Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 107

by Iona Nixon

  "Or perhaps I could taste you first to get you warmed up?"

  "Or a sixtynine? First one to cum does the dishes tonight?"

  "Your'e on!"

  Dave was not above a little bit of cheating and once Kirstin was lying on the bed he kissed his way down her body, spending a not inconsiderable amount of time on her breasts and nipples before moving on to the main event. By the time he got there, Kirstin was very wet and Dave enjoyed the taste of her fresh juices. She had showered shortly before he arrived. He forced himself to concentrate on what he was doing and not on the sensation of Kirstin's mouth on his dick.

  Dave didn't go for her clitoris right away but spent about five minutes, licking and sucking on the skin around Kirstin's vagina. Only then did he start pushing inside her with his tongue. This was his speciality, over the years he spent with his partner, he had built up the muscles in his tongue till he could push inside her tightness. He was one of the few men who really could give a woman a tongue-fucking.

  After doing this for a while he then moved on to the sensitive bud at the apex of her flower. As he sucked this into his mouth his fingers replaced his tongue and sought out Kirstin's G-spot.

  When he found it, any idea of keeping their activity secret from the teenagers went right out of the window and probably into the window of the house on the other side of the road, even though both were closed at the time.

  In the room next door, at least metaphorically, Ella's ears pricked up. She had never heard Kirstin swear before but in the throes of an impending orgasm she was Ella had to admit, remarkably elequent.

  If Ella looked surprised, then Anna was totally gob smacked! "Do you think they are trying that position?" The incredulity in her voice would have been evident to anyone hearing her. At least her mothers cries would prevent her or Dave from hearing her.

  Ella was about to answer when a final cry signalled Kirstin's climax. A moment later, she heard Dave's soft voice ask, "Do you want to try that position now?"

  "Fuck yes!"

  Ella's eyes took on a distant look as she pictured the scene next door in her mind. Dave would be standing, legs slightly apart and crouching, allowing Kirstin to lower herself down onto his pole before locking her legs around his waist and leaning back to push on the ground with her hands above her head. Her right hand had made it's way down to play with her own snatch as she imagined Dave taking her cherry.

  Next door, Dave was laughing as his hands gripped Kirstin's ass cheeks while his hips moved backwards and forwards in an easy rhythm. "So much for keeping quiet."

  "It's good for her to know her mother isn't past it." This last said loudly enough that Anna had to have heard it. As she heard Ella laugh in response, Anna showed that the power yoga classes she had been attending three times a week for the last five years had done some good. She lifted one arm, supporting herself on the other hand while her left started to stroke her clitoris.

  Dave took that as a cue to speed up a little. "God, that looks so hot seeing you do that."

  Kirstin, approaching her second orgasm didn't reply but changed arms to support herself before speeding up the stroking of her nub. Dave started to pull Kirstin in tighter to his crotch with each thrust. Kirstin then placed her feet on Dave's calves and with a push used her stomach muscles to pull herself up. "bite my nipples!"

  Dave did so, straightening and bending his legs to keep up the momentum towards his own explosion. Kirstin's came first and this pushed him over the top. At the same time, next door, Ella brought herself to a satisfying conclusion, her breathing slowly returning to normal once her pussy had stopped contracting.

  "It would be soo good to have Dave for my first time." Ella didn't care by now if she was heard, in fact she wanted Dave to hear her......

  Should I follow this up? What direction should it take? Should Dave take the cherrries of the two teenagers? Let me know what you think.

  The End.

  Handsome Stranger

  I will never forget the day that I met a tall, dark, and handsome stranger.

  I was walking home one night from work and decided to take a shortcut through the alley to my apartment. Normally, I don't take the alley shortcut at night due to safety but tonight for some reason, I threw caution to the wind. It was in that alley that I met him.

  I was almost to the end of the alley when I heard a cry for help not too far from the entrance to the alley, not thinking it could be dangerous, I ran to help the person. Sitting with his back against the wall was a tall guy with black hair all mussed up, blood on his pale face and hands. His piercing blue eyes found mine with a plea of help, no more words escaping his blood red luscious lips. At first I couldn't see anything wrong with him except that he was covered in blood, but as my eyes traveled downward I noticed he had a wooden stake protruding from his belly. I didn't know what I could do to help him, I wasn't a doctor, and I had a strange feeling that taking out the stake was a bad idea. I vaguely remember seeing that on television that taking something like that out could cause him to bleed out. I knelt down beside him and drew out my phone, getting ready to dial 911 when a bloody hand came up and touched mine, stopping me.

  "No..." he said weakly.

  "But you need help, you're wounded!"

  "You should..." he broke off in a coughing fit, some blood dribbling down the side of his mouth. "The other guy. Please..just pull it out."

  "I heard somewhere that is a bad idea...please let me call for an ambulance." He shook his head at me and tried to say something but was caught by another round of coughing. Then he took my hand, making me drop my phone and put it on the stake, making me grip it. I sighed and pulled it out, and tossed it aside, where it clattered and rolled on the concrete. I tried to apply pressure to it but he shook his head.

  "I will be fine. See it is already healing." I couldn't believe his words but when I looked down and examined his would it was mostly closed. I could not believe my eyes, what was he. Who was he? Then I took a deep breath and looked at him, the pale skin, the eyes that seemed like they could look into me forever, the blood all over him, his blood red

  "Who are you?" I asked him with a bit of a shaky breath. My pale hands shaking slightly still on his abdomen, over where his would used to be, in the back of my mind thinking wow he has rock hard abs.

  "My name is Marius, but I do not think that is the question that you want to ask me." He slowly raised a hand up and turned my head so that my brown eyes met his blue.

  "W-w-what are you?" I asked him, suddenly feeling water fall onto my face, the rain they had promised. My blonde hair would get all messy now and my curls would get out of control.

  "I am a vampire, which I suspect you already know. I can read your thoughts, you cant believe it but at the same time you can. In the back of your mind you have always believe in my existence, Ashlyn." After he let his words sink in he took a look at my body, getting soaked in the rain that was now falling. He took in my low cut tank top, my tight jeans, my size C breasts heaving with my heavy breath. He licked his lips slowly, his eyes darting to my neck where I am sure he could see the blood pumping through my veins.

  "I-I-I can't believe v-v-vampires are real..." I looked at his well muscled chest and arms barely covered by his ripped skin tight black shirt. He had on tight jeans as well and I could see a slight bulge in his crotch area. I also knew that sex was probably the second thing he wanted from me.

  "Please let me drink a little bit from you Ashlyn. I won't take much, nor will I hurt you. I promise you will feel pleasure this night." Again he looked over my body, lingering over my cloth covered pussy, my perfectly round breasts, and all of my slight curves. I wasn't overweight but I wasn't sickly skinny either. I had curves and toned muscles that guys seemed to love. I remember thinking that I was glad that I wore sexy undies. He continued to look at me, waiting for an answer. I couldn't get the words out so I just nodded at him. He smiled at me and leaned forward, capturing my lips with his. I leaned into him, m
y hand starting to run up and down his chest now. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me again, taking my breath away. After what seemed like forever of the greatest kiss ever, he pulled away and kissed his way to my neck.

  "Please do not fight it, if you fight it, it will not be pleasurable." Then I felt a small prick on my neck and felt his lips on it, sucking gently at what I knew was my life blood. I closed my eyes and just went with the feeling, my arms wrapping around him. After a few moments I moaned, as the feeling went from weird to pleasurable. I could still feel him drinking my blood but I could also feel my body tingling from the sensation. My pussy was getting wet while he drank, and I knew my nipples had to be erect. Slowly I felt his hand travel down my front and slip into my tank top and bra, grasping my breast and squeezing. I shivered at the feeling, my breath coming out faster. After a moment he moved to my other breast and did the same amazing thing to my nipple and breast there. My moaning was growing louder and I was trying not to grind against him, even though I could feel a pretty impressive erection pressing against me. After what seemed like hours but was probably only around 10 minutes, he pulled away and licked my neck where he had bit me.

  "Thank you, Ashlyn. You taste wonderful..." He smiled as he said it and licked his lips pressing himself up against me, causing me to moan once more. "I take it you enjoyed it then? Hmm..why don't we continue this elsewhere?"

  "Y-yes please." I was still breathless from what had just happened. I still could not believe that this was happening to me. It had been a long time since any man had pleasured me in any way, and the night was far from over. My pussy tingled in anticipation of what his cock would feel like buried deep inside of me. "I live not to far from here, why don't we go to my place?"

  "That would be wonderful, love." He said it like he would say it to anyone but I could feel the deeper meaning in his words. He picked me up into his arms, which was good because I didn't think my legs could hold me. At the moment I thought that I felt him start to move and the next thing I knew we were at my door and he was opening it and carrying me inside. Soon we were in my room and I was on my bed, staring up at him. He sat down next to me and just stared, his eyes roaming over my body. I did the same to him, taking notice of the rather large bulge in his pants once more.

  "You are so sexy Marius..." I smiled teasingly at him as I said it, earning the same smile back from him. Slowly I got to my knees and crawled over to him, sliding into his lap. I pulled him into a deep kiss, pressing myself down into him. After a few moments I broke the kiss and slid my hands under his shirt, lifting it up off of him. He helped me by raising his arms so that I could pull it off. Once it was off I tossed it to the floor, taking in his smooth, pale, muscular chest and abs. I moaned softly looking at him and slowly started kissing my way down his chest, unbuttoning his jeans on my way. Once I reached the floor, his jeans were with me. I noticed he had already helped me by removing his shoes and socks. Smart man. I smiled to myself and pulled his pants off and tossed them aside as well. Then I slowly made my way back up to get a look at his cock.

  As I appeared over his knees I saw it poking through his boxers, already I could tell I was going to enjoy it. I pulled off his boxers slowly and they soon joined his other clothes. Now I was faced with his impressive cock. It had to be at least 10 inches long and at least 3 inches wide. I licked my lips as I looked at it, my hands already running along its length. I slowly moved my head down and took the head of his cock into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it slowly and tantalizingly. After a moment of teasing him I slowly started working my mouth down his shaft, my tongue twirling around it as I did. My hands had moved to massage his massive balls while my mouth worked on his massive cock. Soon my mouth met my hands at his balls, I had fit his whole cock inside of my mouth. I was rewarded for this with a loud moan from him and his hands running through my hair, gripping gently. I started to move my mouth up and down his cock slowly, taking it out long enough to wet it with my tongue and tease him. I leaned down once and sucked on his balls while my hand caressed his cock. After awhile he moaned loudly and gently pulled on my hair, pulling my mouth off of his cock.

  "Baby, stop or I am going to cum in your mouth, and that is not where I want to cum. The first time anyway." I smiled at that, knowing that I had really gotten him going. At that smile he leaned down and picked me up, throwing me onto the bed. "Your turn."

  "Mmm." I moaned as I watched him, leaning over me, completely naked. He then pulled me to him and kissed me deeply, our tongues playing with the others. After a couple of minutes he pulled away and slipped his hands under my shirt, pulling it off of me. He reached around and unhooked my bra, tossing that with my shirt. He knelt there for a moment, taking in my muscled stomach and breasts. The he leaned forward and took my right breast into his mouth, licking and sucking with a little nibble here and there. He was rewarded by my moans. After taking his time with the right he moved to my left, giving it the same treatment. I couldn't believe that these actions were making my pussy soaking wet. No other man had ever been able to do that to me. After he finished with my breasts he kissed down my chest and stomach, unbuttoning and pulling my jeans and undies down with him. Boy was I glad that I had shaved yesterday! After all of my clothes were removed he kissed back up my legs, making me lay back down and spread my legs for him. Slowly he reached my thighs and kissed and licked his way to my wet pussy. Oh god he was going to eat me out! No guy had ever done that for me! Soon I felt his tongue on my pussy, licking the juices that had already dribbled out of it. He took his time, licking outside and sucking on my clit before he pushed his tongue inside of me. The moment his tongue entered me I screamed and came all over his tongue. No one had made me cum that fast before! He didn't stop as my body shivered from my orgasm, he just kept fucking me with his tongue. I think I came three more times before I rose my head up and looked at him, hunger in my eyes.

  "Oh god please fuck me with your cock. I can't wait anymore. Fuck me Marius!" I felt him grin into my pussy and give it one last good tongue lashing. He looked up at me, my juices coating his face and smiled.

  "As my lady wishes." With that he slowly climbed on top of me and put his hard cock at my sopping wet entrance. He teased me with it by rubbing it up and down my slit, getting it nice and wet with my juices.

  "Please...fuck me now!" I practically screamed at him, my eyes pleading and hungry for his cock. He obliged by slamming that 10 inch cock inside of me and not stopping until his balls touched my ass. "Oh god, yessss!" I did scream it that time, my eyes closing in the pleasure. He leaned down and kissed me, long and deep as he slowly started thrusting in and out my pussy. I tasted myself on him and I must admit, I did not taste bad. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my feet touching his ass and met his thrusts with my own, still kissing him passionately. My hands were around him, my nails scratching his back as he fucked me. "Harder!" I commanded when he pulled away from our kiss. With that word, he thrust into me harder, pulling almost all the way out and then slamming back in.

  "Oh god, you feel so fucking good around my cock Ashlyn! Yes that's it fuck me back!" He moaned out the words while he continued to fuck me as hard as he could without hurting my fragile human body. Eventually, he turned us over and I was on top of him, riding him like a fucking horse. My nails were now leaving scratches all over his chest as I fucked him for all I was worth. After a little bit of this I stopped and leaned down on him, my pussy clamping down on his cock as I came hard, my juices dripping out of me and onto the bed.

  "Oh fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!!" I screamed as I came, my body shaking with the strength of it. After I had come down from the best cum of my fucking life, I smiled at him and got off, kneeling on all fours, my ass in the air. "Fuck me like the slut I am. Fuck me from behind. Do it now! Bury your cock back inside of my tight pussy!" He grinned and got behind me quicker than a human could have. Next thing I knew he slammed his cock back inside of my pussy, balls deep. He groaned as he did, stopping so that he didn't cum yet. "Yes, that's
it fuck me with your hard fucking cock!" As I finished the word cock he started to slam into me, these weren't thrusts he was slamming his cock into my awaiting pussy. "fuck yes like that faster!" He started to fuck me faster, probably as fast as he possibly could. I pushed myself back against him, meeting his thrusts with my own again, losing all control.

  After what seemed like hours he moaned loudly and gripped my hips, "I am going to cum Ash! Fuck I am going to cum!"

  "Yes! Cum inside of me. Fuck me until you cum! I will cum with you!" With those words he lost his tightly kept control and fucked me as hard as he could, his hands digging into my hips as he did. I felt it coming on as he fucked me. Soon I heard him scream and pump wildly into my pussy, his hot load coating my insides, just as my pussy clamped onto his cock again and milked him with my cum. After the longest cum of my life and he had spent his seed inside of me he slowly pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to me. I fell onto my belly and sighed happily. "Fuck that was amazing. I need some rest but I want more of your cock later. And more of your cum." I rolled over and snuggled into him, my breathing starting to go back to normal.

  "Fuck yes. You will have my cock as much as you want baby." Soon we were both fast asleep, both of spent for the time being.

  The End.

  Too Close for Comfort

  Kelly straightened her shirt, swiped on some lip gloss, and ran out the door, book bag in tow. She was running a little late for her meeting with her thesis advisor, and she really hated to be late. Still, she knew he would understand. Jake - Professor Aron - had been her mentor, really more her friend, for eight years now. When they'd met, she was a lowly freshman and he'd been a teacher's assistant, halfway through getting his PhD. She'd hit on him, believing all TAs were in it only for the T and A, thinking of letting loose now that she was in college. He'd stayed aloof for a long time, finally warming up to her, but eventually she found out he was dating someone seriously.


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