Daddies Taboo

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Daddies Taboo Page 159

by Iona Nixon

  "You are no larger than a new born babe."

  She murmured with tears in her eyes.

  "Should I feed you before I finish taking you inside me?"

  She rubbed a nipple over his mouth and Tony opened his mouth without her help. He suckled at her breast and while there was no milk it was still rather comforting for him. He had closed his eyes when he felt something warm and wet drip onto him. Tony looked up at Rebecca as another tear rolled down her cheek to drop down onto his face. She began to explain,

  "This is an invasion. The comet was only our ship, sent back into space after we were dropped off on your planet. Rebecca is still here with me, yet now we are something more, it is she is who cries for you, not I. Our species is very similar to yours. We have men and women, but the sexes are different. Women impregnate the men and rule the world. Our world is dying, so we invaded yours and have begun to change your species to meet our needs. Only the essence our women were sent to this world to take over the bodies of your women. Now that we have been inserted into your women we will hunt down all of your men and devour them as I am feeding upon you. Even now I can feel some men hiding nearby and my body is eager to finish you and move on to them. It will take time for us to accomplish our task, but once finished we will become dormant for a short period. Then we will give birth and each woman will have a male child. After the birth the women's bodies with change and develop the proper genitals for a woman of our species, the penis and balls that you so wrongly now possess. Once the men are mature enough the women will begin impregnating them and our invasion will be complete as our species uses your changed bodies to proliferate on this planet. You see, you are my first and therefore your essence will be reborn in the male child that I deliver. All your memories will be left intact and you will remember that you are a conquered race. As that first woman takes your young body and fills it with her throbbing member and then her seed you will cry out in ecstasy, yet know the anguish of complete defeat. Time is short, now I must finish you and move on to the next male."

  Her words weighed on his mind and Tony knew despair even as she moved him down her body to her ever hungry hole. Tears slid down his cheeks, but not so much for himself as for his species. His lungs were small and it took great effort, but he said,

  "We will fight."

  She held him to her and sucked his full sized manhood back inside her drooling snatch.

  "Of course you will and we will lose some to that fight. We expect the greatest resistance from your homosexual males, but the rest of you males cannot control yourselves. You always want to stick your prick in some woman. Eventually we will get you all."

  Her muscles gripped him and began to draw him into her. She moaned and said,

  "We are close to the end, this won't take very long."

  With that her muscles began to work hard on his cock, milking him, drinking him away into her beautiful body. He felt himself shrinking and watched in morbid fascination as her body grew ever larger. She steadily devoured him. His face was in her pubic hair and he could feel the crack of her butt with his feet. It was easy to hear her cunt's sucking noises as it slurped his body away. Finally his face was level with her clit which was protruding from its hood and hard like a penis. Rebecca leaned forward to watch as the last of Tony was preparing to disappear into her. She noticed her hard clit and that it would just barely fit in Tony's mouth.

  "How about a little taste of things to come?"

  She took control of his body with her mind one last time and opening his small mouth made him suck on her hard clit as she brought his hands up to rub on it as well. She forced him to take it all the way in his mouth to the back of his throat. She made him bob his head a little to give it a feeling she was longing for and would get again soon. The next thing she knew the best orgasm yet crashed over her. She struggled to watch as Tony's body shrunk and was bent backward as her pussy devoured him. Tony felt the lips of her pussy open and push out like the lips on a mouth as they prepared to swallow him. He wiggled in vain as they squeezed closed over him and began working him deeper into her body. Everything went dark and all he could hear were the wet sucking noises of her cunt and the beat of her heart pushing blood through her body. He clung to consciousness as long as possible, feeling her vaginal muscles working him into her made him feel as if he were being devoured by a snake. With a couple of extra strong contractions he had been pushed entirely into her and her pussy finally relaxed back to its normal shape. Tony could hold on no longer and passed out of consciousness for the last time. She lay back onto the pillows and rested her hands on her abdomen, smiling as she felt the last of him melting away inside of her.

  The smile remained as a tear slid down Rebecca's cheek, but only one. She wiped it away with the heal of her hand and got up off of the bed. She slipped into another short dress and didn't bother with panties because she knew she wouldn't need them. She could only feel one of the men nearby now. The others must have already been taken and were probably at this very moment being devoured by a woman's hungry pussy. It didn't matter, there were plenty of men to consume and once that was finished the real fun could start. She was going to be sure to do her share to repopulate this world with the right species.

  As she left the flat the door crashed closed behind her, sounding the end of the human race.

  The End.

  Deeper and Deeper

  "I want you to go on a journey with me--not with your body, but with your mind. I want you to come with me into the heart of the spiral.

  "Every spiral has a heart, of course. The line of the spiral always curves inwards, inexorably drawing the eye down to the center. Whether on the shell of a snail or the groove of a record, no matter where you start to follow the spiral, you always find its heart.

  "But we're going to travel down a very special spiral. This spiral only exists in your mind's eye. If you close your eyes for me, now, you'll be able to see it in your mind perfectly. It's white against the blackness of your mind, a broad expanse of pure light that slowly narrows as it goes around and around and around into the center. That's where we're going. We're going to follow the spiral path deeper and deeper until we find its very heart.

  "You can imagine focusing your attention on the outermost edge of the spiral, almost as though you were stepping onto it and letting it carry you. You follow the curve of the spiral as it loops around, feeling pleasantly dizzy as you try so hard to keep your eyes from tripping onto the next groove. It's just a little tricky to keep them traveling along that slow, soft arc, instead of letting them fall right into the center, but I know you can do it.

  "There's something so soothing about following the spiral as it goes around and around, always traveling inwards, always moving down towards the center. It doesn't even feel like work, really. Your mind traces the path easily and effortlessly, as if the spiral's gentle turns carry you right along with them. Even when the spiral isn't turning, it feels like it is, because your eyes follow it deeper and deeper. It's alright to give into that feeling and let the spiral spin in your mind.

  "And as your eyes follow the loop around, you become aware now that the spiral is on both sides of the curve that you're following. It's almost surreal, the way that you feel like you traveled in a perfect circle, but somehow the spiral wound around to encircle you. It's as if you're standing still, watching a single motionless point, and the spiral is curling around you over and over and over again, sending you deeper and deeper into its center without any effort on your part. Almost as if the spiral has captured you.

  "And as you let the spiral draw you in, further and further, deeper and deeper, you might start to feel like you're descending. You might come to feel like the spiral path slowly heads downwards, as though you're walking deeper and deeper down as you come closer and closer to the heart of the spiral. Your eye traces the soft curves around...and around...and around, and it's as though you could look up and see the spiral towering over you. But you don't want to look up right now, do you?
Not when the path of the spiral is such a gentle, easy descent deeper and deeper into its center.

  "Down and down, as you trace the white against black...or perhaps it's black against white? It's difficult to remember. Your mind is so focused on the depths of the spinning spiral that it just seems to be endless bands of black and white and black and white and no matter which one you trace, it still pulls you deeper and deeper down into the heart of the spiral. No matter where you look, the inward curve of the spiral is irresistible and inexorable. The deeper you go, the easier it is to go deeper and the harder it is to do anything else. And you're so very deep already...

  "It feels warm and peaceful to focus your mind so intently, doesn't it? The more you follow the spiral, the more you focus and concentrate on the curve as it turns around and around, over and over and over again, the more everything else fades away. It's just you and I, traveling the path to the heart of the spiral, losing ourselves in its depths, and you can let everything else go and just enjoy the journey with me. That feels so nice, doesn't it?

  "And yet, no matter how deep you go, it seems like the path keeps leading you along. Each circuit of the spiral loop takes less and less time as your focus narrows more and more; your eyes now helplessly stare so deep into the depths of the endlessly turning spiral, but you can always imagine a smaller loop inside the curve you're staring at now. The spiral descends around and around and around, deeper and deeper into infinity, always narrowing, always drawing you along, until your whole world is nothing but the journey into the heart of the spiral. You shed all your other thoughts, one by one, leaving them behind as you sink into the spiral. There's no need for them right now, not when the spiral is so fascinating.

  "Deeper and deeper, down and down and down, almost as if the spiral is unspooling endlessly around you now. Closer and closer to the heart of the spiral, chasing the ribbon of white on black and black on white deeper and deeper until it's all you want to think about, all you need to think about, all you can think about. You can understand now that the more you let go of your other thoughts, the faster you can move down the spiral path and the sooner you can find its center with me. And you know that's going to feel so good, so warm and happy and peaceful to be blank and open in the heart of the spiral in your mind as it turns, and turns, and turns, carrying your thoughts further and further away as the spiral spins ever outwards and you travel ever inwards, deeper and deeper and deeper...

  "And then you feel it, that perfect moment of relaxation as we reach the very center, the very heart of the spiral. It's almost like letting go of a physical weight, the way your mind goes still and blank as you reach the innermost depths of the endlessly spinning spiral. Your breath goes out in a sigh, and then becomes soft and even, regular and gentle as you relax completely and feel the spiral unwinding out all around us. The spiral wraps around you over and over and over, so many times that you can't even count them all even if you wanted to, and you don't really want to. It feels too much like work right now.

  "You can imagine your body floating here, at the center of the spiral. It's as if the pull of the spiral was the pull of gravity, and here at its heart you have no weight at all. You drift gently, letting the spiral spin all around you, carrying your thoughts away as soon as you form them. Here at the center of the spiral there is nothing but my words, filling up your blank and empty mind, and that feels so good. That's just what you wanted when you set out on this journey with me, even if you didn't let yourself know it until now.

  "You wanted to be filled with my words, filled with my thoughts, filled with my ideas. You wanted to be blank and open to my influence, and now it's happened and it feels so very good. Imagine me pouring pleasure into your blank and empty mind, and you can't escape it because the pleasure is here at the heart of the spiral and the spiral always pulls you down, deeper and deeper into its heart. Into the pleasure. Into my will. Feel how good that feels.

  "You can feel your body shivering in bliss as the pleasure overwhelms you. There's nothing to distract you from it, and so you can feel it all the better as you float at the heart of the spiral with me. And you can always feel more pleasure. You can always feel even better. You can always open yourself up more and more to the gift of ecstasy that I provide you. Opening yourself to the pleasure, opening yourself to me. My words stroke your mind like fingers stroking your body, bringing forth more and more pleasure until you have to let go and release it all. But you wait just a bit longer, floating just a bit longer in my will so that you can build the pleasure more...and more...and more...

  "And more...

  "And release. That's it, letting your mind release all the pleasure in a single burst of orgasmic bliss, shaking and quivering at the heart of the spiral as you come for me, blank and open and peaceful and happy as you listen to my words, as you let them soak into your deeply hypnotized mind, as you let them make you feel so very, very good for me now.

  "That's right. And because you've done so very well, I'm going to give you a little short-cut for the next time we take this journey. When you hear me say, 'heart of the spiral', you can imagine your mind just skipping one little groove along the endless curves of the spiral's depths. You just slip a little bit deeper every time you hear, 'heart of the spiral', and the journey will feel so much better because you'll go deeper and deeper faster and faster every time you listen to my words. And you want that, don't you?

  "And now, having enjoyed every moment of this wonderful, pleasant journey together, it's time for us to head back up out of the spiral depths. You can easily imagine the spin of the spiral reversing, so that instead of carrying you deeper and deeper, it brings you effortlessly up and out along the spiral path. You're following the spiral up and out into the waking world now, finding your thoughts along the path where you let them lie, picking up each one as you traverse the curves faster and faster as they widen out and bring you up, up, up into a happy, rested, refreshed state of mind. You can remember this journey if you want to...or you can leave those thoughts behind as you travel back up and out of the spiral, and just remember a peaceful, pleasant trip with me that you'd like to take again sometime. It's your choice.

  "And now, you're following the curve up and around as it widens and broadens, and you can see the outer edge of the spiral as you begin to wake. You feel your body stretch a little, feel your mind become more aware of the waking world, as you take one last turn around the spiral, one last turn to the very edge of it, feeling refreshed and alert as you wake for"

  The End.

  She Shall Have Music

  Miss Davis stood beside me taking dictation, legs quite wide apart. She stood in this posture because it allowed me to idly finger her ever wet cunt as I dictated. The dress code I had specified for my new office slut meant that she never wore panties and always wore a short skirt and stockings.

  Rather than distracting me, I found this activity helped me focus on the matter at hand. My slut was not distracted, not now any way. Early in her employment I had slid a thumb into her arse, to add to the 3 fingers already in her pussy - and she had orgasmed instantly. As a result she then needed me to repeat the last line of the letter we had been working on. Six harsh strokes of the cane had been her punishment and she had never made the same mistake again. I liked that about the girl. She rarely made mistakes and never made the same one twice. In one way it was a pity. I had to be inventive to find things that deserved punishment. But she never complained when I had to be very picky in order to find some misdemeanour that required me to turn her lovely white arse pink, then red, with hand or cane or paddle.

  I reached the end of the letter and withdrew my fingers from her cunt, causing a delicious slurping noise as I did so. My cock hardened as she bent to lasciviously lick my fingers clean. Without a word I pushed my chair back from my desk at the same time as I unbuttoned my trousers. I moved her in front of me, facing away, and hitched her skirt up around her hips, then pulled her down towards my cock. After a moment's indecision
I positioned the head of my cock against her arse and, knowing what was expected, she lowered her self onto my prick with a deep sigh of satisfaction. She began to move up and down and I relished the effect the butt plugs were having on her arsehole. Each week, since she had started working for me, I had required her to wear a slightly bigger plug for a few hours each day. Now even the largest cock slid into her arse with ease, but it was still exquisitely tight. I could feel the muscles in her sphincter squeezing on my prick, a conscious action I had carefully schooled her in.

  The phone on my desk rang and I nearly shouted in frustration. But without pausing in her regular rise and fall she answered it, still fucking her arse onto my cock.

  'Mr Bell's office, may I help you?' she said, voice steady and completely professional. 'I am afraid Mr Bell is very busy at the moment, may I take a message?' she continued after a pause. I placed my hands under her gorgeous buttocks and stilled her motion for a second, the tip of my cock still just in her arse. I shifted my hands to grasp her hips and then pulled her down hard onto my cock, filling her arse with cock until my balls were squashed up against her.

  'Yeeeeesssss.......Mr Forres. I will make sure he gets your message.' She said, her voice giving almost no hint of what she was doing, or having done to her. As soon as she hung up I stood, my cock still in her and pushed her face down on my desk. Without a pause I started to fuck in to her ruthlessly, forcing a grunt from her with each thrust. It wasn't long before her lovely arse milked a satisfying orgasm from me and I felt my cum flood into the depths of her bowels.

  My slut knew better than to move without instructions. I sat back in my chair, buttoning my trousers, watching my sperm start leaking from her anus and trickle down over her wet cunt lips. When I had tidied myself up I instructed her to stand and dress. When she tugged her skirt down and put her blouse back on she cleaned up any mess we had left on the desk, then stood awaiting instruction. She already knew that, whilst she cleaned my desk or carpet after being used, she didn't clean herself in the same way. I liked the idea that my cum would leak out of her whilst she worked, staining her clothes, drying on her skin. I liked that the evidence of her sluttiness would be obvious to everyone in the office. I think she also liked the idea, judging from the hardness of her nipples. I felt my cock start to harden again when I saw them standing out hard and enticing under the thin silk of her blouse. The sight reminded me of an important appointment we both had.


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