Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 139

by Iona Nixon

  "Go down the hall to my room, it's the one with the rocking horse in the corner. I'll be there in a minute." Rachael instructed as she lathered conditioner in her tangled mass of curls. The door clicked softly behind Paige, and Rach began to rinse out her hair. The night may be over but that didn't mean she couldn't have some more fun!

  As she rinsed the last of the suds from her body, she felt an odd tingling, as if unseen eyes were watching her. The sensation got stronger, and Rach looked around wildly before reaching out to turn the taps off. She twisted the taps to the off position, but the water continued to flow in a steady stream. She tried turning them in the other direction, which didn't make a difference either. "Whatever." She muttered, pulling the curtain aside. A shiver of fear snaked down her spine when she felt the temperature of the water rise. There wasn't supposed to be hot water in a house that had no power... She paused as she contemplated this, not noticing that the water was no longer sliding from her body, but instead gathering steadily...

  Down the hall, Paige found the room with the rocking horse easily. She seated herself on the bed, awaiting Rachael's return. The night still had hours to go, and spending it in Rachael's company sounded like the perfect idea. She tossed her towel on a large armchair and lay across the bed spread eagle. After a few seconds, a better idea came to her. She went over to the rocking horse and pulled it into the middle of the room. It will make a prefect prop! She thinks as she positions it just right and swings one leg over the surprisingly high back, hoisting herself into a riding pose. The hard back of the ornament rubs sensually against her feminine core as the horse rocks gently from her movements.

  Whitney awoke yet again, another moan on her lips as her eyes shoot open. "Dom, I thought I told you..." Her voice stopped mid sentence as she turned over to see her bed empty. The fingers continued to play across her body, making it evident that it wasn't part of a dream either. She flung the blankets back revealing the empty bed, stopping the sensations. Hallucinations? As she puzzles over this, she pulls the blankets back up. The caressing fingers start again as a shadow falls across the doorway. "Ellen? What are you doing?" The other girl walks into the room slowly and crawls onto the bed. "I'm cold." She whispers, snuggling up to Whitney's warm form. Her cold fingers trail a path down Whit's back and up her torso, stopping to massage Whit's breasts. She leans in, her lips skimming a path over Whit's confused face, taking her lips, demanding attention. The strange fingers start again at Whitney's ankles, working their way up her legs stealthily. "Are the others with you?" She asks, looking over the other girls' shoulder as if for evidence of the entity in the bed with them. But there was nothing there. The door swung closed on squeaky hinges and Ellen giggled maniacally, her caresses becoming more pronounced as she twisted and tugged, biting at Whit's lips. Whitney struggled against the assault, trying unsuccessfully to push the girls' body from her. But exhaustion and soreness won, rendering her attempts useless. The more she struggled, the more the blankets got tangled around her legs, holding her captive. She tried to call for help but her parched throat refused to make any sounds louder than a raspy whisper. And again, the fingers continued their accent up her immobile legs...

  Rachael tried to brush the odd substance from her body as the water gathered more thickly over her. Some sort of bacteria that had accumulated in the pipes over the years of neglect...? Panic welled up quickly, overtaking rational thought as she thrashed at the water still pouring from the shower head. Her flailing hands caught the edge of the shower curtain, bringing it down or her as she lost her footing and crumpled to the bottom of the tub. Her head bounced off the porcelain edge, brilliant stars flashing through the darkness of her already limited vision making her head spin more. She attempted to get up, pushing her hands under her for leverage and slipping again, sliding farther down the tub. The curtain twisted around her legs, and in the flickering light from the few candles, it almost looked as if the substance covering her was moving! It rolled over her body as if alive, glimmering wetly as it caught the light. She stared in horrified fascination as it tugged at the curtain protecting her, pulling it out of the way to expose her body. The creature, surely that's what it was, for all its acts of being alive, sent parts of itself to her ankles and wrists, making a circlet and using some sort of adhesive to attach itself securely to the tub. Belatedly Rachael struggled against this hold, but to no avail against its techniques. She twisted her body this way and that, trying to break free, and ended up provoking more tie-down points. Another section of slime slid around her waist and attached itself beneath her. With every twist, this new addition of restraint tightened painfully around her, and soon she ceased to move in fear of losing oxygen. Even as she stopped the stars danced in the background, bringing her attention to the dizziness swimming through her mind.

  Still perched atop the old fashioned horse her hand absently stroking down its neck, Paige wondered what had happened to Rachael. Surely time wasn't going as slow as it seemed... Maybe she fell... As the thought entered her mind, Paige slid to the ground and started across the room, fear for her friend utmost in her mind. She stopped dead in her tracks as a creaking sounded behind her. She turned slowly, dreadfully. The room seemed unchanged, except... The horse was closer! Paige's heart missed a beat as she stared wide eyed at the large wooden structure, as it rocked gently. She waited a heartbeat. Two. The rocking stopped and silence settled into the room again. She turned back to the door taking two more steps before two loud thump!'s sounded. She spun instantly, hoping to catch the culprit in the act of moving the horse. She was definitely inadequately prepared for what she saw next. Not only had the horse moved a few feet forward again, it was still moving! Her mouth dropped open in shock as she stared at the creature. The horse pawed at the ground, tossing its head in invitation. Paige took a tentative step towards it, her hand out as to not startle it. The wonder of the magic she was witnessing put her worry for Rachael out of her mind as she crept closer. The horse lowered its head, allowing her to sink her fingers into its now thick coat, rubbing against her affectionately. The horse stepped closer, bumping into her and knocking her off balance. She flailed suddenly, the movement causing the horse to rear up. Paige dropped to her knees, raising her hands above her head, cowering protectively. The horse landed with its front feet behind her, missing her back by a hair's width. She sighed in relief, slowly lowering her arms. Her eyes landed on a truly shocking sight, inches from her face. Her mouth opened as she gasped in surprise, and the horse, as if anticipating that reaction, thrust at her, expertly sliding into her mouth. She gagged at the choking size and raised her hands, grasping the huge cock and trying to pull it from her throat. The creature thrust in time with her movements, as both hands wrapped around its member added to the sensations her struggling mouth was making...

  Whitney stilled her struggles, her mind racing against the blurring of her vision and her inability to form coherent thoughts. She panted harshly, dragging breath after breath of much needed air into her depleted lungs. Her body ached in every conceivable area, but despite the pain, the roaming fingers were alarmingly accurate in their attentions. They massaged up her legs in a silken flow, spreading her thighs surreptitiously in their wake. Whit allowed the ministrations to ease her pain with their careful caresses while she focussed on Ellen. The other girl was oddly enthusiastic, her hands roaming eagerly while she rubbed herself cat-like against Whit's rigid body. Ellen, on the other hand, saw nothing but a red haze of lust. Whit was her sacrifice, hers to take for the use of her body. In some corner of her mind she was aware of this, yet she had no conscious thought. 'I want... I need...' The chant came in breathless whispers as her mouth skimmed down Whitney's neck, her teeth nipping gently at the soft skin. She came to the other girls' breasts and lavished several minutes of her attention there, making sure to fully arouse and bring each nipple to a hard sensitised peak. As she kept her attention there, she was aware that the blankets were now rubbing at Whitney's hot core, bringing rushes of welcoming hone
y to the entrance. Whitney was still unsure exactly what was happening. As she raised her arms to try and push Ellen off of her, two whip like appendages snaked out from the top of the four-poster bed and wrapped themselves around her wrists, pulling her arms taunt above her head. She twisted her neck to see what was holding her, but it seemed like from her elbows down to her hands had been swallowed by the massing shadows. She raised both knees in sudden fear, quickly making those a target for restraints. Two more appendages wrapped tightly around her ankles, pulling her legs apart and securing them, holding her firmly in a spread eagle position. She screamed in terror, the sound ripping from her throat in a painful rush and echoing down the deserted hallways.

  Downstairs Max and Dominic heard the scream as if from some far-away land. Their drinks still in hand, they continued to stare blind-eyed at the rolling wall before them as it surged in different patterns before their dazed eyes.

  Rachael heard the scream loud and clear from her prison just down the hall and tried to call back, recognizing Whitney's voice and the sense of fear that she contained. Her call was cut out, releasing in a rush of air as the thing around her waist tightened in reprimand, causing her to gasp for a new supply of oxygen. It was fairly evident that she wasn't to move nor make a sound as this thing did whatever it was that it was insistent on achieving. She squeezed her eyes shut, readying herself for whatever punishment was coming. Her eyes snapped open seconds later as she felt the first tentative touch on her labia as the thing slid over her wetly, leaving its clear cream behind and returning for another stroke. Rach's body tensed in her tremendous effort not to struggle or scream, her teeth latching onto her full lower lip until she tasted the metallic flavour of blood. Whimpers rose involuntarily from her throat and tears welled in her eyes as she realized what was happening. The thing between her legs pushed past her labia and into her moist column, sliding in an inch and pulling back out only to repeat the process. Every few thrusts it slid in a little bit further, gaining girth with each plunge. I'm being raped! Her fears were confirmed and she thrashed her hips frantically until her oxygen supply left her lungs and the thing tightened more painfully around her, warning her what was going to happen if she continued the struggles. Stars flashed behind her eyes yet again, and she stopped moving; the entity loosened its grasp, allowing her to draw breath. "Please, no! Oh, I don't want this! Stop! Please! No!" A sob of fear escaped and her tears trickled down her face but despite the soft pleas she held to her strong will not to struggle and await the first opportunity for escape.

  The beast thrust more powerfully down Paige's throat, making her choke as its pre-cum surged into her. It's member slid from her mouth as she coughed, the white substance dribbling down her quivering chin. The horse pawed the ground and Paige snapped to attention, turning and crawling away on her hands and knees towards the bed. If only she could get somewhere where the thing couldn't reach her, or she had a chance to escape it... She pulled herself up with shaking hands mounted on the edge of the bed, one knee on the soft mattress and the other leg straight, pushing her body upwards... And suddenly she saw the horses front hooves descending over her shoulders before she felt the weight of the body pressing onto her back, the wet tip of the flared head of its cock pressing against her back door. Fear shot through her as it tried to force entrance, and she reflexively lifted her hips in hopes of redirecting the point of penetration. Thankfully her ploy worked and it slid into her cunt, spreading her. She tried to crawl forward out of reach as the beginnings of the pain of being stretched that wide registered, and ended up getting bit on the shoulder. The forelegs tensed, holding her more firmly beneath the thrusting animal and when she struggled again she earned another bruising bite. The creature was breathing heavily, its head beside hers as it pounded its huge body against her much smaller form, filling her to her full potential and then some. The pain slowly turned to pleasure and cautiously she let her body relax, allowing more of the engorged cock to push into her channel. Her cunt stretched to accommodate him, soft moans coming from her throat as she pushed her hips back in time to the thrusts. The pain/pleasure of it had her cumming in minutes, her orgasm crashing through her system, tightening her vaginal muscles mercilessly around the hard cock, milking it for more pre-cum...

  Whitney's scream was cut off abruptly as a fifth appendage snaked itself around her throat, choking her effectively. The dying scream turn to a hacking cough, her body tensing in spasms. The entity between her legs pushed into her tight snatch as another coughing convulsion seized her muscles. It coursed its her, quickly setting a steady rhythm. The bond around her neck loosened slightly, allowing her to draw oxygen before she subsided into unconsciousness. When she was breathing regularly, (or as regularly as possible under the circumstances) she felt the thing inside of her twat, fucking her thoroughly. Beside her she became aware of Ellen in the same dilemma, although the other girl was participating fully, her hips rising to meet each thrust eagerly, little breathy gasps of pleasure emerging from around the tentacle she was sucking off. Whitney stared in horrified shock at this, slowly becoming aware of the sensations the thing was wringing from her supposedly reluctant body. Her hips began to rise of their own accord, meeting each thrust in a rush of pleasure; supplying more heady nectar. The silken blankets coursed up her body, smoothly caressing until it reached her bouncing tits and stopped there to tantalize. Whit gasped in pleasure, her body arching into the assault, bringing her sensitized clit against the amazingly smooth material. When she moaned from this contact, the creature shifted slightly to accommodate the pleasure she derived from it, applying pressure to her clit and getting another rewarding rush of her sweet honey. The tentacle slid from Ellen's mouth and the girl leaned over to her restrained friend, her lips meeting Whit's, her tongue probing until Whit opened up to her in defeat. The hot cream that poured forth from Ellen's mouth had Whit gagging against its sweetly-potent flavour. But Ellen was insistent and refused to release Whit, forcing the other girl to swallow as the restraint around her neck ruthlessly began to massage the liquid down her throat. As soon as the cream was in her system, Whitney felt a feeling of euphoria stealing over her.

  Rachael's tears subsided when she became aware of how pointless it was. With an effort she ceased the quiet sobs. Hope coursed through her when she felt the restraints around her waist easing in pressure. It was a short lived feeling when her mid section began to rise, the goo beneath her forming a narrow strip to lay against the small of her back, bending her body in an arch like that of a bridge. The movement stopped, and the restraints tightened yet again, diminishing any ideas of escape or release. Unable to see anything that was happening to her body now, Rachael jerked in surprise when she felt the cool substance touching her warm skin. A tendril of the creature slid up her leg and another touched her just between her shoulder blades, sliding in a sensuous massage. The tentacle sliding up her leg dipped behind the first that was still lodged deep in her cunt, and came upon a second passage. Rachael clenched down hard, trying to discourage the thing probing at her back door, but it would not be dissuaded as it pushed into her reluctant body. A slime-like substance was secreted from its form, a self-made lubricant to make access easier as it pushed into her. Another futile struggle had her gasping for breath within seconds, forcing her to remain still and accept this further degradation. Rachael focussed instead on the gently massaging tentacle on her back, willing it to remain there to keep her mind elsewhere while the double penetration continued. It wasn't seconds later when the thing snaked around to her jutting breasts and began its massage there, bringing her nipples to hard peaks regardless how reluctant a subject she was. It slithered up her body, leaving behind a thick trail of goo that undulated back to her breasts, continuing the caresses while the main bulk of the tentacle lathered her lips with the thick substance. She kept her lips firmly clamped together, denying it its next access point. Again, it was not dissuaded. Instead, it secreted more jelly, numbing her lips perceptively. Rachael's temper flared as it
slipped between her now immobile lips, the tip dipping into the dark recesses of her mouth. It explored this cavern thoroughly, lathering every inch in jelly before continuing down her progressively numbing throat. It slid in and out at a slow pace compared to the other two, which were going at alternate rates in different directions as to increase the sensations Rachael was fighting against. Rachael's eyes widened as she saw the thing lodged in her throat gaining in girth as something was pushed through it; a moving liquid. She could physically feel the cum-like substance shooting from its tip down her throat, pumping gods-knows how much of its alien juices into her body. She had no choice but to swallow, her convulsing throat milking the remainder from the tentacle as it slowly withdrew. She sputtered belatedly, some of the cum spilling down the side of her tingling face in a sticky rivulet. The feelings in her snatch were becoming more pronounced despite her intent to ignore them, and the conflicting pleasure began its course through her body. Her eyes glazed over with lust as she tried not to push against the thing invitingly, rather just lay there and let the pleasure take her away from the harsh reality. "Oh! Oh, Yes! Gods, Yes!" When her first orgasm raged through her, her body felt as though it was shattering with the intense pleasure of it. The creature didn't stop there; and now that it had her participating attentions, it loosened its hold on her ever so slightly...

  Paige spread her legs as wide as she could to accommodate the thrashing animal, trying to take him deeper. It was impossibly long; over twelve inches and at least eight inches around, stretching her past any usual limits, ramming against her already battered cervix, and yet she wanted more. Always more. She leaned forward, her shoulders touching the mattress, one arm stretched out in front of her to retain her balance and be able to push back, while her other hand slipped under to between her legs. She rubbed her clit in small circular motions, panting as she felt her arising climax. "Yes! Oh yes, Fuck me harder! Faster!" Her breathy demands had the creature pushing another four inches into her, altering the angle to get her to that oh-so-desired place and picking up the speed, as if it understood. "I'm cumming! Oh, I'm cumming! Gods!" Paige screamed with pleasure as her orgasm crashed through her, leaving her breathless and tingling. The horse continued its ride, building more sensations within its willing victim as it tightened its hold, spilling another few cups of pre-cum into her and adding another inch to what should already have been a painful penetration...


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