knowing what she had in store for me.

  "Those balls are sore, aren't they? You want to unharness them, huh?"

  "...Yes," I replied.

  "Ok," she said, lighting up another smoke. She strode over to the hallway and ascended the stairs to stand in the hall. She looked so ravishing in the afterglow of her orgasm; prancing about wearing only work boots and puffing on her cigarette. She was so irresistible, I loved her so much... Why did she get such pleasure from making me suffer?

  "Come crawl over to the stairs here. If you can. I'm gonna treat you so good tomorrow, ok? I promise. I just want to finish this right. Can you do that for me?"

  "...Ok," I replied mournfully. I managed to get onto my hands and knees and force my limbs into action, crawling painfully to the stairs. Tamara sat on the top stair with a broad grin and smoked.

  "Come here, baby. You can do it. That's good, come on. Just jack off for me and I'll let your balls free, ok? You know that's the way it works. Cum for me and your balls are free," she coaxed me, but I knew what was coming. My cock was still semi-hard, and came to full erection at her words, despite my reservations.

  She sat there with her smirk plastered on her face, sucking on her smoke with her butt on the edge of the top stair, her boots on the second stair, and her legs spread wide with her luscious pussy exposed and open. God, I loved the sight of her...

  I reached the edge of the stairs and kneeled before her. I encircled my cock and began stroking it. My balls were still throbbing in pain and the motions I was making with my hand increased my discomfort. The harness was really digging into my bag now, it had become far more than an annoyance, adding to my unease.

  "Good boy," my wife cajoled me. "Stroke that cock for me. Ohh, those poor balls... All you have to do is shoot for me and I'll let them loose!"

  At this point I knew that removing the harness was going to be extremely painful, and the spots where the harness was digging into my flesh would smart and throb.

  I masturbated with conviction as my lovely but sadistic wife watched me. She whispered little encouragements to me between drags of her cigarette. "Mmm, yeah. Do it for me. Stroke your cock. Yeah, it's so fucking hard, even after all those kicks! I'm so proud of you... Jack off for me. Beat your meat. Stroke yourself, make yourself cum for me, and when you do, I'll..." She trailed off into an amused giggle. But I knew exactly what she meant.

  I increased my pace. I wanted to get this over with. I wanted to cum, but I was in too much pain to really enjoy it anyway, and the nausea... I was a wreck. Just cum. Just shoot it for her. Shoot your cum for her, and then she'll, she'll...

  I felt my orgasm start. I was desperate with fear and anxiety. I knew what was coming... I knew...

  My breathing quickened. Tamara sensed it and demanded, "Are you going to cum? Ok, get ready! Put your cock on the stair and shoot it for me! Let me see you cum!!"

  I placed my vibrating rod on the carpeted stair and stroked hard and fast. I was going to cum! Oh, no!!! It was almost there... No! Oh, No!!

  "I'm gonna cum!!!" I wailed.

  "OK!!!! OFF!!!! NOW!!!!!" Tamara bellowed at me tersely.

  I took my hand away as the first copious blast of semen welled up and prepared to issue violently from the end of my cock....

  And Tamara slammed the ball of her booted foot down on top of my cock head. The searing pain of the tread of her boot smashing down on my sensitive helmet was instantly amplified a thousand times as my semen roared down my urethra... Only to be abruptly halted. I shrieked in abject misery and agony as my prostate pumped frantically to eject my jizz, only to find it trapped -- the head of my cock pinned between her boot and the carpeted stair, pinched shut tightly.

  I cried out in sheer crushing anguish as she gleefully ruined my orgasm. My prostate and cock twitched and pulsed rhythmically, but each pulsation only brought rending, splitting, grievous agony to my capped urinary tract. I howled my sufferings; what should have been an exhilarating, satisfying, relieving release of my lust and tension was an utter defeat. A tragic, painful, completely anti-climactic disappointment. My cock continued pulsing, desperately trying to shoot out my sperm, but to no avail.

  I cried and bemoaned my frustrated misery, and when my agonized contractions had almost abated, Tamara raised her foot, releasing my flattened cock head from her merciless trap.

  My semen flowed out of the end of my cock painfully. I was sure there would be blood. Big blobs of my spooge dripped out on to the carpet. Tamara clapped her hands together joyfully and laughed.

  "Oh, honey, that was priceless! So priceless! Oh, so hot, I love that, I love it..." She snickered. "Your poor cock. Probably hurts as much as your balls now, huh?"

  I blubbered helplessly and nodded. I was totally ruined, totally abused. Completely humiliated, tortured and denied, all just to amuse my wife... I was crushed physically and emotionally.

  "...So fuckin' hot," she continued. "Ok, lay on your back, baby. Let's get those balls loose, huh? Yeah, lay down. Mmmmm, good, I'm so hot, I'm so turned on..."

  I laid on my back and she straddled me facing my feet. She squatted down and grasped my punished member. She placed it at the lips of her pussy and slid down in one slick stroke.

  "Keep that hard for me, ok, baby? Just keep it hard for a minute, ok? Just for a minute..." she whispered.

  She began fumbling with the harness on my balls as she squatted, bouncing up and down, balancing on the balls of her feet. I fought desperately not to puke. She raised up and dropped on to me again and again, the friction on my tortured cock bringing me no pleasure, and her weight thudding against my knotted abdomen. Her ass was so sexy, but I was a heartbeat away from being a eunuch... She rode me hard and fast, her actions on the harness just making it feel like it was ripping my scrotum, and my balls, my poor, swollen, battered balls... Her every action brought their throbbing pain back into life, a blinding, burning, crescendo of affliction...

  Finally the harness slipped and loosened and my balls were free. Relief mixed with brand new tingles of pain and unease washed over my tortured gonads and scrotum. Tamara threw the harness aside and began furiously strumming on her clit while she bounced.

  "Yesss, yesss, oh, fuck, yesss, so good, so hot. Gonna cum. Gonna cum! Oh, fuck, Gonna CUMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

  She wailed and barked as she came, bashing her ass and groin down against me again and again. She arched her back and thrust her tits out, diddling herself while she impaled her twitching pussy on my rapidly softening rod.

  Half way through, I slipped out painfully. My penis had a deep burning fire flashing through the tip and all down the shaft of my urethra. I lay there a quietly sobbed as my wife came powerfully and triumphantly, in carefree abandon.

  She finished her glorious orgasm and sighed. "Mmmm, so good, just perfect," she purred. "Oh, thank you, babe. God, you don't know how you turn me on. Fuck, that was the best... I was thinking about that all day... You make me so happy, so happy..."

  I just lay there and suffered, not daring to move. Any movement would be a fresh crop of pain, I knew. I dearly loved pleasing Tamara, but oh god, it hurt so bad...

  She rolled over to my side and gently cradled my head. I sobbed softly.

  "You ok, baby?" she asked softly. "I'm sorry I had to put you through that, but I love it so much. I love you so much for letting me do it. Are you ok? Was I too rough?"

  Too rough? That was such a damned understatement. I knew I'd let her do it again though... I don't know why, but I always kind of looked forward to it. As much as it was unbearable suffering and lament while it was transpiring, I still loo
ked forward to it. I loved my wife with all my heart and I would do anything for her... Even this...

  "I'll be ok," I gasped. "Just let me breathe... I'll be ok..."

  She held me like that and gently rocked me. I knew it would be few days before I could piss without pain, and probably ten before I could walk or sit down comfortably... My balls would be swollen for a good week.

  Gradually the pain subsided and left me with a dull, generalized burning throb in my whole genital area. The nausea abated. I felt drained, exhausted, spent...

  "My beautiful boy," she crooned to me. "My wonderful, brave soldier. No one else would ever do this for me, I'm so lucky to have you. You know I'm going to take care of you all weekend, right? You won't have to lift a finger. I'll bathe you, cook for you, nurse you back to health... Anything you want."

  My breathing returned to normal, but I still didn't dare to move. I just lay there in her arms while she rocked me gently. I knew she would stay with me for as long as it took until I could get up. I prayed I wouldn't need to pee for a long time. It was going to be a fresh agony when I did...

  We stayed there for about another ten minutes while I just breathed and she gently stroked my hair.

  "Tamara?" I finally managed to say.

  "Yes, baby?" she replied.

  "...I love you, Tamara."

  "Oh, I love you too, baby. With all my heart. I love you..."

  The End.

  A Nasty Handjob

  My hands are actually shaking as I finish dialling the number and listen to the dial tone. You can just hang up, my nervous mind whispers. No-one will ever know....

  "Hello?" a young woman's voice. Cool, calm, assured.

  "Um, yeah. Is that Nicole? I-I saw your advert online? I'd, ah, like to book an appointment for today. If that's ok?" My God, I must sound like a teenage virgin, not someone approaching thirty. My voice is trembling.


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