Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 122

by Iona Nixon

  Claire's hips bucked up in a frantic wordless plea, as if the soft swish of air on her wet cunny would be enough.

  "You want it so badly, don't you?" Melissande asked. Her tone still held the scorn Claire was accustomed to by now, but there was something else, too – a note of curiosity.

  Claire didn't know how to answer the question. She didn't even know what her body was reaching for. "Please, ma'am," she whimpered.

  Melissande leaned over Claire's body, and put her lips, still damp from Claire's body, against Claire's ear. "I can see why you captivated him. You are a tasty little baggage," she whispered. "But I'm afraid that makes you my enemy."

  Then, before Claire could process what it meant, Melissande's mouth was at that pleasure spot and Claire reached higher than she had before. Lights exploded behind her eyes as all the air rushed out of her lungs. It felt good – so good – until the sharp pain registered. Teeth, Claire realized. Melissande's teeth cut sharply into the spot that had felt good, making the pain that much more acute. But even the horrifying agony of that moment, as Melissande bit down on her – hard – couldn't stop the pleasure from rocking her body.

  Claire's limbs fell to the floor with a thud as the will to fight, to feel anything at all, left her sated body. The pain still rang through her, jerking her every so often like a puppet held by invisible strings. And yet, she was also satisfied. That endless climb was over. Her body was finished.

  She vaguely heard Melissande stand up and ring for the footman. Two of them came in this time. They lifted her up and half-carried, half-led her up the stairs between them. She recognized one of them from earlier, but the other was a stranger. She couldn't help them, could scarcely move her limbs, but she was so grateful to be going back to her room.

  She saw the door to her room, but at the last moment they swept her into an alcove.

  "What is it?" she mumbled.

  They didn't answer, but they didn't need to. Not when their hands pinched and groped at her body over the thin shift and they pushed her to her knees.

  "No," she moaned. She didn't belong to them. She wasn't either of their sweet little bitch. That didn't matter when they undid the placket of their white footmen's pantaloons and released thick, pungent cocks in her face.

  "No," she cried, louder. Somehow she knew that the duke did not want this, which suddenly seemed to matter a great deal more than the fact that she did not want this. She didn't want any of this. She struggled to stand, but her mind was still disoriented from earlier and her body was too sluggish to stand a chance against two strong, strapping young men.

  One of them stood behind her, held her wrists above her head with one hand and pinched her nose with the other. She opened her mouth to suck in a breath and the bitter taste of a cock filled her nose, and the soft skin slid deep into her mouth. She continued to struggle, but it was only a token. She was too terrified to bite down on the skin in her mouth as Melissande had bitten her. Perhaps she was wrong, after all. Maybe the duke did allow the household to use his slaves.

  The first footman finished with a thick wad on her tongue. The one holding her pushed her over and pinched her bottom. "Aw, this would be sweet," was whispered roughly.

  "Maybe when His Grace has taken her there, but for now you've got to stick with her mouth."

  The one holding her sighed, aggrieved, but he allowed her to sit up before shoving his own cock inside her mouth. He came quickly, it seemed, or perhaps Claire had blacked out for a spell. When he finished, they both dragged her up between them just as they'd started.

  "You tell no one about this, girlie," the first one said, confirming her suspicions.

  The other footman snickered. "If you do, we'll give you to the old gamekeeper. He'll keep you tied up for a month in the old hunting shed before he chops you up and sends the meat to the cook." He laughed when Claire shuddered in his arms.

  They dragged her the few short feet to her room, where one of the housemaids from earlier was just leaving. She averted her eyes from Claire, and the two footmen threw her inside and locked the door. From the ground, a savory smell drew her attention. She looked up and took in the room.

  A fresh fire burned in the grate, a tub filled with water sent steam wafting into the air, and a plate of warm roast beef, vegetables and fresh bread sat on the table. It was the most wondrous, luxurious sight she'd ever seen, and all she could do was cry.

  The End.

  Three Rules

  Jason sat idly in his room watching the sun dip below the house across the street with an orange glow. The tv was on, but he didn't even know what was on, he had stopped paying attention a couple hours ago. His mind was far from idle, however, he was thinking about college, and how his girlfriend had broken up with him just because he got into Stanford and she didn't. She would be staying close to home and attending the local community college in rural Michigan. As he was contemplating this, the door soundlessly opened behind him admitting his twin sister Andrea.

  "Why do you look like the world is ending?" she asked

  "What? Oh, I was just thinking about stuff, what's up?"

  "Dinner is ready when you are, it's just leftovers. Mom and Dad stayed at the office late, probably doing 'paperwork'." She drew air quotes when she stated the last word giggling at her own joke.

  The sun finally being set, Jason finally looked at his sister with a little annoyance, how could she be so happy when he felt so miserable?

  "What leftovers do we have, I forget what we had this week." Jason asked his sister as he moved off his bed.

  "That's because you didn't eat dinner this week!" she scolded

  "Oh, that explains it I guess." He stated trying to avoid the subject of his breakup.

  "So, what's on the agenda for tonight? I know you don't have anything to do, and I'm not letting you sulk all night." She asked a little briskly.

  Obviously she didn't get the hint that he didn't want to talk about it, so he answered her to change the subject past his love life.

  "I don't know, a movie sounds ok." He offered. He could still think through a movie.

  "No, no movies, you can still sulk while watching a movie." She pointed out.

  "Why do you care anyway?" He almost shouted. He just wanted to be alone.

  "Well, you don't need to berate yourself just because that dumb bitch was jealous of you! She wasn't even happy that you got in!" She was getting her steam up "That whore was just dragging you down anyway, always asking for your help on her homework even though you had your own shit to do! Did you honestly think that it would stop in college?"

  He was getting a little angry now, so he didn't answer. He wasn't even angry that she was putting her nose in his business, he was angry because she was right. She had always asked for help with her homework even though he had the same homework due. I guess she didn't pay attention to what he was trying to show her, because even after all his help, she didn't get the grades she needed to get into Stanford.

  Walking downstairs he was quiet with his sister still talking behind him. He was about six feet tall, with black as night hair and a thin frame, and his girlfriend had been totally hot, all the guys talked about how he got her, but she only wanted him to do her homework for her.

  Jason pulled open the fridge to realize that he lost his appetite. His mind was racing, and he pulled out the first thing that his hand felt.

  "So, we're eating cottage cheese and coffee creamer?" Andrea asked with a little smirk on her face.

  Andrea was going off to college in the fall also, but to the University of Michigan. Andrea had the same dark hair as her brother only hers was to her shoulders, and she had a purple streak that framed the left side of her face. She had a tiny frame at only 5'5 and B cup breasts. Neither Andrea nor her brother could tan because of their fair skin, so they were both kind of pale, but not albino pale.

  "Uuuuummm, what?" Jason said, just realizing what he did.

  "Okay, zombie man, you sit and I'll cook." Andrea said pushing Jaso
n toward the kitchen table.

  Jason watched as his sister brought out the various containers in which their dinner was housed and started heating them in the microwave one by one. Instantly the smell of cooking food wafted through the kitchen as she heated it. Every once in a while Andrea would shoot her brother a crooked smile like they were sharing an inside joke, but he was too distracted to care why. After the food was heated, Andrea brought over the dishes and two plates. She went back to the fridge and pulled out a couple beers. Their dad didn't mind as long as they weren't leaving the house after they drank.

  Andrea cracked one open and handed it to her brother then sat down on the opposite side of the table. Jason started to wonder about the sneaky little smiles that she kept shooting at him.

  After about another ten minutes, Jason couldn't keep it in anymore, so the next time she smirked, he asked "What? Why do you keep doing that?"

  Her smile widened and she said, "No reason in particular other than I'm glad we got to do this before we both go to our separate colleges in the fall."

  "We have all summer sis, it's only June!"

  "I was thinking the same thing, and that's why I can't keep a straight face." She explained.

  "What's the big deal? We have shared the same house for our entire lives." Jason couldn't understand what had changed.

  "Well, I guess it's the point that our departure is closer than it was before, and you don't have a girlfriend to steal you away from me all the time."

  That kind of surprised Jason, he remembered that he was always close to his sister before they got busy with high school and their respective friends. For a moment he stopped fretting about his lost girlfriend to really look at the person across the table from him. He never thought of her as pretty, but as he looked at her now with that little smirk on her lips, he was surprised to find out that she was actually beautiful. How had he not noticed before?

  "Okay," he said, all troubles forgotten, "Let's forget all about everything else for tonight and just spend time together."

  "Really?" Andrea said stupefied "Just you and me, and no moping?"

  "Yes," Jason started "Just you, me, and various activities that will keep everything but each other off our minds."

  "Various activities?" she asked "What did you have in mind"

  Jason was really starting to love that little conspiratorial smirk. "I don't care, whatever you want, as long as it doesn't bring HER to mind."

  "Well, first I think we had better finish dinner and clean up the kitchen before it gets any colder."

  "Okay, but I expect you to come up with something good to do, so you had better start thinking about it." Jason pointed his fork at her when he stated this.

  After dinner and cleaning up Jason asked, "so, what did you come up with?"

  "First, there are some rules, three to be exact." Andrea ticked them off on her fingers "Rule one, no moping, thinking about sad things, or refusing to do something since you said whatever I want."

  "Okay." A little suspicion creeping into his voice, "What is the next one?"

  "Rule two, you have to trust me, I know better than you what will make you happy."

  "OK, now you're scaring me, you sound like you're gonna tie me down to give me a makeover or something." Jason said smiling broadly.

  "Nope, no makeovers, scout's honor." She said while raising her right hand into the air

  "Ok then, what's the last rule?"

  "Rule three, no one but me and you exist in the world tonight, and no rules but these three matter." She said with finality.

  "I agree to the rules, but if we're going to kill someone, you're getting rid of the body." He said with a little bit of humor creeping onto his face. "Ok, now the ground rules are out of the way, what did you have in mind?"

  "A few more beers, for starters." She said as she headed off to the fridge.

  Jason went into the living room and was about to sit on the couch when Andrea came bounding up behind him and said, "The party's upstairs in my room, I've got better music."

  With a six pack in one hand she took Jason's hand with the other and led him up to her room.

  Once upstairs, Andrea directed him to sit on the bed while she took her office chair and pulled up her favorite playlist on her computer and started it. She turned up the volume to moderately loud, it was some hip-hop song that Jason vaguely recognized.

  "Here," she handed him a couple beers and she took one herself. "Now chug them as fast as you can without throwing up, I don't feel like cleaning up that kind of mess."

  What kind of mess does she want to clean up he wondered. By chugging the beer that fast will slam the alcohol into his blood faster thus getting him pleasantly buzzed with a smaller amount of beer. He didn't have any trouble with the first rule, he could chug beer pretty good, although he didn't have a great tolerance for alcohol yet. He opened the first one and chugged it straight, but with all the carbonation, he had a little more trouble with the second one. After he got them down, he noticed Andrea was still on her first one.

  "Come on, you can chug better than that" he stated

  "I'm not the one that needs to drown my sorrows and loosen up" she pointed out.

  "Okay, what next?" He asked, not being able to argue with her logic.

  She gave him a wide smile and said, "go to your room and get your box of dvd's that are under your bed."

  "First, you shouldn't even know about those unless you've been snooping around, and second, I'm not watching porn with my sister!" He was in shock about the whole prospect, although his body reacted almost immediately to the flash of images that his imagination came up with.

  "You agreed not to tell me no, so go get them." She stated with such finality that he didn't argue.

  He went and retrieved the box from under his bed, wondering which one she wanted to watch. He arrived back into his sister's room and dropped the box in her lap.

  Andrea pawed through his collection reading all the titles before going to the next one. She finally picked one out of the bottom of the box that he didn't recognize right away. It had been a long time since he had acquired that one. It was one of amateur teens screwing in a school setting if he remembered correctly.

  She put the DVD in her computer and turned off the music. Andrea came over to the bed and curled up into Jason's side as the movie started. The disclaimer saying that all the actors were over 18 flashed on the screen before the first scene. The movie opened to four teens sneaking into an abandoned classroom presumably during the middle of the school day. The two guy actors each took one of the girl actors to a separate corner of the room where they started making out and shedding clothing. After about five minutes all the actors were naked and making out. The girls were pretty hot, about Andrea's height and build, one with blonde hair, the other with startling red. One group laid down on the floor and the girl grabbed the guy's cock and started stroking it while vigorously making out. In the other group, the guy was muscular and pretty tall, he grabbed the girl by the waist and spun her so she was upside down, her face pressed into his crotch. She expertly took the guy's cock in her mouth and slowly started bobbing up and down on it slowly letting it go deeper down her throat with each repetition.

  "Have you ever had a girl do that to you?" Andrea suddenly asked jerking him back to reality.

  Jason was startled to notice that he had quite a large bulge in his jeans only about a foot from his sister's face. "uuumm, it wasn't quite like that, I couldn't hold a girl that long." He hesitated before adding. "but I've only had one blowjob in my life."

  Andrea was quiet for quite a while and was watching the dvd when the guys each started eating out their respective partners, the one pair still on the ground, and the other still being held upside down.

  "I'm waiting for her head to explode from the pressure of being upside down for so long while being eaten out!" Andrea laughed.

  Her laughter pulled Jason's attention back to his sister from the dvd. He glanced down at his beautiful sister
lying on him while watching a girl getting eaten out on screen. She was wearing a tight t- shirt with a v-neck that showed some cleavage, and a pair of jeans. Jason slowly started rubbing his sister's back returning his gaze back to the screen. The groups were both on the ground now, each girl getting plowed deep by a monster cock. The girl on top was bouncing up and down with such speed that you could hear her tits as they slapped her chest as she impaled herself on her partner's glistening cock. The girls were screaming with pleasure as they started to reach their climaxes.

  Jason returned his attention to his sister, the alcohol had given him a little buzz by this time, but he grabbed two of the remaining beers and chugged them both to increase this feeling, because he was starting to forget the fact that this beautiful girl lying next to him was his sister. He slowly allowed his hand to reach lower toward her tight ass and also farther up her side during his revolutions. His sister's gaze stayed glued to the screen as the girls started to scream in orgasm, but being porn stars, the guys still had a ways to go.

  "Can you last that long?" Andrea asked him seriously

  Jason was taken aback by the question, but he answered truthfully "Depends on the girl, but for me to last that long she would have to be as loose as a bucket of water."

  Again she didn't give any response, but he kept his hand doing its revolutions on her back. He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, when his hand went a little too far around her side as he came up and he swiped his fingers across the underside of his sister's breast. A gasp escaped her lips as he made contact with her breast, but she didn't complain. He wondered when she would have enough, so he decided to test it. He started to go farther up on his revolutions a little at a time to see when she would have enough. Before long, Jason's hand spent more time on her chest and stomach than on her back. Andrea's breathing became a little ragged as he caressed her breast and her belly repetitively.


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