Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 117

by Iona Nixon

Next her bra had to come off and she was standing with hands by her sides and her eyes staring straight ahead. He had made it clear that her legs had to be apart at all times and she must never cover her breasts. Standing with her legs wide open displaying her most secret part to him was very unnerving. She now wished that she had kept her pubic hair; at least that might have given some cover but she knew that his eyes were taking in every intimate fold of her flesh.

  The man had that mysterious gift which people call "presence" and made it unthinkable that she would disobey him or risk his anger. Julie had a feeling that the anger of this man would be truly terrifying.

  He pressed a discreet little button on the wall which caused the driver to appear; the man had donned a pair of black combat trousers and a black vest. He was holding two loops of narrow white plastic. Master spoke gently and with a smile.

  "The kitchen door is five paces behind you. If you can get in there I won't let Jones touch you."

  Julie looked over her shoulder then she made a dash for the door. In a split second Jones was beside her and his foot scythed her legs from under her pitching her down on hands and knees. He grabbed her forearms dragging them behind her and causing her to go down onto her belly with her tender nipples pressing into the carpet. She felt the plasti-cuffs slipped around her wrists and he pulled them shut with a rapid zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound then he grabbed a hank of her hair pulling her head back so that she felt she was being scalped and she emitted a loud scream of pain.

  "On your feet!"

  She pulled herself up knowing that if she did not get into a standing position the man would hold her up by her hair. As she stood naked, bound and helpless with tears in her eyes the two men walked around her.

  "What do you think of it Jones?"

  "On the small side Sir. Tits like a kid."

  Master took a handful of her left breast.

  "Probably a nice tight cunt. Is it a virgin cunt Slut?"

  "N no Sir."

  The men chuckled and Jones's hand began to maul between her legs while Master went behind her.

  "The bum's a bit on the fat side. Could probably take a bit of punishment."

  Julie knew that pain was now a certainty. The only questions were how much would they inflict and what was her limit. She suspected that they would not hesitate to take her beyond her limit and yet, for some reason which was beyond her comprehension, it never occurred to her to ask to be allowed to leave. That would be to admit failure.

  Jones's hand was in her hair again tightly against her skull and he dragged her towards the door with Master following and enjoying her whimper of pain. They went through the wide hallway and through a door onto some stone steps which were cold to her bare feet. The basement had a stone floor and was lit by small yellow lights set into the walls. With his hand still gripping her hair Jones dragged her head back so that she was looking at the ceiling and she felt Master's hand between her legs.

  He groped her puffy little lips and began to massage her clitty so that she could not keep from responding. One finger and then two slipped between her moistening lips and began to frig in and out while keeping the pressure on her clit. She could not suppress her loud moans and she knew that her copious juice was betraying her to her abuser. Jones dragged her back against a wall and then released her so that only the pressure from Master kept her upright with her back against the wall and her buttocks jerking up and down involuntarily.

  Now Master's other hand found her left nipple and was mauling the flesh and tweaking the nipple adding cries of pain to her building moans of masochistic pleasure. Her legs were weak and her vision blurred. Julie was totally out of control and her breath came in desperate gasps. She had not even been aware of Master unzipping himself until she felt his erection pressing between her legs and then invading her small opening. He filled her completely in fact his member felt huge and far larger than it could possibly be in reality. His body was pressed against her and forcing her into the wall as he rammed into her again and again while his hands gripped her shoulders with his fingers digging in painfully and his mouth was all over her face.

  Master was shouting in triumph as he raped his helpless young victim and she felt that her heart must burst if he did not stop but he kept on and on. It seemed he would never subside. Julie's experience of masculine performance was not extensive but up until now she had taken it for granted that sex involved varying amounts of buildup then a moment of energetic activity followed by a shout and a flaccid penis on a male body which lay back basking in its own satiation. Burning hot fluid filled her and yet he did not desist and Julie had a sense of time extending infinitely. How could the man possibly keep it up for such a time?

  Eventually it did end and he pulled away from her leaving her to slump to the floor in a red, panting little heap covered in semen and sweat.

  But Julie was to be allowed no rest. Strong hands reached and caught her under the arms to drag her to her hands and knees and her vision, through the sweat soaked hair straggling over her eyes, was filled by Jones's black combats. His erect member was on display and pointing towards the ceiling as he advanced upon her.

  He gripped her ears forcing her onto himself and she had no choice but to take him in her mouth. Still holding her ears he moved her head back and forth while he shouted orders at her.

  "Suck it Bitch. If you keep me hard maybe I won't thrash you so hard. Keep your mind on your work."

  At the same time she felt the Master's hands gripping her thighs and keeping her backside raised and then she was struck by terror as she felt hard, hot flesh between her buttocks. She almost fainted as she realised what he was going to do to her. He had found a virgin hole after all. The thought of anal sex revolted her and she was terrified that he would tear her flesh open.

  Still her mouth was full of Jones's meat and she could not avoid her tongue feeling its hardness and its bulk making her gag. She wanted to cry out as, with one thrust, Master rammed into her tight little hole which she had foolishly clamped shut in defence. As he moved in and out of her rear he was making her body bounce up and down and still Jones was in her mouth with his precum mixing with her saliva. And then he came shooting his hot semen right down her throat so that she felt she was choking.

  Still the ass fucking continued until Master was satisfied and he threw her to the floor so that Jones's now subsiding tumescence came from her mouth soaking her face in its oozing.

  Julie was curled up on the flagstones with her hands still tightly secured behind her back. Her whole body was convulsing as she whimpered quietly and the cellar stank of semen and sweat, both hers and theirs. She could feel the sticky semen drying on her behind and her face. Some had got into her hair and she felt she would never be clean.

  She was vaguely aware of the two men making lewd remarks and jokes at some volume.

  "The little whore.....young bitch....filthy cunt can't get enough..not much of a fuck but she'll learn."

  Julie was only dimly aware of one of them picking her up and dragging her across the floor then she was thrown like a piece of refuse into a small, cramped space and she heard an iron door clang shut.

  Then she was alone in the dim light. She was in a narrow space about five feet long and her feet were against the iron grille. Her mind was floating and she drifted in and out of consciousness as her whole body ached especially her pussy and her anus. And she knew this was not the end. Her tormentors were only resting and probably sharing a drink and more crude jokes about what they were going to do to her.

  The End.

  Sexual Desires

  I want to share with you how my husband and I got involved in our first extramarital affair. I never thought that sex with others after married was to be so erotic. My name is Susan; I am a 32 years old blonde German/Colombian woman, 5'7", 137 lbs, green eyes, I have been told that men like my long legs, bubble ass and my firm 36D breasts. My husband is Rick is a 34 years old, 5'11 and 195 lbs. We have no kids and can't have any kids due to that
my ovaries never got developed. We are fit and go the gym together every morning from Monday thru Friday.

  Rick and I got to know each other nine years ago at a disco in Miami, we got married two years later and have had a great marriage, comparing our seven years of marriage to other couples we know; we love each other and have always had a great sex life, we specially love to have sex at night in the swimming pool area and patio drinking some beer and wine.

  Rick is a general contractor and I help him out from home keeping the books and quoting customers new work. Recently business has been slow due to the economy, but we manage to survive with no luxuries or vacation time because there is no extra money to spare, most days for Rick is just a working day while I relax by the swimming pool when I have not much to do; on weekends we have been staying at home watching movies and sometimes a BBQ. We have being having a lot of time to expend around the house, especially lots of free time for sex, as I said before we enjoy it in our swimming pool, our Jacuzzi and on our family room couch watching different types of porn movies. Once in a while we have commented and fantasized about a possible threesome while we watch the porn movies and make love, Rick's fantasy has been about bringing another woman into our sex life for a night of sex.

  My neighbor Sally is one of my best friends; she is a 31 years old brunette, 5'6", 135 lbs, 36C with a beautiful face and body. She also helps her husband from home with his general contractor business. Her husband Tom is a chubby 35 years old guy, 5'10", about 230 lbs and also as my husband Rick he is a general contractor. They had worked in some jobs together until about three months ago when they had an argument about a job in which they did not made any money and each one ended up blaming each other for this failure; Sally and I really think they both were at fault. This argument led for Tom and Rick to go their separate ways and they do not really talk to each other despite the friendship between Sally and me.

  Our house backyard is very private, Rick put in place a high fence; no one can really watch our swimming pool area which allows me and my husband to be nude in our backyard and do nude sunbathing. Rick build a nice Jacuzzi which is attached to the pool, he also added a waterfall that really love to go under and planted nice palm trees all around the pool area.

  A few weeks back; around 1:00PM I was topless relaxing on my extension chair when Sally called my cell and asked me to open the main house door for her. Most times when I am in my backyard I cannot hear the door bell. I opened the door and we walked back the pool area. She had a drink in her hand, it seemed to me she have had too many already. She made some comments about my exposed tits and how much I liked to be nude. She then grabbed an extension chair and sat beside me establishing a conversation that wasn't clear enough, I couldn't understand exactly what she meant so I asked her if she just could tell me straight forward what she wanted to tell me. Then in one sentence she told me that she had been unfaithful to Tom twice in the last two weeks.

  Sally told me that the prior week before that day, she had cheated on Tom and that she did not know if she wanted to stop it from happening again. Sally said it that it was her first time and that she had ever cheated on Tom before, she said all happened when she was coming back home late in the afternoon from visiting a potential customer for some remodeling work; she said that while driving she got a flat tire and that the closes place to where she got the flat was what seemed to her at the time to be a house, she said the house as about 100 feet away. Once she drove in and parked her car she said it seemed awkward to her for a house to have a huge parking area as that one, she also notice about ten cars parked before she decided to walk to the front door and ask for help. She then found out that this house was some sort of a club; it turned out to be a swingers club. The guy at the door let her in and told her to talk to the guy at the bar and see how he could help her.

  Sally told me that once in the club she saw naked guys and women relaxing and talking in an area that looked like a lounge. She said that she saw a woman in her forties sucking a guy while another guy was doing her from behind, she said that she just stood there and watched for a couple of minutes before a man from behind asked her if she liked what she was watching. Sally did not know what to answer the man and walked towards the bar where she asked the guy behind the bar if he could help her changing the flat tire on her car, she said that the guy very politely walked out of the club with Sally and helped her changing the flat tire.

  Sally was curious and started to ask the guy questions about the place, she also wanted to sound polite and have a conversation with the guy while he changed the flat tire on her car. The guy explained to her what was the club about and told Sally that the woman she saw at the bar having sex was married to the guy that approached her from behind. He told Sally that most of the women in the club were married and they go there with their husband and have sex with men while their husband watch or join in. He told Sally that at that moment there were eight to ten single guys, four couples and one woman alone.

  Once Dave finished changing the flat tire, Sally walked back inside the club to wash her hands, but she said that she was really curious about the place. Once she walked back in the club, she went to the bathroom and on her way out of the bathroom she found the guy; Dave, who had just helped her changing the flat tire. He asked Sally if she was interested in a tour of the place to which she agreed. She told me that they passed to an area that only nudity was allowed beyond a point, but Dave told her that she did not have to be nude because she was just getting a tour of the place. She saw a Jacuzzi with two nude guys in it; then they walked to an area with beds and small rooms where she saw a woman having sex; there were five guys, some watching and some engage in sex with her. She watched for a couple of minutes and saw a guy touching himself and watching her, he was giving her signals to join the group or join him on the bed. She said that she was so much into watching that woman having sex that she did not notice when Dave started to touch and squeeze her ass. She decided to walk away and told Dave on her way out of the nude area that she had to get going, it was getting late for her and she had to get home. Dave told her that they were open every day and that she should feel free to drop by at any time.

  Sally told me that the same night this happened Tom and her had sex, and that all she could think about was the woman at the bar having sex with the two guys while her husband watched, she also thought about the woman in the sex area having sex with all those guys. Sally said that those images were stock in her mind and was the only thing she thought about it while she had sex with Tom that night.

  Sally said that Tom likes to lay on his back and receive oral sex from her, and that most times that was it. In occasions when Tom is ready to cum she would get on top of him for about a minute but also this left her sometimes very excited and in a need of an orgasm. Sally told me that she decided that night after the sex with Tom and falling to sleep that she may like to go back to the club the following day and see what happened.

  Sally told me that she decided that morning to go back to the club after lunch time; she told Tom that she had to drive back to the customer to confirm some measurements for the job she needed to quote. She told him she was going to drive to the customer around 2:00PM and that she should be back home around 4:00PM or 5:00PM.

  Sally arrived at the club around 2:00 PM, she said that there were about the same amount of men and couples around the bar area, but there was no sex activity in the lounge area. She met Dave at the bar and starting to talk to him. Dave told her that during the day not many couples come to the club, some women come alone like Sally and that a lot of single guys are always around. Dave told her that the club gets packed Friday and Saturday nights, Saturday nights were for couples only and that the night time were busier than day time.

  Sally told Dave that this was her first time visiting a swingers club and she felt a little shy about it. While they talked, Dave asked her twice before she agreed if she wanted to go to the sex/nudity area. Dave took her to a small room where she got un
dressed and locked her clothes in a small locker. Sally said that David was behind her watching her getting undress, taking off her blouse, shorts and bra; then she pushed down her panties and when she bended over to pass the panties thru her feet, she felt Dave's hand on her ass chicks. Dave told her she had a gorgeous ass and her body was just great.

  Sally said that she had second thoughts and at one point she told Dave she wasn't ready for it and she was going to go back home. Dave convince her to stay in the club and that she did not have to have sex with anyone if she did not wanted to do it, that she was already there so she might as well just relax and enjoy herself the way she wanted to. She agreed but asked Dave that she would like him to accompany her just in case guys try to get advantage of her being alone. Dave agreed then disappeared for a few minutes while getting someone to cover him at the bar.

  Sally said that when Dave got back he was already nude, she described him to be 29 and approximate 5'10 and 185 lbs. black hair and an 8" cock, she said that when he saw him nude walking into the locker room she froze and just stared at his cock. Sally said her husband Tom is about 4" or 4-1/2". Sally placed a towel over her body and walked to the Jacuzzi with Dave; once she got there she dropped her towel and walked into the Jacuzzi with Dave, she said it felt sexy to walk nude in front of a guy in a public place. Sally felt more relax even though she was now naked with another man in a Jacuzzi. She said that a couple of minutes later three guys joined them in the Jacuzzi; she was not sure if she should stay in th Jacuzzi or leave, but after some talk and jokes she felt comfortable until she felt hands under the water touching her legs, she told Dave she wanted to get out of the Jacuzzi with the excuse that he water was too hot; they both got out, grabbed the towels and walked together to the sex area where she notice two women and a few guys having sex.

  She saw a woman on her hands and knees with a guy behind her while she sucked her husband. Sally said that this couple was in their forties and had a good crowd of guys watching them. Dave told Sally that the couple was regulars at the club in the afternoons and his thing was to see his wife have sex with multiple guys. Sally said that while she watched the couple involved in sex with the different guys taking turns with her and masturbating, she felt Dave touching her ass and tits and for some reason she just let him do it. She then let Dave touch and insert a finger in her pussy,, she felt very wet and wanting to have sex. Dave kissed her and wanted to get her to lay on a bed beside the couple they were watching having sex, but Sally asked him to go to a private room, she could not do it in front of anyone.


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