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Daddies Taboo

Page 116

by Iona Nixon

  "Lick it," Miranda ordered.

  Jessica glared at her rival, but she lacked the strength to put up a fight. Slowly for the first time in her life, Jessica's tongue licked another woman's clit. Jessica slowly picked up the pace, getting more used to the motion with each passing second.

  "Oh yes, my own clit sucker!" Miranda crooned as she leaned forward slightly.

  Jessica realized that Miranda was giving her an opening if she leaned forward anymore and began to suck on Miranda's engorged clit. Jessica was rewarded with the sounds of Miranda moaning.

  The ref blew his whistle. "End of round two!" he yelled out.

  Miranda stood up and walked to the center of the mat. Jessica tried to stand, but her left leg had been in the V position so long, it was numb. She limped over to the center of the mat and looked at Miranda who looked right back at her.

  "Your turn to start on the bottom," the ref said to Jessica.

  Jessica sighed to herself and dropped down into the bottom referee's position. Miranda assumed the top position and the ref blew his whistle to start round three. Jessica flung Miranda down and straddled her shoulders with her butt in Miranda's face. Miranda threw her legs up trying to dislodge Jessica who grabbed both legs and tucked one under each arm. The move forced Miranda's butt up off the mat a good fifteen inches.

  Jessica hesitated for a brief moment, and then stuck her finger in Miranda's pussy. Quickly realizing controlling both legs meant little ability to attack Miranda's pussy; Jessica released Miranda's right leg, keeping her pussy close by control of just the left leg. She lacked Miranda's finesse; she roughly ground Miranda's clit and g spot with her thumb and finger.

  Miranda thrashed about trying to escape, but the bigger Jessica had total control. Her muffled wails into Jessica butt actually felt stimulating. Jessica didn't even want to look up at the scoreboard, it couldn't be pretty. She had been Miranda's play toy for almost two whole rounds. All she could do now was repay Miranda for the pain/pleasure treatment last round. Jessica sawed on Miranda's clit and g spot, her clit growing very red and puffy under her furious assault. A minute later, Jessica noted with satisfaction that Miranda orgasmed as her vagina clamped on to Jessica's finger. Jessica kept finger fucking Miranda as fast and hard as her hand would allow. Minutes later a second orgasm ripped through Miranda's body.

  Miranda finally caught Jessica leaning too far forward and got her free leg wrapped around the back of Jessica's neck. Jessica instinctively tried to brace her fall with her left arm since her right hand was still buried in Miranda's pussy. Miranda completed the reversal by locking her finally free left leg over her right leg.

  "We have a reversal," the ref announced.

  Miranda got her arms free and stuck her finger in Jessica's pussy. Jessica was desperate. She couldn't let Miranda get control of her again. She planted her feet and straightened her legs like she was trying to stand. Then Jessica flopped over on her left side.

  The two girls struggled to regain control of the match. Jessica's conditioning and reprieve from orgasm allowed her to regain control of the match. Miranda fended Jessica off as best as she could, but the size and weight differential was too much. Jessica began to finger fuck Miranda as fast as she could.

  The ref blew his whistle. "That's the end of round 3!" he yelled. "Final score is Miranda 823, Jessica 687! Congrats to our reigning champion Miranda! You dominated the newcomer for most of this match! Now it's time to degrade the loser as well! You have thirty minutes – beginning now!"

  Jessica stood there uncertain what to do. She had never contemplated losing. Sex toys were being brought out on a cart. Miranda went over and grabbed a pair of dragon silk wrist restraints. She grabbed Jessica's wrists and pulled them together behind her back and quickly cuffed her hands together.

  "Kneel," Miranda ordered.

  Jessica knelt down and waited for further instructions.

  "Lick me out bitch," Miranda said as she grabbed Jessica by the hair and guided her mouth into her pussy.

  "Tom, grab that vibrator off the cart for me," Miranda directed as she kept pressure on the back of Jessica's head. Jessica was almost thankful the action kept her face obscured from the cameras. The embarrassment of the situation was almost too much to handle. Her boyfriend was going to aid this bitch in humiliating her.

  Miranda yanked Jessica away from her pussy and walked around behind Jessica. Maintaining her hold on Jessica's hair, she guided Jessica over to Tom. "Pull down his shorts!"

  "How? You have my hands.."

  "With your teeth, slut!" Miranda interrupted as she reached down and grabbed Jessica's nipple and gave it a good twist.

  Jessica yelped and sunk her teeth into Tom's shorts, pulling them out and down exposing his cock.

  "Now suck him hard!" Miranda demanded.

  Tears welled up in Jessica's eyes as she began sucking her boyfriend's cock. Miranda rammed her head forward over and over, causing Jessica to gag on Tom's cock as it repeatedly hit the back of her throat. Tom's cock twitched violently too, apparently watching his girlfriend get humiliated like this was turning him on big time.

  Miranda threw Jessica on her back and then straddled her. Her pussy was there about eight inches above Jessica's face.

  "Fuck me Tom," Miranda directed. Tom knelt behind Miranda and inserted his cock doggy style. Jessica closed her eyes, unable to watch.

  Miranda twisted both of Jessica's nipples hard, causing Jessica to scream. "You will watch this bitch! Do you get me?"

  Jessica opened her eyes and watched her boyfriend's dick thrust in and out of Miranda's pussy. She hoped Miranda would get distracted enough that she could close her eyes again soon. Instead a low humming sound began. She felt Miranda spreading her pussy lips apart and then the most powerful vibration she had ever felt landed on her clit. Her unprepared clit immediately felt intense pain, but it also rapidly swelled. Jessica bit her lip as the pain gave way to pleasure. Once again, her pussy got wet, very wet. That bitch was going to make her orgasm while she watched her boyfriend fuck another woman!

  The vibrator was amazing; Jessica had never felt pleasure so strong. Her legs began to shake as the impending orgasm built faster than any orgasm had ever before. She stared wide eyed as Tom continued to fuck Miranda faster and faster.

  Miranda removed the vibrator from Jessica's pussy and rammed into her own pussy instead. Jessica gritted her teeth as another orgasm had been deprived her by this cunt. Tom removed his dick and began stroking as fast as possible with his hand. With impeccable timing, Tom jizzed and Miranda squirted all over Jessica's face. Tom's jizz spider webbed her face and Miranda's juice dripped into her eyes.

  Jessica had never felt so humiliated. Blinded by cum, she had no advance warning as Miranda jammed the vibrator back into her clit. She felt her legs being grabbed and lifted off of the ground. Her fourth orgasm erupted and Jessica's ejaculation gushed down her belly. Miranda kept the vibrator on her clit and her body kept pumping out more juice. Miranda used her other hand to catch the rivulets of cum and wipe them all over Jessica.

  "Want a rematch?" Miranda taunted as she stood up finally.

  Jessica glared at Miranda and Tom for a minute. "Fuck yeah!"

  The End.

  Ace of Spades

  Julie was naive for an eighteen year old. Her close school friend Fran told Julie about her uncle. He seemed to be very wealthy and lived in Canford Cliffs where the big houses have very high walls and large gardens. Fran told Julie that her uncle's basement was basically a dungeon and that he had taken her down there a couple of times.

  Fran spoke of games which her uncle played and she showed red marks on her wrists where he had handcuffed her. But she said that the real buzz came from the psychological bondage of being subject to someone else's will and letting him use you as he pleased. Such was Julie's fascination with these matters that she allowed Fran to play some games with her.

  Fran tied Julie up a couple of times and took her knickers down while she was helpl
ess which was scary and felt quite surreal. Being touched by another girl in that way was quite freaky and Julie let Fran spank her with her hand and then with a white leather belt from her wardrobe. Poor Julie actually had red marks across her lovely bum but they faded quite quickly. One Saturday the two of them went shopping and Fran adopted her severe voice and told Julie to go into a narrow alleyway between two shops and take her knickers off. Julie looked at her in horror. They were surrounded by crowds of shoppers and at first Julie thought that Fran was joking but she just stared at Julie with a dead straight face and told her that the faster she moved the less chance there was of discovery.

  Julie darted into the alleyway and stopped about half way down. It was completely straight so anyone looking in at either end would have a clear view of everything in the lane. She took a deep breath and shoved her hands up her short skirt.

  She nervously pulled her most intimate little garment down as fast as she could then smoothed her skirt and, feeling uncomfortably hot, went back to Fran.

  Fran asked Julie where her knickers were.

  "In my pocket."

  "I think you should carry them in your hand."

  Julie's mouth opened to refuse but then she thought better of it and silently withdrew the little wisp of pink cotton. With luck anyone who did happen to see would think it was a handkerchief. Fran was really enjoying herself and she kept leading her sartorially disadvantage victim in and out of shops and then she decided she would like a coffee. They sat at a table outside a coffee shop with Julie feeling very exposed and still holding the little scrunched up pink bundle in her hand.

  When the male waiter appeared Fran ordered a coffee and a Danish Pastry.

  "My friend won't have anything."

  Julie really fancied a nice sticky cake but Fran was in charge and Julie experienced an unexpected tingle at the realisation that she was under her friend's control. By the time she had watched Fran enjoy her snack, which she did very slowly, Julie was really tingling and knew that she would obey whatever humiliating order Fran chose to issue. The bus ride home seemed to last an age; the bus was very crowded and Fran found a seat but told Julie to stand. They went to Julie's house because they knew that they would have it to themselves. Fran, the mistress, seated herself on the sofa and brusquely ordered Julie to lie across her lap.

  Of course Julie obeyed and her skirt rode up exposing bare white cheeks. Fran dragged the skirt right up over Julie's back and the spanking began. Julie had never been so horny. It was incredible and she was actually grateful to Fran when she ordered her to frig herself on the carpet in front of her mistress.

  But Julie knew that they were only playing silly little girl games. What would it be like with a man? Many nights she lay in bed with her slim fingers attending to her urgent need as she imagined Fran's uncle, whom she had never met, leading her down into his dungeon to an unknown and painful fate.

  Part of her mind was telling her that this was nonsense. Playing games with Fran whom she had known for years and could trust was one thing, but to hand herself over to a total stranger in his home and away from any witnesses would be terrifying and stupid. A girl might as well wear a placard saying "Please rape me."

  But that was the whole point. What was at the heart of the delicious sexual thrill was the complete loss of control and the not knowing what he would do. When she played her games with Fran there was a thrill at first but it soon palled. What would it feel like to actually stand at the door to the uncle's dungeon with his hand on her back pushing her forward? Of course one reads stories about these things but most people never get a chance to actually experience it. And Julie had that chance. It would only take one word to Fran and it would happen.

  The debate in her mind raged back and forth but it was only going to end one way. There was only one outcome which would satisfy her terrible all consuming curiosity and she knew that it had to be all or nothing. Fran made it clear that Julie could not go into this with a list of conditions and limits. Uncle would never accept that.

  And so there she was that morning standing on a street corner with her little overnight bag over her shoulder. Her parents thought that she was spending a few nights in London with Fran, taking in the sights and the shopping before starting at university. Julie had no idea what Fran's uncle looked like or even what car he drove but the arrangement was that a car would pull up and she would be shown an Ace of Spades playing card. When she saw that card she would completely obey the bearer. She stood and waited and was really surprised that she felt calm as she scanned every car which approached.


  For Julie it seemed that things were moving so fast. She had been awed when the long, shiny Daimler had pulled up beside her with the chauffeur holding open the front door and showing her the Ace of Spades. It had never occurred to her that Uncle would not collect her himself.

  As soon as she was inside the car, behind the smoked glass windows, the man produced the collar and Julie almost refused to let him put it on her but she could not let herself fail this early on. Fran's words were running through her head and she knew that she had said she would accept the rule.

  "When you see the Ace of Spades you will completely obey the bearer."

  It felt so unnatural to just sit there while he buckled the brown leather dog collar around her neck and she was excruciatingly aware that she was wearing a very brief, strappy red top which showed the flesh of her belly and left very little of her neat breasts to the imagination. That had been Fran's idea and Julie felt that she had been gift-wrapped for the chauffeur.

  When she was collared the car had purred away from the kerb and the driver had told her to sit with her hands by her sides and her knees parted. Traffic was heavy so the car did not go very fast and it spent a lot of time stationery in queues or at traffic lights. The driver used these times to extend his arm and grope her breasts or put his hand up her brief white skirt and stroke or squeeze where she was marshmallow soft and very damp. And Julie could not believe that she sat motionless and just let him do it.

  Arriving at the house was quite an experience. They turned into the gateway and the solid wooden gates swung open of their own accord then closed behind them. Julie looked through the rear window very aware that she was now in the lair of the man whom she had never met. Only Fran knew that she was here and she would not be missed for perhaps as long as a week. How much could happen to her in that time? The newscaster's voice ran through her mind.

  "Julie was supposed to be heading for London but there is no evidence that she ever arrived. It seems that she has simply vanished and police have set up a hotline for anyone who thinks they may have seen her."

  Her reverie stopped when the car pulled up on the gravel drive and the driver took a leash from the glove box then came round to her side of the car, opened the door and stooped to clip it to her collar. He did not say a word but his tug on the lead made his command very clear.

  Her first glimpse of the man she now had to call "Master" had been unnerving. He was tall and distinguished, probably over sixty years of age with neat grey hair and a grey beard which was immaculately trimmed. His clothing was casual but expensive and well cut and his voice was quiet and obviously well educated. This made his often foul turn of phrase all the more startling.

  As she stood in his lounge he walked around her silently appraising her as if she were a second hand car then he began to speak in a voice which seemed to seep into her very soul as if it were hypnotic. He questioned her about her fantasies and her reactions to various stimuli. How often did she masturbate? What did she think about while she was doing it? What had caused her to want to come to him? He wrung from her many more secrets than she would want any human being to know and her replies were becoming ever softer as he regressed her to a frightened little girl who was in a world where she knew nothing of the rules.

  After the questions came the rules. He spoke about the practice of submission and the demand for total and instant obedience. There wa
s no mention of a "safe word"; if she needed a get out clause she should not have come. He made it clear that she was his to use; in coming here she had chosen to be in that position. When he picked up a dishcloth he did not consider whether the cloth would prefer to be used in hot or cold water and if he chose to use the cloth to clean the lavatory or the sole of his shoe the cloth did not have a right to object. She must think of herself as just such an implement and if she succeeded in that she would experience the thrill which she had craved since Fran first spoke to her about submission.

  When she had been standing to attention for what seemed an age he said that she had now reached the point of choosing. If she so wished he would call his chauffeur to remove her collar and take her home or she could choose to remain and accept all the terms which had been set out for her. If she chose to walk out he would never have her back and the world of submission to him would be forever closed to her.

  Julie could not bear the thought of coming this far and then having the door closed on her. She could not accept the sense of failure which that would bring so she said that she would stay. His command came immediately after her reply.


  Somehow she had expected more preamble or ritual. Just a one word order seemed brutal but she had said that she would obey. Removing her top, shoes and skirt was not too difficult even aware as she was of his gimlet eye examining every movement. When she was in just bra and briefs he ordered her to remove the briefs first which felt very unnatural and frightening. She placed the warm scrap of cotton on top of her skirt on the chair beside her and felt extremely vulnerable. Somehow it would have been easier in a bedroom but in this well lit lounge with its picture window over the garden and this man who was older that her father the experience was surreal.


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